Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.
Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.
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Facal Gàidhlig | English Term | English Note | Nota Gàidhlig | Audio |
SABHAL | BARN | A building used primarily for the storage of hay, grain and farm equipment, or as a shelter for livestock. Use more specific type where known. | Togalach far an cumar fodar, sìol agus acainn an tuathanais, no a bhios na fhasgadh dhan chrodh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidichemionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
SÀBHAL ÀTHA | KILN BARN | A barn incorporating a corn drying kiln. | Sabhal sa bheil àth-thiormachaidh cuideachd. | |
SABHAL FROISIDH | THRESHING BARN | A barn usually containing a single, central threshing floor. | Sabhal le aon ùrlar-bualaidh sa mheadhan mar is trice. | |
SABHAL GOBHAL-CHEANGALACH | CRUCK FRAMED BARN | A barn in which a pair of curved timbers form a bowed A-frame which supports the roof independently of the walls. | Sabhal le paidhear mhaidean an cruth A agus iad lùbte gus am mullach a chumail suas gun taic o na ballachan. | |
SABHAL NAN DEICHEAMH | TITHE BARN | A large barn used to store the tithe (a tenth part of the annual produce of agriculture etc.) which was paid by the tenants of ecclesiastical lands. | Sabhal mòr far an robhar a' cumail an deicheimh (deicheamh de thoradh àiteachais na bliadhna is msaa.) a bha an luchd-màil a pàigheadh air talamh na h-eaglais. | |
SABHAL-CLÒIMHE | WOOL BARN | A building used for the storage and drying of wool. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh 's a' tiormachadh clòimh. | |
SABHAL-CÒMHNAIDH | BYRE DWELLING | A rectangular building of late- to post-medieval date, comprising a dwelling for people and accommodation for animals under one roof. Only use where there is evidence for both functions. | Togalach ceart-cheàrnach bho dheireadh nam meadhan-aoisean no an dèidh nam meadhan-aoisean sa bheil àite-còmhnaidh do na daoine agus do na beathaichean fon aon mhullach. Na cleachd ach ma tha fianais air an dà rud. | |
SABHAL-FEÒIR | HAY BARN | A special type of barn, lacking a threshing floor, usually with open walls, intended for the storage of hay only. | Nàdar sònraichte de shabhal aig nach eil ùrlar-bualaidh, mar is trice le ballachan fosgailte agus airson stòradh feòir thioraim a-mhàin. | |
SÀIBHEAR | CULVERT | A drainage structure that extends across and beneath roadways, canals or embankments. | Structar traoghaidh a tha a' dol thairis air rathaidean, canalan no uchdanan no fodhpa. | |
SAIGHEAD-STIÙIRIDH | DIRECTION ARROW | Concrete marker to indicate direction of target to aircraft. | Comharra concrait a chomharraicheas comhair na targaide do phlèanaichean. | |
SAITSE-SGRÙDAIDH | INSPECTION HATCH | A covered opening providing access to a pipe, duct, conduit, aqueduct, sewer or chamber. | Fosgladh còmhdaichte air an ruigear pìob, duct, seòl-phìob, duct-uisge, sàibhear no seòmar. | |
SALON MAISE | BEAUTY SALON | An establishment where beauty treatments and associated therapies are provided by professional practitioners. | Ionad far a bheil proifeiseantaich a' solar cùram maise agus leasachadh maise eile. | |
SANATORIUM | SANATORIUM | A hospital for convalescents or consumptives. | Ospadal airson ath-shlàinteachadh no daoine air a bheil a' chaitheamh. | |
SAOBH-THOGALACH | FOLLY | A structure with little or no practical purpose. Often found in 18th century landscaped gardens, they may take many forms, including towers, castles, temples, cairns and hermit's cells. | Structar anns nach eil cus feum no a tha gu tur gun fheum. Gheibhear iad seo gu tric ann an gàrraidhean dealbhaichte on 18mh linn agus tha iomadh coltas orra eadar tùir, caistealan, teampaill, cùirn agus cillean aonaran. | |
Seabegs | Seabegs | |||
SEACHADAN PHLÈANAICHEAN | DISPERSAL BAY | An area of hardstanding for parking aircraft in a state of readiness, usually around the perimeter of an airfield. | Àite-seasaimh airson plèana a phàirceadh ach am bi e deiseil ri chleachdadh, mar is trice mun cuairt air raon-adhair. | |
SEACHADAN RÈILE | RAILWAY SIDING | A short piece of track lying parallel to the main railway line enabling trains and trucks to pass one another. Sidings can also be used to park trains which are not in use. | Traca goirid a tha co-shìnte ris a' phrìomh rathad-iarainn airson 's gum faigh trèanaichean is làraidhean seachad air a chèile. Cleachdar taobh-rèilean cuideachd gus trèanaichean a phàirceadh ann nuair nach eilear gan cleachdadh. | |
SEACHADAN SEÒRSACHAIDH | MARSHALLING YARD | A series of parallel railway sidings on which goods wagons originating from different locations can be sorted or re-sorted into new trains before being despatched to their next destination or sorting points. | Sreath de thaobh-rèilean co-shìnte far an gabh carbadan-rèile bathair o dhiofar àitichean a sheòrsachadh no ath-sheòrsachadh air trèanaichean ùra mus tèid an cur air falbh gun cheann-uidhe aca no ionad seòrsachaidh eile. | |
SEADA | SHED | A small building or lean-to of light construction, used for storage, temporary shelter etc. | Togalach no sgailpean beag aotrom a chleachdar mar stòras, fasgadh fad greis is msaa. | |
SEADA BATHAR RÈILE | GOODS SHED | A building in which railway wagons can unload goods for local distribution. | Togalach far an tèid bathar a luchdadh far carbadan-rèile gus an sgaoileadh gu ionadail. | |
SEADA BHEATHAICHEAN | ANIMAL SHED | A building in which animals are housed. | Togalach far an cumar beathaichean. | |
SEADA CAOINEACHADH FIODHRAICH | TIMBER SEASONING SHED | A building where timber is allowed to dry and harden, in order to render it fit for use as a working material. | Togalach far a bheilear a' leigeil le fiodh tiormachadh is cruadhachadh airson 's gun gabh a chleachdadh mar stuth-obrachaidh. | |
SEADA EINNSEANAN | ENGINE SHED | A building used to house railway engines. | Togalach sa bheilear a' stòradh einnseanan-rèile. | |
SEADA FIODHA | WOOD SHED | A building or room in which wood is stored. | Togalach no seòmar far an cumar fiodh. | |
SEADA GÀRRAIDH | GARDEN SHED | A structure in a garden used to house gardening implements, etc. | Structar ann an gàrradh far an cumar acainnean gàirnealaireachd is rudan mar sin. | |
SEADA LONG-ADHAIR | AIRSHIP SHED | Non-preferred term. Use AIRSHIP HANGAR. | Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar. Cleachd HANGAR LONG-ADHAIR. | |
SEADA PHLANNTRAISEAN | POTTING SHED | A shed in which delicate plants are reared from seedlings for planting out later. | Seata far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air lusan maotha o òganan gus an cur air an taobh a-muigh nuair a bhios iad nas sine. | |
SEADA RÙSGAIDH | SHEARING SHED | A building where sheep are shorn of their wool. | Togalach far an rùisgear na caoraich. | |
SEADA TIORMACHADH LEATHAIR | LEATHER DRYING SHED | A covered area used for the drying of animal hides. | Àite còmhdaichte far a bheilear a' tiormachadh bèin bheathaichean. | |
SEADA TOGAIL | FABRICATION SHED | A covered area for making large engineered constructions such as sections of ships or bridges. | Raon le mullach air far a bheilear a' dèanamh co-structaran einnseanaireachd mòra mar phìosan de longan no drochaidean. | |
SEADA-BATHAIR EADAR RÈILE | TRANSIT SHED | A type of warehouse, usually one-storeyed. | Seòrsa de thaigh-bathair sa bheil aon ùrlar mar is trice. | |
SEADA-BHEAIRTEAN | WEAVING SHED | A textile-weaving factory housing powerlooms; commonly a one-storeyed shed with wide, north-light roof carried on iron columns. | Factaraidh a dh'fhigheas aodach air beairtean cumhachd; mar is trice seada aon-ùrlarach le mullach leathann 's uinneagan ris an tuath air colbhan iarainn. | |
SEADA-CHAIRTEAN | CART SHED | A building used for housing carts and implements, often open-fronted. | Togalach airson cairtean is acainnean a chumail ann, gu math tric le beul fosgailte. | |
SEALLADH FARSAING | GENERAL VIEW | A general photographic view of a site or area. Use for streetscapes and landscapes photographed by ground, hi-spy or aerial photography. | Dealbh-camara a sheallas làrach no àite san fharsaingeachd. Cleachd airson seallaidhean shràidean is tìre a chaidh a thogail le camarathan air an talamh, hi-spy no on adhar. | |
SEALLADH-TÌRE | LANDSCAPE | An area of ground containing sites, structures and other evidence for human activity. | Pìos talmhainn air a bheil làraichean, structaran no fianais eile eil gnìomhachd mac an duine. | |
SEALLADH-TÌRE ÀRC-EÒLAIS | ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE | An area with a number of archaeological sites and/or monuments. Use more specific terms if appropriate. | Sgìre sa bheil grunn làraichean agus/no carraighean àrc-eòlach. Cleachd briathran nas mionaidiche ma bhios gin iomchaidh. | |
SEALLADH-TÌRE ÀITEACHAIL | AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE | A landscape containing primarily agricultural development and buildings. | Tìr anns a bheil cuid mhath dhe na togalaichean is dhen obair leasachaidh co-cheangailte ri àiteachas. | |
Seanbhaile Inbhir Ùige | Old Wick, Caithness | |||
Searbhant nam bean-uasail | Ladies-in-waiting | |||
Searbhant nam fear-uasal | Gentlemen servants | |||
SEASTAN | SPIGOT MORTAR MOUNTING | A concrete pedestal, or 'thimble', which was used to mount a spigot mortar. Deployed by the Home Guard during WWII as an anti-invasion measure. | An sorch concrait air an deach moirtear-spiocaide a mhunntachadh. Chaidh seo a chleachdadh le Freiceadan na Dùthcha rè an Dàrna Chogaidh Mhòir mar ghleus an aghaidh ionnsaigh. | |
SEASTAN-MÒNA | STACK STAND | A structure or platform upon which a stack is built. | Structar no ùrlar air an stèidhear mòine. | |
SEASTAN-MÒNA | PEAT STAND | A structure on which peat is dried or stored. | Structar a thathar a' tiormachadh no a' stòradh mòine air. | |
SEILEAR | CELLAR | A room or group of rooms usually below the ground level and usually under a building, often used for storing fuel, provisions or wines. | Seòmar no grunn sheòmraichean a tha fo ìre na talmhainn mar is trice agus fo thogalach agus thathar a' stòradh connadh, biadh no fìon ann gu tric. | |
Seirbhisean Arc-eòlais nan comhairlean | Council Archaeology Services | |||
SEÒMAR ÈIDIDH | CHANGING FACILITY | A building within a complex, such as a leisure centre, school, industrial site etc, often containing toilet and washing facilities, where individuals can change their clothes. | Togalach air aitreabh, mar eisimpleir ionad chur-seachadan, sgoil no làrach gnìomhachais, le taigh-beag agus goireasan nighe gu tric, far an urrainn do dhaoine aodach eile a chur orra. | |
SEÒMAR NAN SEUD | JEWEL HOUSE | A building used for the safe storage and public display of jewellery, eg. the crown jewels. | Togalach a chleachdar airson stòradh sàbhailte agus taisbeanadh poblach de sheòid, m.e. seòid a' chrùin. | |
SEÒMAR PUMPA | PUMP ROOM | A room or building where a pump is worked. | Seòmar no togalach far a bheilear ag obrachadh pumpa. | |
SEÒMAR TUNAIL | TUNNEL CHAMBER | A large space in an underground tunnel, usually wider than the tunnel itself, used for storage, etc. | Àite mò ann an tunail fon talamh, mar is trice nas leatha na an tunail fhèin, a chleachdar mar stòras is msaa. | |
SEÒMAR-ÀRAICH | NURSERY | A room or a building set aside for infants and young children. | Seòmar no togalach a tha airson naoidheanan is clann òga. | |
SEÒMAR-COMAIDH | MESS | A military dining room where members of the armed forces eat and take recreation. | Seòmar-bìdh an airm far an gabh buill nam feachdan armaichte biadh is fois. | |
SEÒMAR-CULAIDH | VESTRY | A room or part of a church where the vestments, vessels and records are kept. | Seòmar no pàirt de dh'eaglais far an cumar an t-aodach, na soithichean agus na clàran. | |
SEÒMAR-DANNSAIDH | BALLROOM | A room or building suitable for music and dancing. | Seòmar no togalach a tha freagarrach do cheòl is dannsa. | |
SEÒMAR-FEITHEIMH | WAITING ROOM | A room used by those who have to wait at railway or bus stations, etc. | Seòmar a chleachdas na daoine a bhios a' fuireach aig stèisean-rèile, stèisean bhusaichean is msaa. | |
SEÒMAR-GHUNNAICHEAN | GUN ROOM | A room for storing guns. | Seòmar airson gunnaichean a stòradh ann. | |
SEÒMAR-ITHE | REFECTORY | A communal dining room, especially in schools, colleges and monasteries. | Seòmar-bìdh a chleachdar còmhla, gu sònraichte ann an sgoiltean, colaistean agus manachainn. | |
SEÒMAR-LEUGHAIDH | READING ROOM | A room in a library or institution providing periodicals, newspapers, etc. | Seòmar ann an leabhar-lann no institiuid sa bheil irisean, pàipearan-naidheachd is msaa. | |
SEÒMAR-MALAIRT | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | A building housing a board organised to protect the interests of commerce. | Togalach sa bheil bòrd a chaidh a stèidheachadh airson leas na malairt aca a dhìon. | |
SEÒMAR-SGOILE | SCHOOLROOM | A room in a school devoted to the formal instruction of pupils. | Seòmar ann an sgoil airson teagasg foirmeil nan sgoilearan. | |
SEÒMAR-SGRÙDAIDH | INSPECTION CHAMBER | A chamber attached to a pipe, conduit, aqueduct or sewer to enable access, monitoring and the operation of valves and other equipment. | Seòmar a tha co-cheangailte ri pìob, seòl-phìob, duct-uisge no sàibhear airson inntrigeadh, marasgladh is obrachadh nan tuil-dhorsan is acainnean eile. | |
SEÒMAR-TAISBEANAIDH | SHOWROOM | A room used for the display of merchandise for sale. | Seòmar far a bheilear a' taisbeanadh bathar a tha ri reic. | |
SEÒMAR-TAISBEANAIDH ÀIRNEIS | FURNITURE SHOWROOM | A room or suite of rooms, often open plan, specifically used for the display and sale of furniture and other related materials. | Seòmar no grunn sheòmraichean, gu math tric as aonais thallan, a tha gu sònraichte airson taisbeanadh is reic àirneis is rudan co-cheangailte rithe. | |
SEÒMAR-TAISBEANAIDH CHÀRAICHEAN | MOTOR VEHICLE SHOWROOM | A building or room where motor vehicles are exhibited for sale. | Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' taisbeanadh carbadan-motair a tha ri an reic. | |
SEÒMAR-TAISBEANAIDH MHOTAIREAN | MOTOR VEHICLE SHOWROOM (1) | A building or room where motor vehicles are exhibited for sale. | Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' taisbeanadh carbadan-motair a tha ri an reic. | |
SEÒMAR-TEAGAISG | CLASSROOM | A room where a class of pupils is taught. | Seòmar far a bheilear a' teagasg clas sgoilearan. | |
SEÒMAR-TÌ | TEA ROOM | An establishment where tea and other non-alcoholic refreshments and light meals are served. | Seòmar far am faighear teatha agus deochan eile nach eil làidir agus biadh beag. | |
SEÒMRAICHEAN A' BHAILE | BURGH CHAMBERS | A building, suite of rooms or hall, within a larger building such as a tollbooth or a town-house, in which meetings of the burgh were held. | Togalach, sreath de sheòmraichean no talla am broinn togalach nas motha mar tholl-bùtha no taigh-baile far an robhar a' cumail coinneamhan a' bhaile. | |
SEÒMRAICHEAN COINNEACHAIDH | ASSEMBLY ROOMS | A building or set of rooms in which social gatherings and dances are held. | Togalach no sreath sheòmraichean far an tigear còmhla cruinn agus far an cumar dannsaichean. | |
SGÀIL-GAOITHE | WINDBREAK | A barrier which provides shelter from the force of the wind. This may be in the form of trees or shrubs, or a wall. | Bacadh a bheir fasgadh o neart na gaoithe. Faodaidh gum bi seo na bhalla, craobhan no preasan. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN SILICA | CHERT SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of chert artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface, e.g. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall ailbhinnean-shligeach agus obair na h-ailbhinne-shligeach a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN-EALAIN | ARTEFACT SCATTER | A spatially discrete scatter of mixed artefactual material recovered from the surface, e.g. during fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context, and which may have been deposited over time. Index particular types where appropriate. | Sgapadh fuighill a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh agus dh'fhaoidte gun deach am fàgail ann thairis air ùine. Cuir seòrsachan sònraichte air a' chlàr-amais ma bhios sin iomchaidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN CLACH-EITEIG | QUARTZ SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of quartz artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface, e.g. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall èiteagan agus obair na h-èiteige a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN CLACH-FALA | BLOODSTONE SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of bloodstone artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface,e.g. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall chlachan-fhala agus obair na cloiche-fhala a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN CLACH-PITSE | PITCHSTONE SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of pitchstone artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface, e.g. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall clachan-phice agus obair na cloiche-phice a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN CLACH-SPOR | FLINT SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of flint artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface, e.g.. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall cloiche-teine agus obair na cloiche-teine a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN- CLOICHE | LITHIC SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of lithic artefacts recovered from the surface, eg. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. Use particular types where appropriate. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) nithean cloiche a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. Cleachd seòrsachan sònraichte ma bhios sin iomchaidh. | |
SGAPADH IARMADAN CRÈADHADAIREACHD | POTTERY SCATTER | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of pottery sherds recovered from the surface, eg. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) sgealban criadhadaireachd a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
SGAPADH-SGUDAIL BLUMAIREACHD | BLOOMERY SCATTER | A waste scatter of the byproduct of iron smelting. | Sgapadh de sgudal a gheibhear an cois leaghadh iarainn. | |
SGÀTHA | DEER BUTT | A low barrier behind which people can conceal themselves to shoot deer. | Bacadh ìseal far an tèid daoine am falach nuair a bhios iad a' sealg nam fiadh. | |
SGIATH-BHALLA | BASTION | A flanking tower or projection from the main walls of a defensive work, from which a garrison can defend the ground in front or on the flank. | Tùr cliathaich no sròn cliathaich a stobas a-mach o phrìomh bhalla-dìon. Bhiodh gearastan a' dìon na talmhainn air a bheulaibh no air a chliathaich uaithe seo. | |
SGOIL | SCHOOL | An establishment in which people, usually children, are taught. | Ionad far am faigh daoine, mar is trice a' chlann, sgoil. | |
SGOIL TRÈANAIDH | TRAINING SCHOOL | A school where specialist skills, relating to a particular subject, are taught. Use specific type where known. | Sgoil far a bheilear a' teagasg sgilean sònraichte, mar is trice feadhainn co-cheangailte ri cuspair àraidh. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
SGOIL-ÀRAICH | NURSERY SCHOOL | A school for pre-Infant school children, usually 3-5 years old. | Sgoil do chlann glè òg, mar is trice eadar 3 is 5 bliadhna a dh'aois. | |
SGOIL-GNÌOMHACHAIS | INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL | A boarding or day school for children who had committed minor crimes or who lived in circumstances where they were likely to commit crime. | Sgoil-chòmhnaidh no sgoil-latha do chlann a rinn eucoirean beaga no a bha a' fuireach ann an suidheachadh 's iad buailteach a bhith ri eucoir ann. | |
SGOIL-MHARCACHD | RIDING SCHOOL | A school where people are taught to ride horses. | Sgoil far a bheil daoine ag ionnsachadh marcachd. | |
SGOIL-SHÀBAID | SUNDAY SCHOOL | A school in which instruction is given on a Sunday, especially such a school for children connected with a parish or congregation. | Sgoil far a bheilear a' teagasg DiDòmhnaich, gu h-àraidh sgoil do chlann a tha a' fuireach ann an sgìre-eaglaise no nam buill dhen choithional. | |
SGRÌN | SHRINE | A place of worship associated with a sacred person or object. | Àite-adhraidh a tha co-cheangailte ri neach no rud naomh. | |
SGUÈATHAR | FARMYARD (1) | A yard or enclosure attached to a farmhouse, usually surrounded by other farm buildings. | Cuidh no buaileag co-cheangailte ri taigh-tuathanais, mar is trice le togalaichean tuathanais eile mun cuairt air. | |
SÌLE NAN CÌOCH | SHEELA NA GIG | A carved stone female figure often found on castles and churches. | Cruth cloiche shnaidhte boireann a gheibhear gu tric air caistealan is eaglaisean. | |
SILO | SILO | A building or structure for the storage of processed minerals, chemicals or agricultural products, etc. | Togalach no structar airson stòradh mhèinnearan, stuthan ceimigeach no bathar àiteachais giullaichte. | |
SIMILEAR | CHIMNEY | The flue or channel that funnels smoke and gases from a fire. | An luidhear no slighe air an tèid ceò 's gas o theine a-mach. | |
SIONAGOG | SYNAGOGUE | A building for worship and religious instruction in the Jewish faith. | Togalach airson adhradh is teagasg a' chreideimh Iùdhaich. | |
SIOSTAM ACHAIDHEAN | FIELD SYSTEM | An area of land, often enclosed, used for cultivation or the grazing of livestock. Includes both single enclosures and more complex groups of fields. | Fearann, gu math tric na gheàrraidh, airson àiteachas no ionaltradh a' chruidh. Gabhaidh seo a-steach geàrraidhean leotha fhèin no buidhnean de dh'achaidhean. | |
SIOSTAM CHRIOSAN-GIÙLAIN | ELEVATOR CONVEYOR SYSTEM | A system of conveyor belts for moving materials against a gradient. | Rian de chriosan-giùlain a ghluaiseas stuthan ri leathad. | |
SITIG | MIDDEN | A refuse heap, often associated with a building or settlement. | Dùnan sgudail, mar is trice co-cheangailte ri togalach no tuineachadh. | |
SITIG | RUBBISH PIT | A pit where domestic waste material is deposited. | Sloc anns an cuirear sgudal an taighe. | |
SITIG SHLIGEAN | SHELL MIDDEN | A refuse heap of discarded shells. | Dùnan de shligean a chaidh a thilgeil air falbh. | |
Sliabh Mhacharaidh, Tursachan, Arainn | Machrie Moor, Stone Circle, Arran | |||
SLIGHE | DRIVE | A road/carriage way giving access from the main road to the house, stables. | Rathad no slighe carbaid air an ruigear an taigh no na stàballan on rathad mhòr. | |
SLIGHE BEALAICH | HOLLOW WAY | A way, path or road through a cutting. | Slighe, ceum no rathad tro eag. | |
SLIGHE EADAR SLUIC CHO-SHÌNTE | PIT DEFINED AVENUE | An avenue defined by two or more parallel rows of pits. | Slighe a tha co-dhiù dà shreath de shluic ga leantainn air an dà thaobh. | |
SLIGHE FIODHRAICH | TIMBER TRACK | An artificial surface for people, animals or vehicles usually crossing wet or uneven ground. | Uachdar fuadain airson daoine, beathaichean no carbadan, mar is trice airson a dhol thairis air talamh fliuch no garbh. | |
SLIGHE-CHÀBAILL ADHAIR | AERIAL CABLEWAY | An overhead conveyor system for carrying containers. | Siostam a ghiùlaineas soithichean os cionn dhaoine. | |
SLOC GREABHAIL | GRAVEL PIT | A steep-sided pit formed by, and for, the extraction of gravel. | Sloc aig a bheil taobhan casa a nochd ri linn, no airson, dùsgadh grinneil | |
SLOC BOMA | BOMB CRATER | A depression in the ground caused by the explosion of a mine or bombshell. | Lagan san talamh a nochd ri linn spreadhadh mèinne no boma. | |
SLOC BUNTÀTA | POTATO PIT | A pit in which potatoes are stored. | Sloc far an stòrar buntàta. | |
SLOC CEILPE | KELP PIT | A stone-lined pit in which seaweed was burnt. The calcined ashes were used in the manufacture of soap and glass, amongst other things. | Sloc a tha air a lìnigeadh le clachan san deach feamainn a losgadh. Chaidh an luaithre chailcinichte a chleachdadh gus siabann agus GLAINNE a dhèanamh am measg rudan eile. | |
SLOC CRAOIBHE | TREE BOLE | A shallow pit or depression in the ground created when a tree falls over. | Sloc eu-domhain no lagan san talamh a nochd nuair a thuit craobh mu làr. | |
SLOC CUARAIDH | QUARRY PIT | A pit from which materials are extracted for the construction of a ROMAN ROAD. For other quarry pits use QUARRY. | Sloc san deach stuthan a dhùsgadh gus RATHAD RÒMANACH a thogail. Airson slocan cuaraidh eile, cleachd CUARAIDH. | |
SLOC DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN | RITUAL PIT | A pit which appears to have been dug for, or which contains, objects apparently deposited for reasons other than storage, disposal or extraction. | Sloc a chaidh a chladhach, a-rèir coltais, airson rudan (no sa bheil rudan) nach deach an cur ann airson stòradh, tilgeil air falbh no às-tharraing. | |
SLOC ÈADHRACHAIDH | VENTILATION SHAFT | A shaft designed to allow for the adequate circulation of air through an underground structure. | Sloc a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson adhar a chuairteachadh tro structar fon talamh air dòigh iomchaidh. | |
SLOC FO-THUITEAM | SUBSIDENCE PIT | A pit or hollow representing ground subsidence caused by mine workings. | Sloc no lagan a dh'èirich ri linn tuiteam na talmhainn an cois obair mèinnearachd. | |
SLOC GUAIL-FIODH | PITSTEAD | A pit dug and prepared for converting wood into charcoal. | Sloc a chaidh a chladhach 's ullachadh gus gual-fiodha a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh. | |
SLOC LEACTE | SLAB LINED PIT | A square or rectangular pit lined with stone slabs, often sealed with clay. Usually found set into the floors of later prehistoric houses, and presumed to be used for storage and/or cooking. | Sloc ceàrnagach no ceart-cheàrnach a chaidh a lìnigeadh le leacan cloiche 's gu math tric air a dhùnadh le criadh. Mar is trice gheibhear iad seo ann an ùrlaran anmoch san ro-eachdraidh agus thathar dhen bheachd gur ann airson stòradh agus/no còcaireachd a bha iad. | |
SLOC LOSGADH-CUIRP | CREMATION PIT | A site where a corpse has been burnt on a pyre over a pit, which acts as a receptacle for the remains. Occasionally accompanied by burnt grave goods, placed with the body on the pyre. | Làrach far an deach corp a losgadh air breò-chual os cionn sluic anns an do thuit na h-iarsmaidhean an dèidh na cùise. Bidh earrasan-uaighe loisgte a chaidh a chur ri taobh a' chuirp air a' bhreò-chual na chois uaireannan. | |
SLOC MÈINNEARACHD | EXTRACTIVE PIT | Surface workings, including shallow shafts, lode workings, open-pit methods and quarrying including some mines of stone, clays, compounds etc. See also MINERAL EXTRACTION SITE. | Obrachaidhean air uachdar na talmhainn, a' gabhail a-steach slocan eu-domhain, obrachaidhean lòdan, slocan fosgailte is obair cuaraidh, a' gabhail a-steach mèinnean cloiche, criadha, co-phàirtean is msaa. Faic LÀRACH DÙSGADH MHÈINNEARAN cuideachd. | |
SLOC ROTH-UISGE | WHEEL PIT | The rectangular pit in which the lower part of a waterwheel revolves. | An sloc ceart-cheàrnach sa bheil a' chuid ìochdarach de roth-uisge a' tionndadh. | |
SLOC SHAIGHDEARAN | WEAPONS PIT | Usually a small, two or three man trench, dug as an isolated fieldwork rather than as part of a defensive system. A WWI and WWII feature. | Trainnse bheag a tha, mar is trice, do dhithis no triùir agus a chaidh a chladhach mar ionad dìon leis fhèin seach mar phàirt de rian dìonach. Structar às an dà Chogadh Mòr. | |
SLOC STÒRAIDH | STORAGE PIT | A pit in which meat, grain and other foodstuffs are stored. | Sloc san deach feòil, sìol no biadh eile a stòradh. | |
SLOC | PIT | A hole or cavity in the ground, either natural or the result of excavation. Use more specific type where known. | Toll san talamh, fear nàdarra no fear a chaidh a chladhach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
SLOCAN RIAGHAILTEACH | PIT SETTING | A regular grouping of pits. | Pàtran riaghailteach de shlocan. | |
SLOCAN STOBAN BIORACH | DEFENSIVE PITS | A system of pits, thought to have been concealed by vegetation and to have contained sharpened stakes, designed to obstruct the advance of enemy forces. | Rian de shlocan a thathar dhen bheachd gun robh iad gam falach le planntrais 's le cipeanan biora ann gus bacadh a chur air nàmhaid a' tighinn dlùth. | |
SLOC-CARTAIDH LEATHAIR | TANNING PIT | A pit or tank containing chemicals for preserving animal hide. | Sloc no tanca sa bheil stuthan ceimigeach a ghlèidheas bèin bheathaichean. | |
SLOC-GAINMHICH | SAND PIT | A pit from which sand is excavated. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh gainmhich. | |
SLOC-SÀBHAIDH | SAW PIT | A place where tree trunks were sawn into planks by hand. | Àite far an robhar a' sàbhadh stocan-craoibhe nan dèilean. | |
SLOC-SÌL | GRAIN STORAGE PIT | A pit in which grain is stored. | Sloc san deach sìol a stòradh. | |
SLOC-STRAPAIDH | PIT TRAP | A pit used to trap game. Often originally covered and concealed, and sometimes with sharpened stakes in the base. | Sloc sa bheilear a' glacadh beathaichean fiadhaich. Gu tric air a chòmhdachadh agus falaichte agus uaireannan le cipeanan biorach aig a' bhonn. | |
SLOC-TUISLIDH | PIT FALL | A pit or group of pits with sharpened stakes set in the base, used to trap game. | Sloc no iomadh sloc sa bheil cipeanan biorach airson glacadh bheathaichean. | |
SLUIC LOIDHNEACH | PIT ALIGNMENT | A single line, or pair of roughly parallel lines, of pits set at intervals along a common axis or series of axes. The pits are not thought to have held posts. | Sreath no dà shreath de shlocan a tha cha mhòr co-shìnte an dèidh a chèile a-rèir an aon aiseil no sreath de dh'aisealan. Chan eilear dhen bheachd gun robh puist sna slocan seo. | |
SNAIDHM MHÒR-RATHAIDEAN | MOTORWAY INTERCHANGE | A system of interconnected roads and bridges, designed to connect efficiently two or more motorways and other roads. | Siostam de rathaidean is drochaidean co-cheangailte a chaidh a dhealbhadh gus co-dhiù dà rathad-mòr is rathaidean eile a cheangal ri chèile gu èifeachdach. | |
SNAIDHM-RATHAID | ROAD JUNCTION | A place where two or more roads meet. | Àite far a bheil co-dhiù dà rathad a' coinneachadh. | |
SNAIDHM-RÈILE | RAILWAY JUNCTION | A place where two or more railways meet. | Àite far a bheil co-dhiù dà rathad-iarainn a' coinneachadh. | |
SNAIGHEADH CRUITHNEACH | PICTISH SYMBOL CARVING | Stones or rock outcrop bearing Pictish symbols such as carved animals, figures and abstract designs. Use more specific term. Differentiate between designs on stones/boulders and rock outcrop. If a cross is included, index as CROSS SLAB as well. | Clach no loman creagach air an deach comharran Cruithneach, mar bheathaichean, cruthan is pàtranan eas-chruthach, a shnaidheadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche. Dèan diofar eadar dealbhaidhean air clachan/ulpagan agus lomain chreagach. Ma tha crois air cuideachd, cuir LEAC CROISE air a' chlàr-amais cuideachd. | |
SOIGHNE | SIGNPOST | A direction post. | Post stiùiridh. | |
SOIGHNE | SIGN | A board, wall painting or other structure displaying advice, giving information or directions | Bòrd, dealbh-balla no structar eile a thaisbeanas comhairle, fiosrachadh no stiùireadh. | |
SOIGHNE | GUIDE POST | A post of timber or metal indicating the direction, but not the distance, to specified locations. | Post fiodha no meatailt a tha a' comharradh taobh diofar àitichean ach chan ann an t-astar air a bheil iad. | |
SONNACH | PALISADE | A barrier consisting of one or more rows of closely-spaced vertical timbers embedded in a narrow foundation trench. | Bacadh sa bheil co-dhiù aon sreath de phuist fhiodha faisg air a chèile 's nan seasamh ann an dìg bunait chaol. | |
Sonnach Lann Fhionain | Peel Ring of Lumphanan | |||
SORCHAN | GANTRY | A frame or platform for carrying a crane or similar structure. | Frèam no ùrlar a ghluaiseas crann-togail no structar d' a leithid. | |
SORCHAN | PEDESTAL | A support or base, generally for a column or statue. | Tacsa no bun-stèidh, mar is trice airson colbh no ìomhaigh. | |
SPÙTAN | CHUTE | An inclined channel or vertical passage down which water, coal, etc. may be conveyed. | Seanail no slighe dhìreach air a bheilear a' gluasad uisge, gual is rudan msaa o àite gu àite. | |
SRÀID | STREET | A thoroughfare in a city, town or village flanked by buildings on one or both sides. | Tro-rathad ann an cathair, baile no clachan le togalaichean air a dhà thaobh. | |
Sràid Dere, Rathad Ròmanach | Dere St., Roman Road | |||
SREATH PHOST | STAKE ALIGNMENT | One or more rows of stakes or stake holes set at regular or irregular intervals along a common axis. | Co-dhiù aon sreath de chipeanan no tuill chipeanan ann an eadaramhan cunbhalach no neo-chunbhalach agus a-rèir aiseil choitchinn. | |
SREATH THURSACHAN | STONE ROW | A single line, or two or more roughly parallel lines, of standing stones set at intervals along a common axis or series of axes. | Aon sreath no co-dhiù dà shreath co-shìnte de thursachan an dèidh a chèile a-rèir an aon aiseil no sreath de dh'aisealan. | |
SRÒM | STEPPING STONES | A line of stones placed in the bed of a river or stream, or on wet ground, to enable pedestrians to cross. | Sreath de chlachan a chaidh a chur ann an abhainn no allt no air talamh fhliuch ach am faigh luchd-coiseachd thairis orra. | |
STÀBALL | STABLE | A building in which horses are accommodated. | Togalach far an cumar eich. | |
STÀBALL-ÀIGICH | STALLION HOUSE | A building where a stallion is kept. | Togalach far a bheilear a' cumail àigeach. | |
STAD-RÈILE | RAILWAY HALT | A minor railway station, often without permanent buildings. | Stèisean-rèile beag, gu math tric as aonais thogalaichean buana. | |
STAIDHRE | STEPS | A series of flat-topped structures, usually made of stone or wood, used to facilitate a person's movement from one level to another. | Sreath de structaran air a bheil ceann rèidh, mar is trice de chlach no fiodh, air am falbh duine o làr gu làr. | |
STAIDHRE | STAIRCASE | A flight of steps leading from one level to another. | Staidhre a tha a' dol on dàrna ìre gu ìre eile. | |
STANNA LOSGAIDH | SHOOTING STAND | Position often screened by earth, stone or wood from which game is shot. | Àite a tha ga fhalach le ùire, clachan no fiodh on a thathar a' tilgeil urchraichean air beathaichean fiadhaich. | |
STANNA MARGAID | MARKET STANCE | An area in a market place set aside for the erection of a market stall. | Àite sònraichte air àite-margaid far an tèid stannd margaid a thogail. | |
STEAPAICHEAN | STILE | A set of steps or a framework of bars and steps for crossing over a fence or wall. | Grunn staidhrichean no beart de bhàraichean is staidhrichean air an ruigear taobh thall feansa no balla. | |
STÈIDH | PLINTH | A block or slab on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed. | Bloca no leac air an cuirear sorch, colbh no ìomhaigh. | |
STÈIDH CROISE | CROSS BASE | The base for a freestanding cross. | A' bhunait aig cros a sheasas leatha fhèin. | |
STÈIDH INNEALRAIDH | MACHINERY PLINTH | A concrete or stone platform which provides a secure, flat base for machinery. | Ùrlar concrait no cloiche a tha na bhun-stèidh thèarainte rèidh airson innealan. | |
STÈIDH TOGALAICH | BUILDING FOOTINGS | The lower part of the foundations of a building. Use with specific term where possible. | An earrann ìochdarach aig bunachar togalaich. Cleachd le briathar pongail ma tha fios air. | |
STÈIDH TOGALAICH | BUILDING FOUNDATIONS | Non-preferred term. Use BUILDING. | Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar. Cleachd TOGALACH. | |
STÈIDIAM | STADIUM | A large, usually unroofed building with tiers of seats for spectators, enclosing a field used for sports events. | Togalach a bhios mòr agus gun mhullach mar is trice, le sreathan de shuidheachain suas is sìos le raon sa mheadhan far an cluichear spòrsachan. | |
STÈIDIAM SAIDHCLIDH | VELODROME | A sports arena with a steeply banked oval track for bicycle racing. There are outdoor as well as indoor velodromes. | Stèideam spòrs le traca ugh-chruthach air claonadh cas airson rèiseadh rothairean. Tha an dà chuid stèideaman rothaireachd taobh a-muigh is taobh a-staigh ann. | |
STÈISEAN | TRANSFORMER STATION | A building housing transformers to convert AC electricity supply for domestic use. | Togalach sa bheil tionndairean a dh'iompaicheas dealan AC airson cleachdadh dachaigheil. | |
STÈISEAN A' PHOILIS | POLICE STATION | The office or headquarters of a local police force, or of a police district. | Oifis no prìomh-oifis aig feachd ionadail a' phoileis no aig sgìre a' phoileis. | |
STÈISEAN AIMSIR | WEATHER STATION | A building, group of buildings or installation in which experiments and observations are undertaken to gather and record information about the weather. | Togalach no grunn thogalaichean no ionad far a bheilear a' dèanamh deuchainnean no sgrùdadh gus fiosrachadh a chruinneachadh 's a chlàradh mun aimsir. | |
STÈISEAN AMBAILEANS | AMBULANCE STATION | A building where ambulances are housed whilst awaiting emergency calls. | Togalach far an cumar carbadan-eiridinn fhad 's a bhios iad a' feitheamh ri gairm èiginn. | |
STÈISEAN BÀTA-TEASAIRGINN | LIFEBOAT STATION | A building designed to house a lifeboat, usually with a stone ramp to launch the boat into the sea. | Togalach a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson bàta-teasairginn, mar is trice le rampa cloiche gus am bàta a chur air bhog. | |
STÈISEAN BATHAIR | GOOD STATION | A railway station or platform built specifically for the loading and unloading of goods. | Stèisean no ùrlar thrèanaichean a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte gus bathar a chur orra no gus a thoirt uapa. | |
STÈISEAN BATHAIR | GOODS STATION | A railway station or platform built specifically for the loading and unloading of goods. | Stèisean no ùrlar thrèanaichean a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte gus bathar a chur orra no gus a thoirt uapa. | |
STÈISEAN BHUSAICHEAN | BUS STATION | A complex of stances and associated buildings providing transport by bus and travel information. | Aitreabh stanndaichean agus togalaichean co-cheangailte airson còmhdhail bhusaichean. | |
STÈISEAN CIÙRADH SGADAIN | HERRING CURING STATION | A purpose-built site with buildings and structures used to cure herring and other oily fish. | Làrach far an deach togalaichean is structaran an togail gu sònraichte airson ciùradh an sgadain is èisg olach eile. | |
STÈISEAN CONALTRAIDH | COMMUNICATIONS STATION | Communications and relay stations, gathering all messages for transfer forward to other military bases, units and ships etc. They also gather together all intercepted messages from the enemy. | Stèiseanan conaltraidh is ath-sheachadain a chruinnicheas gach teachdaireachd a tha ri shìneadh air adhart gu bunaitean, aonadan is longan eile an airm is msaa. Cruinnichidh iad na teachdaireachdan uile a chaidh a ghlacadh air nàimhdean cuideachd. | |
STÈISEAN DEALAN-UISGE | HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION | Power generation by releasing stored water through a turbine driving a generator. | Gintinn cumhachd le bhith a' sgaoileadh uisge a chaidh a stòradh tro thurbain a tha ag obrachadh gineadair. | |
STÈISEAN DEUCHAINN CHARBADAN | VEHICLE TESTING STATION | A site used for the testing of motor vehicles. | Làrach far a bheilear a' cur fo dheuchainn carbadan-motair. | |
STÈISEAN DEUCHAINN CHARBADAN-BATHAIR TROMA | HEAVY GOODS VEHICLE TESTING STATION | A site where lorries and other heavy goods vehicles are tested for safety. | Làrach far a bheilear a' cur làraidhean is carbadan eile a ghiùlaineas luchdan troma fo dheuchainnean tèarainteachd. | |
STÈISEAN DÌ-MHAGNAITEACHAIDH | DEGAUSSING STATION | An installation where the magnetic signature of ships was lowered thereby making them less susceptible to magnetic mines. | Ionad far an deach comas magnaiteach de shoithichean a lùghdachadh airson 's gum biodh e na b' fhasa dhaibh mèinnean magnaiteach a sheachnadh. | |
STÈISEAN DÌ-THRUAILLEADH GAS | GAS PURIFICATION STATION | A facility where impurities are removed from coal gas. | Ionad far a bheilear a' toirt truailleadh à ceò-guail. | |
STÈISEAN DÙMHLACHAIDH GAS | GAS COMPRESSOR STATION | A facility where natural gas is made smaller in volume, to facilitate its distribution through the National Transmission System. Term can also be used for a station, which recompresses the gas to the required pressure. | Ionad far a bheilear a' lùghdachadh tomhas gas nàdarra airson 's gum bi e nas fhasa a sgaoileadh tron t-Siostam Tar-chuir Nàiseanta. Gabhaidh am briathar seo a chleachdadh cuideachd air stèisean a dhùmhlaicheas an gas a-rithist airson 's gum bi e aig brùthadh a tha iomchaidh. | |
STÈISEAN FARCLUAIS CONALTRAIDH | COMMUNICATIONS INTERCEPT STATION | Radio station used to intercept military and related communications traffic of other nations for intelligence purposes. | Stèidsean-rèidio a chleachdar gus conaltradh airm dhùthchannan eile is conaltradh co-cheangailte riutha a ghlacadh airson fiosrachadh. | |
STÈISEAN LONG-ADHAIR | AIRSHIP STATION | An area of land containing Airship sheds, anchorage points and ancillary structures. | Pìos talmhainn air a bheil seadaichean longan-adhair, acarsaidean is structaran taice. | |
STÈISEAN MÈINNEARACHD-MARA | SUBMARINE MINING STATION | A site with buildings and structures associated with the laying of sea mines. | Làrach far a bheil togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte ri sìoladh mèinnean-mara. | |
STÈISEAN MHAOR-CLADAICH | COASTGUARD STATION | A building or group of buildings situated close to the sea, used by coastguards to enable them to monitor the coastline. | Togalach no badan de thogalaichean faisg air a' mhuir. Bidh na maoir-chladaich gan cleachdadh gus sùil a chumail air a' chladach. | |
STÈISEAN MHUCAN-MARA | WHALING STATION | A building or site where the carcasses of whales were butchered and rendered into by-products, such as oil, fenk and whalebone. | Togalach no làrach far an robhar ri bùidsearachd cuirp nam mucan-mara 's a' dèanamh frith-bhathar eile dheth mar ola, fenks agus cnàmh na muice-mara. | |
STÈISEAN PUMPAIDH | PUMPING STATION | A facility with pumps and associated equipment, often part of a Waterworks. | Ionad aig a bheil pumpaichean agus acainnean co-cheangailte riutha, gu math tric na phàirt de dh'ionad giullachd uisge. | |
STÈISEAN PUMPAIDH HAIDREOLAIG | HYDRAULIC PUMPING STATION | A pumping station used in the production of hydraulic power, eg. in warehouse complexes, goods depots on railways, etc. | Stèisean pumpaidh a chleachdar ann an gintinn cumhachd hiodrolach, m.e. air aitreabhan thaighean-bathair, taighean-stòir aig rathadan-iarainn is msaa. | |
STÈISEAN RÈIDEAR | RADAR STATION | A permanent site for fixed radar installations used as part of a National System for detecting the presence of aircraft or ships. | Làrach bhuan airson structaran rèideir socraichte a tha na phàirt de shiostam nàiseanta a lorgas longan-adhair no bàtaichean. | |
STÈISEAN RÈIDIO | RADIO STATION | A building or group of buildings containing equipment capable of transmitting and receiving radio signals. Use BROADCASTING RADIO STATION for broadcasting establishments e.g. BBC Radio stations. | Togalach no grunn thogalaichean sa bheil acainnean a tha comasach air siognailean rèidio a chraoladh 's a ghlacadh. Cleachd STÈISEAN CRAOLADH RÈIDIO airson buidhnean craolaidh, m.e. stèiseanan rèidio a' BBC. | |
STÈISEAN SAIMEAFOR | SEMAPHORE STATION | A signal station incorporating equipment for visually conveying coded communications. | Stèisean siognailidh sa bheil acainnean airson conaltradh còdaichte a thoirt a-null air dòigh lèirsinneach. | |
STÈISEAN SIOGNALAIDH | SIGNAL STATION | A turf and stone platform attached to a FRONTIER DEFENCE, and thought to be a beacon stance. | Ùrlar sgratha 's cloiche a tha ri DÌON CRÌCHE 's eòlaichean dhen bheachd gur e bunait leòis-rabhaidh a bha ann. | |
STÈISEAN THANCAICHEAN GAS | GAS HOLDER STATION | A facility with one or more expanding gas storage tanks, often including equipment for measuring the amount used. | Ionad far a bheil co-dhiù aon tanca gas so-ataichte, gu math tric le acainn gus uiread a' ghas a thomhas a chaidh a chleachdadh. | |
STÈISEAN-CLADAICH TAIGH-SHOLAIS | LIGHTHOUSE SHORE STATION | Buildings and structures associated with a lighthouse, often including domestic accommodation. | Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri taigh-solais, gu math tric gabhaidh seo a-steach àite-fuirich. | |
STÈISEAN-CUMHACHD | POWER STATION | A building or set of buildings and structures where power, especially electrical or mechanical, is generated. Use more specific term where known. | Togalach no grunn thogalaichean no structaran far a bheilear a' gintinn cumhachd, gu h-àraid cumhachd dealain no cumhachd mheacanaigeach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STÈISEAN-CUMHACHD HAIDREOLAIG | HYDRAULIC POWER STATION | A complex of buildings and structures where hydraulic power is generated and stored. | Aitreabh thogalaichean is structaran far a bheilear a' gintinn is a' stòradh cumhachd haidreolaig. | |
STÈISEAN-CUMHACHD THRÈANAICHEAN FO THALAMH | SUBWAY POWER STATION | A power station which provides power for an underground railway. | Stèisean-cumhachd a tha a' gintinn cumhachd airson rèile fon talamh. | |
STÈISEAN-IASGAICH | FISHING STATION | A site with buildings and structures specifically designed for the landing and initial processing of fish. Often located in a remote or inaccessible area. | Làrach air a bheil togalaichean is structaran a tha gu sònraichte airson tìreachadh is ciad ghiullachd an èisg. Gu tric ann an àite iomallach no àite nach ruigear gu furasta. | |
STÈISEAN-PEATRAIL | PETROL STATION | A place where vehicles can be filled up with petrol, oil, water, etc. | Àite far am faighear peatral, ola, uisge 's rudan mar sin airson càraichean. | |
STÈISEAN-RÈILE | RAILWAY STATION | A place with platforms and other facilities, allowing trains to stop to take on and set down passengers and load and unload goods for transport. | Àite far a bheil ùrlaran is goireasan eile airson 's gun dhan luchd-siubhail tighinn far nan trèanaichean no a dhol orra no airson bathar a luchdadh orra no a thoirt far nan trèanaichean. | |
STÈISEAN-SHEIRBHEISEAN | SERVICE STATION | Use for complexes where services (eg. restaurants, shops) are provided in addition to facilities for buying petrol. | Cleachd airson aitreabhan far a bheilear a' solar sheirbheisean (m.e. taighean-bìdh 's bùithtean) a bharrachd air àite far a bheil peatral ga reic. | |
Stèisean-siognail Ròmanach Àird Eoghannaidh | Ardunie Roman Signal Station | |||
STÈISEAN-SIOGNALAIDH NÈIBHIDH | NAVAL SIGNAL STATION | A site with buildings and structures used by the navy for signalling and communications. | Làrach far a bheil togalaichean is structaran a chleachdas an cabhlach airson siognaileadh is conaltradh. | |
STÈISEAN-SMÀLAIDH | FIRE STATION | A civic building housing fire engines and a permanent fire-fighting force. | Togalach catharra sa bheil na h-einnseanan-smàlaidh agus feachd-smàlaidh buan. | |
STÈISEAN-TOMHAIS | WEIGHING STATION | A site where vehicles are weighed. | Làrach far a bheilear tomhas cudrom charbadan. | |
STÈISEAN-TRIANTANACHAIDH | TRIANGULATION STATION | A fixed marker, usually at the top of a hill, forming part of a network used for surveying by triangulation. | Comharra socraichte, mar is trice air mullach cnuic, a tha na phàirt de lìonra chomharran a chleachdar airson suirbhidhean triantanachaidh. | |
STÌOPALL | STEEPLE | A tall, ornamental tower, which usually forms part of a church, temple or other building. | Tùr àrd sgeadachail, mar is trice mar phàirt de dh'eaglais, teampall no togalach eile. | |
STIÙIDIO | STUDIO | A workroom of an artist, usually a sculptor or painter. | Seòmar-obrach aig neach-ealain, mar is trice cruth-ealantair no peantair. | |
STIÙIDIO CLÀRAIDH | RECORDING STUDIO | A room or building used for the making of films, television or radio programmes and musical recordings (CDs, LPs, etc.). | Seòmar no togalach far a bheilear a' dèanamh filmichean, prògraman telebhisein no rèidio agus clàraidhean ciùil (CDs, LPs is msaa). | |
STIÙIDIO CRAOLAIDH | BROADCASTING STUDIO | A building or suite of rooms from which radio or television broadcasts are disseminated. | Togalach no grunn sheòmraichean às an tèid rèidio no telebhisean a chraoladh. | |
STIÙIDIO DANNSA | DANCE STUDIO | A building or room used for the practice and study of dance. | Togalach no seòmar airson eacarsaichean is ionnsachadh dannsa. | |
STIÙIDIO TOGAIL-DHEALBH | PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO | A place where photographs are taken of people or things on a commercial basis. | Àite far a bheil gnothach aig cuideigin a' togail dealbhan de dhaoine no de rudan. | |
STIÙIDIO-CRAOLAIDH RÈIDIO | RADIO BROADCASTING STUDIO | A place where radio programmes are produced and broadcast. | Àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh 's a' craoladh prògraman rèidio. | |
STÒR | STOREHOUSE | A building in which goods or items are stored. Use specific term where known. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh bathar. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STÒR | STORE | |||
STÒR ACAINN | GEAR STORE | A building where fishing or hunting equipment is stored. | Togalach far an cumar acainnean iasgaich no seilg. | |
STÒR AIRM | MILITARY DEPOT | A building or group of buildings, often enclosed by a system of fortifications, used by an armed force for the storage and distribution of military equipment. | Togalach no grunn thogalaichean, gu math tric le rian daingneachaidh mun cuairt orra, a tha ga chleachdadh le feachd airson acainnean an airm a stòradh 's a sgaoileadh. | |
STÒR ARMACHD | ARMAMENT DEPOT | A military building used for the storage of weapons and ammunition. | Togalach an airm far an cumar airm agus connadh-gunna. | |
STÒR BHOMAICHEAN | BOMB STORE | A complex of buildings, often with accompanying blast walls, designed for the storage of bombs. | Aitreabh thogalaichean, gu tric le ballachan-onfhaidh, a chaidh a dhealbhadh mar stòradh bhomaichean. | |
STÒR BHOTAL | BOTTLING STORE | A building where bottled liquids, usually beer, are stored after bottling. Usually associated with a BREWERY. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh lionntan ann am botalan, mar is trice leann, an dhèidh botalaidh. Mar is trice co-cheangailte ri TAIGH-GRÙIDE. | |
STÒR CEILPE | KELP STORE | A building where kelp is stored. | Togalach far an cumar ceilp. | |
STÒR CLACH-MHÈINNIR | ORE STORE | A storehouse found in conjunction with a BLAST FURNACE. | Taigh-stòrais a gheibhear an cois FÙIRNEIS-IARAINN. | |
STÒR CONNAIDH | FUEL STORE | A place where material used for burning is stored. | Àite far a bheilear a' stòradh stuthan a thèid a losgadh. | |
STÒR COTAN-GUNNA | GUNCOTTON STORE | A building in which gun cotton is stored. Guncotton is a form of cellulose nitrate used as a propellant or a component of explosives. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh cotan-gunna. Tha cotan-gunna na nàdar de naidhtreat ceallalois a chleachdar mar stuth-iomain no co-phàirt ann an stuthan-spreadhaidh. | |
STÒR FIODHRAICH | TIMBER YARD | An open yard or place where timber is stacked or stored. | Clobhsa no àite fosgailte far an cumar fiodh. | |
STÒR FODAIR | FODDER STORE | A building or enclosure used to prepare and store dry food such as hay and straw for the feeding of cattle. | Togalach no lann far a bheilear ag ullachadh 's a' stòradh biadh tioram mar fheur tioram agus connlach a bheirear dhan chrodh mar bhiadh. | |
STÒR FUAR | COLD STORE | A room or small building kept at low temperatures for the storage of perishable items, particularly food. | Seòmar no togalach beag a thathar a' cumail gu math fionnar ach an gabh rud a mhilleas gu luath a chumail ann, gu h-àraid biadh. | |
STÒR GUAL-FHIODHA | CHARCOAL STORE | A building where charcoal is stored. | Togalach far an cumar gual-fiodha. | |
STÒR LÌN | FLAX STORE | A building where flax is stored before processing. | Togalach far an cumar lìon mus deach a ghiullachd. | |
STÒR LUCHD-TOGAIL | BUILDERS STORE | A building used to store building materials. | Togalach sa bheilear a' stòradh goireasan togalaich. | |
STÒR MHEASAN | FRUIT STORE | A building used for the storage of picked fruit. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh measan a chaidh a thogail. | |
STÒR PHÀTRAN | PATTERN STORE | A building or area in a foundry, where patterns are kept. Patterns are master parts made from working drawings, used to produce moulds. | Togalach no àite ann am fùirneis far a bheilear a' cumail nam pàtranan. Tha pàtranan nam pàirtean-maighstir a chaidh a dhèanamh de dhealbhan obrachaidh 's cleachdar iad gus mòlltairean a dhèanamh. | |
Stòr Rathad Charsaich | Kerse Road Store | |||
STÒR SAIMEANT | CEMENT STORE | A building in which cement is stored, often in sacks or other containers. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh saimeant, gu math tric ann an pocannan no soithichean eile. | |
STÒR STÀILINN | STEEL SUPPLY YARD | A facility where steel is kept prior to its use for construction purposes. | Ionad far a bheilear a' cumail stàillinn mus tèid a chleachdadh ann an obair-thogail. | |
STÒR STUTHAN-SPREADHAIDH | EXPLOSIVES STORE | A building used for the storage of explosives of a non-military function, e.g. mining explosives, signal explosives etc. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh stuthan-spreadhaidh nach eil gan cleachdadh leis an arm, m.e. stuthan-spreadhaidh mèinnearachd, stuthan-spreadhaidh siognailidh is msaa. | |
STÒR-ÈISG | FISH HOUSE | A building used for the storage of fish. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh iasg. | |
STÒR-SÌL | GRANARY | A building used to store grain, especially after it has been threshed or husked. | Togalach far a bheilear a' cumail sìol, gu h-àraid nuair a bhios e air a bhualadh no air a chàthadh. | |
STÒR-TEARRA | TAR HOUSE | A storehouse associated with rope manufacture (eg. in naval dockyards). | Taigh-stòrais a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh ròpa (m.e. ann an docannan a' chabhlaich). | |
STRAP BHEATHAICHEAN | ANIMAL TRAP | A structure built to trap or kill animals. Use specific type where known. | Structar a chaidh a thogail gus beathaichean a ghlacadh ann no gus am marbhadh ann. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STRAP BHIASTAN-DUBHA | OTTER TRAP | A structure built to trap or kill otters. | Structar a chaidh a thogail gus biastan-dubha a ghlacadh ann no gus am marbhadh ann. | |
STRUCTAR | STRUCTURE | A construction of indeterminate function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence. Use specific term where known. | Rud a chaidh a thogail ach aig nach eil feum soilleir, co-dhiù an-diugh no a-rèir fianais àrc-eòlaich. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STRUCTAR ACAINN TOGAIL | LIFTING AND WINDING STRUCTURE | Structures used for the lifting or hoisting of goods, machinery, vehicles, people and livestock. | Structaran a thathar a' cleachdadh airson bathar, innealan, carbadan, daoine is crodh a thogail. | |
STRUCTAR CIAN-CHONALTRAIDH | TELECOMMUNICATIONS STRUCTURE | Structures associated with telecommunications. | Structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cian-chonaltradh. | |
STRUCTAR CONCRAIT | CONCRETE STRUCTURE | A construction of indeterminate military function made largely from concrete. | Structar an airm a tha cha mhòr gu tur de choncrait ach gun chinnt dè feum a bha ann. | |
STRUCTAR DÌON TRÀGHAD | GROYNE | A structure extending into the sea for the purpose of preventing further movement of washed up sand and shingle. | Structar a tha a' dol a-steach dhan mhuir gus casg a chur air sìor-ghluasad gainmhich no moil a chaidh fhàgail ann leis a' mhuir. | |
STRUCTAR FIODHA | TIMBER STRUCTURE | A construction of indeterminate function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence, made largely from wood. Use specific term where known. | Rud a chaidh a thogail ach aig nach eil feum soilleir, co-dhiù an-diugh no a-rèir fianais àrc-eòlaich, cuid mhath dheth air a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STRUCTAR FO THALAMH | SUBTERRANEAN STRUCTURE | An artificial feature located beneath ground level. Use specific term where known. | Feart fuadain a tha fo uachdar na talmhainn. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STRUCTAR GAS NÀDARRA | NATURAL GAS STRUCTURE | Buildings and structures associated with the processing and storage of natural gas. | Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh is stòradh gas nàdarra. | |
STRUCTAR SIOGNALAIDH | SIGNALLING STRUCTURE | Buildings and structures associated with signal communication. | Togalaichean is structaran air a bheil feum ann an conaltradh le siognailean. | |
STRUCTAR TOGAIL ACAINN IS ROTHAIGEADH MÈINNE | MINE LIFTING AND WINDING STRUCTURE | Buildings and structures associated with lifting and winding at the site of a mine. | Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail is toinneamh air làrach mèinne. | |
STRUCTAR-AIRM NEO-SHEÒRSAICHTE AIRM | INDETERMINATE MILITARY STRUCTURE | A construction of indeterminate military function. Use specific term where known. | Structar an airm ach gun chinnt dè feum a bha ann. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
STRUCTAR-ÙIR | BANK (EARTHWORK) | Linear or curvilinear construction of earth, turf and stone, often, but not always accompanied by a ditch. Use specific type where known. | Structar ùir, sgratha 's cloiche loidhneach no lùb-loidhneach gu tric ach chan ann an-còmhnaidh le dìg. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
SUIDHEACHAN | SEAT | An external structure used to sit on. | Structar air an taobh a-muigh air an dèanar suidhe. | |
SUIDHEACHAN GÀRRAIDH | GARDEN SEAT | A bench-like structure, often with a back, generally made of wood, cast iron or stone. | Structar a tha coltach ri being, gu math tric le druim is air a dhèanamh de chlach, iarann mòlltaichte no fiodh. | |
SUIDHEACHAN-CREIGE | ROCK CUT SEAT | A boulder or rock cut and shaped into the form of a seat. | Clach no ulpag a chaidh a ghearradh 's a chruthachadh na shuidheachan. | |
Sunnybrae Cottage, Baile Chloichridh | Sunnybrae Cottage, Pitlochry | |||
SUTHA | ZOO | A garden or park, with ancillary buildings, in which wild animals are kept and reared for public exhibition. | Gàrradh no pàirc, le togalaiche na chois, far a bheilear a' cumail 's ag àrach beathaichean gus an sealltainn dhan phoball. |