
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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RAINNSE ACUSTAIG ACOUSTIC RANGE A range for testing acoustic torpedoes and comprising location-fixing beacons on the seabed. Rainse far a bheilear a' cur toirpeadan fuaimearra fo dheuchainn, le rabhachan air grunnd na mara a dh'innseas dè ionad a tha aig rudan.
RAINNSE BOMAIDH BOMBING RANGE A designated area of land, incorporating targets, used for bombing practice. Usually located on an island or on the shore below the high water mark. Pìos talmhainn, le targaidean air, a tha ga chleachdadh airson eacarsaichean bomaidh. Bidh seo air eilean no air a' chladach fon tiùrr mar is trice.
RAINNSE GHREANÀIDEAN GRENADE RANGE A piece of ground over which grenades may be fired at targets. Pìos talmhainn a thathar a' losgadh durcan-spreadhaidh thairis air a dh'ionnsaigh targaidean.
RAINNSE LOSGAIDH FIRING RANGE A piece of ground over which small arms or artillery may be fired at targets. Pìos talmhainn a thathar a' losgadh buill-airm bheaga no gunnaichean-mòra thairis air a dh'ionnsaigh targaidean.
RAINNSE MORTAIR-SPIOCAID SPIGOT MORTAR RANGE A practice range used for spigot mortar firing. Rainse eacarsaich airson losgadh mhoirtearan-spiocaide.
RAINNSE-FUAIM FO UISGE UNDERWATER NOISE RANGE A series of underwater microphones and sensors used to determine the acoustic signature of warships and submarines. Sreath de mhicreofonaichean is mothaichearan fon uisge a chleachdar gus nàdar fuaimearra de longan-cogaidh is bàtaichean-tumaidh fhiosrachadh.
RAINNSE-TRÈANAIDH THANCAICHEAN TANK TRAINING RANGE An area of ground, with associated buildings and structures, where personnel are trained in the operation of tanks and other military vehicles. Pìos talmhainn, leis na togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte ris, far am faigh an luchd-obrach trèanadh ann an draibheadh thancaichean is carbadan armailteach eile.
RAMA HAIDREOLAIG HYDRAULIC RAM Large piston used to operate lifting bridges, lock gates, etc. Loinid mhòr a chleachdar gus drochaidean-togail, tuil-dhorsan is rudan mar sin obrachadh.
RAMPA RAMP An inclined plane connecting two different levels, for use by vehicles. Ùrlar claon a tha a' ceangal dà ìre eadar-dhealaichte ri chèile; ga chleachdadh le carbadan.
RAMPAIR RAMPART An earth embankment built around a site for defensive purposes. Uchdan ùir a chaidh a thogail mun cuairt air àite gus a dhìon.
Raoin Mara Tèarainte Eachdraidheil Historic Marine Protected Areas
RAON POST INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE An area of made ground, reconstituted after industrial activity. Pìos talmhainn a chaidh a dhèanamh an dèidh obair gnìomhachais air an làrach.
RAON BLÀIR BATTLEFIELD The field or area of ground on which a battle was fought. Achadh no talamh far an robhar ri blàr.
RAON CHUR-SEACHADAN RECREATION GROUND A public ground with facilities for games and other activities. Àite poblach aig a bheil goireasan airson geamannan is gnìomhachdan eile.
RAON CLACH-CIÙIRDE STONE DEPOSIT A natural deposit of stone recorded for its suitability for tool manufacture. Tional nàdarra de chlachan a chaidh a chlàradh a chionn 's gu bheil e freagarrach airson saothrachadh innealan.
RAON CLACH-SPOR FLINT DEPOSIT A natural accumulation of flint in the form of gravel, pebbles, nodules and boulders. Recorded for its suitability for tool manufacture. Co-chàrnadh nàdarra de chlach-theine an cruth grinneil, molagan, nòidealan is ulpagan. Air a chlàradh a chionn 's gu bheil e freagarrach airson saothrachadh innealan.
RAON GOLF GOLF COURSE A prepared and landscaped area of ground used for playing the game of golf. Usually with a clubhouse and ancillary buildings. Pìos talmhainn a chaidh ullachadh 's a dhealbhadh airson geamannan goilf a chluich ann. Mar is trice, gheibhear taigh-cluba agus togalaichean co-cheangailte ann.
Raon Mara Tèarainte Dearbhadh agus Rannsachadh Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area
Raon Mara Tèarainte Eachdraidheil Historic Marine Protected Area
Raon Mara Tèarainte Glèidhteachas Nàdair Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area
RAON PAIRÈIDIDH PARADE GROUND A place where military personnel parade, practice marching, assemble or muster for a march or any other special purpose. Àite far a bheil luchd-obrach an airm ri spaistearachd no eacarsaichean màrsail, far am bi iad ag ullachadh airson màrsail no tachartasan sònraichte eile.
RAON POLL-MÒNA PEAT CUTTING A site or area where peat is cut for use as fuel. Àite far a bheilear a' buain mòine airson connadh.
RAON SPÒRS SPORTS GROUND An area of prepared ground on which a sport is played. Use more specific type where known. Talamh a chaidh ullachadh airson 's gun gabh spòrs a chluich air. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
RAON-ADHAIR AIRFIELD An area used for the taking off and landing of aircraft. The site will often include associated buildings, equipment and other installations. Àite far a bheil plèanaichean a' laighe 's ag èirigh. Bidh togalaichean, acainnean is rudan co-cheangailte eile ann gu math tric.
RAON-DHEUCHAINN FO UISGE UNDERWATER TEST ESTABLISHMENT A facility for the testing of underwater armaments. Ionad airson buill-airm a chur fo dheuchainn a chleachdar fon uisge.
RAON-LAIGHE RUNWAY A hard, level roadway or other surface from which aircraft take off and land. Rathad cruaidh rèidh no uachdar eile far an laigh no far an èirich carbadan-adhair.
RATHAD ROAD A way between different places, used by horses, travellers on foot and vehicles. Slighe eadar diofar àitichean air a bheil eich, luchd-coiseachd is carbadan a' siubhal.
RATHAD  CHÌSEAN TURNPIKE ROAD Non-preferred term for a road whose upkeep and repair was financed by the exaction of a toll. Use TOLL ROAD. Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar airson rathad a chaidh a ghlèidheadh 's a chàradh air airgead a thogadh slighe càin rathaid. Cleachd RATHAD-CÀINE.
RATHAD AIRM MILITARY ROAD A road constructed primarily for the rapid movement of military personnel, vehicles and equipment. Rathad a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte airson muinntir, carbadan is acainnean an airm a ghluasad gu luath.
RATHAD DÒIRNEAGACH COBBLED ROAD A road or street covered with small, rounded cobble stones. Rathad no sràid a tha còmhdaichte le clachan beaga cruinne.
RATHAD DRÒBHA DROVE ROAD A road or trackway specifically used by drovers or herders to drive their animals to market. Rathad no ceum a chaidh a chleachdadh gu sònraichte le dròbhairean no buachaillean 's iad ag iomain a' chruidh gu margaid.
RATHAD NAM MARBH CORPSE ROAD A road, used traditionally for the transportation of a corpse to a place of burial. Rathad a tha ga chleachdadh gu tradaiseanta gus corp a ghiùlan gu àite-tìodhlacaidh.
RATHAD RÒMANACH ROMAN ROAD A metalled road built by the Romans for the movement of military personnel and supplies. Rathad air a bheil uachdar deasaichte a chaidh a thogail leis na Ròmanaich gus muinntir agus goireasan an airm a ghluasad.
Rathad Sliabh nan Carraigean, Tursachan Moss Farm Road, Stone Circle
RATHAD-CHÌSEAN TOLL ROAD A road whose upkeep and repair was financed by the exaction of a toll. Rathad a chaidh a ghlèidheadh 's a chàradh air airgead a thogadh slighe càin rathaid.
RATHAD-IARAINN RÈILE RAILWAY A line or track consisting of iron or steel rails, on which passenger carriages or goods wagons are moved, usually by a locomotive engine. Traca a tha na rèilichean iarainn no stàilinn air a bheil  carbadan luchd-siubhail no bathair a' gluasad, mar is trice le einnsean-rèile gan tarraing.
RATHAD-MÒNA PEAT ROAD A track, traditionally used to transport cut peats. Ceum a chaidh a chleachdadh gu tradaiseanta gus na fàdan-mòine a ghiùlan.
RÈIDHLEAN GREEN An area of grass or parkland, especially at the centre of a village. Àite feurach no pàirc, gu h-àraidh am meadhan clachain.
RÈIDHLEAN BAILTEIL URBAN SPACE Areas of open ground used for recreation in towns and cities. Raointean fosgailte airson fois a ghabhail ann am bailtean is cathraichean.
RÈIDHLEAN-BOBHLAIDH BOWLING GREEN An area of closely mown lawn used for the game of bowls. Raon air a bheil feur goirid agus far a bheilear ri bobhladh.
RÈILE MHÈINNEARAN MINERAL RAILWAY A railway used specifically to transport coal and other minerals. Rathad-iarainn a tha gu sònraichte airson giùlan guail is chlachan-mèinneir eile.
RÈILEACHAN RAILINGS A fence or barrier made of metal or wooden rails. Feansa no bacadh de rèileachan meatailt no fiodha.
RÈILERATHAID WAGONWAY An early form of railway for the transportation of freight by wagons on rails on a road. Seòrsa tràth de rathad-iarainn airson bathar a ghiùlan air carbadan air rathad-iarainn air rathad.
RÈILE-THRAMAICHEAN TRAMWAY A track inlaid into a surface, on which tram cars run for the conveyance of passengers and/or goods and raw materials. Traca a chaidh a laighe ann an uachdar air a bheil tramaichean a' falbh 's iad a' gluasad luchd-siubhail agus/no bathar is bathar amh.
RÈILIG BURIAL ENCLOSURE A burial ground, often within a graveyard, enclosed by a wall, fence or hedge. Àite-tìodhlacaidh, gu math tric am broinn cille, mun a bheil balla, feansa no callaid.
RINC SPÈILIDH SKATING RINK A piece of ice or a floor, often within a building, used for skating. Pìos no ùrlar deighe, gu math tric am broinn togalaich, airson spèileadaireachd.
ROILEAR RATHAID ROAD ROLLER A large vehicle used to compact earth, gravel or cement to create a flat surface. Carbad mòr a dhùmhlaicheas ùir, grinneal no saimeant gus uachdar rèidh a chruthachadh.
ROILEAR-SMÙIDE STEAM ROLLER A road roller powered by steam and used to level surfaces. Còmhnardaiche rathaid a' thathar a' cleachdadh gus uachdar na talmhainn a dhèanamh rèidh 's e ag obair air cumhachd-smùide.
ROILIG CNÀMHAN NAM MARBH OSSUARY A container or storage place for the bones of the dead. Soitheach no stòras airson cnàmhan nam marbh.
ROTH-UISGE WATER WHEEL A device for tapping the energy of running or falling water by means of a set of paddles mounted around a wheel. Used as a source of power in watermills and water powered factories. Uidheam a ghlacas lùths srutha no uisge a thuiteas slighe pleadhagan a tha mun cuairt air roth. Ga chleachdadh mar mhàthair-chumhachd ann am muileannan-uisge agus factaraidhean a tha ag obair air cumhachd-uisge.
ROTUNDA ROTUNDA An isolated building, circular in plan, generally consisting of one apartment with a domed roof. Togalach aonaranach, air pàtran cearcallach, sa bheil aon àras le cuach-mhullach air mar is trice.
