
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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DAIRY TAIGH-BAINNE A building or group of buildings used for the making, processing, storing and selling of milk. Togalach no badan de thogalaichean airson gintinn, giullachd, stòradh is reic na bainne.
DAM DAMA A barrier of wood, masonry, concrete or earth, built across a river to create a reservoir of water for domestic and/or industrial usage. Bacadh fiodha, bhreigean, concrait no ùir a chaidh a thogail thairis air abhainn gus tasgadan uisge a chruthachadh mar uisge òil do dhaoine agus/no dhan ghnìomhachas.
DANCE STUDIO STIÙIDIO DANNSA A building or room used for the practice and study of dance. Togalach no seòmar airson eacarsaichean is ionnsachadh dannsa.
DATE STONE CLACH-DEIT A stone commemorating the date of a specific event. Clach a chomharraicheas ceann-là tachartais shònraichte.
DAY CENTRE IONAD-LATHA A non residential building providing recreational, social and other facilities, especially for the elderly and those with special needs. Togalach nach eil na àite-còmhnaidh a sholaireas goireasan sòisealta, cur-seachadan is rudan eile mar sin, gu sònraichte do sheann-daoine is feadhainn aig a bheil feumalachdan sònraichte.
DEANERY TAIGH-DEADHAIN The official residence of a dean. Àite-còmhnaidh oifigeach aig deadhan.
DECK ACCESS BLOCK BLOCA FHLATAICHEAN LE DEICEAN Block of flats incorporating broad, street-width balconies to give access to dwellings and connect to other blocks. Bloca fhlataichean aig a bheil gailearaidhean mòra cho leathann ri sràid air an ruigear na h-àitichean-còmhnaidh 's a cheanglas ri blocaichean eile.
DECONTAMINATION BUILDING TOGALACH DÌ-THRUAILLIDH A building used for the treatment of victims of chemical, gas or other forms of contamination. Togalach far am faigh daoine a dh'fhulaing stuthan ceimigeach, gas no rud mì-fhallain eile mar sin leigheasadh.
DECOY POND LINNE TÀLADH  EUN A pond or pool with arms covered with nets into which wild birds are lured and then caught. Linne no amar aig a bheil crainn air a bheil lìontan airson eòin fhiadhaich a thàladh ann 's a ghlacadh.
DECOY SITE LÀRACH TÀLADH  NÀMHAID An arrangement of lights and fires, designed to draw enemy fire away from a genuine target. Used during World War Two. Pàtran de sholais is teintean a thàlaidheas nàmhaid air falbh o thargaid cheart 's iad a' tilgeil urchraichean air. Chaidh an cleachdadh san Dàrna Chogadh Mhòr.
DEER  BUTT SGÀTHA A low barrier behind which people can conceal themselves to shoot deer. Bacadh ìseal far an tèid daoine am falach nuair a bhios iad a' sealg nam fiadh.
DEER DYKE GÀRRADH FHIADH A wall, designed to prevent deer from gaining access to cultivated  land. Balla a chaidh a thogail gus fèidh a chumail air falbh o thalamh àiteachais.
DEER LARDER TAIGH CLOSAICHEAN FHIADH A building providing cool conditions in which deer carcasses are hung to mature. Togalach fionnar far a bheilear a' crochadh fèidh mharbha airson 's gun abaich am feòil.
DEER PARK FRÌTH A large, enclosed area where deer are kept. Used for hunting in the medieval period but now largely ornamental. Lann mhòr fharsaing far an cumar fèidh. Chaidh a chleachdadh airson sealg sna meadhan-aoisean ach chan eilear a' sealg annta tuilleadh an-diugh.
DEER TRAP CADHA   A funnel shaped structure into which deer are driven in order to trap them. Structar a tha coltach ri fuineall a ruaigear fèidh ga ionnsaigh gus an glacadh.
DEFENCE OBSTRUCTION BACADH DÌONACHD Sites and structures, often unmanned, intended to impede or confuse enemy forces. Làraichean is structaran, gu math tric às aonais sgioba ann, a chuireas bacadh no breisleachadh air feachdan nàmhad.
DEFENSIVE PITS SLOCAN STOBAN BIORACH A system of pits, thought to have been concealed by vegetation and to have contained sharpened stakes, designed to obstruct the advance of enemy forces. Rian de shlocan a thathar dhen bheachd gun robh iad gam falach le planntrais 's le cipeanan biora ann gus bacadh a chur air nàmhaid a' tighinn dlùth.
DEGAUSSING STATION STÈISEAN DÌ-MHAGNAITEACHAIDH An installation where the magnetic signature of ships was lowered thereby making them less susceptible to magnetic mines. Ionad far an deach comas magnaiteach de shoithichean a lùghdachadh airson 's gum biodh e na b' fhasa dhaibh mèinnean magnaiteach a sheachnadh.
DELICATESSEN DELICATESSEN A shop that sells specialist food and drink products which are prepared and ready-to-serve. Bùth a reiceas biadh is deochannan ullamh sònraichte a tha deiseil ri ithe.
Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area Raon Mara Tèarainte Dearbhadh agus Rannsachadh
DENSE MEDIUM PLANT IONAD-DEALACHAIDH GUAIL A plant in which coal is treated by flotation. Coal is placed in a suspension of magnetite in water, which allows dirt to sink and coal to float to the surface for removal. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd gual le bhith ga chur air bhog. Thathar a' cur gual ann an speinsean de mhagnataid ann an uisge agus leigidh seo le sgudal tuiteam gun ghrunnd agus bidh an gual air fleòd air uachdar agus ga thoirt às.
DEPARTMENT STORE MÒR-BHÙTH A large shop supplying many kinds of goods from various departments. Bùth mòr a reiceas iomadh seòrsa de bhathar ann an diofar roinnean.
DEPOT DEPOT A centralised store or operating base, where the emphasis is on the distribution and movement of goods rather than on long-term storage. For storage only, use WAREHOUSE. For sites where vehicles are serviced and mainatined, use more specific term where known eg BUS DEPOT. Prìomh-ionad stòrais no obrachaidh a tha gu sònraichte a' dèiligeadh ri sgaoileadh is giùlan bathair seach stòras thairis air an ùine fhada. Airson àite a tha na stòras a-mhàin, cleachd TAIGH-BATHAIR. Airson àite far a bheilear a' seirbheiseadh 's a' càradh charbadan, cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air, m.e. BUS-LANN.
Dere St., Roman Road Sràid Dere, Rathad Ròmanach
DERRICK CRANN-TOGAIL A structure consisting of a vertical mast and a horizontal boom operated by cables on a separate engine or motor. Used for hoisting and moving heavy loads or objects. Structar sa bheil crann dìreach agus crann rèidh a thathar ag obrachadh air càballan 's a gheibh cumhachd o einnsean fa leth. Cleachdar seo gus luchdan no rudan troma a thogail 's a ghluasad.
Designating Clàradh
Deskford Church Eaglais Dheasgairt
DETACHED HOUSE TAIGH DEALAICHTE A free-standing house, not joined to another on either side. Taigh a sheasas leis fhèin 's nach eil balla ri balla ri taigh eile.
DEWPOND LÒN A shallow pond, often artificial, fed by the condensation of water from the air, occurring on high land which has no other adequate water supply. Linn eu-domhain, gu math tric tè fhuadain, a tha a' fàs air dealt às an adhair a gheibhear air talamh àrd far nach eil deagh mhàthair-uisge eile.
DIATOMITE DRYING SHED TAIGH-TIORMACHAIDH DIATOMAIT A building in which diatomite is dried after extraction. Togalach dar a bheilear a' tiormachadh diatomait an dèidh a dhùsgadh.
DIATOMITE WORKS FACTARAIDH DIATOMAIT A site where diatomite is extracted from the ground. Diatomite, a white or grey mineral soil formed from the skeletons and shells of microscopic organisms, is used in sound and heat insulation, fireproofing materials and explosives. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh diatomait às an talamh. Tha diatomite na mhèinnear geal no liath a chaidh a chruthachadh le cnàimhnich is sligean de bhithean beaga bìodach agus thathar gan cleachdadh ann an ionsulaideadh fuaime agus teasa, stuthan teine-dhìonach agus stuthan spreadhaidh.
DIESEL ENGINE WORKS FACTARAIDH EINNSEANAN DÌOSAIL A site where diesel engines are manufactured. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh einnseanan diesel.
DIORAMA DIORAMA A building in which a view is projected onto a wall by means of a lens. Togalach sa bheilear a' tilgeil sealladh air balla tro lionsa.
DIORITE QUARRY CUARAIDH DÌORAIT A site where diorite is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh dìorait.
DIRECTION ARROW SAIGHEAD-STIÙIRIDH Concrete marker to indicate direction of target to aircraft. Comharra concrait a chomharraicheas comhair na targaide do phlèanaichean.
Dirleton Castle Caisteal Dirleton
DISPERSAL BAY SEACHADAN PHLÈANAICHEAN An area of hardstanding for parking aircraft in a state of readiness, usually around the perimeter of an airfield. Àite-seasaimh airson plèana a phàirceadh ach am bi e deiseil ri chleachdadh, mar is trice mun cuairt air raon-adhair.
DISTANCE SLAB LEAC-FAID Roman inscribed stone recording the length of the section of the Antonine Wall built by different legions. Clach Ròmanach le sgrìobhadh oirre a chomharraicheas faid earrainn de Bhalla Antoninus a chaidh a thogail le diofar lèigiuin.
DISTILLERY TAIGH-STAILE A complex or works where spirits are made by distillation. Aitreabh no FACTARAIDH far a bheilear a' stailigeadh deoch-làidir.
DISTILLING SITE LÀRACH TAIGH-STAILE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the process of distilling. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri stailigeadh.
DITCH DRÈAN A long, narrow channel dug in the ground, used for irrigation or drainage, as a boundary or as part of a defensive barrier. Seanail fada caol san talamh a chleachdar airson uisgeachadh no traoghadh, mar chrìoch no mar phàirt de bhacadh dìonach.
DITCH (1) DÌG A long, narrow channel dug in the ground, used for irrigation or drainage, as a boundary or as part of a defensive barrier. Seanail fada caol san talamh a chleachdar airson uisgeachadh no traoghadh, mar chrìoch no mar phàirt de bhacadh dìonach.
DITCH DEFINED CURSUS CURSUS CUAIRTICHTE LE DÌG A long narrow rectilinear enclosure of Neolithic date defined by a ditch, sometimes with a central bank. Lann fhada chaol lìneach à Linn Ùr na Cloiche 's a dh'aithnichear air dìg, uaireannan le uchdan sa mheadhan.
DIVING PLATFORM ÙRLAR DÀIBHIDH An artificial platform situated either on the coast, river bank or edge of a swimming pool created for the purpose of recreational diving. Ùrlar fuadain air a' chladach, bruach aibhne no aig oir amar-snàimh a chaidh a thogail airson daoibhigeadh mar dhibhearsain.
DOCK DOCA An artificial area of open water, enclosed by masonry and fitted with dock gates in which ships can be repaired, loaded/unloaded or berthed. Linn fhosgailte fhuadain mun a bheil breigearachd no clachaireachd agus aig a bheil geataichean doca. Tha seo na acarsaid agus airson 's gun urrainnear longan a chàradh ann, na luchdan a thoirt uapa no luchdan a chur orra.
DOCK BASIN DOCA-TIONNDAIDH An enclosed area of water within a dock system, typically for turning (canting) ships and to be distinguished from enclosed docks used for loading and unloading. Uisgeadan iadhta a tha na phàirt de shiostam doca, mar is trice airson longan a thionndadh agus eadar-dhealaichte o dhocannan dùinte far a bheilear a' toirt bathar far longan no ga luchdadh orra.
DOCK GATE GEATA DOCA A gate used to seal the entrance to a dock to prevent water escaping from a wet dock or entering a dry dock. Geata a dhùineas an t-slighe a-steach do dhoca gus an t-uisge a chumail a-staigh ann an doca-fliuch no gus a chumail a-muigh o dhoca-tioram.
DOCKMASTERS OFFICE OIFIS MAIGHSTIR-CALA An administrative building used by the official in charge of a dock or harbour. Togalach rianachd a chleachdas oifigear a tha os cionn doca no cala.
DOCKYARD DOCA An enclosure in which ships are built and repaired, and all sorts of ships' stores are brought together. Lann far a bheilear a' togail 's a' càradh longan agus far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh diofar stòrasan nan long.
DOG RACING TRACK TRAG-RÈISIDH CHON A racing track, often within a permanent stadium, for racing dogs, usually greyhounds and whippets. Cuairt-rèisidh, gu tric am broinn stèideim bhuain, airson rèiseadh chon, mar is trice mìol-choin is whippets.
Dogton Stone Clach Dogton
DOLERITE QUARRY CUARAIDH DOLARAIT A site where dolerite is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh dolarait.
DOLPHIN LEUMADAIR-ACRACHAIDH A cluster of piles for mooring a vessel. Badan phoidhlichean airson soitheach acrachadh ann.
Dome Dòm
DONKEY WHEEL CUIBHLE ASAIL A treadwheel using a donkey as motive power. Usually found in association with wells. Cuibhle-choise a tha ga thionndadh le asal. Gheibhear seo còmhla ri tobraichean ma is trice.
Doon Hill An Dùn
Douglas, St Bride's Chapel Dùghlais, Caibeal Naomh Bhrìde
Doune Castle Caisteal an Dùin
DOVECOT TAIGH CHALMAN A house for doves and pigeons, with openings and provision inside for roosting and breeding. Taigh do chalmain sa bheil fosglaidhean agus spirisean is àitichean guir.
DOWER HOUSE TAIGH-DUBHAIRICHE   A small house, usually on the estate of a country house, forming part of a widow's dower and intended as her residence. Taigh beag, mar is trice air oighreachd taighe-dhùthcha, na phàirt de dhubhar banntraich is mar àite-còmhnaidh dhi.
DRAIN DRÈAN An artificial channel for draining liquids. Cladhan fuadain airson lionntan a thraoghadh air falbh.
DRAWBRIDGE (1) DROCHAID-THOGALACH A movable bridge lifted at one end by chains or ropes either to stop traffic passing over it or to let traffic pass under it. Drochaid ghluasadach as urrainnear togail air aon cheann le slabhraidhean no ròpannan airson 's nach tèid trafaig thairis tuilleadh no airson trafaig a leigeil seachad foidhpe.
Dredge Bridge Drochaid Omhaich
DRIFT MINE MÈINN DRIOFTAIDH A passage driven forward underground, generally on a downward slope following mineral strata, for the purposes of exploration for, and exploitation of, minerals. Toll a thathar a' cladhach fon talamh, mar is trice sìos agus a' leantainn breathan nam mèinnearan gus mèinnearan a shireadh 's a dhùsgadh.
DRILL HALL TALLA-DRILE A building or site used for the exercise and training of military personnel. Togalach no làrach airson eacarsaichean is trèanadh luchd-obrach an airm.
DRINKING FOUNTAIN FUARAN SRÙB A fountain used for the specific purpose of supplying drinking water. Fuaran a tha ann gu sònraichte airson uisge òil a sholar.
DRIVE SLIGHE A road/carriage way giving access from the main road to the house, stables. Rathad no slighe carbaid air an ruigear an taigh no na stàballan on rathad mhòr.
DROVE ROAD RATHAD DRÒBHA A road or trackway specifically used by drovers or herders to drive their animals to market. Rathad no ceum a chaidh a chleachdadh gu sònraichte le dròbhairean no buachaillean 's iad ag iomain a' chruidh gu margaid.
Druchtag Motte Druchtag Motte
Drumcoltran Tower Tùr Druim Cotaran
Drumtrodden Stones Clachan Dhruim Trodain
DRY DOCK DOCA-TIORAM A stone- or concrete-faced enclosure, with entrance closed by a floatable caisson or by gates, which can be pumped dry for inspection, maintenance or repair of hull or underwater fittings. Lann cloiche no concrait aig a bheil doras a thathar a' dùnadh le caisson air fleòd no geataichean agus a ghabhas a thraoghadh ach an urrainnear sligean longan no acainnean a tha fon loidhne-shnàimh a sgrùdadh, a ghlèidheadh no a chàradh.
DRY SKI SLOPE LEATHAD-SGITHIDH TIORAM An artificial surface on sloping ground used for skiing. Uachdar fuadain air talamh claon a chleachdar airson sgìtheadh.
Dryburgh Abbey Abaid Dryburgh
DRYING HOUSE TAIGH-TORMACHAIDH A building used to aid in the drying of goods, for example, by means of flowing air. Togalach a chuidicheas tiormachadh bathair, mar eisimpleir tro mheadhan sèideadh adhair.
DUCK BUTT PUNND THUNNAGAN A low barrier behind which people can conceal themselves to shoot ducks. Bacadh ìseal far an tèid daoine am falach nuair a bhios iad a' sealg nan tunnagan.
DUCKING POND LÒN TUMAIDH A pond used for the punishment, by ducking in water, of offenders. Linn a chaidh a chleachdadh gus ciontaich a pheanasachadh le bhith gan tumadh ann.
Duff House Taigh Duff
Duffus Castle Caisteal Dhubhais
Dullatur Duibhleitir
Dumbarton Castle Caisteal Dhùn Breatann
DUN DÙN A building or settlement enclosure with a thick drystone wall, generally circular or oval in plan, usually sited in an elevated position. Togalach no tuineachadh le gàrradh tiugh, mar is trice cruinn no ugh-chruthach agus air talamh àrd.
Dun Carloway Broch Dùn Chàrlabhaigh
Dun Troddann Broch Dùn Trodain
Dunadd Fort Dùn Ad
Dunbar Castle Caisteal Dhùn Bàrr
Dunchraigaig Cairn, Kilmartin Càrn Dhùn Chreagaig, Cill Mhàrtainn
Dundonald Castle Caisteal Dhùn Dòmhnaill
Dundrennan Abbey Abaid Dhùn Droighnean
Dunfallandy Stone Clach Dhùn Fallandaidh
DUNG PIT TOLL-INNEARACH A pit used for containing manure. Sloc far an cumar inneir.
Dunglas Collegiate Church Eaglais Cholaisteach an Dùin Ghlais
Dunstaffnage Castle Caisteal Dhùn Staidhinis
DWELLING ÀITE-CÒMHNAIDH A place of residence. Àite far a bheil daoine a' fuireach.
Dyce Symbol Stones Clachan Snaidhte Dheis
DYE AND PIGMENT SITE IONAD DHATHAN IS STUTHAN-DATH Buildings and sites used for the production of inorganic and organic dyes, pigments and paints. Togalaichean agus làraichean airson saothrachadh dathan organach agus neo-organach, stuthan-datha agus peantaichean.
DYE WORKS FACTARAIDH DATH A site used for the production of dyes. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh dathan.
DYKE GÀRRADH A drystone or turf wall forming a linear barrier. Gàrradh-cloiche no balla sgratha a tha na bhacadh dìreach.
