Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.
Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.
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English Term | Facal Gàidhlig | English Note | Nota Gàidhlig | Audio |
LABORATORY | DEUCHAINN-LANN | A group of buildings or rooms equipped with apparatus for scientific experiments or other research, testing and investigations. | Buidheann de thogalaichean no seòmraichean sa bheil acainnean airson deuchainnean saidheansail no rannsachadh, deuchainnean is sgrùdaidhean eile. | |
LABOUR EXCHANGE | TAIGH-MALAIRT OBRACH | An employment exchange for unemployed labourers, servicemen, etc. | Taigh-malairt fastaidh airson luchd-obrach gun obair, buill-sheirbheise is msaa. | |
LACE FACTORY | FACTARAIDH LIOS | A factory where lace is manufactured. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh lios. | |
LADE | LAD | An artificial channel carrying water from a stream or river to a water mill. | Cladhan fuadain a bheir uisge o shruth no abhainn gu muileann-uisge. | |
Ladies-in-waiting | Searbhant nam bean-uasail | |||
Laggangairn Stones | Na Leacan Gorma | |||
LAIRAGE | PUNND AISEAG-BHEATHAICHEAN | Accommodation for livestock, especially at docks, while awaiting transportation to market or abattoir. | Àite-fuirich do chrodh, gu sònraichte air docannan, gus an tèid an gluasad a dh'ionnsaigh margaid no taigh-spadaidh. | |
LAIRDS HOUSE | TAIGH-UACHDARAIN | A medium-sized domestic residence of a lesser landholder c.1560-c.1750, the earliest being of tower-house form, the later ones of symmetrical rectangular plan. | Taigh-còmhnaidh meadhanach mòr a bha aig uachdarain-fhearainn eadar 1560 is 1750 mu thuaiream. Bha iad nan taighean-tùir an toiseach ach chaidh an togail air plana ceart-cheàrnach is co-shìnte an uairsin. | |
LAIRDS HOUSE (1) | TAIGH AN UACHDARAIN | A medium-sized domestic residence of a lesser landholder c.1560-c.1750, the earliest being of tower-house form, the later ones of symmetrical rectangular plan. | Taigh-còmhnaidh meadhanach mòr a bha aig uachdarain-fhearainn eadar 1560 is 1750 mu thuaiream. Bha iad nan taighean-tùir an toiseach ach chaidh an togail air plana ceart-cheàrnach is co-shìnte an uairsin. | |
LAKE | LOCH | A large body of water surrounded by land. | Uisgeadan mòr a tha talamh ceithir timcheall mun cuairt air. | |
LAMBING PEN | CRÒ UAN | A small enclosure where ewes are kept at lambing time. | Lann bheag far an cumar na caoraich-uain aig àm breith nan uan. | |
LAMP POST | POST-LAMPA | A post, usually of iron or concrete, used to support a street lamp. | Post, mar is trice fear iarainn no concrait, a bheir taic do solas sràide. | |
LAMPHOUSE | TAIGH-LAMPAICHEAN | A building used for the storage and recharging of battery-powered miners lamps. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh 's ag ath-theairrdseadh bataraidhean lampaichean nam mèinnearan. | |
LAND USE SITE | LÀRACH CLEACHDADH-FEARAINN | Areas of land used primarily for agriculture. See also GARDENS, PARKS AND URBAN SPACES. | Talamh a thathar a' cleachdadh airson àiteachas mar is trice. Faic GÀRRAIDHEAN, PÀIRCICHEAN IS RÈIDHLEAN BAILTEIL. | |
LANDING POINT | CIDHE | A place where vessels can land passengers and goods. | Àite far an gabh luchd-siubhail is bathar a thìreachadh. | |
LANDING STAGE | CIDHE | A platform, sometimes floating, for the landing of passengers and goods from vessels. | Ùrlar, uaireannan fear air fleòd, airson tìreachadh luchd-siubhail is bathair o shoithichean. | |
LANDSCAPE | SEALLADH-TÌRE | An area of ground containing sites, structures and other evidence for human activity. | Pìos talmhainn air a bheil làraichean, structaran no fianais eile eil gnìomhachd mac an duine. | |
LARDER | LÒNACH | A store for keeping meat. Use specific term where known. | Stòras far an cumar feòil. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
LATRINE | TAIGH-BEAG | A small building or cell containing a toilet. | Togalach no cealla beag sa bheil taigh-beag. | |
Lauderdale Aisle, Haddington | Trannsa Lauderdale, Haddington | |||
LAUNDER | GUITEAR-UISGE | A trough or gutter for conveying water. It can be cut in the surface or formed of wood or other materials. | Amar no guitear a bheir uisge o àite gu àite. Faodaidh gun deach seach a ghearradh ann an uachdar no gun deach a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh no stuth eile. | |
LAUNDRY | TAIGH-NIGHEADAIREACHD | A room or building where clothing and other fabrics are washed, mangled, steamed and ironed. | Seòmar no togalach far a bheilear a' nighe, a' mìneachadh, a' ceò-theasachadh 's ag iarnaigeadh aodach is clòthan eile, | |
LAW COURT | CÙIRT-LAGHA | A place, hall or chamber in which justice is administered. | Àite, talla no seòmraichean far a chuirear ceartas an gnìomh. | |
LAZY BEDS | FEANNAGAN | Spade-dug cultivation ridges, often used for growing potatoes. | Claisean àiteachais a chaidh a chladhach le spaid, gu tric airson a' bhuntàta. | |
LEAD MINE | MÈINN LUAIDHE | A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of lead ores. | Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson clach-luaidhe a dhùsgadh. | |
LEAD SMELTER | LEAGHADAIR LUAIDHE | Equipment or structures used to separate metallic lead from its ores by the use of heat. | Acainnean no structaran air a bheil feum gus luaidhe mheatailteach a sgaradh o chlach-mhèinnir le bhith ga theasachadh. | |
LEAD SMELTING SITE | LÀRACH LEAGHADH LUAIDHE | A site where metallic lead is separated from its ores. | Làrach far a bheilear a' sgaradh luaidhe mheatailteach on chlach-mhèinnir aice. | |
LEAD WORKS | FACTARAIDH LUAIDHE | A factory used for the production of red lead used in glass manufacture, or white lead used as the pigment in white paint. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh luaidhe dhearg air a bheil feum ann an saothrachadh GLAINNE no luaidhe gheal airson peant geal a dhèanamh. | |
Leaderfoot Viaduct | Drochaid-rathaid Leaderfoot | |||
LEAT | LAD | |||
LEATHER DRYING SHED | SEADA TIORMACHADH LEATHAIR | A covered area used for the drying of animal hides. | Àite còmhdaichte far a bheilear a' tiormachadh bèin bheathaichean. | |
LEATHER FACTORY | FACTARAIDH LEATHAIR | A factory for the manufacture of leather goods, such as shoes, saddles, etc. Use TANNERY for the manufacture of leather. | Factaraidh a nì bathar leathair mar bhrògan, dìollaidean is msaa. Cleachd TAIGH-CARTAIDH LEATHAIR airson àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh an leathar fhèin. | |
LEATHER INDUSTRY SITE | IONAD GNÌOMHACHAS LEATHAIR | Buildings or sites used in the preparation, treatment and working of raw animal hide into leather products such as gloves or saddles etc. | Togalaichean no làraichean far a bheilear ag ullachadh, a' giullachd agus ag obrachadh seichean bheathaichean gus bathar leathair mar miotagan, dìollaidean is rudan mar sin a dhèanamh. | |
LEATHER WORKING SITE | LÀRACH OBAIR-LEATHAIR | A site used for the manufacture of leather products. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar leathair. | |
LECTURE THEATRE | TEATAIR-ÒRAID | A large room with fixed seating, designed for lectures. | Seòmar mòr le suidheachain shocraichte a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson òraidean. | |
LEET | LAD | |||
LEGAL OFFICE | OIFIS NEACH-LAGHA | A building housing the services of professionals with an expert knowledge of the law such as the offices of solicitors, barristers and lawyers. | Togalach far am faighear seirbheisean dhaoine a tha sàr-eòlach air an lagh, mar oifis luchd-lagha is bharrastairean. | |
LEGAL SITE | IONAD-LAGHA | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the enactment and enforcement of public law. | Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cur an sàs agus èigneachadh an lagha phoblaich. | |
LEGIONARY FORTRESS | GEARASTAN LÈIGIONACH | A large, fortified permanent military base built to house a Roman legion, generally defended by at least one rampart and ditch. | Bunait mhòr bhuan dhaingnichte an airm a chaidh a thogail airson lèigiun Ròmanach, mar is trice le ramapair is dìg ga dhìon. | |
LEISURE CENTRE | IONAD-CHUR-SEACHADAN | A building or complex providing sports and fitness facilities to the public. | Togalach no aitreabh a tha a' solar goireasan spòrs is eacarsaich dhan phoball. | |
LEMONADE FACTORY | FACTARAIDH LIOMANAID | A factory in which lemonade and similar sweetened aerated water drinks are made. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh liomanaid is deochannan uisgeach milis adharaichte eile. | |
LEPER COLONY | BAILE LOBHAR | Buildings used by a community of people with leprosy, living in isolation from nearby towns and villages. | Togalaichean a chaidh an cleachdadh le coimhearsnachd lobharan 's iad a' fuireach air falbh o na bailtean is clachain faisg orra. | |
LEPER HOSPITAL | OSPADAL LOBHAR | A hospital where people with leprosy are cared for. During the medieval period, this usually comprised a church and separate accommodation for lepers. | Ospadal far a bheilear a' gabhail cùram lobharan. Rè nam meadhan-aoisean, bhiodh seo a' gabhail a-steach eaglais agus àite-fuirich fa leth dha na lobharan. | |
LETTER BOX | BOGSA-LITRICHEAN | A box in which letters are deposited on delivery. | Bogsa dhan a chuirear litrichean nuair a thèid an lìbhrigeadh. | |
LEVEL CROSSING | CROIS-RÈILE FHOSGAILTE | A controlled point with warning lights and gates or barriers where a road crosses a railway line. | Àite stiùirichte le solais rabhaidh, geataichean no crann-bacaidh far a bheil rathad a' dol thairis air rathad-iarainn. | |
LIBRARY | LEABHARLANN | A building or space which houses a collection of literary documents or records, photographs, films or recordings kept for reference or borrowing. | Togalach no àite far a bheilear a' cumail cruinneachadh de sgrìobhainnean no clàran litreachais, dealbhan, filmichean no clàraidhean as urrainn do dhaoine coimhead orra airson fiosrachadh no a thoirt a-mach air iasad. | |
LIFEBOAT STATION | STÈISEAN BÀTA-TEASAIRGINN | A building designed to house a lifeboat, usually with a stone ramp to launch the boat into the sea. | Togalach a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson bàta-teasairginn, mar is trice le rampa cloiche gus am bàta a chur air bhog. | |
LIFT | LIOFT | A structure consisting of a box or platform for carrying goods or passengers from one level to another. Use specific term where known. | Structar a tha na bhogsa no ùrlar airson bathar no daoine a ghluasad o làr gu làr. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
LIFT BRIDGE | DROCHAID-THOGALACH | A bridge that incorporates a span that moves upwards vertically to provide a passageway for navigation. | Drochaid aig a bheil ruigheachd a tha a' dol dìreach an àirde gus slighe fhosgladh do luingeas. | |
LIFTING AND WINDING STRUCTURE | STRUCTAR ACAINN TOGAIL | Structures used for the lifting or hoisting of goods, machinery, vehicles, people and livestock. | Structaran a thathar a' cleachdadh airson bathar, innealan, carbadan, daoine is crodh a thogail. | |
LIGHT BULB FACTORY | FACTARAIDH BHOLGAN SOLAIS | A factory where light bulbs are made. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh bholgan solais. | |
LIGHT ENGINEERING WORKS | FACTARAIDH EINNSEANAIREACHD AOTROM | A group of buildings where consumer goods, such as small machines and electrical components, are manufactured. | Grunn thogalaichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar luchd-caitheimh mar innealan beaga is co-phàirtean dealain. | |
LIGHTHOUSE | TAIGH-SOLAIS | A tower or structure, with a powerful light or lights at the top, usually erected at an important or dangerous point on or near the sea-coast for the warning and guidance of mariners, but can also be erected inland for the guidance of travellers. | Tùr no structar le solas no solais chumhachdach air a mhullach, mar is trice ann an àite cudromach no cunnartach air a' chladach no faisg air, mar rabhadh is stiùireadh do luchd-seòlaidh ach gabhaidh a thogail am broinn na dùthcha cuideachd mar stiùireadh do luchd-siubhail. | |
LIGHTHOUSE CONSTRUCTION YARD | NULL | A facility where the components of lighthouses are built and assembled. | Ionad far a bheilear a' togail 's a' cur ri chèile co-phàirtean de thaighean-solais. | |
LIGHTHOUSE KEEPERS HOUSE | TAIGH NEACH TAIGH-SOLAIS | The residence of a lighthouse keeper. | Taigh-còmhnaidh fear an taigh-sholais. | |
LIGHTHOUSE SHORE STATION | STÈISEAN-CLADAICH TAIGH-SHOLAIS | Buildings and structures associated with a lighthouse, often including domestic accommodation. | Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri taigh-solais, gu math tric gabhaidh seo a-steach àite-fuirich. | |
LIME CLAMP | ÀTH-AOIL | A simple form of limekiln, in which limestone is burnt | Seòrsa de dh'àth-aoil shimplidh a thèid clach-aoil a losgadh ann. | |
LIME KILN | ÀTH-AOIL | A kiln in which lime is made by calcining limestone. | Àth sa bheilear a' dèanamh aol le bhith a' cailcineachadh clach-aoil. | |
LIME WORKS | FACTARAIDH AOIL | An industrial site where lime (calcium carbonate) is produced. | Làrach gnìomhachais far a bheilear a' dèanamh aol (carbonat cailceim). | |
LIMESTONE QUARRY | CUARAIDH CLACH-AOIL | A site where limestone is extracted. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-aoil. | |
Lincluden College | Colaiste Lincluden | |||
Lindsay Burial Aisle | Trannsa Tìodhlacaidh Lindsay | |||
LINEAR EARTHWORK | UCHDAN-LOIDHNEACH | A substantial bank and ditch forming a major boundary between two adjacent landholdings of prehistoric or later date. | Uchdan is dìg nach beag agus a tha nam prìomh-chrìoch eadar dà ghabhaltas-talmhainn ro-eachdraidheil no feadhainn nas òige na sin. | |
LINEAR FEATURE | FEART LOIDHNEACH | A straight or curved archaeological feature. Use specific term where known. | Feart àirc-eòlach dìreach no lùbach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
LINEN MILL | MUILEANN-ANAIRT | A mill where flax fibres were woven into linen cloth. | Muileann far a bheilear a' fighe lìon-aodach de theudagan lìn. | |
LINEN OR FLAX MANUFACTURING SITE | IONAD GIULLACHD LÌN | Sites and structures associated with the processing of flax. | Làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd lìn. | |
Linlithgow Palace | Lùchairt Ghlinn Iucha | |||
LINOLEUM FACTORY | FACTARAIDH LIONOILIUM | A factory where linoleum is manufactured. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh ola-lìn. | |
LINTEL | ÀRD-DORAS | A horizontal member spanning an opening and providing support to the wall above the opening. | Ball còmhnard a tha a' dol thairis air beàrn agus a' cur taic ris a' bhalla os cionn an fhosglaidh. | |
Listed Building | Togalach Clàraichte | |||
Listed Buildings | Togalaichean Clàraichte | |||
Listed Buildings Consent | Cead Thogalaichean Clàraichte | |||
Listing | Clàradh | |||
LITHIC SCATTER | SGAPADH IARMADAN- CLOICHE | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of lithic artefacts recovered from the surface, eg. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. Use particular types where appropriate. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) nithean cloiche a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. Cleachd seòrsachan sònraichte ma bhios sin iomchaidh. | |
LITHIC WORKING SITE | LÀRACH OBAIR CLOICHE | A site which has produced evidence of in situ working of stone for the manufacture of tools, weapons or other objects. Such sites will usually, but not always, be of prehistoric date. Use object material where known. | Làrach far an deach fianais a lorg gun robhar ag obair na cloiche ann gus innealan, buill-airm no rudan eile a dhèanamh. Buinidh làraichean mar seo ris na linntean ro-eachdraidheil mar is trice ach chan ann an-còmhnaidh. Cleachd stuth an oibseict ma tha fios air. | |
LIVERY STABLE | IONAD-STÀBLACHAIDH | A stable where horses are kept at livery, or are let out for hire. | Stàball far an cumar eich air lìbhre no far a bheilear gan toirt seachad air mhàl. | |
LIVESTOCK MARKET | IONAD-FÈILL BHEATHAICHEAN | A market where cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry are bought and sold. | Margaid far a bheilear a' reic 's a' ceannach crodh, mucan, caoraich is eunlaith. | |
Loanhead Stone Circle | Tursachan Loanhead | |||
LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICE | OIFIS RIAGHALTAS IONADAIL | A building which houses the administrative functions of a local authority. | Togalach sa bheilear ri obair rianachd ann an ùghdarras ionadail. | |
LOCH | LOCH | |||
Loch Doon Castle | Caisteal Loch Dùin | |||
Lochleven Castle | Caisteal Loch Lìobhann | |||
Lochmaben Castle | Caisteal Loch Mhabain | |||
Lochranza Castle | Loch Raonasa | |||
LOCK | LOC | A section of the water channel on a canal or river shut off above and below by lock gates provided with sluices to let the water out and in, and thus raise or lower boats from one level to another. Use more specific type where known. | Earrann de chanal no abhainn le tuil-dhoras aig a dà cheann sa bheil tuill gus uisge a leigeil aiste no gus uisge a chur innte, rud a bheir an àirde no a-bhàn bàta o ìre gu ìre. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
LOCK KEEPERS COTTAGE | TAIGH AN TUIL-DHORSAIR | The residence of a canal lock-keeper. | Taigh-còmhnaidh fear an tuil-dhorais. | |
LOCK UP | DAOR-THAIGH | A prison used for temporary detention. The typical village lock-up was a one-storeyed, one-celled building, sometimes of round or polygonal plan. | Prìosan far a bheilear a' cumail an greim daoine fad greis. Bhiodh glas-thaigh àbhaisteach ann am baile beag na thogalach le aon ùrlar agus aon chealla, uaireannan cruinn no ioma-cheàrnach. | |
LODGE | LOIDSE | A small building, often inhabited by a gatekeeper, gamekeeper or similar. Use specific type where known. | Togalach beag far a bheil glèidheadair-geata, geamair no duine mar sin a' fuireach. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
LODGING HOUSE | TAIGH-LOIDSIDH | Purpose built workers' accommodation comprising single rooms with communal eating and washing facilities. Usually for short stay accommodation only. | Taighean-còmhnaidh do luchd-obrach a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach agus sa bheil seòmraichean singilte le ionadan ithe is nighe a chleachdar còmhla. Cha chleachdar seo mar is trice ach fad ghreisean beaga. | |
LOGGIA | LOGGIA | A covered arcade, often attached to a building, open on one or more sides. | Arcàid le mullach air, gu math tric co-cheangailte ri togalach agus fosgailte air co-dhiù aon taobh. | |
LONG BARROW | BARPA FADA | A Neolithic funerary monument, consisting of a rectangular or trapezoidal earthen mound, often with flanking or encircling ditches. The mound usually covers a mortuary structure of varying construction. | Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh à linn ùr na cloiche. Tha seo na thom ùir ceart-cheàrnach no trapasoideach, gu tric le dìgean mun cuairt air no air an dà thaobh air. Bidh an tom seo os cionn marbh-lainn air choireigin mar is trice. | |
LONG CAIRN | BARPA FADA | A rectangular or trapezoidal non-megalithic stony mound of Neolithic date, with human remains in cists rather than a large chamber. Mound construction and associated features vary considerably in type and complexity. | Torr creagach ceart-cheàrnach no trapasoideach neo-mheagailiteach à Linn Ùr na Cloiche le iarsmaidhean daonna ann an cisteachan seach ann an seòmar mòr. Tha nàdar a thogail agus na structaran co-cheangailte ris gu math eadar-dhealaichte a thaobh seòrsa agus iom-fhillteachd. | |
LONG CIST | LEAC-CHISTE FHADA | A long rectangular cist, usually containing an extended inhumation burial. | Ciste fhada cheart-cheàrnach, mar is trice le tìodhlacadh sìnte na broinn. | |
LONG CIST CEMETERY | CLADH LEAC-CHISTEAN FADA | An early Christian site with a number of long cists containing extended inhumation burials. Burials are usually oriented E-W. | Làrach thràth Chrìostail sa bheil grunn chisteachan fada sa bheil tìodhlacaidhean dhaoine nan sìneadh. Chaidh an tìodhlacadh a' dol siar on ear. | |
LOOPHOLED WALL | BALLA THORAN | A wall or section of wall with apertures designed for the firing of weapons. | Balla no pìos balla sa bheil tuill a thilgear saighdean, urchraichean no airm eile tromhpa. | |
LORRY FACTORY | FACTARAIDH LÀRAIDHEAN | A factory used for the manufacture and assembly of lorries. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh 's a' cur ri chèile làraidhean. | |
LYCH GATE | GEATA NAM MARBH | A covered gateway at the entrance to a churchyard. | Geata le mullach far a bheilear a' dol a-steach do chill. | |
LYNCHET | BARRAID TREABHAIDH | A scarp or bank defining the upper and lower boundaries of a field. Formed as a result of the gradual downhill movement of soil loosened by ploughing. | Barraid no uchdan a tha a' comharrachadh crìochan achadh uachdarach is ìochdarach. Thàinig seo am bith mar thoradh air gluasad na h-ùire leis an leathad an cois treabhaidh. |