
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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LAD LADE An artificial channel carrying water from a stream or river to a water mill. Cladhan fuadain a bheir uisge o shruth no abhainn gu muileann-uisge.
LAG HOLLOW A concave area of ground, which may be of natural or artificial origin. Toll san talamh a tha ann gu nàdarra no ri linn gnìomhachd mac an duine.
LAG SOLL BAIT HOLE A small rock-cut hole used to store bait whilst fishing. Toll beag ann an creag far an cumar biathadh fhad 's a thathar ag iasgach.
LAGAN  CUARAIDH QUARRY SCOOP A shallow depression in the ground, caused by the small-scale quarrying of rock or other minerals. Lagan eu-domhain san talamh a nochd an cois dùsgadh beag de chlachan no mèinnearan ann.
LAIMRIG NAUST (1) A shelter for a boat. Fasgadh airson bàta.
LAIMRIG NOOST (1) Non-preferred term. Use NAUST. Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar. Cleachd TAIGH-BÀTA.
LAIMRIG NOUST (1) Non-preferred term. Use NAUST. Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar. Cleachd TAIGH-BÀTA.
LAIMRIG FLEÒDRAIDH SLIPWAY An inclined platform down which a ship or other vessel may be lowered into the water. Ùrlar claon airson long no soitheach eile a chur air bhog.
LANN CEARCALLACH RING ENCLOSURE A small circular enclosure defined by a turf or earthern bank. Lann bheag chearcallan a tha ga comharradh le uchdan sgratha no ùir.
LANN CRÌOCH-LÙBACH CURVILINEAR ENCLOSURE A monument consisting of an area of land enclosed by a ditch, bank, wall, palisade or similar barrier, where the boundary follows an irregular curving course. Cuimhneachan sa bheil pìos talmhainn mun a bheil dìg, uchdan, balla, sonnach no bacadh eile mar sin 's a crìoch a' leantainn cùrsa mì-riaghailteach.
LANN DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN RITUAL ENCLOSURE An enclosure which appears to have a ritual, rather than a defensive or domestic, function. Lann a chaidh a chleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan a-rèir coltais seach mar àite-còmhnaidh no dìon.
LÀRACH ROAD TRANSPORT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with road transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail rathaid.
LÀRACH SITE Unclassifiable archaeological remains with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible. Iarsmaidhean àrc-eòlach nach gabh a chur ann an roinn agus air a bheil glè bheag a dh'fhiosrachadh. Sònraich seòrsa na làraich ma ghabhas sin a dhèanamh.
LÀRACH PEDESTRIAN TRANSPORT SITE Sites and structures associated with pedestrian transport. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail luchd-coiseachd.
LÀRACH  EINNSEANAIREACHD ENGINEERING INDUSTRY SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the engineering industry. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ris a' ghnìomhachas einnseanaireachd.
LÀRACH  GNÌOMHACHAS CEIMIGEACH CHEMICAL INDUSTRY SITE Sites for the manufacture of chemical substances by controlled chemical reactions. Làraichean airson saothrachadh de stuthan ceimigeach slighe iom-obrachadh ceimigeach stiùirichte.
LÀRACH BATHAR CEIMIGEACH CHEMICAL PRODUCT SITE Sites where  chemical reactions are used in the manufacture of products. Làraichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar slighe iom-obrachaidhean ceimigeach.
LÀRACH BATHAR FIODHA WOOD PRODUCT SITE Manufacture and use of wood side products, i.e. unprocessed wood rather than processed timber. Saothrachadh is cleachdadh frith-bhathar fiodha, i.e. fiodh nach deach a ghiullachd seach fiodh a chaidh a ghiullachd.
LÀRACH BATHAR MEATAILT METAL PRODUCT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the manufacture of products from metals. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh bathair de mheatailtean.
LÀRACH BHAILIÙNAICHEAN-BACAIDH BARRAGE BALLOON SITE A site where a single large balloon was attached by wire cables to the ground to form an aerial obstruction to attacking enemy aircraft. Làrach far an robh bailiùn mòr ceangailte ris an talamh le càballan mar bhacadh san adhar an aghaidh carbadan-adhair an nàmhad.
LÀRACH BHREIGEACHAN BRICKFIELD A site where clay is both extracted and fired to produce bricks. Làrach far a bheilear a' tarraing criadh às an talamh agus ga losgadh nam breigean.
LÀRACH BLÀIR BATTLE SITE The area where a battle or skirmish is thought to have taken place. Àite far an robh blàr no streup ann am beachd nan eòlaichean.
LÀRACH BLEITH-TALMHAINN EROSION SITE A site which has been partially exposed through the process of erosion and is not, as yet, fully understood. Làrach a chaidh a leigeil ris an cois bleith na talmhainn agus nach eilear, aig an ìre-sa, a' tuigsinn buileach.
LÀRACH BRISEADH CHLACHAN STONE BREAKING SITE A stone, boulder or rock outcrop that has produced evidence of breaking, either for clearance or quarrying,indicated by drill holes, jumper holes or wedges. Clach, creag no loman far a bheil fianais brisidh airson dùsgadh cloiche no airson a thoirt air falbh 's aithnichear e air tuill drilidh, tuill-sgàinidh no gèinnean.
LÀRACH BUIDSEACHD WITCH ASSOCIATION A site linked historically to either the practice of witchcraft or to the execution of supposed witches. Làrach aig a bheil ceangal eachdraidheil ri buidseachd no ri toirt gu bàs bana-bhuidsich.
LÀRACH CHEIMIGEAN ÀITEACHAIS AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL SITE Buildings, sites and structures used for the production of chemicals used in agriculture, such as fertilizers and pesticides. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha gan cleachdadh gus stuthan ceimigeach a dhèanamh a thèid an cleachdadh ann an àiteachas, mar thodhar ceimigeach is puinnsean bhiastagan.
LÀRACH CHUNGAIDHEAN-LEIGHIS CEIMIGEACH PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMICAL SITE Sites used for the production of drugs and other medical products. Làraichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh cungaidhean-leighis is bathar meadaigeach eile.
LÀRACH CLADHACH CRÈADHA CLAY EXTRACTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the extraction of clay. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri buain criadha.
LÀRACH CLADHACH GAINMHICH IS GREABHAIL SAND AND GRAVEL EXTRACTION SITE Sites associated with the extraction from the ground of sand and gravel. Làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri dùsgadh gainmhich agus grinneal às an talamh.
LÀRACH CLADHACH MHÈINNIREAN MINERAL EXTRACTION SITE Sites where minerals are extracted from the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh mèinnearan às an talamh.
LÀRACH CLEACHDADH-FEARAINN LAND USE SITE Areas of land used primarily for agriculture. See also GARDENS, PARKS AND URBAN SPACES. Talamh a thathar a' cleachdadh airson àiteachas mar is trice. Faic GÀRRAIDHEAN, PÀIRCICHEAN IS RÈIDHLEAN BAILTEIL.
LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL AN AIRM MILITARY TRANSPORT SITE Sites and structures for the transport of military personnel, vehicles and armaments. Làraichean is structaran airson giùlan luchd-obrach, carbadan is buill-airm an airm.
LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL CANÀIL CANAL TRANSPORT SITE Buildings and structures associated with canal transport. Togalaichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail chanalan.
LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL- RÈILE RAILWAY TRANSPORT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with railway transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail rèile.
LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL THRAMAICHEAN TRAMWAY TRANSPORT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with tramway transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail thramaichean.
LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL UISGE WATER TRANSPORT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with water transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail uisge.
LÀRACH CUMHACHD-BEATHAICHEAN ANIMAL POWER SITE Buildings and structures associated with the use of animals to generate power. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn cumhachd le beathaichean.
LÀRACH DÈANAMH  ARMACHD ARMAMENT MANUFACTURING SITE A building or site used for the manufacture, assembly and testing of weapons, explosives and associated military hardware. Togalach no làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh 's a' cur fo dheuchainn buill-airm, stuthan-spreadhaidh agus bathar-cruaidh eile an airm.
LÀRACH DÈANAMH BATHAR COTAIN COTTON MANUFACTURING SITE Buildings and sites associated with the manufacture of cotton. Togalaichean agus làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh cotain.
LÀRACH DÈANAMH FÌONA 'S LEANN-UBHAIL WINE AND CIDERMAKING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of wine and cider. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh fìon is leann-ubhail.
LÀRACH DÈANAMH GUAL-FIODH CHARCOAL BURNING PLATFORM An area of flattened or compacted ground used for charcoal burning. Àite a chaidh a dhèanamh rèidh no a chaidh a dhùmhlachadh gus gual-fiodha a dhèanamh ann.
LÀRACH DÈANAMH RÒPA ROPE MANUFACTURING SITE Buildings and structures associated with the manufacture of rope. Togalaichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh ròpa.
LÀRACH DÈANAMH SÌODA SILK MANUFACTURING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the manufacture of silk. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh sìoda.
LÀRACH DEARBHADH ÀRC-EÒLAIS EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY SITE A site or monument built using experimental techniques to test hypotheses and interpretations of archaeological data. Làrach no cuimhneachan a chaidh a thogail air dòighean probhail airson diofar beachdan-bharail is mìneachaidhean air dàta àrc-eòlach a chur fo dheuchainn.
LÀRACH DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN RITUAL SITE A site used primarily for ritual, rather than domestic or industrial, purposes. Use specific term wherever possible. Làrach a thathar gu sònraichte a' cleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan seach adhbharan àbhaisteach no gnìomhachais. Cleachd briathar pongail ma tha fios air.
LÀRACH DÌON CATHARRA CIVIL DEFENCE SITE Sites and buildings used in the coordination of the defence of the civilian population during times of war. Could also be used during times of national emergency. Làraichean is togalaichean a chuirear gu feum gus dìon a' phobaill a stiùireadh rè cogaidh. Gabhaidh an cleachdadh cuideachd ma bhios èiginn nàiseanta ann.
LÀRACH DÌON-CLADAICH COASTAL DEFENCE SITE Sites, buildings and structures for the defence of the coastline from sea and air invasion. Làraichean, togalaichean is structaran a dhìonas an cladach o ionnsaigh mara no adhair.
LÀRACH FAIRE AIRM MILITARY OBSERVATION SITE Buildings, structures and sites for the detection of encroaching enemy forces. Togalaichean, structaran is làraichean leis am mothaichear do nàmhaid a' tighinn dlùth.
LÀRACH FÌNEADAIR SIÙCAIR SUGAR REFINERY A site where sugar cane and/or sugar beet is processed before being washed and dried to form sugar products including granulated, caster and icing sugars, syrups and treacles. Làrach far a bheilear ag ullachadh cuilc an t-siùcair agus/no biatas-siùcair mus tèid a nighe agus a thiormachadh gus bathar siùcair a dhèanamh dheth, mar siùcar gràinneach, siùcar castoir agus siùcar còmhdachaidh, siorap agus trèicil.
LÀRACH GIULLACHD BÌDH FOOD PROCESSING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the processing of foodstuffs. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd bìdh.
LÀRACH GIULLACHD BÌDH IS DIBHE FOOD AND DRINK PROCESSING SITE Terms included here are for small scale agricultural production. Tha na briathran an-seo a' buntainn ri àiteachas beag.
LÀRACH GIULLACHD FIODHA WOOD PROCESSING SITE Includes processing and manufacturing of all forms of wood. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach giullachd is saothrachadh de dh'fhiodh sam bith.
LÀRACH GIULLACHD FIODHRAICH TIMBER PROCESSING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the processing of timber. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd fiodha.
LÀRACH GIULLACHD MEATAILT METAL PROCESSING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the processing of non ferrous metal ores. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd clachan-mèinnir neo-iarainneach.
LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAIS INDUSTRIAL SITE An area or defined space believed to have been used for trades and/or manufacturing activity. Only use when evidence for more specific site type is lacking. Raon no àite a thathar dhen bheachd gun deach a chleachdadh le luchd-malairt agus/no luchd-saothrachaidh. Na cleachd seo ach mur eil seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ann.
LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAS AODAICH CLOTHING INDUSTRY SITE Buildings and sites associated with the manufacture of clothing. Togalaichean agus làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh aodaich.
LÀRACH GNIOMHACHAS CIÙIRD CRAFT INDUSTRY SITE Site of small scale industrial production, often involving hand work and craft skills. Làrach gnìomhachas a nì beagan bathair, gu math tric de làimh agus a' cleachdadh sgilean ceàrdach.
LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAS MÈINNEARACHD MINING INDUSTRY SITE Buildings and structures associated with the mining industry. Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ris a' ghnìomhachas mhèinnearachd.
LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAS STUTHAN-ÀODAICH TEXTILE INDUSTRY SITE Includes all stages of production processes of textiles, eg. Wool, cotton linen etc., and textile products. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach gach ceum de ghiullachd aodaich, m.e. clòimh, lìon cotain is msaa agus bathar aodaich.
LÀRACH GRÙDAIREACHD IS BRACHA BREWING AND MALTING SITE Buildings and structures associated with the process of brewing and malting. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri grùdaireachd is brachadh.
LÀRACH IASGAICH FISHING STAND A platform used by fishermen, often made of beach cobbles, and located on the foreshore. ùrlar a chleachdas iasgairean, gu math tric bidh seo air a dhèanamh de chlachan-càsaidh tràghad agus air an t-seal-mhara.
LÀRACH IOMAIRT-GHEALL GAMBLING SITE Buildings where gambling takes place. Togalaichean far a bheilear ri cearrachas.
LÀRACH LE DÌG MOATED SITE A site enclosed within a moat, normally rectangular on plan, and believed to be medieval in date. Làrach mun a bheil staing, mar is trice air plana ceart-cheàrnach agus daoine dhen bheachd gur ann às na meadhan-aoisean a tha e.
LÀRACH LEAGHADH LUAIDHE LEAD SMELTING SITE A site where metallic lead is separated from its ores. Làrach far a bheilear a' sgaradh luaidhe mheatailteach on chlach-mhèinnir aice.
LÀRACH LEAGHADH MEATAILT METAL SMELTING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the smelting of metals. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri leaghadh mheatailtean.
LÀRACH OBAIR CEILPE KELP WORKING SITE A site where kelp is processed. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd ceilp.
LÀRACH OBAIR CLACH-IARAINN IRONSTONE WORKINGS A site where iron ore is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-iarainn.
LÀRACH OBAIR CLOICHE STONE WORKING SITE A site where rough stone is processed, shaped worked or formed into finished products. Làrach far a bheilear a' giullachd, a' dealbhadh, ag obrachadh no a' cruthachadh na cloiche gharbh na bhathar ullamh.
LÀRACH OBAIR CLOICHE LITHIC WORKING SITE A site which has produced evidence of in situ working of stone for the manufacture of tools, weapons or other objects. Such sites will usually, but not always, be of prehistoric date. Use object material where known. Làrach far an deach fianais a lorg gun robhar ag obair na cloiche ann gus innealan, buill-airm no rudan eile a dhèanamh. Buinidh làraichean mar seo ris na linntean ro-eachdraidheil mar is trice ach chan ann an-còmhnaidh. Cleachd stuth an oibseict ma tha fios air.
LÀRACH OBAIR CRÈADHA CLAY WORKINGS A site where clay is extracted from the surface of the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh crèadh à uachdar na talmhainn.
LÀRACH OBAIR FINIC JET WORKING SITE A site where artefacts are manufactured from jet. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh ball-ceàird finiche.
LÀRACH OBAIR-IARAINN IRON WORKING SITE A site used for the production and/or working of metallic iron. Làrach a nì agus/no a nì obair air iarann meatailteach.
LÀRACH OBAIR-LEATHAIR LEATHER WORKING SITE A site used for the manufacture of leather products. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar leathair.
LÀRACH OBAIR-MÈINNE MINE WORKINGS An area of mining activity, where excavations have extracted ores, coal, salt or precious stones. Use specific MINE type where known eg LEAD MINE. Àite far a bheilear ri mèinnearachd, daoine a' dùsgadh clachan-mèinnir, gual, salann no seudan às an talamh. Cleachd MÈINN shònraichte ma tha fhios cò tè, m.e. MÈINN LUAIDHE.
LÀRACH OBAIR-ÒIR GOLD WORKINGS A place where gold ore is extracted, usually found by panning and located beside a stream or watercourse. Àite far a bheilear a' lorg clach-òir, mar is trice slighe panachaidh agus ri taobh srutha no uillt.
LÀRACH OBAIR-UMHA BRONZE WORKING SITE A site which has produced evidence of in situ working of bronze for the manufacture of tools, weapons, jewellery or other objects. Such sites will usually, but not always, be of prehistoric date. Làrach far an deach fianais a lorg gun robhar ag obair umha ann gus innealan, buill-airm, seudraidh no rudan eile a dhèanamh. Buinidh làraichean mar seo ris na linntean ro-eachdraidheil mar is trice ach chan ann an-còmhnaidh.
LÀRACH POST RÌOGHAIL POSTAL SYSTEM STRUCTURE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the collection, distribution, sending and reception of mail. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cruinneachadh, sgaoileadh, cur is faighinn puist.
LÀRACH RAON-ADHAIR AN AIRM MILITARY AIRFIELD SITE Buildings, structures and sites directly associated with the operation of military airfields. Togalaichean, structaran is làraichean aig a bheil ceangal dìreach ri obrachadh raointean-adhair an airm.
LÀRACH RÈIDEAR RADAR SITE A mobile radar unit used to provide local gun batteries with information on the range and height of aircraft and ships. Aonad rèideir so-ghiùlain a bheir fiosrachadh do bhataraidhean ghunnaichean ionadail air rainse is àirde phlèanaichean is longan.
LÀRACH SEARMONACHAIDH PREACHING SITE An open air structure, enclosure or natural feature used as a place of worship. Structar, lann no àite nàdarra a tha ris na speuran 's a thathar a' cleachdadh mar àite-adhraidh.
LÀRACH SHONNACH PALISADED ENCLOSURE An enclosure defined by one or more rows of closely-spaced vertical timbers embedded in a narrow foundation trench. Lann mun a bheil co-dhiù aon sreath de phuist fhiodha faisg air a chèile 's nan seasamh ann an dìg bunait chaol.
LÀRACH SOLAR UISGE WATER SUPPLY SITE Site and structures associated with the supply of clean water. Làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri solar uisge ghlain.
LÀRACH SPÒRS SPORTS SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with sporting activities. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le spòrs.
LÀRACH SPÒRSAN-RÈISIDH RACING SPORTS SITE A building, site or structure associated with various racing sports. Togalach, làrach no structar a tha co-cheangailte ri diofar spòrsachan rèisidh.
LÀRACH STÒRADH UISGE WATER STORAGE SITE Sites and structures associated with the storage of water and waste water. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri stòradh uisge agus uisge sgudail.
LÀRACH TAIGH-STAILE DISTILLING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the process of distilling. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri stailigeadh.
LÀRACH TÀLADH  NÀMHAID DECOY SITE An arrangement of lights and fires, designed to draw enemy fire away from a genuine target. Used during World War Two. Pàtran de sholais is teintean a thàlaidheas nàmhaid air falbh o thargaid cheart 's iad a' tilgeil urchraichean air. Chaidh an cleachdadh san Dàrna Chogadh Mhòr.
LÀRACH THURSACHAN STONE SETTING An arrangement of two or more standing stones. Use specific term where known. Pàtran aig a bheil co-dhiù dà thursa. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LÀRACH TOGAIL BHÀTAICHEAN MARINE CONSTRUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the construction and repair of ships and boats. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail is càraidh longan is bhàtaichean.
LÀRACH TÒRRAIDH FUNERARY SITE Site types normally or frequently associated with burials which in some instances may have had solely religious or ritual functions. Làraichean a thathar dhen bheachd gun robh ceangal aca ri tìodhlacadh mar is àbhaist no gu tric agus uaireannan gur e cleachdadh cràbhach no deas-ghnàthach an aon chleachdadh a bha annta.
LÀRACH TRÈANAIDH AN AIRM MILITARY TRAINING SITE Buildings, structures and sites for the training of military personnel. Togalaichean, structaran agus làraichean airson trèanadh luchd-obrach an airm.
LÀRACH TUINEACHAIDH OCCUPATION SITE A site showing some signs of occupation but evidence is insufficient to imply permanent settlement. Làrach far a bheil fianais gun robh daoine a' fuireach ann ach gun chinnt gun robh iad a' fuireach ann gu buan.
LÀRACH ULLACHADH STUTHAN-AODAICH TEXTILE FINISHING SITE Includes bleaching, dressing, dyeing and printing. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach gealachadh, cur an treisginn, dathadh is clò-bhualadh.
LÀRACH-DÈANAIMH GLAINNE GLASSMAKING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of glass. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh glainne.
LÀRACH-DEUCHAINN ARMACHD WEAPONS TESTING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the demonstration and testing of weapons and military equipment. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri taisbeanadh is deuchainnean bhall-airm is acainnean an airm.
LÀRACH-LAIGHE HEILEACOPTAIR HELICOPTER LANDING PLATFORM An artificial, sometimes temporary, platform on which helicopters can take off and land. Ùrlar fuadain (nach bi ann ach greis uaireannan) far an urrainn dha heileacoptairean laighe 's èirigh.
LÀRACH-SIOGNALAIDH AIRM MILITARY SIGNALLING SITE Buildings and structures used for sending and receiving signals. Togalach agus structaran a chleachdar airson siognailean a chur 's fhaighinn.
LÀRACH-TAISBEANAIDH EXHIBITION SITE A site used as a temporary exhibition ground e.g. Glasgow Garden Festival, Empire Exhibition. Làrach a chleachdar mar ionad taisbeanaidh sealach, m.e. Fèill nan Gàrraidhean an Glaschu, Taisbeanadh na h-Impire.
LÀRACH-TUINEACHAIDH STACA STACK SITE A site with evidence of human use or occupation located on a sea stack. Use with specific term where known. Làrach far a bheil fianais gun deach a chleachdadh le daoine no gun robh daoine a' fuireach air stac-mara. Cleachd le briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LEABHARLANN LIBRARY A building or space which houses a collection of literary documents or records, photographs, films or recordings kept for reference or borrowing. Togalach no àite far a bheilear a' cumail cruinneachadh de sgrìobhainnean no clàran litreachais, dealbhan, filmichean no clàraidhean as urrainn do dhaoine coimhead orra airson fiosrachadh no a thoirt a-mach air iasad.
LEAC ALTARACH ALTAR SLAB A stone slab forming the horizontal surface of an altar. Leac cloiche a tha na sìneadh rèidh air altair.
LEAC CROISE CROSS SLAB A slab of stone, either standing or recumbent, inscribed with a cross. Usually found in association with burials. If Pictish symbols are included, index as PICTISH SYMBOL STONE as well. Leac cloiche, na seasamh no na laighe, air an deach crois a sgrìobadh. Gheibhear seo ann an co-cheangal ri tìodhlacadh mar is trice. Ma tha comharran Cruithneach ann cuideachd, cuir LEAC SHNAIDHTE CHRUITHNEACH air a' chlàr-amais cuideachd.
LEAC TEINTEIN HEARTH A slab, structure or place on which fires are made. Leac, structar no àite a nithear teine orra.
LEAC-CHISTE FHADA LONG CIST A long rectangular cist, usually containing an extended inhumation burial. Ciste fhada cheart-cheàrnach, mar is trice le tìodhlacadh sìnte na broinn.
LEAC-CHISTE GHOIRID SHORT CIST A short rectangular or square cist. May contain a crouched inhumation burial or a cremation. Ciste ghoirid ceart-cheàrnach no ceàrnagach. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi tìodhlacadh crùbanach na bhroinn no tìodhlacadh losgaidh.
LEAC-CHISTE SHNAIGHTE SARCOPHAGUS A stone coffin embellished with sculpture. Ciste cloiche a chaidh a shnaidheadh air an taobh a-muigh.
LEAC-CHISTEAN CIST Generally rectangular structure normally used for burial purposes; formed from stone slabs set on edge and covered by one or more horizontal slabs or capstones. Cists may be built on the surface or sunk into the ground. Structar a bhios ceart-cheàrnach a ghnàth 's a chaidh a chleachdadh airson tìodhlacadh mar is trice; leacan a chaidh a sheasamh air oir agus co-dhiù aon leac chòmhnard no clach-mhullaich os an cionn. Dh'fhaoidte gun deach na cisteanan a thogail air an uachdar no san talamh.
Leac-chroise Easaidh Eassie Cross Slab
LEAC-FAID DISTANCE SLAB Roman inscribed stone recording the length of the section of the Antonine Wall built by different legions. Clach Ròmanach le sgrìobhadh oirre a chomharraicheas faid earrainn de Bhalla Antoninus a chaidh a thogail le diofar lèigiuin.
LEAC-UAIGHE GRAVE SLAB A stone used to cover a grave. Clach a chaidh a chleachdadh gus uaigh a chòmhdachadh.
LEAGHADAIR ALUIMINIUM ALUMINIUM SMELTER An industrial plant producing metallic aluminium through the process of electrolysis. Factaraidh a tha a' dèanamh alman meatailteach slighe leactroilisis.
LEAGHADAIR LUAIDHE LEAD SMELTER Equipment or structures used to separate metallic lead from its ores by the use of heat. Acainnean no structaran air a bheil feum gus luaidhe mheatailteach a sgaradh o chlach-mhèinnir le bhith ga theasachadh.
LÈANAG-UISGICHTE WATER MEADOW Grassland fertilized by allowing floodwater to cover it in winter. Àite feurach a thèid a mhathachadh le tuil a leigear air tron gheamhradh.
LEAS-GHEARASTAN FORT ANNEXE A small enclosure built onto the perimeter of a ROMAN FORT or LEGIONARY FORTRESS. Lann bheag a chaidh a thogail faisg air GEARASTAN RÒMANACH no GEARASTAN LÈIGIUNACH.
LEASLANN ANNEXE ENCLOSURE A subsidiary enclosure externally attached to an enclosure of known or unknown date and function. The annexe is generally smaller than, and secondary to, the main enclosure. Use more specific site type where known. Do not use for Roman military sites. Fo-lann a tha co-cheangailte ri taobh a-muigh lainn eile 's fios (no gun fhios) cuin a chaidh a thogail 's dè feum a bha ann. Bidh am for-ràth nas lugha agus chan esan am prìomh-rath mar is trice. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ma tha fios cò tè. Na cleachd airson làraichean arm nan Ròmanach.
LEATHAD-SGITHIDH TIORAM DRY SKI SLOPE An artificial surface on sloping ground used for skiing. Uachdar fuadain air talamh claon a chleachdar airson sgìtheadh.
LEUMADAIR-ACRACHAIDH DOLPHIN A cluster of piles for mooring a vessel. Badan phoidhlichean airson soitheach acrachadh ann.
LIGEADH SLUICE An artificial passage for water, fitted with a valve or gate for stopping or regulating the flow. Slighe fhuadain do dh'uisge le doras no geata leis an gabh sruthadh an uisge a stad no rian a chumail air.
Linne Chluaidh Firth of Clyde
Linne Fhoirthe Firth of Forth
LINNE TÀLADH  EUN DECOY POND A pond or pool with arms covered with nets into which wild birds are lured and then caught. Linne no amar aig a bheil crainn air a bheil lìontan airson eòin fhiadhaich a thàladh ann 's a ghlacadh.
LIOFT LIFT A structure consisting of a box or platform for carrying goods or passengers from one level to another. Use specific term where known. Structar a tha na bhogsa no ùrlar airson bathar no daoine a ghluasad o làr gu làr. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LIOS CHRAOBHAN-MEASAN ORCHARD An enclosure used for the cultivation of fruit trees. Gort far a bheilear a' fàs craobhan mheasan.
LIOS-ÀRAICH NURSERY GARDEN A horticultural site where trees, shrubs and plants are grown for sale and transplanting elsewhere. Lios far a bheilear a' fàs preasan is lusan eile gus an reic no gus an cur am badeigin eile.
LOBHTA-FHEÒIR HAYLOFT A loft used to store hay, usually situated over a stable or barn. Lobht far an cumar feur tioram, mar is trice os cionn stàball no sabhal.
LOC LOCK A section of the water channel on a canal or river shut off above and below by lock gates provided with sluices to let the water out and in, and thus raise or lower boats from one level to another. Use more specific type where known. Earrann de chanal no abhainn le tuil-dhoras aig a dà cheann sa bheil tuill gus uisge a leigeil aiste no gus uisge a chur innte, rud a bheir an àirde no a-bhàn bàta o ìre gu ìre. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LOC BEUL-MARA SEA LOCK An entrance chamber from tidal water to a canal or river basin, with gates at each end and a means of raising or lowering the water level. Amar air an t-slighe a-steach on t-sàl gu canal no abhainn, le geata aig gach ceann agus gleus air choireigin a lùghdaicheas no a dh'àrdaicheas ìre an uisge.
LOCH LAKE A large body of water surrounded by land. Uisgeadan mòr a tha talamh ceithir timcheall mun cuairt air.
LOCH A MHUILINN MILL POND The area of water retained behind a mill dam for driving a mill. An t-uisge a tha ga chumail air cùlaibh dama muilinn gus muileann obrachadh.
Loch Raonasa Lochranza Castle
LOCH SGEADACHAIDH ORNAMENTAL LAKE An artificial lake, often made by damming a stream. A common feature of landscape parks. Loch fuadain, gu math tric fear a nochd an cois damadh uillt. Tha seo cumanta ann am pàircichean dreach-tìre.
LOGGIA LOGGIA A covered arcade, often attached to a building, open on one or more sides. Arcàid le mullach air, gu math tric co-cheangailte ri togalach agus fosgailte air co-dhiù aon taobh.
LOIDHNE-PHÌOBAN PIPELINE A conduit or pipes, used primarily for conveying petroleum from oil wells to a refinery, or for supplying water to a town or district, etc. Seòl-phìob no pìoban mar is trice airson peatrol a ghluasad o na tobraichean ola gu fìneadair-ola no airson uisge a ghiùlan gu baile no sgìre is msaa.
LOIDSE LODGE A small building, often inhabited by a gatekeeper, gamekeeper or similar. Use specific type where known. Togalach beag far a bheil glèidheadair-geata, geamair no duine mar sin a' fuireach. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
Loidse Watling Watling Lodge
LOIDSE-GÀIRNEALAIR GARDENERS LODGE A building for the use and accommodation of gardeners. Usually set in the grounds of a large house or estate. Togalach a chleachdas gàirnealairean agus a bhios na àite-còmhnaidh dhaibh. Mar is trice ann an crìochan taighe mhòir no oighreachd.
LOIDSE-GEATA GATE LODGE A building located at the gateway or entrance to an estate, park or other enclosed area of land. Togalach aig geata no doras oighreachd, pàirce no pìos talmhainn iadhta eile.
LOIDSE-IASGAICH FISHING LODGE A building used by fishing parties, often located on an estate. Togalach a tha ga chleachdadh le buidhnean iasgaich, mar is trice air oighreachd.
LOIDSE-SEILG HUNTING LODGE A building set on an estate or in a royal forest, used as short-term accommodation for hunting parties or to view a hunt in progress. Togalach air oighreachd no ann an coill rìoghail a bhios buidhnean seilg ga chleachdadh gu goirid mar àite-fuirich no airson coimhead air daoine a tha ri sealg.
LÒN POOL A small body of water or widened section of a watercourse, either natural or artificially created. Use specific term where known. Uisgeadan no àite far an deach sruth a leudachadh. Faodaidh seo a bhith na rud nàdarra no fuadain. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LÒN POND A body of still water often artificially formed for a specific purpose. Use specific type where known. Uisgeadan sèimh; chaidh a chruthachadh gu math tric airson adhbhar sònraichte. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LÒN DEWPOND A shallow pond, often artificial, fed by the condensation of water from the air, occurring on high land which has no other adequate water supply. Linn eu-domhain, gu math tric tè fhuadain, a tha a' fàs air dealt às an adhair a gheibhear air talamh àrd far nach eil deagh mhàthair-uisge eile.
LÒN BOGADH LÌN RETTING POND A small natural or artificial body of water used for the prolonged soaking of flax straw, in order to soften the woody tissue and enable the fibres to be separated. Uisgeadan beag nàdarra no fuadain sa bheilear a' bogadh cuiseagan lìn gus a' phàirt fhiodhach dheth a dhèanamh nas buige airson 's gun gabh na teudagan a sgaradh.
LÒN CROLAIDH CURLING POND A purpose-built pond, used when frozen for the game of curling. Linn a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach 's a chleachdar air crolaidh nuair a bhios e reòthte.
LÒN FIODHA TIMBER POND Pond for storing cut lengths of timber to prevent them becoming seasoned. Linn sa bheilear a' stòradh pìosan fiodha gearrte airson 's nach tiormaich iad.
LÒN SGEADACHAIDH ORNAMENTAL POND A small artificial pond of water often found in parks and gardens, for decorative purposes. Linne bheag fhuadain de dh'uisge a gheibhear gu tric ann am pàircichean agus gàrraidhean mar sgeadachadh.
LÒN SÌOLAIDH SETTLING POND A pond where suspended fine particles are allowed to sink to the bottom, forming a sediment. Linn far a bheil cothrom aig mìrean beaga ann an uisge tuiteam gun ghrunnd 's a' dol nan grùid ann.
LÒN TUMAIDH DUCKING POND A pond used for the punishment, by ducking in water, of offenders. Linn a chaidh a chleachdadh gus ciontaich a pheanasachadh le bhith gan tumadh ann.
LÒNACH LARDER A store for keeping meat. Use specific term where known. Stòras far an cumar feòil. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
LÒNACH SITHINN GAME LARDER A small building where game is hung and kept cool. Togalach beag fionnar far a bheilear a' crochadh sitheann.
LÒN-ÈISG FISHPOND A pond used for the rearing, breeding, sorting and storing of fish. Poll far a bheilear ag àrach, a' briodadh, a' seòrsachadh agus a' stòradh iasg.
LORG-COISE FOOTPRINT The mark or outline of a human footprint visible on stone or rock outcrop. Lorg no oir-loidhne cas mac an duine air clach no loman creagach.
LORG-RAINNSE THARGAIDEAN TRACKED TARGET RANGE A site where anti aircraft guns and artillery are fired at a moving target propelled along a narrow gauge track. Làrach far a bheilear a' losgadh gunnaichean an aghaidh phlèanaichean agus gunnaichean-mòra air targaidean a tha a' gluasad a-rèir traca gèidse chaol.
LOSGADAIR INCINERATOR An apparatus used to dispose of refuse by burning. Innealradh a chleachdar gus sgadal a losgadh ann.
LOSGADAIR SGUDAIL REFUSE DESTRUCTOR A facility where refuse is burnt, sometimes producing heat for power generation. Ionad far a bheilear a' losgadh sgudal is cleachdar an teas a thig às uaireannan gus cumhachd a ghintinn.
LOT ALLOTMENT A share or portion of land, allotted to a person, often used for growing, vegetables, fruit, etc. Roinn no pìos talmhainn a chaidh a shònrachadh do chuideigin, gu tric airson lusan, measan is rudan mar sin a chur ann.
LÙCHAIRT PALACE A building used as the official residence of royalty or of a high-ranking religious leader such as an Archbishop. Often large and richly furnished. Togalach a tha na àite-còmhnaidh oifigeach aig rìgh no neach-eaglais àrd-inbheach, can àrd-easbaig. Mòr agus air a sàr-sgeadachadh gu tric.
Lùchairt Chuileann-Rois Culross Palace
LÙCHAIRT EASBAIG BISHOPS PALACE The ecclesiastical residence of the governor of diocese. Àite-còmhnaidh oifigeach aig riaghlair na sgìre-easbaig.
Lùchairt Falkland Falkland Palace
Lùchairt Ghlinn Iucha Linlithgow Palace
LÙCHAIRT RÌOGHAIL ROYAL PALACE A large, luxuriously appointed house used as an official residence by a member of royalty. Togalach mòr is air a shàr-sgeadachadh a tha ga chleachdadh mar àite-còmhnaidh oifigeach le ball de theaghlach rìoghail.
Lùchairt Spiathanaidh Spynie Palace
Lùchairt Taigh an Ròid Holyrood Palace
Luchd nan cearc poulterers
