
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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OASTHOUSE TAIGH NAN OB A building for the storage and drying of hops, often including a hop drying kiln. Usually built as part of a farm. Togalach airson stòradh is tiormachadh oban, gu math tric le àth-thìoraidh oban. A ghnàth na phàirt de thuathanas.
OBELISK OBEILEASG A stone pillar, square or rectangular in cross section, with a pyramidal top. Used as a public, funerary or garden monument. Carragh cloiche a tha ceàrnagach no ceart-cheàrnach air a roinn-tarsainn le ceann biorramaideach. Ga chleachdadh mar chuimhneachan poblach, tìodhlacaidh no gàrraidh.
OBSERVATION POST IONAD-FAIRE A building or site for watching specific military activities or the movement of enemy forces, etc. Togalach no làrach airson sùil a chumail air gnìomhachdan sònraichte an airm no gluasad feachdan nàmhad is msaa.
OBSERVATORY AMHARCLANN SPEURA A building containing celestial telescopes in which astronomical or meteorological phenomena may be observed. Togalach sa bheil prosbaigean speura a bheir comas do dhaoine coimhead air rudan sna speuran no air an aimsir.
OCCUPATION SITE LÀRACH TUINEACHAIDH A site showing some signs of occupation but evidence is insufficient to imply permanent settlement. Làrach far a bheil fianais gun robh daoine a' fuireach ann ach gun chinnt gun robh iad a' fuireach ann gu buan.
OCHRE MINE MÈINN DEARG-CHRÈADHA A site where iron oxide and iron sulphate is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh ogsaid iarainn agus sulfaid iarainn.
OFF LICENCE BÙTH-DIBHE A shop authorised to sell alcoholic beverages to be consumed off the premises. Bùth aig a bheil cead deoch-làidir a reic a thèid òl air an fhàrdach fhèin.
OFFERTORY HOUSE TAIGH CUNNTADH NAN DÈIRCEAN A building used by church elders to collect and count the alms donated by the congregation. Togalach far a bheil èildearan na h-eaglaise a' cruinneachadh 's a' cunntadh dèircean a' cho-thionail.
OFFICE OIFIS A building or room where business, administrative or professional activities are conducted. Use specific type where known. Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear ri gnothachas, rianachd no obair phroifeiseanta. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
OFFICERS QUARTERS TOGALACH-CÒMHNAIDH OIFIGEARAN A building where military officers are accommodated. Togalach far a bheil àitichean-fuirich do dh'oifigearan an airm.
OGHAM INSCRIBED ROCK CLACH OGHAM A rock outcrop bearing an inscription in the Ogham alphabet, in which letters are represented by lines or notches along an edge or angle. Loman creagach air a bheil rudeigin sgrìobhte ann an Ogham, aibidil aig a bheil litrichean a tha nan loidhnichean no eagan a-rèir oir no ceàrn.
OGHAM INSCRIBED STONE CLACH OGHAM A stone bearing an inscription in the Ogham alphabet, in which letters are represented by lines or notches along an edge or angle. Clach air a bheil rudeigin sgrìobhte ann an Ogham, aibidil aig a bheil litrichean a tha nan loidhnichean no eagan a-rèir oir no ceàrn.
OIL DRILLING PLATFORM CRANN-OLA A large platform with drilling equipment and ancillary structures and buildings, used in exploration for oil. Ùrlar mòr le acainnean drilidh agus co-structaran is togalaichean a chleachdar nuair a thathar a' sireadh ola.
OIL MILL MUILEANN-OLA A factory where fruit and seed oil is produced by an oil press. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' tarraing ola à measan is sìl le inneal-fàsgaidh.
OIL PIPELINE TERMINAL TÈIRMINEAL PÌOB-OLA A site where crude oil is stored prior to distribution. Àite far a bheilear a' stòradh ola amh mus tèid a ghluasad a dh'àitichean eile.
OIL REFINERY FÌNEADAIR-OLA A works where crude oil is distilled into its fractions or cuts. Àite far a bheilear a' tarraing a chuid co-phàirtean à ola amh.
OIL RIG CRANN-OLA A supporting structure for drilling machinery used in the extraction of or prospecting for mineral oils. Structar a chumas taic ri innealan drilidh a chleachdar gus olaichean mèinnireach a lorg no a tharraing às an talmhainn.
OIL RIG CONSTRUCTION YARD GÀRRADH-TOGAIL CHRANN-OLA Buildings and structures associated with the construction of oil rigs. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail nan crann-ola.
OIL STORAGE DEPOT DEPOT OLA A depot used for the storage of petroleum oil. Taigh-stòir far a bheilear a' stòradh ola peatrail.
OIL STORAGE TANK TANCA-STÒRAIDH OLA A tank used for the storage of petroleum oil. Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh ola peatrail.
OIL WORKS FACTARAIDH OLA Buildings, sites and structures associated with the retrieval, refining, processing and storage of petroleum oil. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri às-tharraing, fìneachadh, giullachd is stòradh de dh'ola peatroil.
Old Brig O'Dee (Invercauld Bridge) Drochaid Dhè
Old Wick, Caithness Seanbhaile Inbhir Ùige
OPEN CAST MINE MÈINN FHOSGAILTE A site where coal or minerals lying close to the surface are extracted through workings which are open to the sky. Use with product type where known. Làrach a tha fosgailte ris na speuran far a bheilear a' dùsgadh gual no mèinnearan a tha faisg ri uachdar na talmhainn. Cleachd nàdar a bhathar na lùib ma tha fhios dè fear.
OPERATIONS BLOCK BLOCA NAN OBRAICHEAN A building or group of buildings, usually forming part of a larger site such as an airfield, where operational and strategic planning and decisions are carried out. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean, mar is trice nam pàirt de làrach nas motha mar raon-adhair, far a bheilear a' dèanamh planaichean is co-dhùnaidhean ro-innleachdail.
ORANGERY TAIGH-ORAINSEARAN A gallery or building in a garden, usually south facing, used for growing oranges and other fruit. Gailearaidh no togalach ann an gàrradh, mar is trice ris an deas, sa bheilear a' toirt fàs air orainsearan is measan eile.
ORCHARD LIOS CHRAOBHAN-MEASAN An enclosure used for the cultivation of fruit trees. Gort far a bheilear a' fàs craobhan mheasan.
Orchardton Castle Caisteal Orchardton
ORDNANCE FACTORY FACTARAIDH ÒRDANAIS A building or site used for the manufacture of small arms and artillery pieces, ammunition, propellants, explosives etc. Togalach no làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh buill-airm bheaga, gunnaichean-mòra, connadh-gunna, stuthan-iomain, stuthan-spreadhaidh is msaa.
ORDNANCE SURVEY CONTROL PUING DEARBHAIDH NA SUIRBHIDH ÒRDANAIS A control point used for the metrical survey of Britain carried out by the Ordnance Survey. Puing dearbhaidh a chaidh a chleachdadh ann an suirbhidh mheadrachail Bhreatainn leis an t-Suirbhidh Òrdanais.
ORE BIN BIONA CLACH-MHÈINNIR A receptacle used for the storage of metal ores. Glacadan far a bheilear a' stòradh clachan-mèinnir.
ORE STORE STÒR CLACH-MHÈINNIR A storehouse found in conjunction with a BLAST FURNACE. Taigh-stòrais a gheibhear an cois FÙIRNEIS-IARAINN.
ORE WORKS IONAD-GIULLACHD CLACH-IARAINN A site or building where ore is processed. Làrach no togalach far a bheilear a' giullachd chlachan-mèinnir.
Ormiston Market Cross Crois Margaid Ormiston
ORNAMENTAL BRIDGE DROCHAID SGEADACHAIL A bridge built to enhance or compliment the surrounding landscape. Mainly found on estates or in parkland and usually 18th and 19th century. Drochaid a chaidh a thogail gus dreach na tìre mun cuairt oirre a leasachadh. Gheibhear seo mar is trice air oighreachdan no ann am pàircichean às an 18mh is an 19mh linn.
ORNAMENTAL LAKE LOCH SGEADACHAIDH An artificial lake, often made by damming a stream. A common feature of landscape parks. Loch fuadain, gu math tric fear a nochd an cois damadh uillt. Tha seo cumanta ann am pàircichean dreach-tìre.
ORNAMENTAL POND LÒN SGEADACHAIDH A small artificial pond of water often found in parks and gardens, for decorative purposes. Linne bheag fhuadain de dh'uisge a gheibhear gu tric ann am pàircichean agus gàrraidhean mar sgeadachadh.
ORNAMENTAL WELL TOBAR SGEADAICHTE A well and superstructure constructed as an ornamental feature in a garden or public space. Tobar agus structar na cheann a chaidh a thogail mar rud sgeadachail ann an gàrraidh no àite poblach.
ORPHANAGE DACHAIGH DHILLEACHDAN An institution providing care and accommodation for orphans and abandoned children. Ionad a tha a' toirt seachad cùram is àite-fuirich do dhìlleachdain agus clann thrèigte.
OSSUARY ROILIG CNÀMHAN NAM MARBH A container or storage place for the bones of the dead. Soitheach no stòras airson cnàmhan nam marbh.
OTTER TRAP STRAP BHIASTAN-DUBHA A structure built to trap or kill otters. Structar a chaidh a thogail gus biastan-dubha a ghlacadh ann no gus am marbhadh ann.
OUTBUILDING TAIGH A-MUIGH A detached subordinate building. Use specific type where known, e.g. DAIRY. Fo-thogalach dealaichte. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air, m.e. TAIGH-BAINNE.
OUTDOOR ACTIVITY CENTRE IONAD CHUR-SEACHADAN A-MUIGH A centre providing facilities for outdoor sports and accommodation. Ionad a sholaireas goireasan airson spòrs blàir agus àitichean-fuirich.
OUTFALL SEWER BEUL DRÈAN ÒTRACHAIS The outlet or mouth of a sewer where it dispenses into the sea, lake, etc. Inbhir no beul sàibheir far a bheil e a' dol a-steach dhan mhuir, do loch no àite mar sin.
OUTLET VALVE BHALBH-LEIGIDH Valve set within a dam to control the issue of water from a reservoir. It fulfils the same function as an outlet tower, but is integral to the structure of the dam, rather than being free-standing within the reservoir. Duilleag-dhoras am broinn dama a chumas smachd air an uisge a dh'fhàgas an t-uisgeadan. Nì seo an dearbh-obair a nì tùr a-mach ach tha seo na phàirt de structar an dama, seach rud a sheasas leis fhèin san uisgeadan.
OUTWORKS DÌDEAN  DHAINGNICHEAN A series of defensive features, such as walls, banks and ditches, which protect a building or settlement. Sreath de dh'uidheaman dìona, mar bhallachan, uchdain is dìgean, a dhìonas togalach no tuineachadh.
OVEN ÀMHAINN A brick, stone or iron receptacle in which bread and other food is baked. Soitheach breige, cloiche no iarainn anns am fuinear aran no biadh eile.
OYSTER BEDS OITIREAN EISIREAN A place where oysters are bred for consumption. Àite far a bheilear ag àrach eisirean a dh'ithear mar bhiadh.
