
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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IAR-LAD TAIL RACE An artificial channel, sometimes underground, that carries water from a waterwheel back to the river or stream from which it was diverted by a LADE. Cladhan fuadain, uaireannan fon talamh, a bheir uisge o roth-uisge air ais gun abhainn no allt às an deach a thoirt le LÀD.
IARMAD DAONNA HUMAN REMAINS The remains of the body of a human being. If articulated use INHUMATION. If burnt use CREMATION. Iarsmaidhean corp mac an duine. Ma tha na cnàmhan ann an òrdugh daonna fhathast, cleachd TÌODHLACADH. Ma tha iad loisgte, cleachd LOSGADH-CUIRP.
IARMAD LUATHA-CUIRP CREMATION The fragmentary, burnt remains of a human body. Usually found buried, occasionally in a container associated with grave goods. Iarsmaidhean loisgte corp duine. Gheibhear iad air an tìodhlacadh mar is trice, uaireannan ann an soitheach le earrasan-uaige còmhla riutha.
IASGACH FISHERY An area where fish are naturally present, such as part of a river. Àite far am faighear iasg gu nàdarra, can abhainn.
INNEAL BEARRAIDH SHEARING MACHINE A machine used for shearing and punching metal strips e.g. shipbuilding. Inneal airson putadh is bearradh stiallan meatailt, m.e. ann an togail bhàtaichean.
INNEAL-BRUTHAIDH LEACAN CONCRAIT CONCRETE TILE PRESS A building or facility where pressed concrete tiles are produced. Togalach no ionad far a bheilear a' dèanamh leacagan de choncrait bhrùthte.
INNEALRADH MACHINERY Apparatus used for applying a mechanical force, or to perform a particular function. Use more specific type where known. Inneal a chleachdar gus cumhachd mheacanaigeach a chur an gnìomh air rud no inneal a nì gnìomh sònraichte. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
INNEAL-TOGAIL SÌL GRAIN ELEVATOR A machine used for the loading and unloading of grain to and from a warehouse. Inneal airson sìol a thogail a-steach do thaigh-bathair no a-mach às.
Innis Choluim Inchcolm Island
INSTITIUD INSTITUTE A building in which a society or organisation is instituted to promote science, art, literature, education, etc. Use more specific type where known. Togalach far a bheil buidheann stèidhichte a tha a' brosnachadh saidheans, ealain, litreachas, foghlam is msaa. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
INSTITIÙD HAIDREAPATAIG HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE A 19th century spa building, usually consisting of a hotel with baths used for water treatment. Spa a chaidh a thogail san 19mh linn, mar is trice bidh seo na thaigh-òsta le amaran-snàmh airson leigheas uisge.
INSTITIÙD NAM FEAR-OBRACH WORKING MENS INSTITUTE A place where working men could educate themselves through lectures and the use of a reading room with newspapers, etc. Àite far am b' urrainn do dh'fhireannaich a bha ag obair foghlam fhaighinn dhaibh fhèin ann an òraidean agus san t-seòmar-leughaidh san robh pàipearan-naidheachd is rudan mar sin.
INSTITIUD NAM MEACANAIG MECHANICS INSTITUTE A building where artisans could learn more about their craft, and the scientific and theoretical principles behind it, by attending lectures and the use of the reading room facilities. Togalach far am b' urrainn do dhaoine barrachd ionnsachadh mun cheàrd aca agus na prionnsabalan teòirigeach ann 's iad ag èisteachd ri òraidean agus a' cleachdadh nan goireasan san t-seòmar-leughaidh.
INSTITIÙD NAM MÈINNEARAN COLLIERY INSTITUTE A building where miners could improve their knowledge by attending lectures and using the reading room facilities. Àite far am b' urrainn do mhèinnearan foghlam fhaighinn dhaibh fhèin ann an òraidean agus san t-seòmar-leughaidh.
IODHLANN STACK YARD A farmyard or enclosure containing regularly built stacks of hay, corn, peas etc. Clobhsa no lann sa bheil cruachan dòigheil feòir, arbhair, pheasraichean is msaa.
IOMAIR CHUMHANG CORD RIG Narrow ridges representing the surviving surface traces of later prehistoric cultivation. The rigs measure up to 1.30m in breadth. Iomairean caola agus an aon sgeul air àiteachas a rinneadh ann aig deireadh na linne ro-eachdraidheil. Bidh na h-iomairean suas ri 1.3m a leud.
IOMAIR IS CLAIS RIG AND FURROW A series of ridges (rigs), separated by furrows, created by ploughing. Sreath de dhiomairean le claisean eatarra a chaidh a chruthachadh an cois treabhaidh. 
IOMA-SHLIGHE MAZE A confusing and baffling network of paths or passages, often set within a formal garden and bounded by high hedges or walls. Pàtran breisleachail 's toinnte de shlighean is trannsachan, gu math tric ann an gàrradh foirmeil 's le callaidean no ballachan àrda mun cuairt air.
IONAD  GNÌOMHACHAS LEATHAIR LEATHER INDUSTRY SITE Buildings or sites used in the preparation, treatment and working of raw animal hide into leather products such as gloves or saddles etc. Togalaichean no làraichean far a bheilear ag ullachadh, a' giullachd agus ag obrachadh seichean bheathaichean gus bathar leathair mar miotagan, dìollaidean is rudan mar sin a dhèanamh.
IONAD AINGEAL-RABHAIDH  BEACON An elevated site or structure upon which a signal, especially a fire, could be placed as a means of communication or as a warning. Ionad no structar gu h-àrd far an gabhadh comharra, gu h-àraidh teine (AINGEAL), a chruthachadh mar dhòigh conaltraidh no mar rabhadh.
IONAD BATHAR BHEATHAICHEAN ANIMAL PRODUCT SITE Buildings or sites used in the production of items derived from the parts of animals not used for consumption. Togalaichean no làraichean far an dèanar bathar de phìosan bheathaichean nach eilear gan ithe.
IONAD BATHAR FIODHA TIMBER PRODUCT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the manufacture of timber products. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh bathar fiodha.
IONAD BATHAR MÈINNIREACH MINERAL PRODUCT SITE Buildings and sites associated with the production of materials made from minerals. Togalaichean is làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh stuthan a nithear de mhèinnearan.
IONAD BEAIRT-GHUNNA MACHINE GUN POST An open walled structure built of concrete, brick or sandbags which enclosed one or more machine-guns mounted on lintels for light anti-aircraft and ground defence. Structar fosgailte le ballachan concrait, bhreigean no bhagaichean-gainmhich a bha mun cuairt air co-dhiù aon bheairt-ghunna air leinnteil mar dhìon aotram talmhainn is an aghaidh phlèanaichean.
IONAD BHAILIÙNAICHEAN-BACAIDH BARRAGE BALLOON CENTRE An RAF Base, used specifically for the storage and maintenance of barrage balloons. Bunait an RAF a tha gu sònraichte airson stòradh 's glèidheadh nam bailiùnaichean-casg.
IONAD CEANGAL-LEABHRAICHEAN BINDING WORKS A factory or workshop where books are bound. Factaraidh no ceàrdach far a bheilear a' nasgadh leabhraichean.
IONAD CHUR-SEACHADAN A-MUIGH OUTDOOR ACTIVITY CENTRE A centre providing facilities for outdoor sports and accommodation. Ionad a sholaireas goireasan airson spòrs blàir agus àitichean-fuirich.
IONAD CLADHACH CHLACH STONE EXTRACTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the extraction of stone. Includes preparation processes. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri dùsgadh cloiche. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach a h-ullachadh.
IONAD CLADHACH MEATAILT METAL EXTRACTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the extraction of metal ores. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri dùsgadh clachan-mèinnir.
IONAD CLÒ-BHUALAIDH 'S FOILLSEACHAIDH PRINTING AND PUBLISHING SITE Buildings and sites associated with the printing and publishing industry. Togalaichean agus làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri gnìomhachas a' chlò-bhualaidh 's an fhoillseachaidh.
IONAD CÒMHDHAIL-ADHAIR AIR TRANSPORT SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the control, accommodation, service and testing of aircraft. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri stiùireadh, stòradh, seirbheiseadh is deuchainnean de charbadan-adhair.
IONAD CRÈADHADAIREACHD POTTERY MANUFACTURING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of pottery. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh criadhadaireachd.
IONAD CRUTHACHADH CUMHACHD POWER GENERATION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the generation and transmission of power. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is tar-chur cumhachd.
IONAD CRUTHACHADH CUMHACHD-SMÙIDE STEAM POWER PRODUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of steam power. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh cumhachd smùide.
IONAD CRUTHACHADH CUMHACHD-UISGE WATER POWER PRODUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of water power. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh cumhachd uisge.
IONAD CRUTHACHADH DEALAIN ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of electricity. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn dealain.
IONAD CUMHACHD HAIDREOLAIG HYDRAULIC POWER SITE Sites and structures associated with the generation of hydraulic power. Làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn cumhachd haidreolaig.
IONAD DÈANAMH CONNAIDH FUEL PRODUCTION SITE Includes sites associated with extraction. Tha sin a' gabhail a-steach làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri às-tharraing stuthan.
IONAD DÈANAMH GUAL-FIODH CHARCOAL PRODUCTION SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of charcoal. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh guail-fhiodha.
IONAD DHATHAN IS STUTHAN-DATH DYE AND PIGMENT SITE Buildings and sites used for the production of inorganic and organic dyes, pigments and paints. Togalaichean agus làraichean airson saothrachadh dathan organach agus neo-organach, stuthan-datha agus peantaichean.
IONAD EALAIN IS FOGHLAIM ART AND EDUCATION VENUE Buildings and structures associated with educational and artistic recreational activities. Togalaichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cur-seachadan foghlaim is ealain.
IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD   CHARBADAN MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING SITE Buildings and sites associated with the manufacture of motor vehicles. Togalaichean agus làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh carbadan motair.
IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD CHARBADAN VEHICLE ENGINEERING SITE Sites associated with the manufacturing and engineering of vehicles. Làraichean co-cheangailte ris saothrachadh is einnseanaireachd charbadan.
IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD PHLÈANAICHEAN AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING SITE Sites used for the manufacture of aircraft. Làraichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh plèanaichean.
IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD RÈILICHEAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the construction and maintenance of railways and rolling stock. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail is obair-ghlèidhidh rathadan-iarainn is stoc rothach.
IONAD GAINMHICH IS GREABHAIL SAND AND GRAVEL WORKINGS A site associated with the extraction of sand and gravel. Làrach a tha co-cheangailte ri dùsgadh gainmhich agus grinneal.
IONAD GAS-GUAIL COAL GAS STRUCTURE Buildings and structures associated with the production, processing and storage of coal gas. Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh, giullachd is stòradh ceò-guail.
IONAD GIULLACHD LÌN LINEN OR FLAX MANUFACTURING SITE Sites and structures associated with the processing of flax. Làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd lìn.
IONAD GNÌOMHACHAS ' PÀIPEIR PAPER INDUSTRY SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of paper. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh pàipeir.
IONAD GNÌOMHACHAS  BÌDH 'S  DIBHE FOOD AND DRINK INDUSTRY SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the large-scale production, processing and preserving of food and drink. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri mòr-shaothrachadh, giullachd is glèidheadh bìdh 's dighe.
IONAD GNÌOMHACHAS MHEATAILTEAN METAL INDUSTRY SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the metal industry. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ris a' ghnìomhachas mheatailt.
IONAD GRÈIDHEADH BÌDH FOOD PRESERVING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the preserving of food. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri glèidheadh bìdh.
IONAD LEABAIDH IS BRACAIST BED AND BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENT A private residence, such as a farmhouse, cottage or house, providing sleeping accommodation for the night and breakfast the following morning for one inclusive price. Taigh-còmhnaidh prìobhaideach mar thaigh-tuathanais, bothan no taigh far am faighear cuid-oidhche agus bracaist an làrna mhàireach air aon phrìs còmhla.
IONAD LOSGADH-CHORP CREMATORIUM A building or site where bodies are burnt, and the ashes collected for burial or dispersal. Togalach no làrach far a bheilear a' losgadh cuirp; thèid an luaithre a chruinneachadh airson tìodhlacadh no sgapadh.
IONAD LUCHD-TADHAIL VISITOR CENTRE A building or complex with public facilities, information, interpretative displays, presentations and exhibitions, set within a scenic area or close to a historic building or site. Togalach no aitreabh sa bheil goireasan poblach, fiosrachadh, seallaidhean mìneachaidh agus taisbeanaidhean, air làrach tarraingeach no faisg air togalach no làrach eachdraidheil.
IONAD LÙTH-GAOITHE WIND POWER SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of wind power. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh cumhachd na gaoithe.
IONAD OBAIR RÈILEACHAN RAILWAY WORKS An engineering works producing items for the railway other than rolling stock, such as signals, tracks, points, etc. FACTARAIDH einnseanaireachd a nì rudan dhan rathad-iarainn seach carbadan, mar eisimpleir siognailean, tracaichean, puingean is msaa.
IONAD OBAIR-MHEATAILT METAL WORKING SITE A site where metal is worked. Use specific term where known. Factaraidh far a bheilear ag obair air meatailt. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
IONAD SHAOR-LÀITHEAN HOLIDAY CENTRE A place with organized amusements for people on holiday. Àite far a bheilear a' cur air chois dibhearsan do dhaoine a tha air làithean-saora.
IONAD SOLAIS-SIRIDH SEARCHLIGHT EMPLACEMENT An enclosed searchlight position, normally built of brick and concrete, and often roofed. Ionad solais-luirg am broinn structair, mar is trice de bhreigean is concrait agus gu tric le mullach air.
IONAD SPÒRS RACAIDEAN RACKET SPORTS SITE A building, site or structure associated with the playing of racket sports. Togalach, làrach no structar a tha co-cheangailte ri geamannan anns an cleachdar racaidean.
IONAD TEASAIRGINN NAM BEANN MOUNTAIN RESCUE CENTRE Headquarters for mountain rescue team. Prìomh-oifisean sgioba luchd-teasairginn nam beann.
IONAD THAISBEANAIDHEAN EXHIBITION CENTRE A building used to stage temporary exhibitions. Togalach sa bheilear a' cumail taisbeanaidhean sealach.
IONAD ULLACHADH GUAIL COAL PREPARATION PLANT A building or range of buildings used for the cleaning, crushing and loading of freshly mined coal. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean far a bheilear a' glanadh, a' brùthadh agus a' luchdadh gual a tha air ùr-dhùsgadh.
IONAD-ACRACHAIDH MOORING STAGE A structure to which a boat is secured. Structar ris an ceanglar bàta.
IONAD-AIRM MILITARY INSTALLATION A site where military equipment and supporting personnel are located. Làrach far a bheil acainnean an airm agus luchd-obrach taice.
IONAD-AIRM MILITARY BASE A building or group of buildings, often surrounded by a system of fortifications, used as a residential and training site by members of an armed force. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean, gu tric le rian daingneachaidh mun cuairt orra, a chleachdas buill nam feachdan armaichte mar àite-còmhnaidh 's làrach trèanaidh.
IONAD-ÀRAICH ÈISG FISH HATCHERY A facility where fish fry are hatched and raised. Ionad far a bheil mion-iasg ga ghur is ga àrach.
IONAD-BAISTIDH BAPTISTERY An area of a church, often a free-standing building, in which baptism is administered Àite ann an eaglais, gu math tric na thogalach a sheasas leis fhèin, far a bheilear a' baisteadh daoine.
IONAD-BHÙTHAN SHOPPING CENTRE A shopping complex, usually indoors, comprised of a number of separate retail outlets surrounding an open space. Often on more than one level. Aitreabh seopadaireachd, mar is trice am broinn togalaich, sa bheil diofar aonadan gnothachais mun cuairt air raon fosgailte. Gu math tric air barrachd air aon làr.
IONAD-BLUMAIREACHD BLOOMERY A simple iron-smelting furnace used to produce blooms of iron from bog iron ore. Fùirneis shimplidh airson meatailt a leaghadh gus blùmairean iarainn a dhèanamh de chlach-iarainn.
IONAD-BOBHLAIDH BOWLING ALLEY An indoor alley for playing bowls or skittles. Ionad anns a bheilear a' cluich bobhladh no leagail-shaighdear.
IONAD-CAIBEIL CHAPLAINCY A freestanding building or a room serving as a place of worship, congregation or contemplation, often of no particular religious denomination. Togalach a sheasas leis fhèin no seòmar a tha na àite-adhraidh, àite-cruinneachaidh no meòrachaidh, gu tric chan ann do chreideimh fa leth a bhios iad seo.
IONAD-CHO-LABHAIRTEAN CONFERENCE CENTRE A purpose-built, or modified, building where organisations and associations meet for presentations and consultation. Togalaich a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach no a chaidh a chur air dòigh mar àite far an tig buidhnean is comainn còmhla a thoirt seachad taisbeanaidhean 's a dheasbad chuspairean.
IONAD-CHUR-SEACHADAN LEISURE CENTRE A building or complex providing sports and fitness facilities to the public. Togalach no aitreabh a tha a' solar goireasan spòrs is eacarsaich dhan phoball.
IONAD-CIÙIL, ÒRAID IS DANNSA MUSIC SPEECH AND DANCE VENUE An establishment where musical performances take place. Ionad far an cluichear ceòl.
IONAD-COIMEARSALTA COMMERCIAL PREMISES A building and associated land which are used as a place of business. Togalach agus talamh co-cheangailte ris a tha ga chleachdadh airson mar ionad gnìomhachais.
IONAD-COIMHEARSNACHD COMMUNITY CENTRE A place providing social, recreational, and educational facilities for a neighbourhood. Àite a sholaireas goireasan sòisealta 's foghlaim agus cur-seachdadan dhan choimhearsnachd sa bheil e.
IONAD-CRUTHACHAIDH DEALAIN GENERATING PLANT Equipment and structures used to generate electrical power for use by specific buildings or facilities. For commercial power facilities use POWER STATION. Acainnean is structaran far an tèid cumhachd dealain a ghintinn gus a chleachdadh ann an togalaichean no ionadan sònraichte. Airson ionadan cumhachd coimeirsealta, cleachd STÈISEAN-CUMHACHD.
IONAD-DEALACHAIDH GUAIL DENSE MEDIUM PLANT A plant in which coal is treated by flotation. Coal is placed in a suspension of magnetite in water, which allows dirt to sink and coal to float to the surface for removal. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd gual le bhith ga chur air bhog. Thathar a' cur gual ann an speinsean de mhagnataid ann an uisge agus leigidh seo le sgudal tuiteam gun ghrunnd agus bidh an gual air fleòd air uachdar agus ga thoirt às.
IONAD-DÈANAIMH ALUIMINIUM ALUMINIUM WORKS An industrial facility that produces metallic aluminium. Ionad gnìomhachais a tha a' dèanamh alman meatailteach.
IONAD-DÈANAIMH ALUMINA ALUMINA WORKS A factory or complex which produces alumina (aluminium oxide) from Bauxite. Alumina is used to produce aluminium by smelting, and is also used in the abrasive, ceramics and refractory industries, Factaraidh no aitreabh a nì alumina (ogsaid almain) de bauxite. Nithear alman de alumina le bhith ga leaghadh agus thathar cuideachd ga chleachdadh ann an gnìomhachas bathair sgrìobaich, criadhadaireachd is bathair theas-fhulangaich.
IONAD-DÈANAIMH BHREIGEACHAN  IS LEACAN BRICK AND TILEMAKING SITE Sites and structures associated with the manufacture of bricks and tiles. Includes sites associated with earth extraction and preparation. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh bhreigean is leacagan. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri às-tharraing is ullachadh ùir.
IONAD-DÈANAIMH BHREIGEACHAN IS TAIDHLEARACHD BRICK AND TILE WORKS A site and associated structures used in the manufacture of bricks and tiles. Làrach agus structaran co-cheangailte a chleachdar airson breigean is leacagan a dhèanamh.
IONAD-DÌON SEALACH TEMPORARY COMPOUND A compound containing one or more buildings, attached to a Roman military installation and enclosed within a bank and ditch, which was used either intermittently or for a short period only. Ionad far a bheil co-dhiù aon togalach a tha co-cheangailte ri ionad arm nan Ròmanach le uchdan agus dìg mun cuairt air agus a chaidh a chleachdadh o àm gu àm no fad ùine ghoirid a-mhàin.
IONAD-DOTAIR SURGERY A room or office at a general practitioners' or veterinary practice, where patients or animals are seen and medicine dispensed. Seòmar no oifis aig dotair teaghlaich no lighiche-sprèidh far a bheilear a' coimhead air euslaintich no beathaichean 's a' toirt leigheas dhaibh.
IONAD-EINNSEANAIREACHD ENGINEERING WORKS Any factory or site using machine tools in a manufacturing or processing capacity. Factaraidh no làrach sam bith a chleachdas innealan saothrachaidh no giullachd.
IONAD-FAIRE OBSERVATION POST A building or site for watching specific military activities or the movement of enemy forces, etc. Togalach no làrach airson sùil a chumail air gnìomhachdan sònraichte an airm no gluasad feachdan nàmhad is msaa.
IONAD-FAIRE SENTRY POST A building or site used for the accommodation of military or civilian personnel controlling access to and from military or government property. Togalach no làrach far am faigh luchd-obrach an airm no luchd-obrach catharra (a tha a' cumail smachd air na thig a-steach no a thèid a-mach aig làraichean an airm no an riaghaltais) àite-fuirich.
IONAD-FÈILL BHEATHAICHEAN LIVESTOCK MARKET A market where cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry are bought and sold. Margaid far a bheilear a' reic 's a' ceannach crodh, mucan, caoraich is eunlaith.
IONAD-FIOSRACHAIDH INFORMATION CENTRE A building used for the dissemination to the public of such items like tourist brochures, travel maps, guide books and other documents, etc. Togalach a chleachdar airson rudan mar bhileagan luchd-turais, mapaichean siubhail, treòirean is sgrìobhainnean eile a sgaoileadh dhan phoball.
IONAD-GÀIRNEALAIREACHD GARDEN CENTRE A place where gardening tools, plants, etc., are sold. Àite far a bheilear a' reic innealan gàirnealaireachd, lusan is rudan mar sin.
IONAD-GIULLACHD  ÈISG FISH PROCESSING SITE A place where fish are processed after being caught. Àite far a bheilear a' giullachd iasg 's iad air an glacadh.
IONAD-GIULLACHD CLACH-IARAINN ORE WORKS A site or building where ore is processed. Làrach no togalach far a bheilear a' giullachd chlachan-mèinnir.
IONAD-GIULLACHD GUAIL COAL WORKS A site where coal is processed. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd gual.
IONAD-GIULLACHD UISGE WATERWORKS Buildings, engineering constructions and machinery, used for the purpose of supplying a town, etc., with water distributed through pipes. Togalaichean, structaran is innealan einnseanaireachd a thathar gan cleachdadh airson uisge a sholar do bhaile is àitichean mar sin tro phìoban.
IONAD-GNÌOMHACHAIS INDUSTRIAL ESTATE An area of land divided into plots for use by manufacturing or commercial concerns, which may share some common services. Pìos talmhainn a chaidh a sgaradh ann an lotan airson gnìomhachasan no malairt. Dh'fhaoidte gun cleachd iad cuid a sheirbheisean ann còmhla.
IONAD-GUAIL COLLIERY A site with buildings and structures for the extraction of coal. Làrach far a bheil togalaichean is structaran airson dùsgadh guail.
IONAD-GUNNA GUN EMPLACEMENT A fortified site in which a gun, mortar or cannon is positioned. Làrach dhaingnichte far an deach gunna, moirtear no canan a shuidheachadh.
IONAD-IASGAICH FISHING SITE A site with buildings and structures associated with fishing or fish farming. Làrach far a bheil togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte ris an iasgach no tuathanachas èisg.
IONAD-LAGHA LEGAL SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the enactment and enforcement of public law. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cur an sàs agus èigneachadh an lagha phoblaich.
IONAD-LATHA DAY CENTRE A non residential building providing recreational, social and other facilities, especially for the elderly and those with special needs. Togalach nach eil na àite-còmhnaidh a sholaireas goireasan sòisealta, cur-seachadan is rudan eile mar sin, gu sònraichte do sheann-daoine is feadhainn aig a bheil feumalachdan sònraichte.
IONAD-MARGAID MARKET PLACE An area where public markets are held, often a town square or a widened street. Àite far an cumar margaidean, gu math tric iar ceàrnag a' bhaile no sràid leathann.
IONAD-MÒID MOOT An outdoor meeting place. Àite a-muigh airson cruinneachadh ann.
IONAD-NIGHE BHEATHAICHEAN ANIMAL WASH A place or building where animals can be washed. Often in the form of a pool with a walled funnel-like structure enabling animals to be guided into the pool. Àite no togalach far an gabh beathaichean a nighe. Gu math tric bidh seo na amar le balla a tha coltach ri fuineall a stiùireas na beathaichean dhan amar.
IONAD-NIGHE CLÒIMHE SCOURING WORKS A building or outdoor facility where wool is washed to remove grease. Togalach no ionad a-muigh air a' bhlàr far a bheilear a' nighe clòimh gus a' chrèis a thoirt air falbh.
IONAD-NIGHE GUAIL COAL WASHING PLANT A complex of buildings where coal is washed, graded and sized before being sold. Aitreabh thogalaichean far a bheilear a' nighe, a' rangachadh 's a' tomhas gual mus tèid a reic.
IONAD-OBRACH JOB CENTRE A government employment agency for those out of work offering advice on jobs, training and retraining. Buidheann-gnìomha an riaghaltais a bheir seachad fiosrachadh air obair, trèanadh is ath-thrèanadh do dhaoine a tha gun obair.
IONAD-ÒTRACHAIS SEWAGE WORKS A facility where sewage and waste water is filtered and purified, Ionad far a bheilear a' sìolachadh 's a' glanadh òtrachas is uisge sgudail.
IONAD-PHLEÀNAICHEAN-MARA SEAPLANE BASE A facility with buildings and structures used to house and maintain seaplanes. Àite far a bheil togalaichean is structaran anns an cumar plèanaichean-mara agus far an dèanar obair-chàraidh orra.
IONAD-RANNSACHAIDH SAIDHEANSAIL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT Buildings and structures where scientific research is carried out. May be attached to an educational establishment, or be a private or government sponsored facility. Togalaichean is structaran far a bheilear ri rannsachadh saidheansail. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi iad co-cheangailte ionad-foghlaim no ionad prìobhaideach no fear aig an riaghaltas.
IONAD-RIAGHLAIDH UISGE WATER REGULATION INSTALLATION Buildings, structures and sites for regulating the flow of water. Togalaichean, structaran is làraichean airson smachd a chumail air sruthadh an uisge.
IONAD-SEALLAIDH VANTAGE POINT A position or place that allows a wide or favourable overall view of a scene or situation. Ionad no àite far am faighear sealladh leathann no sealladh de nàdar fàbharach eile air àite no suidheachadh.
IONAD-SEILG HUNTING SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the hunting of animals. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri sealg bheathaichean.
IONAD-SGUDAIL WASTE DISPOSAL SITE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the disposal of commercial or household waste. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd sgudal thaighean no gnìomhachais.
IONAD-SGUDAIL REFUSE DISPOSAL SITE A site where household rubbish and other waste products can be disposed of. May take the form of a pit, rubbish tip, landfill site or incineration plant. Làrach far an urrainn do dhaoine cuidhteas fhaighinn de sgudal taighe agus sgudal eile. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi seo na shloc, ionad-sgudail, lìonadh-talmhainn no ionad-losgaidh.
IONAD-SGUDAIL UISGE WATER DISPOSAL SITE Sites and structures associated with the disposal of waste water and waterborne refuse. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd uisge sgudail agus sgùilleach sgudail.
IONAD-SLÀINTE HEALTH CENTRE An institution, sometimes attached to a hospital, where patients may receive treatment or health checks. Institiud, uaireannan co-cheangailte ri ospadal far am faigh euslaintich cùram-slàinte no sgrùdaidhean slàinte.
IONAD-SPÒRS SPORTS CENTRE A specially built building where facilities exist for the playing of a variety of sports. Togalach a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach agus sa bheil goireasan gus iomadh seòrsa de spòrs a chluich ann.
IONAD-STÀBLACHAIDH LIVERY STABLE A stable where horses are kept at livery, or are let out for hire. Stàball far an cumar eich air lìbhre no far a bheilear gan toirt seachad air mhàl.
IONAD-STAD GIÙLAIN CORPSE REST A place, where a corpse could be laid whilst being carried on its way to burial, to allow the bearers to rest. Àite far am b' urrainnear corp a chur 's e ga ghiùlan gu àite-tìodhlacaidh 's an luchd-giùlain a' gabhail anail.
IONAD-STIÙIRIDH BHÀTAICHEAN SHIPPING CONTROL CENTRE A specialised building constructed and/or used for the control of marine traffic within estuaries and harbour areas. Such building are typically of considerable height, and incorporate sophisticated radar, plotting and communications equipment. Togalach sònraichte a chaidh a thogail agus/no a tha ga chleachdadh airson smachd a chumail air trafaig mara am broinn inbhirean is calaidhean. Mar is trice, 's e togalaichean gu math àrd a tha annta agus le acainnean rèideir, plotachaidh is conaltraidh adhartach ann.
IONAD-TAIGHEADAIS HOUSING ESTATE A residential district planned as a unit. Sgìre còmhnaidh a chaidh a dhealbhadh mar aonad.
IONAD-TASGAIDH REPOSITORY A room or building used as a store, usually for documents, works of art, books etc. Seòmar no togalach a chleachdar mar stòras, mar is trice airson sgrìobhainnean, obair-ealain, leabhraichean is msaa.
IONAD-TRÈANAIDH TRAINING CENTRE A place where specific skills are taught on short courses. Àite far a bheilear a' teagasg sgilean sònraichte air cùrsaichean goirid.
IONAD-TRÈANAIDH LUCHD-GLÈIDHTE AN NÈIBHIDH NAVAL RESERVE TRAINING CENTRE A facility which provides training for members of the Royal Naval Reserve. Ionad a bheir seachad trèanadh do shaighdearan-glèidhte a' chabhlaich.
