
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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MAINEAR MANOR An area of land consisting of the lord's demesne and of lands from whose holders he may exact certain fees, etc. Pìos talmhainn a tha na thìrleach tighearna agus fearann air an togadh e cìsean àraidh is msaa.
MANACHAINN MONASTERY A complex of buildings inhabited by a community of men living in seclusion under religious vows. Aitreabh thogalaichean sa bheil coimhearsnachd de dh'fhireannaich a' fuireach ann an dòrramanachd fo bhòid chràbhach.
MANSA MANSE The residence of a clergyman, usually a Presbyterian minister. Àite-còmhnaidh clèirich, mar is trice ministear clèireach.
MARBHLANN MORTUARY A building or room used for holding, viewing or identifying dead bodies prior to burial or cremation. Togalach no seòmar airson cuirp mharbha a chumail no airson coimhead orra no aithne a thoirt orra mus tèid an tìodhlaigeadh no an losgadh.
MARGAID MARKET An open area, covered space or building where goods or livestock are bought and sold. It may be a permanent establishment or an event held periodically. Use specific term where known. Raon fosgailte, àite fo mhullach no togalach far a bheil bathar no crodh ga reic 's ga cheannach. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi seo ann gu buan no gun cumar e o àm gu àm. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MARGAID CÀISE CHEESE MARKET A market for the sale of cheeses. Margaid far a bheilear a' reic càise.
MARGAID ÈISG FISH MARKET A market where fish is sold. Margaid far a bheilear a' reic iasg.
MARGAID FEÒLA MEAT MARKET A commercial premises or public space where meat is traded. Ionad malairteach no raon poblach far a bheilear a' reic feòil.
MARGAID LUSAN IS MHEASAN FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET An indoor or outdoor market where fruit and vegetables are sold. Margaid am broinn togalaich no taobh a-muigh far a bheilear a' reic lusan is measan.
MARGAID MINE MEAL MARKET A market where meal (cereal) is sold. Margadh far a bheilear a' reic min.
MARINA MARINA A dock or basin, often inland, used for mooring yachts and other small pleasure craft. Doca no amar, gu math tric am broinn na tìre, a chleachdar mar acarsaid airson iachtaichean is bàtaichean-athais eile.
Mars Wark Mar's Wark
MÀTHAIR-UISGE RESERVOIR A natural or artificial body of water where water is collected and stored for a specific use. Use specific term where known. Uisgeadan fuadain no nàdarra far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh 's a' stòradh uisge airson adhbharan sònraichte. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MAUSOLEUM MAUSOLEUM A monumental burial place, usually for a single person or a family. Cuimhneachan àite-tìodhlacaidh, mar is trice do dh'aonan no do theaghlach.
Meadhan-Aoisean Middle Ages
MEANBH-RÈILE MINIATURE RAILWAY A small-scale railway, often for the transportation of children at a place of recreation. Rathad-iarainn beag, gu math tric airson clann a' gluasad mun cuairt aig ionad chur-seachadan.
Measadh air Cleachdadh-fearainn Eachdraidheil Historic Land-Use Assessment data
MÈINN MINE An excavation made in the earth for the purpose of digging out metallic ores, coal, salt, precious stones and other minerals. Use specific term where known. Cladhach san talamh airson clachan-mèinnir, gual, salann, seòid is mèinnearan eile a dhùsgadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MÈINN ANTAMOIN ANTIMONY MINE A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of antimony, a metallic element added to alloys to increase strength and hardness. Antimony was once thought to have medicinal properties. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson dùsgadh antamon, eileamaid mheatailteach a chuirear co-mheatailtean airson 's gum bi iad nas treasa agus nas cruaidhe. Bhathar a' creidsinn roimhe gun robh buadhan slànachaidh aig antamon.
MÈINN BARAIT BARYTES MINE A site where barytes (barium sulphate) is mined. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh barytes (barium sulfate).
MÈINN BOGSAIT BAUXITE MINE A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of bauxite (aluminium ore). Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson bauxite (clach-almain) a tharraing à clach-mhèinnir.
MÈINN CLACH-AIRGID SILVER MINE A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of silver ores. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson clach-airgid a dhùsgadh.
MÈINN CLACH-IARAINN IRONSTONE MINE A mine for the extraction of iron ore. Mèinn far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-iarainn.
MÈINN CLACH-OLA SHALE OIL MINE An excavation made in order to locate or extract oil-shale. Oil-shale was mined in Scotland, especially in West Lothian, from the mid-19th century to the early 1960s. Àite far an robhar a' cladhach gus ola cloiche-guail a lorg no a tharraing às. Bhathar a' dùsgadh ola cloiche-guail ann an Alba, gu h-àraid ann an Lodainn an Iar, o mheadhan na 19mh linn gu toiseach ann 1960an.
MÈINN CLACH-SPOR FLINT MINE A subterranean excavation made for the purposes of flint extraction. Cladach fon talamh gus clach-theine a dhùsgadh ann.
MÈINN CÒBALT COBALT MINE A site where cobalt is mined. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dùsgadh còbalt.
MÈINN COPAIR COPPER MINE A site where copper is mined. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dùsgadh copar.
MÈINN CRÈADH-TEINE FIRE CLAY MINE A site where fire clay is mined from the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh criadh-theine às an talamh.
MÈINN DEARG-CHRÈADHA OCHRE MINE A site where iron oxide and iron sulphate is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh ogsaid iarainn agus sulfaid iarainn.
MÈINN DRIOFTAIDH DRIFT MINE A passage driven forward underground, generally on a downward slope following mineral strata, for the purposes of exploration for, and exploitation of, minerals. Toll a thathar a' cladhach fon talamh, mar is trice sìos agus a' leantainn breathan nam mèinnearan gus mèinnearan a shireadh 's a dhùsgadh.
MÈINN FHOSGAILTE OPEN CAST MINE A site where coal or minerals lying close to the surface are extracted through workings which are open to the sky. Use with product type where known. Làrach a tha fosgailte ris na speuran far a bheilear a' dùsgadh gual no mèinnearan a tha faisg ri uachdar na talmhainn. Cleachd nàdar a bhathar na lùib ma tha fhios dè fear.
MÈINN HAEMATAIT HAEMATITE MINE An site where iron ore, in the form of haematite, is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-iarainn, ann an cruth air a bheil haematite.
MÈINN LUAIDHE LEAD MINE A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of lead ores. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson clach-luaidhe a dhùsgadh.
MÈINN ÒIR GOLD MINE A place where gold ore is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-òir.
MÈINN SALAINN SALT MINE A mine yielding rock salt. Mèinn far a bheilear a' faighinn salann.
MÈINN SINC ZINC MINE A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of zinc bearing ores. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson sionc a tharraing à clach-mhèinnir.
MÈINN STAOIN TIN MINE A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of tin bearing ores. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson tiona a tharraing à clach-mhèinnir.
MÈINN TRAINNSE TRENCH MINE A tunnel dug to undermine a defensive system, e.g. a castle wall. Tunail a thathar a chladhach gus siostam dìona a leigeil mu làr, m.e. balla caisteil.
MÈINN-CHRÈADHA CLAY MINE A site where clay is mined from the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh criadh às an talamh.
MÈINNEADH GUAIL COAL MINING SITE A site with buildings and structures used for the extraction of coal. Làrach far a bheil togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte ri dùsgadh guail.
MISEAN NAN IASGAIREAN FISHERMENS MISSION A lodging house and refuge for fishermen in port villages and towns. Taigh-loidsig agus tèarmann iasgairean ann am bailtean-iasgaich.
MÒR-BHÙTH DEPARTMENT STORE A large shop supplying many kinds of goods from various departments. Bùth mòr a reiceas iomadh seòrsa de bhathar ann an diofar roinnean.
MÒR-MHARGAID SUPERMARKET A large self-service store selling foods and some household goods. Bùth mòr far a tha a' reic biadh is cuid a bhathar taigheadais agus far am bi daoine gam frithealadh fhèin.
MÒR-RATHAD MOTORWAY A broad highway designed for high-speed traffic, with two or more carriageways for vehicles travelling in either direction. Rathad-mòr leathann a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson trafaig a shiubhlas aig astar mòr le co-dhiù dà shlighe air gach taobh dheth airson carbadan.
MOSG MOSQUE A Muslim temple or place of worship. Teampall no àite-adhraidh Muslamach.
Mousa Broch Mousa Broch
MUCLACH PIGGERY A place where pigs are reared. Àite far a bheilear ag àrach mhucan.
MUILEANN MILL A factory used for processing raw materials. Use more specific term where known. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd stuthan amh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MUILEANN  CHLACH-SPOR FLINT MILL A mill for crushing flint. Crushed flint was used as a source of silica for the manufacture of pottery glazes. Muileann a bhriseas clachan-teine. Bhite a' tarraing silica à clachan-teine briste airson glainneachadh criadhadaireachd.
MUILEANN BHEARTAN LÀIMHE HANDLOOM WEAVING MILL A mill where textiles are woven using a handloom. Muileann far a' bheilear a' fighe aodach air beart-bheag.
MUILEANN CLÒIMHE WOOL MANUFACTURING SITE Includes worsted and other wool-related textiles. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach bursaid agus aodach-clòimhe eile.
MUILEANN FIODHRAICH TIMBER MILL A mill used to process raw timber. Muileann far a bheilear a' giullachd fiodh amh.
MUILEANN GOBHAL-CHEANGALACH CRUCK FRAMED MILL A mill in which pairs of curved timbers form a bowed A-frame to support the roof independently of the walls. Muileann aig a bheil paidhrichean de chrainn an cruth A lùbte 's a chumas an àirde am mullach as aonais taic o na ballachan.
MUILEANN LÀIN-MHARA TIDE MILL A type of WATERMILL, powered by retaining seawater at high tide and  releasing it at low tide via a water wheel. Nàdar de MHUILEANN-UISGE far an glèidhear sàl aig àirde an làin gus a leigeil às slighe roth-uisge aig muir-tràigh gus cumhachd a ghintinn.
MUILEANN ROILIGEADH ALUIMINIUM ALUMINIUM ROLLING MILL A factory where aluminium is thinned by rolling to produce aluminium foil, sheet or plate. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh alman tana le bhith ga roiligeadh gus foidhle, siotaichean no pleataichean almain a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN RÙSGADH-CHRAOBHAN BARK MILL A mill used for stripping the bark from cut tree trunks. Muileann a bheir an rùsg far craobhan gearrte.
MUILEANN STAMPAIDH STAMPING MILL Building or structure housing a form of ore crushing device associated with tin mines. Togalach no structar sa bheil inneal air choireigin a sginneas clach-mheatailte agus a tha co-cheangailte ri mèinnean tiona.
MUILEANN STUTHAN-AODAICH TEXTILE MILL Any factory used for the manufacture of textiles. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh aodach.
MUILEANN TÒN RI LÀR HORIZONTAL MILL A water mill in which the mill wheel is set horizontally within the water channel, and turns a mill stone directly without the use of  gears. Muileann-uisge aig a bheil roth-muilinn a tha na laighe air a chòmhnard san uisge 's a' tionndadh clach-mhuilinn as aonais gèaraichean eatarra.
MUILEANN-ANAIRT LINEN MILL A mill where flax fibres were woven into linen cloth. Muileann far a bheilear a' fighe lìon-aodach de theudagan lìn.
Muileann-arbhair na h-Abaid Nuaidhe New Abbey Corn Mill
MUILEANN-BRUTHAIDH CRUSHING MILL A building containing mechanically powered crushers or rollers. Togalach sa bheil brùthadairean no rolairean a tha aig obair air cumhachd meacanaigeach.
MUILEANN-BUNTÀTA POTATO MILL A mill where potatoes are turned into flour for human consumption. Muileann far a bheilear a' bleith buntàta nam flùr a dh'itheas daoine.
MUILEANN-BURSAID WORSTED MILL A factory where worsted, a well-twisted woollen yarn made from long staple wool and used in the manufacture of suits and other garments, is produced. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh bursaid, snàth clòimhe a nithear le bhith a' deagh-thoinneamh clòimh-stapaill fhada airson deiseachan is aodach eile a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN-CAILLEAGO CALICO MILL A textile mill producing calico, coarse cotton. Muileann-aodaich a nì cailleago, cotan garbh.
MUILEANN-CAINB HEMP MILL A factory where hemp, the woody stalk of the hemp plant, used for the making of coarse cloth and cordage, was processed. Factaraidh far an robhar a' giullachd cainb, cuiseag fhiodhach lus na cainbe, gus aodach is ròpannan garbh a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN-CÀRDAIDH CARDING MILL A workshop where hand-operated carding engines and hand jennies are used to spin yarn for handloom weavers. Ceàrdach far a bheilear a' snìomh snàth airson luchd-nam beart-bheag air einnseanan-làimhe càrdaidh is air Jenny làimhe.
MUILEANN-CHNÀMHAN BONE MILL A mill for grinding or crushing bones, in the process of making bone china, for example. Muileann a bhleitheas no a bhrùthas cnàmhan, mar eisimpleir nuair a nithear pòrsalan cnàmha.
MUILEANN-CLÒ TWEED MILL A factory where tweed, a twilled woollen fabric, is manufactured. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh clò-mòr, aodach a nithear le bhith a' filleadh clòimh.
MUILEANN-CLÒIMHE WOOLLEN MILL A factory where short wool was spun into woollen yarn to produce cloth. Factaraidh far an robhar a' dèanamh snàth clòimhe de chlòimh ghoirid gus aodach a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN-COISE TREADMILL A structure for producing power through a rotary motion achieved by the weight of people or animals treading on a succession of moving steps or a belt that forms a kind of continuous path. Structar a ghineas cumhachd slighe gluasad cuairteachaidh is cuideigin no beathach air choireigin a' coiseachd air sreath steapaichean no air nàdar de bhann sìor-leantainneach.
MUILEANN-CONAISG WHIN MILL A mill used to crush whins (gorse) for animal fodder. Muileann a bhrùthas conasg airson fodar bheathaichean.
MUILEANN-COTAIN COTTON MILL Usually a cotton spinning factory, although some mills have weaving sheds attached, in which case the end product is completed cloth, not yarn only. Mar is trice factaraidh snìomha ged a tha cuid a mhuileannan ann ris a bheil taighean-beairt ri cuid dhiubh agus mas ann mar sin a tha e, 's e aodach ullamh am bathar deireannach 's chan e snàth a-mhàin.
MUILEANN-FARINA FARINA MILL A mill where farina is produced for human consumption. Muileann far a bheilear a' dèanamh farina a dh'itheas daoine.
MUILEANN-FIGHE WEAVING MILL A factory, incorporating power driven machinery from the late 18th century, where cloth was manufactured from threads interlaced at right angles to each other in a loom. Factaraidh, a' gabhail a-steach innealan cumhachd o dheireadh na 18mh linn, far an deach aodach a dhèanamh de shnàithean 's iad air am fighe còmhla air ceàrnan ceart thairis air a chèile air beart-fhighe.
MUILEANN-FROISIDH THRESHING MILL A mill which contains machinery for separating grain from chaff. Muilleann sa bheil acainn a dhealaicheas an sìol on mholl.
MUILEANN-FROISIDH THRESHING MACHINE A machine for separating grain from stalks and husks. Inneal a sgaras an sìol o na cuiseagan is on chàth.
MUILEANN-GAOITHE WINDMILL A tower-like structure of wood or brick with a wooden cap and sails which are driven around by the wind producing power to work the internal machinery. Use with product type where known. Structar bhreigean no fiodha a tha coltach ri tùr le ceann fiodha air agus sgiathan a tha gan tionndadh leis a' ghaoth gus na h-innealan na bhroinn obrachadh. Cleachd nàdar a bhathar na lùib ma tha fhios dè fear.
MUILEANN-GAOITHE PUMPAIDH PUMPING WINDMILL A windmill used to drive a pump. Muileann-gaoithe a tha ag obrachadh pumpa.
MUILEANN-GEARRAIDH MHEATAILTEAN SLITTING MILL A mill with machinery used to cut slabs of metal into rods, or thin sections, for use in nail making or wire drawing. Muileann aig a bheil innealan a ghearras pìosan mòra meatailte ann an slatan tana no sliseagan tana a thèid an cleachdadh airson tarragan no uèir a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN-GRÀIN GRAIN MILL A mill where grain is ground to produce flour. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' bleith sìol gus flùr a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN-LÌN FLAX MILL A mill where flax is processed to make linen, thread and yarn. Muileann far a bheilear a' giullachd lìon gus lìon-aodach is snàth a dhèanamh.
MUILEANN-LUADHAIDH FULLING MILL A mill for beating and cleaning cloth, using soap or fullers' earth. Muileann far a bheilear a' bualadh 's a' glanadh aodach le siabann no criadh an fhùcadair.
MUILEANN-MINE FLOUR MILL A factory where flour is produced for use in food products. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh flùr gus a chleachdadh ann am bathar bìdh.
MUILEANN-MINE GRIST MILL A grain mill used to grind portions of grain brought in by individual customers. Bhiodh muileann-gràine a' bleith badan beaga de shìol a bheireadh daoine fa leth ann.
MUILEANN-OLA OIL MILL A factory where fruit and seed oil is produced by an oil press. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' tarraing ola à measan is sìl le inneal-fàsgaidh.
MUILEANN-PÀIPEIR PAPER MILL A factory where paper is made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh pàipear.
MUILEANN-PUIST POST MILL A type of windmill mounted on a post so that it can rotate into the wind. Seòrsa de mhuileann-gaoithe a tha air post ach an urrainn dha tionndadh ris a' ghaoth.
MUILEANN-RUS RICE MILL A factory where rice is processed. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd rìs.
MUILEANN-SÀBHAIDH SAW MILL A factory in which logs are converted to timber by running them through a series of saws. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh fiodh de logaichean le bhith gan cur tro shreath de shàbhan.
MUILEANN-SMÙIDE STEAM MILL A steam-powered factory. Factaraidh a tha ag obair air cumhachd-smùide.
MUILEANN-SNAOISEIN SNUFF MILL A factory where tobacco is ground to form snuff. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' bleith tombaca na snaoisean.
MUILEANN-SNÌOMHA SPINNING MILL A factory in which raw fibres are spun into yarn or thread. Many separate processes are required to achieve this. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' snìomh teudagan amha na shnàth. Tha iomadh ceum an lùib seo.
MUILEANN-STAILC STARCH MILL A mill used for the extraction and processing of starch. Muileann far a bheilear a' tarraing starrsa à rudan 's ga ghiullachd.
MUILEANN-STAOIN TIN MILL A mill used for the processing of tin ore by razing, stamping or smelting. Muileann a thathar ga chleachdadh ann an ullachadh clach-thiona le bhith ga sgrìobadh, ga stampadh no ga leaghadh.
MUILEANN-UISGE WATERMILL A mill in which the machinery is driven by water power. Muileann sa bheil innealan a tha ag obair air cumhachd-uisge.
Muir o Fauld Muir o' Fauld
