
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.

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RABBIT WARREN COINICEAR An area used for the breeding and rearing of rabbits. Àite far a bheilear a' briodadh 's ag àrach coineanan.
RACE TRACK TRAG-RÈISIDH A piece of ground on which athletes race. Talamh far an cumar rèisean lùth-chleasaichean.
RACECOURSE CÙRSA-RÈIS A piece of ground on which horse races are run. Talamh far an cumar rèisean each.
RACING CIRCUIT CUAIRT-RÈISIDH A piece of ground used for motor racing. Pìos talmhainn far a bheilear a' rèiseadh chàraichean.
RACING SPORTS SITE LÀRACH SPÒRSAN-RÈISIDH A building, site or structure associated with various racing sports. Togalach, làrach no structar a tha co-cheangailte ri diofar spòrsachan rèisidh.
RACKET SPORTS SITE IONAD SPÒRS RACAIDEAN A building, site or structure associated with the playing of racket sports. Togalach, làrach no structar a tha co-cheangailte ri geamannan anns an cleachdar racaidean.
RACQUETS COURT CÙIRT RACAID A plain four walled court used to play the game of racquets on. Cùirt shimplidh cheithir-bhallach far a bheilear a' cluich geamannan racaid air.
RADAR MAST CRANN RÈIDEAR A mast of metal girders (or wood) in a lattice construction for use by a Radar Station.  Usually stands on four concrete plinths and is often supported by additional wires. Crann de theannadairean meatailte (no fiodha) ann an cruth laitise 's a chleachdar ann an stèisean rèideir.  Tha seo na sheasamh air ceithir stèidhean concrait agus taic uèirichean a bharrachd ris gu tric.
RADAR SITE LÀRACH RÈIDEAR A mobile radar unit used to provide local gun batteries with information on the range and height of aircraft and ships. Aonad rèideir so-ghiùlain a bheir fiosrachadh do bhataraidhean ghunnaichean ionadail air rainse is àirde phlèanaichean is longan.
RADAR STATION STÈISEAN RÈIDEAR A permanent site for fixed radar installations used as part of a National System for detecting the presence of aircraft or ships. Làrach bhuan airson structaran rèideir socraichte a tha na phàirt de shiostam nàiseanta a lorgas longan-adhair no bàtaichean.
RADIO BROADCASTING STUDIO STIÙIDIO-CRAOLAIDH RÈIDIO A place where radio programmes are produced and broadcast. Àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh 's a' craoladh prògraman rèidio.
RADIO MAST CRANN RÈIDIO A structure for broadcasting and receiving radio signals. Structar airson craoladh is glacadh siognailean rèidio.
RADIO STATION STÈISEAN RÈIDIO A building or group of buildings containing equipment capable of transmitting and receiving radio signals. Use BROADCASTING RADIO STATION for broadcasting establishments e.g. BBC Radio stations. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean sa bheil acainnean a tha comasach air siognailean rèidio a chraoladh 's a ghlacadh. Cleachd STÈISEAN CRAOLADH RÈIDIO airson buidhnean craolaidh, m.e. stèiseanan rèidio a' BBC.
RAG WELL TOBAR CLÙDAIDH An area around water where rags or clothing are tied or placed for ritual purposes. Raon mun cuairt air uisge far a bheilear a' ceangal no a' cur aodach no luideagan mar dheas-gnàth.
RAILINGS RÈILEACHAN A fence or barrier made of metal or wooden rails. Feansa no bacadh de rèileachan meatailt no fiodha.
RAILWAY RATHAD-IARAINN RÈILE A line or track consisting of iron or steel rails, on which passenger carriages or goods wagons are moved, usually by a locomotive engine. Traca a tha na rèilichean iarainn no stàilinn air a bheil  carbadan luchd-siubhail no bathair a' gluasad, mar is trice le einnsean-rèile gan tarraing.
RAILWAY BRIDGE DROCHAID-RÈILE A bridge carrying a railway track across a river, valley, road etc. Drochaid air a bheil rathad-iarrainn a tha a' dol thairis air abhainn, gleann, rathad is msaa.
RAILWAY CARRIAGE CARAIDS-RÈILE Use for stationary railway carriage being used for a purpose it wasn't originally intended for - office, shelter, etc. Cleachd airson carbad-rèile a tha na sheasamh 's ga chleachdadh airson adhbharan eile seach an fheadhainn a chaidh a dhealbhadh air an son - mar oifis, àite-fuirich is msaa.
RAILWAY COTTAGE COTAIDS RÈILE A cottage or small house constructed for the use of railway staff, and convenient to their place of work. Bothan no taigh beag a chaidh a thogail airson luchd-obrach an rathaid-iarainn agus a tha ann an àite goireasach dhaibh.
RAILWAY CUTTING GEARRADH-RÈILE An artificial excavation cut through steep or uneven ground to make a way for a railway track. Dìg mhòr a chaidh a chladhach gus àite a chruthachadh do rathad-iarainn thairis air talamh cas no garbhlach.
RAILWAY DEPOT DEPOT RÈILE A centralised store or operating base for logistical use by industrial, commercial or governmental bodies for the storage of goods, or for the maintenance of trains. Stòr no bunait obrachaidh mheadhanach airson logastachd gnìomhachais, malairt no buidhnean an riaghaltais far an cum iad bathar no airson obair-ghlèidhidh thrèanaichean.
RAILWAY EMBANKMENT UCHDAN RÈILE An artificial ridge of stone or earth, built to carry a railway track across a declivity or an area subject to flooding. Druimean cloiche no ùir fuadain a chaidh a thogail gus rathad-iarainn a chur le bruach no thairis air talamh a thèid a thuileachadh gu tric.
RAILWAY ENGINEERING SITE IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD RÈILICHEAN Buildings, sites and structures associated with the construction and maintenance of railways and rolling stock. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail is obair-ghlèidhidh rathadan-iarainn is stoc rothach.
RAILWAY ENGINEERING WORKS FACTARAIDH EINNSEANAIREACHD THRÈANAICHEAN A large site specialising in the manufacture and repair of locomotives. Làrach mhòr far a bheilear gu sònraichte a' dèanamh 's a' càradh carbadan-smùide.
RAILWAY HALT STAD-RÈILE A minor railway station, often without permanent buildings. Stèisean-rèile beag, gu math tric as aonais thogalaichean buana.
RAILWAY JUNCTION SNAIDHM-RÈILE A place where two or more railways meet. Àite far a bheil co-dhiù dà rathad-iarainn a' coinneachadh.
RAILWAY OFFICE OIFIS RÈILE A building or room where railway tickets may be bought and administrative duties associated with a railway are conducted. Togalach no seòmar far an urrainnear tiocaidean rèile a cheannach agus far a bheilear ri obair-rianachd nan rathaidean-iarainn.
RAILWAY PLATFORM CABHSAIR  RÈILE A raised floor along the side of a line at a railway station, for convenience in entering and alighting from a train. Ùrlar togte ri taobh rathaid-iarainn aig stèisean-rèile airson 's gun urrainn dhan luchd-siubhail tighinn far nan trèanaichean no a dhol orra gun duilgheadas.
RAILWAY SIDING SEACHADAN RÈILE A short piece of track lying parallel to the main railway line enabling trains and trucks to pass one another. Sidings can also be used to park trains which are not in use. Traca goirid a tha co-shìnte ris a' phrìomh rathad-iarainn airson 's gum faigh trèanaichean is làraidhean seachad air a chèile. Cleachdar taobh-rèilean cuideachd gus trèanaichean a phàirceadh ann nuair nach eilear gan cleachdadh.
RAILWAY STATION STÈISEAN-RÈILE A place with platforms and other facilities, allowing trains to stop to take on and set down passengers and load and unload goods for transport. Àite far a bheil ùrlaran is goireasan eile airson 's gun dhan luchd-siubhail tighinn far nan trèanaichean no a dhol orra no airson bathar a luchdadh orra no a thoirt far nan trèanaichean.
RAILWAY TRANSPORT SITE LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL- RÈILE Buildings, sites and structures associated with railway transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail rèile.
RAILWAY TUNNEL TUNAIL-RÈILE A tunnel running under a river or a hillside through which a railway line runs. Tunail a tha a' dol fo abhainn no tro leathad 's rathad-iarainn a' dol troimhe.
RAILWAY TURNTABLE CLÀR-TIONNDAIDH RÈILE A piece of machinery on which a railway engine, carriage or wagon can be rotated at a railway terminal. Inneal air an gabh einnsean-rèile no carbad a thionndaidh ann an tèirmineal rèile.
RAILWAY VIADUCT DROCHAID-RÈILE A bridge, usually raised on a series of arches, which carries a railway across a valley, watercourse or low-lying land. Drochaid, mar is trice tè thogte air grunn bhoghachan agus air a bheil rathad-iarainn a' dol thairis air gleann, abhainn no talamh ìseal.
RAILWAY WORKS IONAD OBAIR RÈILEACHAN An engineering works producing items for the railway other than rolling stock, such as signals, tracks, points, etc. FACTARAIDH einnseanaireachd a nì rudan dhan rathad-iarainn seach carbadan, mar eisimpleir siognailean, tracaichean, puingean is msaa.
RAILWAY YARD GÀRRADH RÈILE A site with buildings and structures where railway engines and carriages are maintained and stored. Làrach air a bheil togalaichean is structaran far an dèanar obair-chàraidh air einnseanan-rèile is carbadan-rèile 's far an stòrar iad.
RAMP RAMPA An inclined plane connecting two different levels, for use by vehicles. Ùrlar claon a tha a' ceangal dà ìre eadar-dhealaichte ri chèile; ga chleachdadh le carbadan.
RAMPART RAMPAIR An earth embankment built around a site for defensive purposes. Uchdan ùir a chaidh a thogail mun cuairt air àite gus a dhìon.
Ravenscraig Castle Caisteal Chreag an Fhithich
READING ROOM SEÒMAR-LEUGHAIDH A room in a library or institution providing periodicals, newspapers, etc. Seòmar ann an leabhar-lann no institiuid sa bheil irisean, pàipearan-naidheachd is msaa.
REAL TENNIS COURT CÙIRT FÌOR-THEANAS An indoor court where the ancient and complex sport of real tennis is played. Cùirt air an taobh a-staigh far a bheilear a' cluich an spòrs àrsaidh is iom-fhillte, fìor-theanas.
Receiver of Wreck Neach-trusaidh Longan-briste
RECORDING STUDIO STIÙIDIO CLÀRAIDH A room or building used for the making of films, television or radio programmes and musical recordings (CDs, LPs, etc.). Seòmar no togalach far a bheilear a' dèanamh filmichean, prògraman telebhisein no rèidio agus clàraidhean ciùil (CDs, LPs is msaa).
RECREATION GROUND RAON CHUR-SEACHADAN A public ground with facilities for games and other activities. Àite poblach aig a bheil goireasan airson geamannan is gnìomhachdan eile.
RECTILINEAR ENCLOSURE GEÀRRAIDH An area of land enclosed within a boundary with straight or near straight sides. May be defined by a ditch, bank, wall palisade or similar. Pìos talmhainn mun a bheil crìoch agus le taobhan a tha dìreach no cha mhòr dìreach. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil seo comharraichte le dìg, uchdan, balla, sonnach no rud mar sin.
RECTORY TAIGH-REACHDAIRE The residence of a rector, parson or vicar. Àite-còmhnaidh aig reachdaire, pearsan no bhiocar.
RECUMBENT STONE CIRCLE CEARCALL TURSA SÌNTE A stone circle which includes a prostrate stone flanked by two uprights, which are usually the tallest stones in the circle. Cearcall chlachan le aonan na laighe 's dà thursachan ri thaobh, mar is tric 's iadsan an fheadhainn as àirde sa chearcall.
REDOUBT DÌDEAN A temporary fortified stronghold or earthwork, either isolated or built inside a permanent fortification as a final defensive measure. Daingean sealach no balla ùir, na aonar no am broinn daingean buan mar àite dìon deireannach.
REED BED CUILCEACH A place where reeds are grown for roof thatching and habitat management. Àite far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air cuilc airson tughadh agus stiùireadh na h-àrainneachd.
REFECTORY SEÒMAR-ITHE A communal dining room, especially in schools, colleges and monasteries. Seòmar-bìdh a chleachdar còmhla, gu sònraichte ann an sgoiltean, colaistean agus manachainn.
REFRACTORY WORKS FACTARAIDH BATHAR TEAS-FHULANGACH A factory that produces refractory bricks and other heat resistant ceramic products. Factaraidh a nì breigean teas-fhulangach agus bathar-criadha eile a sheasas ri teas.
REFUGE STONE FRAON A large stone, pile of stones or outcrop, with a cavity which provides temporary or emergency accommodation for travellers, mountaineers etc. Clach mhòr, càrn chlachan no creag sa bheil toll as urrainn do luchd-siubhail no beanntairean a chleachdadh mar fasgnadh èiginn no sealach.
REFUSE DESTRUCTOR LOSGADAIR SGUDAIL A facility where refuse is burnt, sometimes producing heat for power generation. Ionad far a bheilear a' losgadh sgudal is cleachdar an teas a thig às uaireannan gus cumhachd a ghintinn.
REFUSE DISPOSAL SITE IONAD-SGUDAIL A site where household rubbish and other waste products can be disposed of. May take the form of a pit, rubbish tip, landfill site or incineration plant. Làrach far an urrainn do dhaoine cuidhteas fhaighinn de sgudal taighe agus sgudal eile. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi seo na shloc, ionad-sgudail, lìonadh-talmhainn no ionad-losgaidh.
REGISTER OFFICE OIFIS-CHLÀRAIDH An office at which the registration of marriages, births and deaths are recorded, and in which marriage ceremonies may take place. Oifis far a bheilear a' clàradh pòsaidhean, breithean agus bàsan agus far an cumar deas-ghnàthan pòsaidh cuideachd.
RELIGIOUS HOUSE TAIGH-CRÀBHAIDH Use only for a monastic house of unknown status, religious order and uncertain authenticity, otherwise use specific term. Na cleachd ach mur eilear cinnteach dè an inbhe, òrd cràbhach no ùghdaralas a bhuineas do thogalach mhanach.
REPOSITORY IONAD-TASGAIDH A room or building used as a store, usually for documents, works of art, books etc. Seòmar no togalach a chleachdar mar stòras, mar is trice airson sgrìobhainnean, obair-ealain, leabhraichean is msaa.
RESERVOIR MÀTHAIR-UISGE A natural or artificial body of water where water is collected and stored for a specific use. Use specific term where known. Uisgeadan fuadain no nàdarra far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh 's a' stòradh uisge airson adhbharan sònraichte. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING TOGALACH CÒMHNAIDH Buildings used as non-permanent homes. Togalaichean a tha nan dachaighean nach eil buan.
Respect our Wrecks code of practise còd-giùlain Respect our Wrecks
RESTAURANT TAIGH-BÌDH A commercial establishment where meals and refreshments are prepared and served to paying customers. Gnothach far a bheil biadh is deoch ga ullachadh 's ga reic do chustamairean.
Restenneth Priory Praidhearaidh Ros Teine
RETAIL PARK PÀIRC BHÙTHAN A site comprising a number of large, separate, purpose-built retail units, together with access roads, parking facilities and other amenities. Làrach air a bheil diofar aonadan meanbh-reic mòra dealaichte a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach, le rathaidean inntrigidh, àitichean-pàircidh agus goireasan eile.
RETIREMENT HOME TAIGH-CLUAINEIS Residence for retired people, often in the form of an apartment complex, differing from a nursing home as the residents live independently. Àite-fuirich airson dhaoine a leig dhiubh an cuid dhreuchdan, gu math tric an cruth aitreabh àrasan, eadar-dhealaichte o thaigh-cùraim leis gu bheil na daoine a' fuireach ann an neo-eisimeileachd.
RETORT HOUSE TAIGH SHOITHICHEAN-CRUTHACHAIDH GAS Central functional building of a gas works. Coal is roasted in retorts producing gas, coke and byproducts. Prìomh ionad-obrachaidh aig FACTARAIDH gas. Tha gual ga ròstadh ann an GLAINNEachan srònach gus gas, còc agus co-bhathar eile a dhèanamh.
RETORT WORKS FACTARAIDH SHOITHICHEAN GAS A site where retorts, used in the production of coal gas, are made. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh GLAINNEachan sròineach a thèid a chleachdadh ann an saothrachadh gas-guail.
RETTING POND LÒN BOGADH LÌN A small natural or artificial body of water used for the prolonged soaking of flax straw, in order to soften the woody tissue and enable the fibres to be separated. Uisgeadan beag nàdarra no fuadain sa bheilear a' bogadh cuiseagan lìn gus a' phàirt fhiodhach dheth a dhèanamh nas buige airson 's gun gabh na teudagan a sgaradh.
REVETMENT BALLA-TAIC A wall built to retain a bank of earth. Balla a chaidh a thogail gus taic a chumail ri uchdan ùir.
Ri-Cruin Cairn Càrn an Ruighe Chruinn
RICE MILL MUILEANN-RUS A factory where rice is processed. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd rìs.
RIDING SCHOOL SGOIL-MHARCACHD A school where people are taught to ride horses. Sgoil far a bheil daoine ag ionnsachadh marcachd.
RIG AND FURROW IOMAIR IS CLAIS A series of ridges (rigs), separated by furrows, created by ploughing. Sreath de dhiomairean le claisean eatarra a chaidh a chruthachadh an cois treabhaidh. 
RIGGING WORKS FACTARAIDH ACAINN SEÒLAIDH A works for the production and repair of ships' rigging. FACTARAIDH far an dèanar is far an càraichear acainnean longan.
RING BANK UCHDAN  CEARCALLACH Circular enclosure featuring an enclosing bank with no accompanying ditch. Use specific type where known. Lann chearcallach mun a bheil uchdan ach gun dìg. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
RING CAIRN CÀRN CEARCALLACH A circular cairn with a central court. Càrn cearcallach le cùirt na mheadhan.
RING DITCH CUAIRT-DHÌG An unbroken circular or sub-circular ditch, usually seen as a cropmark. May be the remains of a ploughed-out barrow, roundhouse or modern feature. Use the term where function is unknown. Dìg shlàn no cha mhòr cearcallach a chithear, mar is trice, mar chomharra-barra. Dh'fhaoidte gur e seo iarsmadh de bharpa, taigh-cruinn no feart ùr a chaidh a sgriosadh leis an treabhadh. Cleachd am briathar seo mur eil fios dè am feum a bha ann.
RING DITCH HOUSE TAIGH LE CUAIRT-DÌG A roundhouse with an internal ditch, which may be visible on the ground surface. Taigh-cruinn le dìg na bhroinn. Dh'fhaoidte gum faicear an dìg air uachdar na talmhainn.
RING DITCH HOUSE (1) TAIGH LE CUAIRT-DHÌG A roundhouse with an internal ditch, which may be visible on the ground surface. Taigh-cruinn le dìg na bhroinn. Dh'fhaoidte gum faicear an dìg air uachdar na talmhainn.
RING ENCLOSURE LANN CEARCALLACH A small circular enclosure defined by a turf or earthern bank. Lann bheag chearcallan a tha ga comharradh le uchdan sgratha no ùir.
RING GROOVE HOUSE TAIGH LE CUAIRT-GHRÒB A roundhouse, the upright posts of which stood in a penannular bedding trench. The trench may be visible on the ground as a shallow groove. Taigh-cruinn aig an robh saidhean a sheas ann an clais leabachaidh bheàrn-fhàinneach. Dh'fhaoidte gun aithnichear a' chlais air gròb eu-domhain air an talamh.
RING GROOVE HOUSE (1) TAIGH LE CUAIRT-GHRÒB A roundhouse, the upright posts of which stood in a penannular bedding trench. The trench may be visible on the ground as a shallow groove. Taigh-cruinn aig an robh saidhean a sheas ann an clais leabachaidh bheàrn-fhàinneach. Dh'fhaoidte gun aithnichear a' chlais air gròb eu-domhain air an talamh.
RING MARKED ROCK CREAG CHEARCALL One or more concentric circles cut into the surface of a natural rock outcrop. Usually found with CUP MARKS. Co-dhiù aon bhad a chearcallan co-mheadhanach a chaidh a shnaidheadh air uachdar lomain chreagaich nàdarra. Gheibhear seo an cois CLOICHE CHUACHACH mar is trice.
RING MARKED STONE CLACH CHEARCALL A stone with one or more concentric circles cut into the surface. Clach a chaidh co-dhiù aon bhad a chearcallan co-mheadhanach a shnaidheadh air a h-uachdar.
RINGWORK BALLA-ÙIR CEARCALLACH A defensive bank and ditch, circular or oval in plan, surrounding one or more buildings. Dìg is uchdan dìonach a tha cruinn no ugh-chruthach a tha mun cuairt air co-dhiù aon togalach.
Rispain Camp Campa Rispain
RITUAL BUILDING TOGALACH DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN A building which appears to have fulfilled a ritual, rather than a domestic or industrial, function. Togalach a chaidh a chleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan seach mar àite-còmhnaidh no gnìomhachais.
RITUAL ENCLOSURE LANN DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN An enclosure which appears to have a ritual, rather than a defensive or domestic, function. Lann a chaidh a chleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan a-rèir coltais seach mar àite-còmhnaidh no dìon.
RITUAL PIT SLOC DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN A pit which appears to have been dug for, or which contains, objects apparently deposited for reasons other than storage, disposal or extraction. Sloc a chaidh a chladhach, a-rèir coltais, airson rudan (no sa bheil rudan) nach deach an cur ann airson stòradh, tilgeil air falbh no às-tharraing.
RITUAL SITE LÀRACH DHEAS-GHNÀTHAN A site used primarily for ritual, rather than domestic or industrial, purposes. Use specific term wherever possible. Làrach a thathar gu sònraichte a' cleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan seach adhbharan àbhaisteach no gnìomhachais. Cleachd briathar pongail ma tha fios air.
RIVER ABHAINN A natural stream of water, larger than a stream. Sruth uisge nàdarra, nas motha na allt.
RIVET WORKS FACTARAIDH RIOBHAIDEAN A site where metal rivets are manufactured. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh drithleanan meatailt.
ROAD RATHAD A way between different places, used by horses, travellers on foot and vehicles. Slighe eadar diofar àitichean air a bheil eich, luchd-coiseachd is carbadan a' siubhal.
ROAD BLOCK BLOCA RATHAID A combination of obstructions, used either to stop enemy forces or to force them off the road. Measgachadh de bhacaidhean airson stad a chur air feachdan nàmhad no gus an stiùireadh far an rathaid.
ROAD BRIDGE DROCHAID-RATHAID A bridge carrying a road over land or water. Drochaid air a bheil rathad a tha a' dol thairis air talmhainn no uisge.
ROAD JUNCTION SNAIDHM-RATHAID A place where two or more roads meet. Àite far a bheil co-dhiù dà rathad a' coinneachadh.
ROAD ROLLER ROILEAR RATHAID A large vehicle used to compact earth, gravel or cement to create a flat surface. Carbad mòr a dhùmhlaicheas ùir, grinneal no saimeant gus uachdar rèidh a chruthachadh.
ROAD TRANSPORT SITE LÀRACH Buildings, sites and structures associated with road transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail rathaid.
ROAD TUNNEL TUNAIL-RATHAID A tunnel carrying a road under a river or through a hill or other obstruction. Tunail-rathaid a tha a' dol fo abhainn no tro chnoc no bacadh eile.
ROADHOUSE TAIGH-RATHAID A licensed premises, usually located on a main road outside a town or city, providing meals and entertainment. Fàrdach aig a bheil cead deoch-làidir a reic, mar is trice air prìomh-rathad taobh a-muigh baile no cathrach 's a sholaireas biadh is dibhearsan.
ROCK CARVING ÌOMHAIGH  SHNAIGHTE A figure or design cut into natural outcrop or a cave wall. Cruth duine no dealbhadh a chaidh a sgrìobadh air creag nàdarra no balla uamha.
ROCK CRUSHER BRUTHADAIR CLOICHE A machine used to reduce large rocks into smaller pieces. Inneal a bhriseas clachan mòra ann am pìosan nas lugha.
ROCK CUT BOWL CUACH-CREIGE A bowl or basin shaped hollow cut into stone or rock outcrop. Lagan ann an cruth bobhla no amair a chaidh a shnaidheadh ann an clach no loman creagach.
ROCK CUT GRAVE UAIGH CREIGE A single burial cut into bedrock. Tìodhlacadh leis fhèin a chaidh a shnaidheadh san fho-chreag.
ROCK CUT SEAT SUIDHEACHAN-CREIGE A boulder or rock cut and shaped into the form of a seat. Clach no ulpag a chaidh a ghearradh 's a chruthachadh na shuidheachan.
ROCK SHELTER FASGADH CREIGE The area beneath a natural overhang at the base of a cliff or crag. This may have been used for occupation, burial, etc. An t-àite fo aomadh nàdarra aig bonn bearraidh no creige. Dh'fhaoidte gun deach seo a chleachdadh mar àite-fuirich, àite-tìodhlacaidh is msaa.
ROCKERY CREAGADAN A pile of rough stones and soil used for the growing of ferns and other plants. Torr de chlachan garbha 's ùir far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air raineach is lusan eile.
ROCKET STAFF BEAIRT ROCAID Apparatus (associated with manned lighthouse) used or intended to fire a signal rocket to give warning to approaching vessels at close range. Acainn (co-cheangailte ri taigh-solair air a sgiobadh) a chleachdar gus rocaid a losgadh a bheir rabhadh do shoithichean a tha am fagas.
ROCKING STONE CLACH AN TURTAIR A natural feature, comprising a stone, often of great size and weight, resting upon another stone in such a way that it may be rocked, or moved slightly, with little effort. Feart nàdarra  tha na chlach, mar is trice tè mhòr agus trom, a tha na laighe air clach eile air alt 's gun gabh a ghluasad gu furasta no air alt 's gum bi e air thurraban.
ROMAN FORT GEARASTAN RÒMANACH A fortified permanent military base defended by at least one rampart and ditch, generally built for a single regiment of 500 or 1000 men, and containing accommodation for troops and officers, together with stores and ancillary buildings. Bunait dhaingnichte bhuan an airm a tha ga dhìon le co-dhiù aon ramapair agus dìg, mar is trice air a thogail do dh'aon rèiseamaid de 500 no 1,000 duine agus sa bheil àitichean-fuirich do dh'oifigearan is feachdan, còmhla ri stòrasan is togalaichean taice.
ROMAN ROAD RATHAD RÒMANACH A metalled road built by the Romans for the movement of military personnel and supplies. Rathad air a bheil uachdar deasaichte a chaidh a thogail leis na Ròmanaich gus muinntir agus goireasan an airm a ghluasad.
ROPE MANUFACTURING SITE LÀRACH DÈANAMH RÒPA Buildings and structures associated with the manufacture of rope. Togalaichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh ròpa.
ROPE WORKS FACTARAIDH RÒPA A place where ropes are made. Àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh ròpannan.
ROPEWALK TAIGH-RÒPA A long, narrow, roofed building, sometimes two-storied, used for the manufacture of rope. Often attached to warehousing, an engine house or offices. Can be included within the complex of a textile mill or dockyard. Togalach fada caol le mullach air, uaireannan le dà ùrlar, ann an dèanar ròpa. Gu math tric co-cheangailte ri taighean-bathair, taigh-einnsein no oifisean. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi seo na phàirt de dh'aitreabh mhuilinn-chlòtha no doca.
Rosyth Castle Caisteal Ros Fhìobh
Rosyth Castle, Dovecot Caisteal Ros Fhìobh, Tucaid
Rothesay Castle Caisteal Bhaile Bhòid
ROTUNDA ROTUNDA An isolated building, circular in plan, generally consisting of one apartment with a domed roof. Togalach aonaranach, air pàtran cearcallach, sa bheil aon àras le cuach-mhullach air mar is trice.
Rough Castle An Caisteal Garbh
ROUND BARROW BARPA CRUINN A hemispherical mound surrounded by a ditch (or occasionally two or more concentric ditches), often accompanied by an external (or occasionally internal) bank. Mound and ditch may sometimes be separated by a berm. Use specific type where known. Torr leth-chruinn mun a bheil dìg (no uaireannan a dhà no barrachd dhìgean co-mheadhanach), gu tric le uchdan air an taobh a-muigh (ach uaireannan air an taobh a-staigh cuideachd). Bidh beirm eadar an torr 's an dìg uaireannan. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
ROUND ENDED BUILDING TOGALACH STUAGHAN CRUINN A roughly rectangular building with one or both ends rounded. Togalach a tha cha mhòr ceart-cheàrnach aig a bheil co-dhiù aon cheann cruinnte.
ROUND TOWER TÙR CRUINN A tall, narrow tower, circular in cross section. Usually of early Medieval date and associated with, although detached from, a church or monastery. Tùr àrd caol a tha cruinn air a roinn-tharsainn. Mar is trice às na meadhan-aoisean agus co-cheangailte ri eaglais no manachainn ged a bhios e dealaichte uapa.
ROUNDABOUT CEARCALL-RATHAID A circular construction at the intersection of two or more roads to aid the passage of vehicles from one road to another. Structar cruinn far a bheil co-dhiù dà rathad a' coinneachadh ri chèile a bheir comas do charbadan gluasad on dàrna rathad gun rathad eile.
ROUNDHOUSE TAIGH-CRUINN A circular or sub-circular dwelling, largely timber-built, although it may have a stone or earth wall base. Àite-còmhnaidh cearcallach no cha mhòr cearcallach, air a thogail de dh'fhiodh gu ìre mhòr ach faodaidh gu bheil bun cloiche no ùir aig a' bhalla.
ROVING BRIDGE DROCHAID CEUM-TARRAING A bridge which takes the towpath across the canal. Drochaid far a bheil an ceum-tarraing a' dol thairis air a' chanal.
Rowallan Castle Caisteal Rudha Ailean
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland An Coimisean Rìoghail air Carraighean Àrsaidh is Eachdraidheil na h-Alba
ROYAL FOREST COILLE RÌOGHAIL A forested area of land, set aside for the royal hunt. Talamh coille far am b' urrainn do rìghrean a-mhàin sealg a dhèanamh.
ROYAL PALACE LÙCHAIRT RÌOGHAIL A large, luxuriously appointed house used as an official residence by a member of royalty. Togalach mòr is air a shàr-sgeadachadh a tha ga chleachdadh mar àite-còmhnaidh oifigeach le ball de theaghlach rìoghail.
RUBBER WORKS FACTARAIDH RUBAIR A factory for processing rubber or manufacturing rubber goods, such as tyres, expansion joints, seals etc. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd rubair no far a bheilear a' dèanamh bhathar rubair mar thaidhirean, uilt leudachaidh, seulan is msaa.
RUBBING STONE CLACH-THACHAIS A large stone used by cattle to rub up against and so scratch themselves. Clach mhòr as urrainn dhan chrodh suathadh ris agus iad fhèin a sgròbadh mar sin.
RUBBISH PIT SITIG A pit where domestic waste material is deposited. Sloc anns an cuirear sgudal an taighe.
RUNE INSCRIBED ROCK CREAG LE RÙN-SGRÌOBHADH A rock outcrop on which runes have been inscribed. Loman creagach air an deach rùn-sgrìobhadh a shnaidheadh.
RUNE INSCRIBED STONE CLACH LE RÙN-SGRÌOBHADH A stone on which runes have been inscribed. Clach air an deach rùn-sgrìobhadh a shnaidheadh.
RUNWAY RAON-LAIGHE A hard, level roadway or other surface from which aircraft take off and land. Rathad cruaidh rèidh no uachdar eile far an laigh no far an èirich carbadan-adhair.
Ruthven Barracks Taigh-feachd an Ruadhainn
Ruthwell Cross Crois Ruthwell
