Work with us
Want to work with the lead public body for Scotland’s historic environment?
Current Vacancies
We advertise all vacancies on our website, full and part-time jobs, apprenticeships and seasonal staff.
Recruitment Process
Learn about our application process and how to apply for a job.
What We Offer
We offer a unique work environment, excellent development opportunities, plus a competitive salary and much more.
Our Employment Values
Help us to safeguard Scotland’s historic environment and build a challenging and rewarding career at the same time.
Careers Unpacked
This section will equip you with all the tools you need to explore a career in the historic environment sector, make informed and realistic career choices, and discover the different career pathways open to you.
Dreuchdan am Follais
Bheir an earrann seo dhuibh gach pìos fiosrachaidh a dh’fheumas sibh airson dreuchd anns an roinn àrainneachd eachdraidheil a rannsachadh, roghainnean dreuchdail fiosraichte is ciallach a dhèanamh, agus na diofar shlighean dreuchdail a tha fosgailte dhuibh a lorg.