
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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MACHINE GUN POST IONAD BEAIRT-GHUNNA An open walled structure built of concrete, brick or sandbags which enclosed one or more machine-guns mounted on lintels for light anti-aircraft and ground defence. Structar fosgailte le ballachan concrait, bhreigean no bhagaichean-gainmhich a bha mun cuairt air co-dhiù aon bheairt-ghunna air leinnteil mar dhìon aotram talmhainn is an aghaidh phlèanaichean.
MACHINE SHOP BÙTH INNEALAN Engineering workshop housing specialized machinery such as lathes, presses, etc., for making machines. Ceàrdach einnseanaireachd sa bheil innealan sònraichte mar dheilean, innealan-fàsgaidh is msaa airson innealan a dhèanamh.
MACHINE TOOL WORKS FACTARAIDH BHEART-INNEALAN A site where machine tools are manufactured. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh beart-innealan.
MACHINERY INNEALRADH Apparatus used for applying a mechanical force, or to perform a particular function. Use more specific type where known. Inneal a chleachdar gus cumhachd mheacanaigeach a chur an gnìomh air rud no inneal a nì gnìomh sònraichte. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MACHINERY PLINTH STÈIDH INNEALRAIDH A concrete or stone platform which provides a secure, flat base for machinery. Ùrlar concrait no cloiche a tha na bhun-stèidh thèarainte rèidh airson innealan.
Machrie Moor, Stone Circle, Arran Sliabh Mhacharaidh, Tursachan, Arainn
MacLellan's Castle Caisteal MhicIllFhinnein 
MADRAS FACTORY FACTARAIDH MADRAS A factory where madras is produced. Madras is a lace-like fabric woven from cotton yarn. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh madras. Tha madras na aodach a tha coltach ri lios ach a thèid a dhèanamh de shnàth cotain.
MAGAZINE ARMLANN A building in which a supply of arms, ammunition and provisions for armed forces is stored. Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh buill-airm, connadh-gunna is biadh airson feachdan an airm.
Maiden Stone Clach na Maighdinn
MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP BÙTH-CÀRAIDH A building or room used for the maintenance of the buildings and facilities in a large complex, such as a hospital, school or factory. Togalach no seòmar a chleachdar ann an obair-chàraidh de thogalaichean is goireasan aig aitreabh mòr, can ospadal, sgoil no factaraidh.
MALT HOUSE TAIGH-BRACHA A building with malt kilns for the malting of grains and with other similar equipment for brewing work. Togalach sa bheil àthan-brachaidh airson brachadh shìol agus le acainnean eile coltach ri sin airson obair-ghrùide.
MALT KILN ÀTH-BHRACHA A kiln, usually with a pyramidal roof and capped vent, used to arrest the germination process in malted barley. Found on the site of a malt house. Àth, mar is trice le mullach biorramaideach is luidhear le ceann air, a chleachdar gus crìoch a chur air failleanachadh ann am brachadh an eòrna. Gheibhear seo air làrach sabhail-bhrachaidh.
MALTINGS TAIGH-BRACHA A building or group of buildings where grain is processed through germination, to produce malt. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean far a bheilear a' failleanachadh sìol gus braich a dhèanamh.
MANAGED WOODLAND COILLTEACH AIR A MANAIDSEADH An area of cultivated, managed woodland producing wood which is used for a variety of purposes. Fearann coillteach fo stiùireadh far a bheilear a' fàs fiodh a thèid a chleachdadh ann an diofar dòighean.
MANAGERS HOUSE TAIGH-MANAIDSEIR A purpose-built dwelling for the manager of a factory, works, textile mill, etc, often found within the complex itself. Àite-còmhnaidh a chaidh a thogail do mhanaidsear factaraidh no muileann-clòtha 's msaa, gu math tric am broinn nan togalaichean-obrach iad fhèin.
MANAGERS HOUSE (1) TAIGH A MHANAIDSEIR A purpose-built dwelling for the manager of a factory, works, textile mill, etc, often found within the complex itself. Àite-còmhnaidh a chaidh a thogail do mhanaidsear factaraidh no muileann-clòtha 's msaa, gu math tric am broinn an aitreibh fhèin.
MANGANESE QUARRY CUARAIDH MANGAINEIS An open-air site where manganese is extracted from the ground. Làrach a tha fosgailte dha na speuran far a bheilear a' dùsgadh mangaineis.
MANOR MAINEAR An area of land consisting of the lord's demesne and of lands from whose holders he may exact certain fees, etc. Pìos talmhainn a tha na thìrleach tighearna agus fearann air an togadh e cìsean àraidh is msaa.
MANOR HOUSE TAIGH-MAINEIR The principal house of a manor or village. Prìomh-thaigh aig mainear no baile.
MANSE MANSA The residence of a clergyman, usually a Presbyterian minister. Àite-còmhnaidh clèirich, mar is trice ministear clèireach.
MANUPORT NULL An unmodified stone or other natural object that could only have been transported to a site by human agency. Clach no oibseact nàdarra nach deach atharrachadh ach nach biodh ann mur an robh mac an duine ga giùlain ann.
MARBLE QUARRY CUARAIDH MARMOIR A place where marble is extracted from the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh marmor às an talamh.
MARINA MARINA A dock or basin, often inland, used for mooring yachts and other small pleasure craft. Doca no amar, gu math tric am broinn na tìre, a chleachdar mar acarsaid airson iachtaichean is bàtaichean-athais eile.
Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 Achd na Mara (Alba) 2010
Marine Conservation Orders Òrdughan Glèidhteachas na Mara
MARINE CONSTRUCTION SITE LÀRACH TOGAIL BHÀTAICHEAN Buildings, sites and structures associated with the construction and repair of ships and boats. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail is càraidh longan is bhàtaichean.
Marine Scotland Alba na Mara
Maritime Coastguard Agency Buidheann Cuantach nam Maor-cladaich
MARITIME HOUSE TAIGH-MARA The residences of people associated with the sea. Àitichean-còmhnaidh aig daoine a tha ris a' mhuir.
MARITIME OBSTRUCTION BOGHA-FUADAIN Seabed, anchorage and/or harbour bottom debris of uncertain origin and (generally) mixed nature, commonly recognised as forming a hazard to navigation. Sprùilleach air grunnd na mara, grunnd acarsaid no grunnd calaidh 's gun fhios cò às a thàinig e agus (mar is trice) measgaichte. Thathar a' coimhead air mar chunnart do luingeas mar is trice.
MARITIME OFFICE OIFIS CHÙISEAN-MARA A building from where marine operations are directed. Togalach a thathar a' stiùireadh cùisean na mara uaithe.
MARKER CAIRN CÀRN-COMHARRACHAIDH A cairn of no great antiquity, erected to mark a particular spot in the landscape, often used as a marker or directional aid in upland areas. Càrn nach eil glè àrsaidh a chaidh a thogail gus àite a chomharradh san tìr, gu math tric mar chomharra no gleus-stiùiridh air aonadh no bràigh.
MARKER POST POST-COMHARRACHAIDH A post, usually made of wood or metal, erected to mark a particular spot in the landscape, but the purpose of which is unknown. Post, mar is trice de mheatailt no fiodh, a chaidh a thogail gus àite sònraichte san tìr a chomharradh ach gun fhios dè an rud a tha e a' comharradh.
MARKER STONE CLACH-CHOMHARRACHAIDH A post made of stone erected to mark a particular spot in the landscape, but the purpose of which is unknown. Post cloiche a chaidh a thogail gus àite sònraichte san tìr a chomharradh ach gun fhios dè an rud a tha e a' comharradh.
MARKET MARGAID An open area, covered space or building where goods or livestock are bought and sold. It may be a permanent establishment or an event held periodically. Use specific term where known. Raon fosgailte, àite fo mhullach no togalach far a bheil bathar no crodh ga reic 's ga cheannach. Dh'fhaoidte gum bi seo ann gu buan no gun cumar e o àm gu àm. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MARKET CROSS CROIS MARGAID A cross found in a market place. Crois a tha air àite-margaid.
MARKET HALL TALLA-MARGAID A purpose built covered market hall, usually 19th century. Talla-margaid le mullach a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach, mar is trice às an 19mh linn.
MARKET HOUSE TAIGH-MARGAID A market building, pre-19th century, incorporating other function rooms, e.g. theatres, courtrooms, schoolrooms. Togalach margaide a chaidh a thogail ron 19mh linn aig a bheil seòmraichean airson rudan eile, m.e. taigh-cluich, seòmraichean-cùirte, seòmraichean-teagaisg.
MARKET PLACE IONAD-MARGAID An area where public markets are held, often a town square or a widened street. Àite far an cumar margaidean, gu math tric iar ceàrnag a' bhaile no sràid leathann.
MARKET STANCE STANNA MARGAID  An area in a market place set aside for the erection of a market stall. Àite sònraichte air àite-margaid far an tèid stannd margaid a thogail.
MARRIAGE STONE CLACH-PHÒSAIDH A stone inscribed with the initials of a bride and groom, usually accompanied by a date, and found on a lintel or set into a wall. Clach anns an deach na ciad litrichean nan ainmean aig bean is fear bainnse a sgrìobadh, mar is trice le ceann-là. Bhiodh a' chlach fhèin na h-àrd-doras mar is trice no am broinn balla.
MARRIED QUARTERS TAIGHEAN  LUCHD-AIRM PÒSTA Purpose built accommodation for members of the armed forces and their families. Àitichean-fuirich a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach do bhuill nam feachdan armaichte 's na teaghlaichean aca.
Mar's Wark Mars Wark
MARSHALLING YARD SEACHADAN SEÒRSACHAIDH A series of parallel railway sidings on which goods wagons originating from different locations can be sorted or re-sorted into new trains before being despatched to their next destination or sorting points. Sreath de thaobh-rèilean co-shìnte far an gabh carbadan-rèile bathair o dhiofar àitichean a sheòrsachadh no ath-sheòrsachadh air trèanaichean ùra mus tèid an cur air falbh gun cheann-uidhe aca no ionad seòrsachaidh eile.
MARTELLO TOWER TÙR MHARTELLO A coastal gun/watch tower built as part of the anti-invasion defences during the Napoleonic Wars. Tùr freiceadain/ghunnaichean air a' chladach a chaidh a thogail mar phàirt dhe na goireasan dìon o ionnsaighean aig àm Chogaidhean Napoleon.
MASH HOUSE TAIGH-MASGAIDH A brewery building where malt is mixed with hot water to form wort. Taigh-grùide far a bheilear a' measgachadh braich le uisge teth gus brailis.
MASONIC HALL TALLA NAN SAOR-CHLACHAIREAN A meeting place for freemasons. Àite-coinneachaidh airson saor-chlachairean.
MAUSOLEUM MAUSOLEUM A monumental burial place, usually for a single person or a family. Cuimhneachan àite-tìodhlacaidh, mar is trice do dh'aonan no do theaghlach.
Mavisbank House & Policies Taigh Mavisbank & Poileasaidhean
Maybole Collegiate Church Eaglais Cholaisteach Maybole
MAZE IOMA-SHLIGHE A confusing and baffling network of paths or passages, often set within a formal garden and bounded by high hedges or walls. Pàtran breisleachail 's toinnte de shlighean is trannsachan, gu math tric ann an gàrradh foirmeil 's le callaidean no ballachan àrda mun cuairt air.
MEAL MARKET MARGAID MINE A market where meal (cereal) is sold. Margadh far a bheilear a' reic min.
MEASURED MILE MARKER COMHARRA MÌLE TOMHAISTE A pair of landmark posts intended to be viewed in transit to define one end of an accurately measured mile (on a known bearing) used to verify the performance of ships following construction or refit. Paidhir de phuist a tha nan comharran-stiùiridh 's air a bheilear a' coimhead orra rè seòlaidh gus aon cheann de mhìle thomhaiste cheart a shocrachadh (air cùrsa aithnichte) gus dèanadas longan a dhearbhadh an dèidh obair-thogail no obair-chàraidh.
MEASURING POND AMAR-TOMHAIS-UISGE A pond or basin on a river, canal or reservoir in which the level of the water passing through is measured. Amar no linn ann an abhainn, canail no stòr-uisge far a bheilear a' tomhas ìre an uisge a tha a' dol troimhe.
MEAT MARKET MARGAID FEÒLA A commercial premises or public space where meat is traded. Ionad malairteach no raon poblach far a bheilear a' reic feòil.
MECHANICS INSTITUTE INSTITIUD NAM MEACANAIG A building where artisans could learn more about their craft, and the scientific and theoretical principles behind it, by attending lectures and the use of the reading room facilities. Togalach far am b' urrainn do dhaoine barrachd ionnsachadh mun cheàrd aca agus na prionnsabalan teòirigeach ann 's iad ag èisteachd ri òraidean agus a' cleachdadh nan goireasan san t-seòmar-leughaidh.
MEETING HALL TALLA CRUINNEACHAIDH A place where people meet for entertainment, discussion or assembly. Use more specific term where known. Àite far an cruinnich daoine airson fèisteas, deasbad no tionalan. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MEETING PLACE ÀITE-CRUINNEACHAIDH A building or open space where people assemble or gather. Togalach no blàr far an tig daoine còmhla cruinn.
Meigle Sculptured Stones Clach Gràbhalta Mhìgeil
Merchant Shipping Act 1995 Achd na Cabhlaich Mharsantachd 1995
MERCHANTS HOUSE TAIGH-MARSANTA Originally, a house of higher social status in a town or port, often with a storage cellar. Taigh aig cuideigin aig an robh inbhe nas àirde ann am baile no port, gu math tric le seilear stòrais.
MERCHANTS HOUSE (1) TAIGH A MHARSANTA Originally, a house of higher social status in a town or port, often with a storage cellar. Taigh aig cuideigin aig an robh inbhe nas àirde ann am baile no port, gu math tric le seilear stòrais.
Merkland Cross, Woodhouse Crois na Mairg, Taigh-fhiodh
MESS SEÒMAR-COMAIDH A military dining room where members of the armed forces eat and take recreation. Seòmar-bìdh an airm far an gabh buill nam feachdan armaichte biadh is fois.
METAL CASK FACTORY FACTARAIDH CHASGAICHEAN MEATAILT A factory that produces metal casks for containing alcoholic beverages and other liquids. Factaraidh a tha a' dèanamh casgaichean meatailt airson anns an tèid deoch-làidir no lionntan eile a chumail.
METAL EXTRACTION SITE IONAD CLADHACH MEATAILT Buildings, sites and structures associated with the extraction of metal ores. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri dùsgadh clachan-mèinnir.
METAL INDUSTRY SITE IONAD GNÌOMHACHAS MHEATAILTEAN Buildings, sites and structures associated with the metal industry. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ris a' ghnìomhachas mheatailt.
METAL PROCESSING SITE LÀRACH GIULLACHD MEATAILT Buildings, sites and structures associated with the processing of non ferrous metal ores. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd clachan-mèinnir neo-iarainneach.
METAL PRODUCT SITE LÀRACH BATHAR MEATAILT Buildings, sites and structures associated with the manufacture of products from metals. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh bathair de mheatailtean.
METAL PRODUCTION FURNACE FÙIRNEIS MHEATAILTEAN A furnace where metal is manufactured from ore. Fùirneis far a bheilear a' dèanamh meatailte de chlachan-mèinn.
METAL SMELTING SITE LÀRACH LEAGHADH MEATAILT Buildings, sites and structures associated with the smelting of metals. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri leaghadh mheatailtean.
METAL WORKERS WORKSHOP BÙTH LUCHD-OBRACH MEATAILT A workshop used by a person who works in base or precious metals. Ceàrdach a tha ga chleachdadh le cuideigin a dh'obraicheas le meatailtean neo-uasal no uasal.
METAL WORKING SITE IONAD OBAIR-MHEATAILT A site where metal is worked. Use specific term where known. Factaraidh far a bheilear ag obair air meatailt. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
METAL WORKS FACTARAIDH MHEATAILTEAN A complex of buildings used for the processing of metals. Use more specific type where known. Aitreabh thogalaichean far a bheilear a' giullachd mheatailtean. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MICROELECTRONICS FACTORY FACTARAIDH BATHAR MICRO-EILEIGTRONAIGS A factory complex where computer chips are manufactured. Aitreabh factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh sgealbagan choimpiutairean.
MIDDEN SITIG A refuse heap, often associated with a building or settlement. Dùnan sgudail, mar is trice co-cheangailte ri togalach no tuineachadh.
Middle Ages Meadhan-Aoisean
MILE PLATE CLACH-MHÌLE A plate, usually of wood or metal, set up on a road, canal or railway to mark the miles from or to a place. Pleata, mar is trice fear fiodha no meatailt, a chaidh a shuidheachadh aig rathad, canal no rathad-iarainn gus na mìltean o àite no a dh'ionnsaigh àite a chomharradh.
MILEPOST POST-MÌLE A post or pillar set up alongside a road to mark the miles from, or to, a place or places. Post no carragh ri taobh rathaid a chomharraicheas uiread a mhìltean a tha àite (no àitichean) air falbh uaithe no an t-astar d' an ionnsaidh.
MILESTONE CLACH-MHÌLE A stone, often erected at one mile intervals, on which are marked the distances to specified locations in miles. Clach, gu math tric mìle an dèidh mìle, a chomharraicheas an t-astar a dh'ionnsaidh àitichean sònraichte ann am mìltean.
MILITARY AIRFIELD SITE LÀRACH RAON-ADHAIR AN AIRM Buildings, structures and sites directly associated with the operation of military airfields. Togalaichean, structaran is làraichean aig a bheil ceangal dìreach ri obrachadh raointean-adhair an airm.
MILITARY BASE IONAD-AIRM A building or group of buildings, often surrounded by a system of fortifications, used as a residential and training site by members of an armed force. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean, gu tric le rian daingneachaidh mun cuairt orra, a chleachdas buill nam feachdan armaichte mar àite-còmhnaidh 's làrach trèanaidh.
MILITARY BUILDING TOGALACH AIRM A building of unknown purpose found at a military site. Use more specific type where known. Togalach air làrach airm ach gun fhios dè air a shon a bha e. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MILITARY CAMP CAMPA AIRM A site where a body of troops is temporarily or permanently lodged, with or without entrenchments and fortifications. Làrach far a bheil àite-còmhnaidh aig feachd, gu buan no rè seal, le no as aonais dìgean is daingneachadh.
MILITARY CAUSEWAY CABHSAIR AIRM A road or pathway raised above surrounding low, wet or uneven ground, and constructed and used for a primarily military purpose. Rathad no ceum os cionn talmhainn ìseal, fliuch no garbh mun cuairt air a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte airson adhbharan armailteach.
MILITARY DEPOT STÒR AIRM A building or group of buildings, often enclosed by a system of fortifications, used by an armed force for the storage and distribution of military equipment. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean, gu math tric le rian daingneachaidh mun cuairt orra, a tha ga chleachdadh le feachd airson acainnean an airm a stòradh 's a sgaoileadh.
MILITARY HEADQUARTERS PRÌOMH-OIFIS AN AIRM The command centre of military operations. Ionad-stiùiridh gnìomhachdan an airm.
MILITARY HOUSING TAIGHEADAS AIRM Dwellings for members of the armed forces. This includes family homes outside a military base. Taighean-còmhnaidh do bhuill nam feachdan armaichte. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach dachaighean theaghlaichean taobh a-muigh bunait an airm.
MILITARY INSTALLATION IONAD-AIRM A site where military equipment and supporting personnel are located. Làrach far a bheil acainnean an airm agus luchd-obrach taice.
MILITARY OBSERVATION SITE LÀRACH FAIRE AIRM Buildings, structures and sites for the detection of encroaching enemy forces. Togalaichean, structaran is làraichean leis am mothaichear do nàmhaid a' tighinn dlùth.
MILITARY RESIDENCE TOGALACH-CÒMHNAIDH AIRM A residence for military personnel. Àite-fuirich airson luchd-obrach an airm.
MILITARY ROAD RATHAD AIRM A road constructed primarily for the rapid movement of military personnel, vehicles and equipment. Rathad a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte airson muinntir, carbadan is acainnean an airm a ghluasad gu luath.
MILITARY SIGNALLING SITE LÀRACH-SIOGNALAIDH AIRM Buildings and structures used for sending and receiving signals. Togalach agus structaran a chleachdar airson siognailean a chur 's fhaighinn.
MILITARY SUPPORT BUILDING TOGALACH-TAICE AIRM Ancillary buildings and structures associated with a military base. Togalaichean is structaran taice a tha cho-cheangailte ri bunait an airm.
MILITARY TRAINING SITE LÀRACH TRÈANAIDH AN AIRM Buildings, structures and sites for the training of military personnel. Togalaichean, structaran agus làraichean airson trèanadh luchd-obrach an airm.
MILITARY TRANSPORT SITE LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL AN AIRM Sites and structures for the transport of military personnel, vehicles and armaments. Làraichean is structaran airson giùlan luchd-obrach, carbadan is buill-airm an airm.
MILL MUILEANN A factory used for processing raw materials. Use more specific term where known. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' giullachd stuthan amh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MILL DAM DAMA MUILINN A dam constructed across a stream to raise its water-level and make it available to power a mill wheel. Dama a chaidh a thogail thairis air allt gus ìre an uisge àrdachadh ach an gabh roth-muilinn obrachadh air.
MILL HOUSE TAIGH A MHUILLEIR The residence of a miller, often attached to a mill, brewery or distillery. Àite-còmhnaidh muilleir, gu math tric ri muilleann, taigh-grùide no taigh-staile.
MILL POND LOCH A MHUILINN The area of water retained behind a mill dam for driving a mill. An t-uisge a tha ga chumail air cùlaibh dama muilinn gus muileann obrachadh.
MILLSTONE QUARRY CUARAIDH CHLACHAN-MUILINN A site where millstones have been quarried. Circular depressions may be visible, along with unfinished or broken millstones. Làrach far an robhar a' dùsgadh clachan-muilinn. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil lagan cruinne ri fhaicinn ann agus clachan-muilinn nach eil buileach deiseil no briste.
MILLWRIGHTS WORKSHOP BÙTH-OBRACH SHAOR-MHUILINN A workshop where industrial machinery and equipment is repaired and maintained. Buth-obrach far a bheilear a' càradh 's a' glèidheadh acainnean is goireasan gnìomhachais.
MINE MÈINN An excavation made in the earth for the purpose of digging out metallic ores, coal, salt, precious stones and other minerals. Use specific term where known. Cladhach san talamh airson clachan-mèinnir, gual, salann, seòid is mèinnearan eile a dhùsgadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MINE BUILDING TOGALACH MÈINNE A building found at the surface at the site of a mine. Use specific type where known. Togalach a tha air uachdar na talmhainn air làrach mèinne. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MINE LIFTING AND WINDING STRUCTURE STRUCTAR TOGAIL ACAINN IS ROTHAIGEADH MÈINNE Buildings and structures associated with lifting and winding at the site of a mine. Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail is toinneamh air làrach mèinne.
MINE SHAFT TOLL MÈINNE A vertical or inclined excavation giving access to an underground mine. Cladhach dìreach no claon air an ruigear mèinn fon talamh.
MINE WORKINGS LÀRACH OBAIR-MÈINNE An area of mining activity, where excavations have extracted ores, coal, salt or precious stones. Use specific MINE type where known eg LEAD MINE. Àite far a bheilear ri mèinnearachd, daoine a' dùsgadh clachan-mèinnir, gual, salann no seudan às an talamh. Cleachd MÈINN shònraichte ma tha fhios cò tè, m.e. MÈINN LUAIDHE.
MINERAL EXTRACTION SITE LÀRACH CLADHACH MHÈINNIREAN Sites where minerals are extracted from the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh mèinnearan às an talamh.
MINERAL PRODUCT SITE IONAD BATHAR MÈINNIREACH Buildings and sites associated with the production of materials made from minerals. Togalaichean is làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh stuthan a nithear de mhèinnearan.
MINERAL RAILWAY RÈILE MHÈINNEARAN A railway used specifically to transport coal and other minerals. Rathad-iarainn a tha gu sònraichte airson giùlan guail is chlachan-mèinneir eile.
MINERAL WATER FACTORY FACTARAIDH UISGE-MÈINNIREACH A factory which produces artificial imitations of mineral water, such as soda water. Factaraidh a nì uisge-iarainn fuadain, can uisge-sòda.
MINERS CAMP CAMPA MHÈINNEARAN A group of buildings or structures used as temporary accommodation for miners. Grunn thogalaichean no structaran sealach a bha nan àite-còmhnaidh do mhèinnearan.
MINERS COTTAGE TAIGH-MÈINNEIR A cottage purpose built by an employer for the accommodation of a miner and his family. Taigh beag a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach le fastaiche airson còmhnaidh mèinneir agus a chuid teaghlaich.
MINERS ROW BARRAID THAIGHEAN-MHÈINNEIREAN A row of cottages built as accommodation for miners and their families. Sreath de thaighean beaga a chaidh a thogail mar àitichean-còmhnaidh do mhèinnearan 's na teaghlaichean aca.
MINERS VILLAGE BAILE MHÈINNEARAN A model village, built to provide accommodation for workers in a specific coal mine. Baile dealbhaichte a chaidh a thogail mar àite-fuirich dhan luchd-obrach ann am mèinn guail shònraichte.
MINIATURE RAILWAY MEANBH-RÈILE A small-scale railway, often for the transportation of children at a place of recreation. Rathad-iarainn beag, gu math tric airson clann a' gluasad mun cuairt aig ionad chur-seachadan.
MINING INDUSTRY SITE LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAS MÈINNEARACHD Buildings and structures associated with the mining industry. Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ris a' ghnìomhachas mhèinnearachd.
MINT TAIGH-CÙINNIDH A place where money is coined under public authority. Àite far a bheilear a' cùinneadh airgead fo ùghdarras poblach.
MISSION HALL TALLA MISEIN  A building used for meetings and worship by a religious community attempting to establish its faith in a particular area. Togalach a thathar a' cleachdadh airson coinneamhan agus adhradh le coimhearsnachd chràbhach a tha a' feuchainn ris a' chreideamh aca a stèidheachadh san sgìre.
MOAT DÌG A wide ditch surrounding a building, usually filled with water. Use with relevant site type where known eg CASTLE, TOWER HOUSE. Dìg leathann a tha mun cuairt air togalach, mar is trice le uisge ann. Cleachd seòrsa iomchaidh na làraich ma tha fios air, m.e. CAISTEAL, TAIGH-TÙIR.
MOATED SITE LÀRACH LE DÌG A site enclosed within a moat, normally rectangular on plan, and believed to be medieval in date. Làrach mun a bheil staing, mar is trice air plana ceart-cheàrnach agus daoine dhen bheachd gur ann às na meadhan-aoisean a tha e.
MODEL VILLAGE BAILE DEALBHAICHTE A planned village or settlement. Baile no tuineachadh a chaidh a phlanadh.
MONASTERY MANACHAINN A complex of buildings inhabited by a community of men living in seclusion under religious vows. Aitreabh thogalaichean sa bheil coimhearsnachd de dh'fhireannaich a' fuireach ann an dòrramanachd fo bhòid chràbhach.
MONASTIC DWELLING TAIGH-CÒMHNAIDH  NEACH-CLÈIREACH A residence for a member of a religious community eg. Abbot, Prior, Manciple etc. Àite-còmhnaidh aig ball coimhearsnachd cràbhach, m.e. aba, priòir, ceallair is msaa.
MONASTIC SETTLEMENT FEARANN MANACHAINN Buildings and land associated with a monastery. Togalaichean is talamh a tha co-cheangailte ri manachainn.
MONORAIL AONA-RÈILE A single track railway. Rathad-iarainn aig nach eil ach an aon traca.
MOORING STAGE IONAD-ACRACHAIDH A structure to which a boat is secured. Structar ris an ceanglar bàta.
MOOT IONAD-MÒID An outdoor meeting place. Àite a-muigh airson cruinneachadh ann.
MOOT HILL TOM A' MHÒID A natural or artificial hill used as a meeting place, often the site of a local court. Tom nàdarra no fuadain a bhite a' cleachdadh mar àite cruinneachaidh, ionad cùirte ionadail gu math tric.
MORT HOUSE TAIGH NAM MARBH A building, usually within a churchyard, used for the temporary and secure storage of human remains prior to burial. Togalach, mar is trice air cill, a chleachdar mar stòras sealach is tèarainte de chuip dhaoine mus tèid an tìodhlacadh.
MORT SAFE DÌONACHD CUIRP An iron frame placed over a coffin or at the entrance to a grave to act as a deterrent against resurrectionists. Frèam iarainn a chaidh a chur os cionn ciste-laighe no a chaidh a chur aig doras uaighe gus casg a chur air luchd-aiseirighe.
Morton Castle Caisteal Morton
MORTUARY MARBHLANN A building or room used for holding, viewing or identifying dead bodies prior to burial or cremation. Togalach no seòmar airson cuirp mharbha a chumail no airson coimhead orra no aithne a thoirt orra mus tèid an tìodhlaigeadh no an losgadh.
MORTUARY ENCLOSURE CRÒ NAM MARBH A rectangular or sub-rectangular enclosure of Neolithic date, assumed to have been used for the exposure of human remains prior to secondary burial. Lann cheart-cheàrnach no cha mhòr cheart-cheàrnach à Linn Ùr na Cloiche 's beachd gun deach a chleachdadh gus iarsmaidhean daonna a nochdadh ris na speuran mus deach an tìodhlacadh an dàrna turas.
MOSQUE MOSG A Muslim temple or place of worship. Teampall no àite-adhraidh Muslamach.
Moss Farm Road, Stone Circle Rathad Sliabh nan Carraigean, Tursachan
MOTEL TAIGH-ÒSTA MOTARACHD A long, low-rise building consisting of rows of attached individual suites of rooms used for overnight accommodation by motorists. Togalach fada ìseal sa bheil aonadan fa leth de sheòmraichean taobh ri taobh ann an sreath mar chuid-oidhche do mhotaraichean.
MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEERING SITE IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD   CHARBADAN Buildings and sites associated with the manufacture of motor vehicles. Togalaichean agus làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh carbadan motair.
MOTOR VEHICLE SHOWROOM SEÒMAR-TAISBEANAIDH CHÀRAICHEAN A building or room where motor vehicles are exhibited for sale. Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' taisbeanadh carbadan-motair a tha ri an reic.
MOTOR VEHICLE SHOWROOM (1) SEÒMAR-TAISBEANAIDH MHOTAIREAN A building or room where motor vehicles are exhibited for sale. Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' taisbeanadh carbadan-motair a tha ri an reic.
MOTORING CALL BOX BOGSA-FÒN ÈIGINN-RATHAID A roadside telephone box used by motorists in need of assistance. Bogsa-fòn ri taobh an rathaid airson draibhearan càr 's iad feumach air cuideachadh.
MOTORWAY MÒR-RATHAD A broad highway designed for high-speed traffic, with two or more carriageways for vehicles travelling in either direction. Rathad-mòr leathann a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson trafaig a shiubhlas aig astar mòr le co-dhiù dà shlighe air gach taobh dheth airson carbadan.
MOTORWAY INTERCHANGE SNAIDHM MHÒR-RATHAIDEAN A system of interconnected roads and bridges, designed to connect efficiently two or more motorways and other roads. Siostam de rathaidean is drochaidean co-cheangailte a chaidh a dhealbhadh gus co-dhiù dà rathad-mòr is rathaidean eile a cheangal ri chèile gu èifeachdach.
MOTTE DÙN A steep-sided artificial mound on which the principal tower of a castle is set. Torr fuadain cas air a bheil prìomh-tùr caisteil.
MOTTE AND BAILEY DÙN IS GÀRRADH An early form of castle consisting of a flat-topped, steep-sided earthen mound, supporting a wooden tower, and accompanied by a bailey. Nàdar a chaisteal tràth le tùr fiodha air tom ùir corrach air a bheil mullach rèidh agus mun a bheil foir-dhùin.
MOULDING SHOP BÙTH MOLLTAIDH An area where objects are produced by pouring molten metal into moulds. Usually part of a FOUNDRY. Àite far a bheilear a' cruthachadh rudan le bhith a' dòirteadh meatailt leaghte ann am mòlltairean. Mar is trice na phàirt de THAIGH-FÙIRNEIS.
MOUND TÒRR An artificial elevation of earth or stones. Use more specific term where known. Àirde fhuadain de chlachan no ùir. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MOUNTAIN RESCUE CENTRE IONAD TEASAIRGINN NAM BEANN Headquarters for mountain rescue team. Prìomh-oifisean sgioba luchd-teasairginn nam beann.
MOUNTING BLOCK BLOCA MARCACHD A block for mounting a horse. Ceap airson dìreadh air muin eich.
Mousa Broch Mousa Broch
MOVABLE BRIDGE DROCHAID GHLUASADACH A type of bridge which has machinery and movable elements, eg. to allow vessels to pass. Seòrsa de dhrochaid aig a bheil acainnean is eileamaidean gluasadach, m.e. gus soithichean a leigeil seachad.
Muir o' Fauld Muir o Fauld
MULTI STOREY CAR PARK PÀIRC-CHÀRAICHEAN IOMA-ÙRLAR A car park, on two or more levels. Pàirc-chàraichean air co-dhiù dà ùrlar.
MULTIPLE DWELLING TOGALACH IOMA-CHÒMHNAIDH Buildings designed for the accommodation of large numbers of people, rather than single families, etc. Togalaichean a chaidh a dhealbhadh mar àite-còmhnaidh airson mòran dhaoine seach teaghlaichean fa leth is msaa.
Muness Castle Caisteal Muness
MUNICIPAL BUILDING TOGALACH A' BHAILE A building owned or used by a local authority. Togalach aig ùghdarras ionadail no fear a tha ga chleachdadh le ùghdarras ionadail.
MUNITIONS FACTORY FACTARAIDH  BATHAR-COGAIDH A building or site used for the manufacture of weapons, ammunition and military supplies. Use more specific type where known. Togalach no làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh buill-airm, connadh-gunna is solar an airm. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
MUSEUM TAIGH-TASGAIDH A building, group of buildings or space devoted to the acquisition, conservation, study, exhibition, and educational interpretation of objects having scientific, historical, or artistic value. Togalach, grunn thogalaichean no àite far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh, a' glèidheadh, a' rannsachadh, a' sealltainn 's a' mìneachadh rudan aig a tha cudromach a thaobh saidheans, eachdraidh no nan ealan.
MUSIC HALL TALLA-CIÙIL A hall licensed for musical performances, singing, dancing and other entertainments, exclusive of dramatic performance. Talla aig a bheil cead ceòl, seinn, dannsa agus fèisteas eile a shealltainn air an àrd-ùrlair ach chan e dealbh-chluichean.
MUSIC SPEECH AND DANCE VENUE IONAD-CIÙIL, ÒRAID IS DANNSA An establishment where musical performances take place. Ionad far an cluichear ceòl.
MUSLIN FACTORY FACTARAIDH PEÀRLAINN A factory that produces muslin. Factaraidh a nì peàrlainn.
Muthill Church and Tower Eaglais is Tùr Mhaothail
