
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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GAILEARAIDH EALAIN ART GALLERY A building in which works of art are displayed, permanently or temporarily. Togalach sa bheilear a' taisbeanadh obair-ealain, gu buan no fad greis.
Gall-Ghàidhealaibh Galloway
GARAIDS GARAGE A building where motor vehicles are housed or repaired. For petrol sales use PETROL STATION. Togalach far a bheilear a' cumail no a' càradh carbadan motair. Airson reic peatroil, cleachd STÈISEAN-PEATRAIL.
Gàrradh Bailey (1)
GÀRRADH GARDEN An enclosed piece of ground devoted to the cultivation of flowers, fruit or vegetables and/or recreational purposes. Use more specific term where known. Pìos talmhainn mun a bheil gàrradh-cloiche, balla no callaid far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air flùraichean, measan agus lusan no far am bithear a' sùgradh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GÀRRADH DYKE A drystone or turf wall forming a linear barrier. Gàrradh-cloiche no balla sgratha a tha na bhacadh dìreach.
GÀRRADH BAILEY The courtyard of a castle, i.e. the area enclosed by the rampart or curtain wall. Use with wider site type where known. Cùirt-lios caisteil, 's e sin an t-àite mun a tha an rampair no aghaidh-thogalaich chùirtearach. Cleachd seòrsa de làrach nas fharsainge ma tha fhios dè.
GÀRRADH YARD A paved area, generally found at the back of a house. Raon leacaichte, mar is trice air cùlaibh taighe.
GÀRRADH BATHAIR GOODS YARD A site where merchandise and goods are temporarily stored before or after transportation by rail. Làrach far a bheilear a' stòradh bathar fad greis mus tèid an gluasad air falbh air trèan no roimhe sin.
GÀRRADH BHÀTAICHEAN- CANÀIL CANAL BOAT YARD A place where canal boats are built and maintained. Àite far a bheilear a' togail 's a glèidheadh bàtaichean canail.
GÀRRADH BOTANAIG BOTANIC GARDEN An area of land designed to provide living material for the study of botany and horticulture. May include public glasshouses and gardens. Pìos talmhainn a chaidh a dhealbhadh mar mhàthair stuthan beò airson rannsachadh luibh-eòlais agus tuathanas gàrraidh. Dh'fhaoidte gun gabh seo a-steach taighean-glaine is gàrraidhean poblach.
GÀRRADH BRISEADH  BHÀTAICHEAN SHIP BREAKING YARD A shipyard where old or damaged vessels are broken up for parts and scrap. Gàrradh-shoithichean far a bheilear a' toirt seann-soithichean no feadhainn a chaidh a dhochainn às a chèile airson co-phàirtean no fuigheall meatailt.
GÀRRADH CHLACHAIREAN STONEMASONS YARD A complex, comprising a workshop and a storage yard, used by a stonemason. Aitreabh far a bheil ceàrdach is stòr-lann a tha clachair a' cleachdadh.
GÀRRADH CIÙRADH ÈISG FISH CURING YARD An outdoor site where fish curing processes are carried out. Làrach a-muigh far a bheilear ri ciùradh iasg.
GÀRRADH CIÙRAIDH CURING YARD A yard containing buildings and structures for curing fish and other foodstuffs. Lann sa bheil togalaichean is structaran airson ciùradh èisg is bìdh eile.
GÀRRADH CÙL-CHINN HEAD DYKE A dyke used to separate the agricultural land of a township from rough grazing. Dìg a tha na chrìoch eadar talamh àiteachais aig baile agus an t-ionaltradh bochd.
GÀRRADH DÈANAMH CHRANN-OLA PLATFORM FABRICATION YARD An industrial facility where oil and gas platforms are manufactured and assembled. Ionad gnìomhachais far a bheilear a' togail is a' cur ri chèile crainn-ola 's crainn-ghas.
GÀRRADH DÈANAMH PHÌLEACHAN CONCRAIT PILE CONSTRUCTION YARD An industrial complex for producing concrete piles for use in railway and bridge construction. Aitreabh gnìomhachais a nì poidhlichean concrait air a bheil feum nuair a thogar rathad-iarainn no drochaidean.
GÀRRADH DHOCAICHEAN CANÀIL CANAL DOCKYARD An enclosure containing a dock, boat yard, warehouse, etc, in which canal vessels are built and repaired, and all sorts of stores and merchandise for transportation brought together. Lann sa bheil doca, bàta-lann, taigh-bathair is msaa far a bheilear a' togail 's a' càradh soithichean canail agus far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh diofar bathar a tha ri ghiùlan.
GÀRRADH DÙINTE WALLED GARDEN A garden surrounded by a substantial wall. Gàrradh mun a bheil balla mòr.
GÀRRADH FHIADH DEER DYKE A wall, designed to prevent deer from gaining access to cultivated  land. Balla a chaidh a thogail gus fèidh a chumail air falbh o thalamh àiteachais.
GÀRRADH FOIRMEIL FORMAL GARDEN A garden of regular, linear or geometrical design, often associated with the traditional Italian, French and Dutch styles. Gàrradh dìreach riaghailteach ceàrnagach air dealbhadh geomatrach is bidh nòsan tradaiseanta Eadailteach, Frangach agus Duitseach air an siubhal.
GÀRRADH FUIGHEALL-MEATAILT SCRAP YARD A place where scrap metal is collected. Làrach far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh fuigheall meatailte.
GÀRRADH GNÌOMHACHAIS INDUSTRIAL PREMISES A building and associated land which are used as a place of business by an industrial concern. Togalach agus talamh co-cheangailte ris a tha ga chleachdadh airson mar ionad gnìomhachais le gnìomhachas.
GÀRRADH GUAIL COAL DEPOT A depot used for the unloading of coal. Làrach far a bheilear a' toirt gual far thrèanaichean.
GÀRRADH ÌOMHAIGHEAN SNAIGHTE SCULPTURE GARDEN A garden designed to display sculpture, publicly or privately. Gàrradh a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson taisbeanadh cruth-ealain, gu prìobhaideach no gu poblach.
GÀRRADH RAINICH FERNERY (GARDEN) Area of a garden for the cultivation of ferns. Àite ann an gàrradh far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air raineach.
GÀRRADH RÈILE RAILWAY YARD A site with buildings and structures where railway engines and carriages are maintained and stored. Làrach air a bheil togalaichean is structaran far an dèanar obair-chàraidh air einnseanan-rèile is carbadan-rèile 's far an stòrar iad.
GÀRRADH SAOTHRACHAIDH FABRICATION YARD An industrial facility for making large engineered constructions such as sections of ships or bridges. Ionad gnìomhachais far a bheilear a' dèanamh co-structaran einnseanaireachd mòra mar phìosan de longan no drochaidean.
GÀRRADH SGUDAL-MEATAILT SCRAPYARD A place where scrap metal is collected. Làrach far a bheilear a' cruinneachadh fuigheall meatailte.
GÀRRADH TAR-DROMA CROSS RIDGE DYKE A linear earthwork, usually a bank accompanied by a ditch, which runs across rather than along an area or ridge of higher ground. Uchdan-ùir loidhneach, mar is trice uchdan le dìg, a tha a' dol thairis air talamh àrd no druim, seach ri thaobh.
GÀRRADH TOGAIL-BHÀTAICHEAN BOAT YARD A place where boats are built, repaired and stored. Àite far a bheilear a' togail, a' càradh is a' stòradh bàtaichean.
GÀRRADH-CÀIL KALE YARD A stone-walled enclosure primarily for growing kale, often characterised by a build-up of soil in the interior. Lann mun a bheil balla cloiche, gu sònraichte airson fàs a thoirt air càl; aithnichear gu tric iad is ùir a' càrnadh an àirde na broinn.
GÀRRADH-CRÌCHE BOUNDARY DYKE A dyke that indicates the limit of an area or a piece of land. Gàrradh a chomharraicheas crìoch raoin no pìos talmhainn.
GÀRRADH-CÙIL KITCHEN GARDEN A private garden established primarily for growing vegetables and herbs for domestic consumption. Gàrradh prìobhaideach a chaidh a chur air chois gus fàs a thoirt air glasraich is luibhean a chleachdar san taigh.
GÀRRADH-IARAINN SHIPYARD A place where boats or ships are built or repaired. Àite far a bheilear a' togail no a' càradh longan no bàtaichean.
GÀRRADH-TOGAIL CHRANN-OLA OIL RIG CONSTRUCTION YARD Buildings and structures associated with the construction of oil rigs. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri togail nan crann-ola.
GÀRRADH-UCHDAIN TERRACED GARDEN A garden with one or more platforms with walks, often on different levels, usually close to the house. Gàrradh aig a bheil co-dhiù aon ùrlar le ceum air, gu math tric aig diofar ìrean, faisg air an taigh a ghnàth.
GASOMEATAIR GASOMETER An installation for measuring the volume of gas. For gas storage use GAS HOLDER. Acainn a thomhaiseas co mheud gas a tha ann. Airson rud a stòras gas, cleachd TANCA-ATACHAIDH GAS.
GEADAG BIOLAIR-UISGE WATERCRESS BED A cultivated plantation of watercress, usually situated near springs or small running streams. Planntachadh biolair-uisge, mar is trice faisg air fuaran no uillt bheaga.
GEARASTAN FORTRESS A major fortified place, often a town, capable of containing a large force. If Roman use LEGIONARY FORTRESS. Àite daingnichte cudromach, gu math tric na bhaile, le rùm gu leòr airson feachd mòr. Mas e fear leis na Ròmanaich a tha ann, cleachd GEARASTAN LÈIGIONACH.
Gearastan Àird nan Saor Fort George
GEARASTAN LÈIGIONACH LEGIONARY FORTRESS A large, fortified permanent military base built to house a Roman legion, generally defended by at least one rampart and ditch. Bunait mhòr bhuan dhaingnichte an airm a chaidh a thogail airson lèigiun Ròmanach, mar is trice le ramapair is dìg ga dhìon.
GEARASTAN RÒMANACH ROMAN FORT A fortified permanent military base defended by at least one rampart and ditch, generally built for a single regiment of 500 or 1000 men, and containing accommodation for troops and officers, together with stores and ancillary buildings. Bunait dhaingnichte bhuan an airm a tha ga dhìon le co-dhiù aon ramapair agus dìg, mar is trice air a thogail do dh'aon rèiseamaid de 500 no 1,000 duine agus sa bheil àitichean-fuirich do dh'oifigearan is feachdan, còmhla ri stòrasan is togalaichean taice.
Gearastan Ròmanach a' Chnuic Dhuibh Blackhills Roman Fort
GEARRADH-RÈILE RAILWAY CUTTING An artificial excavation cut through steep or uneven ground to make a way for a railway track. Dìg mhòr a chaidh a chladhach gus àite a chruthachadh do rathad-iarainn thairis air talamh cas no garbhlach.
GEÀRRAIDH ENCLOSURE An area with defined boundaries. Use specific term where known. Àite mun a bheil crìochan soilleir. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GEÀRRAIDH RECTILINEAR ENCLOSURE An area of land enclosed within a boundary with straight or near straight sides. May be defined by a ditch, bank, wall palisade or similar. Pìos talmhainn mun a bheil crìoch agus le taobhan a tha dìreach no cha mhòr dìreach. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil seo comharraichte le dìg, uchdan, balla, sonnach no rud mar sin.
GEÀRRAIDH BHALLA-CHEAP TURF ENCLOSURE An enclosure defined by a turf bank. Lann a tha ga chomharradh le uchdan sgratha mun cuairt air.
GEÀRRAIDH CHRUINN CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE A circular shaped area of land enclosed by a boundary ditch, bank, wall, palisade or similar barrier. Pìos talmhainn cruinn mun a bheil dìg, uchdan, balla, sonnach no crìoch eile mar sin.
GEÀRRAIDH SHLOCACH PIT ENCLOSURE An enclosure defined by a series of pits or post-holes. Lann a tha ga chomharradh le sreath de shlocan no tuill phuist.
GEATA GATE A moveable structure used to allow or prevent passage through an opening, usually in a wall, fence or other barrier. Structar so-ghiùlain a chleachdar gus leigeil le daoine no rudan a dhol tro fhosgladh, mar is tric ann am balla, feansa no bacadh no airson nach urrainnear a dhol troimhe.
Geata an Ear Chill Rìmhinn St Andrew's West Port
GEATA DOCA DOCK GATE A gate used to seal the entrance to a dock to prevent water escaping from a wet dock or entering a dry dock. Geata a dhùineas an t-slighe a-steach do dhoca gus an t-uisge a chumail a-staigh ann an doca-fliuch no gus a chumail a-muigh o dhoca-tioram.
GEATA NAM MARBH LYCH GATE A covered gateway at the entrance to a churchyard. Geata le mullach far a bheilear a' dol a-steach do chill.
GÈIDSE LÀN-MARA TIDE GAUGE An instrument for measuring and indicating the height of tide. Inneal a thomhaiseas no a nochdas àirde an làin.
GIL MÈINNIDH HUSH A ravine formed by using water to reveal or exploit a vein. Mòr-ghil a dh'èirich an cois cleachdadh uisge gus cuisle a nochdadh no a dhùsgadh.
GINEADAIR GENERATOR A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Inneal a dh'iompaicheas lùths meacanaigeach na lùths dealain.
GINEADAIR LÙTH-GAOITHE WIND GENERATOR An electricity-producing windmill. Muileann-gaoithe a ghineas dealan.
GLASACH-TODHAIR BLEACHFIELD A large field or yard used to lay out fabrics for bleaching by the sun. Achadh mòr no clobhsa far a bheilear a' cur aodach ris a' ghrian gus a ghealachadh.
GLÌB GLEBE A plot of land belonging, or yielding revenue, to a parish church or ecclesiastical office. Often pasture land adjacent to a church or manse. Pìos fearainn aig eaglais paraiste no oifis eaglaise no fearann a gheibh i cìs dheth. Tha seo na ionaltradh faisg air eaglais no mansa gu tric.
GOC SIMILEIR CHIMNEY CAN A cylindrical, polygonal, or square element fixed on top of a chimney stack to extend the flue and improve the extraction of smoke and gases. Often of red or yellow fireclay. Rud siolandrach, ioma-cheàrnach no ceàrnagach a chaidh a shocrachadh air ceann staca simileir gus an luidhear a dhèanamh nas fhaide airson 's gum falbhadh ceò 's gas às nas fhearr. Gu tric de chriadh-theine dearg no buidhe.
GOILEADAIR BOILER A metal vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or as steam, for heating or power. Soitheach meatailt a thathar a' teasachadh 's a' cuairteachadh uisge ann, mar uisge teth no mar smùid, airson teasachadh no gintinn cumhachd.
GOILEADAIR CINN OS-CHEARCALLACH EGG END BOILER An externally-heated boiler made from a fabricated steel tube with domed ends, designed to contain high-pressure steam. Egg-end boilers were often used to drive steam engines. Goileadair a thèid a theasachadh on taobh a-muigh agus air a dhèanamh de thiùb stàilinn le cinn chruinn 's a sheasas ri smùid fo bhrùthadh mòr. Chaidh goileadairean ugh-cheannach a chleachdadh gu tric ann an einnseanan-smùid.
GRAFFITI GRAFFITI Casual scribbles or pictographs on ancient walls, stones or other surfaces. In more recent times applied to humorous, satiric or obscene writings or drawings executed anonymously in public places. Sgrìobhadh no dealbh-sgrìobhadh neo-fhoirmeil air ballachan, clachan no uachdaran àrsaidh eile. Nas fhaisge air na linntean againne, thathar ga chleachdadh airson sgrìobhadh no dealbhan èibhinn, aoireil no drabastach a rinneadh gun urra ann an àite poblach.
GRAINNSEACH GRANGE The residence and outbuildings of an outlying farm or estate, especially that held by a monastery or other religious order. Taigh-còmhnaidh agus frith-thogalaichean aig tuathanas no oighreachd, gu h-àraid feadhainn a tha aig manachainn no òrd cràbhach.
GRIANAN-GLAINNE CONSERVATORY A glasshouse, either adjoining a building or freestanding, used to grow and display plants. Taigh-glaine, co-dhiù ri togalach eile no na sheasamh leis fhèin far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air lusan 's gan sealltainn.
GROTTO GROTTO An artificial cave or cell, often decorated with stalactites and shells. Most were constructed as  garden features in the grounds of large 18th century houses. Uamh no cill fhuadain, gu math tric air a sgeadachadh le aol-chluigean is sligeanan. Chaidh a' chuid as motha dhiubh a thogail mar bhuill-mhaise gàrraidh air talamh taighean mòra na 18mh linn.
GRUAGAIRE HAIRDRESSERS SALON An establishment where people get their hair dressed and cut. Àite far an gearrar is far an sgeadaichear falt dhaoine.
GRUNND SÌOLAIDH FILTER BED A tank or pond containing a layer of sand etc., for filtering large quantities of liquid. Tanca no linn sa bheil breath gainmhich no rud mar sin airson tòrr mòr uisge a shìoladh.
GUITEAR-UISGE LAUNDER A trough or gutter for conveying water. It can be cut in the surface or formed of wood or other materials. Amar no guitear a bheir uisge o àite gu àite. Faodaidh gun deach seach a ghearradh ann an uachdar no gun deach a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh no stuth eile.
GUN SHEÒRSACHADH UNASSIGNED This is the top term for the class. See UNASSIGNED Class List for narrow terms. Seo am briathar as àirde sa chlas. Faic liosta a' chlas "GUN SÒNRACHADH" airson briathran nas mionaidiche.
GYMNASIUM GYMNASIUM A building or room used for athletic games. Togalach no seòmar a chleachdar airson geamannan lùth-chleasachd.
