
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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BÀBHAN BARMKIN A medieval  defensive enclosure, usually attached to a tower house. Lann dhìonach às na meadhan-aoisean, mar is trice co-cheangailte ri taigh-tùir.
BAC PLATFORM A level area, often cut into a hillside, slope or uneven ground. Use with more specific term wherever possible. Àite rèidh a chaidh, gu math tric, a dhèanamh ann an leathad, bruthach no garbhlach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BAC TAIGHE HOUSE PLATFORM A levelled area cut into a slope, on which a house was built. Often the only visible evidence of the presence of a house. Àite air leathad a chaidh a dhèanamh rèidh agus air an deach taigh a thogail. Gu math tric seo an aon fhianais a tha air fhàgail a dh'innseas gun robh taigh ann.
BAC TOGALAICH BUILDING PLATFORM A levelled area cut into a slope, generally regular in shape, upon which a building was constructed. Use more specific term where known. Àite rèidh a chaidh a ghearradh à leathad, mar is trice air pàtran riaghailteach, agus air a chaidh togalach a thogail. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BACADH BARRIER A structure used to prevent the passage of people, animals or vehicles. Structar a thathar a' cleachdadh airson 's nach falbh daoine, beathaichean no carbadan ann.
BACADH ACARSAID BOOM DEFENCE A barrier, usually of wood, chain or netting, stretched across the entrance to a harbour, port or anchorage, to control entry and/or limit the effect of the weather on wave action. Bacadh, mar is trice bacadh fiodha, slabhraidh no lìn, tarsainn air beul cala, puirt no acarsaid gus smachd a chumail air cò thig a-steach 's cò dh'fhalbhas a-mach agus air buaidh na h-aimsire air na tuinn.
BACADH DÌONACHD DEFENCE OBSTRUCTION Sites and structures, often unmanned, intended to impede or confuse enemy forces. Làraichean is structaran, gu math tric às aonais sgioba ann, a chuireas bacadh no breisleachadh air feachdan nàmhad.
BACADH LUINGEIS ANTI SHIPPING BARRIER A Line of concrete posts or tetrahedra laid between the shore and an island, often protected by a gun-battery. Sreath de phuist no ceithir-shliosnaich concrait eadar an cladach is eilean, gu tric fo dhìon bataraidh ghunnaichean.
BACADH THANCAICHEAN TANK TRAP An object or structure designed to obstruct the progress of a tank or armoured vehicle. Use more specific term where known. Oibseact no structar airson adhartas tanca no carbad armach a bhacadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BACAIDHEAN TUILE FLOOD DEFENCES Manmade constructions used to prevent water flooding the surrounding area. Often taking the form of a bank or wall but may be more elaborate. Structaran a chaidh a thogail le mac an duine gus bacadh a chur air tuileachadh na sgìre. Tha seo na uchdan no balla gu math tric ach faodaidh a bhith nas toinnte na sin.
BAILE TOWN A settlement with public buildings, commercial establishments and private dwellings, larger than a village and having more complete and independent local government. Tuineachadh aig a bheil togalaichean poblach, buidhnean malairteach agus àitichean-còmhnaidh prìobhaideach a tha nas motha na clachan agus far a bheil barrachd a' dol a thaobh riaghaltais ionadail neo-eisimeilich.
BAILE TOWNSHIP A group of dwellings, associated farm buildings and land, held by two or more joint tenants usually working the land communally. Grunn thogalaichean agus na togalaichean àiteachais 's am fearann co-cheangailte a tha aig co-dhiù dà ghabhaltach còmhla a tha ag obair an fhearainn.
BAILE VILLAGE A settlement with private dwellings and other buildings, smaller than a town and with a simpler form of organisation and administration. Tuineachadh sa bheil taighean-còmhnaidh prìobhaideach agus togalaichean eile, nas lugha na baile mòr agus le eagrachas is rianachd nas simplidhe.
Baile a' Chnuic Chadaboil Hilton of Cadboll
BAILE BHAC SCOOPED SETTLEMENT A settlement, usually enclosed, on a slope, containing a number of house platforms and a yard. Tuineachadh, mar is trice ann an lann 's air leathad agus anns a bheil grunn ùrlaran taighe 's clobhsa.
BAILE CROITEARACHD CROFTING TOWNSHIP Settlement identifiable by the regularity of the layout. Characteristically the crofters' houses are arranged in a linear fashion, each house within its own croft. The crofts are usually laid out as adjacent rectangular plots. Tuineachadh a dh'aithnichear air a phàtran cunbhalach. Bidh taighean nan croitearan ann an sreath a ghnàth 's croit ri gach taigh. Tha na croitean nan lotaichean ceart-cheàrnach ri taobh a chèile mar is trice.
BAILE DEALBHAICHTE MODEL VILLAGE A planned village or settlement. Baile no tuineachadh a chaidh a phlanadh.
BAILE GNÌOMHACHAIS INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE A village inhabited mainly by industrial workers and their families, usually employed at nearby industrial concerns. Baile sa bheil luchd-obrach gnìomhachais, gu sònraichte, a' fuireach ann còmhla ris an teaghlaichean agus mar is trice, fo fhastadh aig gnìomhachasan faisg air làimh.
BAILE LOBHAR LEPER COLONY Buildings used by a community of people with leprosy, living in isolation from nearby towns and villages. Togalaichean a chaidh an cleachdadh le coimhearsnachd lobharan 's iad a' fuireach air falbh o na bailtean is clachain faisg orra.
BAILE MHÈINNEARAN MINERS VILLAGE A model village, built to provide accommodation for workers in a specific coal mine. Baile dealbhaichte a chaidh a thogail mar àite-fuirich dhan luchd-obrach ann am mèinn guail shònraichte.
Baile na Creige Mòr agus an Clachan Big Balcraig and Clachan
BAILE-FEARAINN FARMSTEAD A farmhouse and ancillary farm buildings forming a group. Taigh-tuathanais agus togalaichean tuathanais co-cheangailte ris cruinn còmhla.
BAISTEAL BASTLE A fortified house of two or three storeys, the lower floor being used for storage and/or to house animals and the upper floors for domestic use. Taigh daingnichte dà no trì-ùrlarach leis an ùrlar ìochdarach na stòras no/agus airson nam beathaichean agus na h-ùrlaran uachdarach airson fuireach ann.
Balaich a' Chòisir choir boys
BALASTRAID BALUSTRADE A row of balusters, usually made of stone, surmounted by a rail or coping. Sreath de charraighean beaga, mar is trice de chlach, le rèile os an cionn no barran air.
BALLA WALL An enclosing structure composed of brick, stone or similar materials. Use specific type where known. Structar bhreigean, cloiche no stuth mar sin a tha mun cuairt air rud. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BALLA A' BHAILE TOWN WALL A fortified wall, forming part of a defensive barrier around a town or city. Balla daingnichte a tha na pàirt de bhacadh dìona mun cuairt air baile.
BALLA ANTI- THANCAICHEAN ANTI TANK WALL A wall, often concrete, usually an extension to existing stone walls, will often have a gun loop built into it Balla, gu tric balla concrait, is e a' leudachadh ballachan cloiche làithreach a ghnàth agus gu tric le lùb gunna na bhroinn.
Balla Antonine Antonine Wall  
BALLA CHLACHAN-ACHAIDH CONSUMPTION DYKE A dyke, often of great thickness, built to consume stone cleared from the land as part of the agricultural improvements of the 18th and 19th centuries. Dìg, gu math tric gu math tiugh, de chlachan a chaidh a ghlanadh à fearann ri linn leasachadh nam fearann san 18mh agus san 19mh linn.
BALLA GÀRRAIDH GARDEN WALL A stone or brick wall either in, or enclosing, a garden. Balla cloiche no bhreigean ann an gàrradh no mun cuairt air.
BALLA PÀIRCE PARK WALL A stone or brick wall enclosing a park. Balla cloiche no bhreigean a tha mun cuairt air pàirc.
BALLA THORAN LOOPHOLED WALL A wall or section of wall with apertures designed for the firing of weapons. Balla no pìos balla sa bheil tuill a thilgear saighdean, urchraichean no airm eile tromhpa.
Balla-àrainn Abaid a' Chridhe Sweetheart Abbey Precinct Walls
BALLA-BACAIDH BARRAGE A manmade barrier built across a river in order to increase the depth of water. Bacadh a chaidh a thogail thairis air abhainn airson 's gum bi an t-uisge nas doimhne.
BALLA-BRISIDH BREAKWATER A structure which protects a beach or harbour by breaking the force of the waves. Structar a dhìonas tràigh no cala 's e a' briseadh neart nan tonn.
BALLA-CHEAP TURF WALL A wall constructed in turf. Balla a chaidh a thogail de sgrath.
BALLA-CRÌCHE BOUNDARY WALL Any wall enclosing a building or complex of buildings, eg. prisons, dockyards, factories, etc. Balla sam bith a tha mun cuairt togalaich no aitreabh thogalaichean, m.e. prìosanan, docannan, factaraidhean is msaa.
BALLA-CRÌCHE  PLANNTACHAIS PLANTATION DYKE A drystone or turf wall indicating the limit of a plantation. Balla cobhaireachd no sgratha a chomharraicheas crìoch planntachais.
BALLAN-STIALLACH PILLORY A wooden frame with holes, through which the head and hands of an offender were thrust, in which state they would be exposed to public ridicule and assault. Frèam fiodha sa bheil tuill a chaidh ceann is làmhan eucoirich a chur tromhpa 's càch a' magadh 's a' toirt ionnsaigh orra.
BALLA-TAIC REVETMENT A wall built to retain a bank of earth. Balla a chaidh a thogail gus taic a chumail ri uchdan ùir.
BALLA-TREAB TREB DYKE A prehistoric linear earthwork, found only in the Northern Isles. Balla-ùir loidhneach ro-eachdraidheil nach fhaighear ach sna h-Eileanan a Tuath.
BALLA-ÙIR CEARCALLACH RINGWORK A defensive bank and ditch, circular or oval in plan, surrounding one or more buildings. Dìg is uchdan dìonach a tha cruinn no ugh-chruthach a tha mun cuairt air co-dhiù aon togalach.
BALLA-ÙIR CRÌCHE BOUNDARY EARTHWORK An earthwork that indicates the limit of an area or a piece of land. Balla-ùir a chomharraicheas crìoch raoin no pìos talmhainn.
BALL-SGEADACHAIDH  GÀRRAIDH GARDEN ORNAMENT A decorative feature or structure set within the area of a garden. Use more specific term where known. Cruth no structar sgeadachail am broinn gàrraidh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BANCA BANK (FINANCIAL) An establishment used for the custody of money received from, or on behalf, of its customers. Eagrachas a tha a' stòradh airgead a fhuair e bho na custamairean aige no as an leth.
BARBACAN BARBICAN Any earthworks, walling, bastion or fortified outwork, or combination of these, generally with ditch or moat. Balla, balla-ùir, baisteon no fo-dhìdean no measgachadh dhiubh, mar is trice le dìg no staing.
BARPA BARROW An artificial mound of earth and/or turf and stone raised over one or more burials, sometimes surrounded by a ditch. Tom ùir agus/no mòna 's cloiche fuadain a chaidh a thogail os cionn co-dhiù aon tìodhlacaidh, uaireannan le dìg mun cuairt air.
BARPA   TÒRRAIDH BURIAL CAIRN A stony mound containing or concealing deliberately deposited human remains. Use specific term where known. Torr creagach sa bheil iarsmaidhean daonna no a tha gam falach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BARPA  CEÀRNAGACH SQUARE CAIRN A square mound of stones, often bounded by a kerb, raised over a burial. Torr ceàrnagach de chlachan, gu tric le oir mun cuairt air, a chaidh a thogail os cionn tìodhlacaidh.
BARPA CEÀRNAGACH SQUARE BARROW A burial monument comprising a small square ditched enclosure surrounding a central interment, which may be covered by a mound. Often visible as a cropmark. Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh sa bheil lann bheag cheàrnagach le dìg 's a tha mun cuairt air an àite-tìodhlacaidh sa mheadhan agus faodaidh gum bi torr os a chionn. Chithear seo mar chomharra-barra gu tric.
BARPA CRUINN ROUND BARROW A hemispherical mound surrounded by a ditch (or occasionally two or more concentric ditches), often accompanied by an external (or occasionally internal) bank. Mound and ditch may sometimes be separated by a berm. Use specific type where known. Torr leth-chruinn mun a bheil dìg (no uaireannan a dhà no barrachd dhìgean co-mheadhanach), gu tric le uchdan air an taobh a-muigh (ach uaireannan air an taobh a-staigh cuideachd). Bidh beirm eadar an torr 's an dìg uaireannan. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BARPA FADA LONG BARROW A Neolithic funerary monument, consisting of a rectangular or trapezoidal earthen mound, often with flanking or encircling ditches. The mound usually covers a mortuary structure of varying construction. Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh à linn ùr na cloiche. Tha seo na thom ùir ceart-cheàrnach no trapasoideach, gu tric le dìgean mun cuairt air no air an dà thaobh air. Bidh an tom seo os cionn marbh-lainn air choireigin mar is trice.
BARPA FADA  LONG CAIRN A rectangular or trapezoidal non-megalithic stony mound of Neolithic date, with human remains in cists rather than a large chamber. Mound construction and associated features vary considerably in type and complexity. Torr creagach ceart-cheàrnach no trapasoideach neo-mheagailiteach à Linn Ùr na Cloiche le iarsmaidhean daonna ann an cisteachan seach ann an seòmar mòr. Tha nàdar a thogail agus na structaran co-cheangailte ris gu math eadar-dhealaichte a thaobh seòrsa agus iom-fhillteachd.
BARPA SEÒMARACH CHAMBERED CAIRN A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of stones. Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh à Linn Ùr na Cloiche sa bheil seòmar cloiche am broinn torr chlachan.
BARPA SEÒMARACH CHAMBERED TOMB A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a mound of earth or stone. Use more specific term where known. Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh à Linn Ùr na Cloiche sa bheil seòmar cloiche am broinn torr ùir no cloiche. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BARPA SEÒMARACH CHAMBERED BARROW A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within an earthen mound. Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh à Linn Ùr na Cloiche sa bheil seòmar cloiche am broinn torr ùir.
BARPA SEÒMARACH CHAMBERED LONG CAIRN A Neolithic burial monument comprising a rectangular or trapezoidal stony mound which contains either a passage at one end with or without lateral chambers, or one or more smaller chambers entered from the side of the mound. Cuimhneachan tìodhlacaidh à Linn Ùr na Cloiche sa bheil torr creagach ceart-cheàrnach no trapasoideach sa bheil trannsa aig an dàrna cheann dheth le seòmraichean (no as an aonais) air a thaobh no co-dhiù aon seòmar nas lugha a ruigear o thaobh an torra.
BARPA UCHDAIN BANK BARROW A Neolithic monument comprising a long, narrow earthen mound. May be of single-phase construction, or represent the addition of a linear extension to an existing mound or long barrow. Cuimhneachan à Linn Ùr na Cloiche a tha na thorr fhada chaol ùir. Faodaidh gun deach a thogail aig an aon àm no gur e torr no barpa fada a bha ann mu thràth 's a chaidh a leudachadh a tha ann.
BARRAID TERRACE A row of houses attached to and adjoining one another and planned and built as one unit. Sreath de thaighean a tha balla ri balla agus a chaidh a phlanadh 's a thogail mar aon aonad.
BARRAID ÀITEACHAIS CULTIVATION TERRACE A strip of land on a slope, which has built up to provide a flat surface for the cultivation of crops. Pìos de thalamh air leathad 's a chaidh a thogail ach am bi talamh rèidh ann far an urrainnear fàs a thoirt air bàrr.
BARRAID GÀRRAIDH GARDEN TERRACE A flat, level area of ground within a garden. Often raised and accessed by steps. Raon rèidh ann an gàrradh. Bidh seo na raon togte gu math tric a ruigear air staidhre.
BARRAID THAIGHEAN LUCHD-OBRACH WORKERS ROW A row of terraced dwellings purpose built by an employer to house industrial workers. Sreath thaighean-barraide a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte le fastaiche mar àite-fuirich do luchd-obrach gnìomhachais.
BARRAID THAIGHEAN-MHÈINNEIREAN MINERS ROW A row of cottages built as accommodation for miners and their families. Sreath de thaighean beaga a chaidh a thogail mar àitichean-còmhnaidh do mhèinnearan 's na teaghlaichean aca.
BARRAID TREABHAIDH LYNCHET A scarp or bank defining the upper and lower boundaries of a field. Formed as a result of the gradual downhill movement of soil loosened by ploughing. Barraid no uchdan a tha a' comharrachadh crìochan  achadh uachdarach is ìochdarach. Thàinig seo am bith mar thoradh air gluasad na h-ùire leis an leathad an cois treabhaidh.
BÀS-LAG  EXECUTION SITE A place where people were put to death. Use narrower monument type where known. Àite far an robhar a' cur gu bàs daoine. Cleachd seòrsa de chuimhneachan nas mionaidiche ma tha fhios cò fear.
BATARAIDH BATTERY A site where guns, mortars or searchlights are mounted. Use specific term where known. Làrach far a bheil gunnachan, moirtearan no solais-shiridh air am munntachadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BATARAIDH ANTI-PHLÈANAICHEAN ANTI AIRCRAFT BATTERY A defensive position containing one or more artillery pieces or rocket launchers. Ionad dìonach sa bheil co-dhiù aon ghunna-mòr no lòinsear rocaidean.
BATARAIDH CLADAICH COASTAL BATTERY A defensive gun battery positioned on the coast and facing out to sea. Bataraidh ghunnaichean dìon air a' chladach 's mu choinneamh na mara.
BATARAIDH SHOLASAN-SIRIDH SEARCHLIGHT BATTERY A site in which one or more searchlights were positioned to locate enemy aircraft or surface vessels for the benefit of batteries and night fighter aircraft. Làrach far an robh co-dhiù aon solas-siridh a bhiodh a' lorg plèanaichean no soithichean nàmhad ach am faiceadh bataraidhean is plèanaichean-cogaidh oidhche iad.
BATARAIDH TRÈANAIDH PRACTICE BATTERY A site where guns or artillery are mounted for training purposes. Use specific term where known. Làrach far a bheil gunnachan no gunnachan-mòra air am munntachadh airson trèanadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BÀTHACH BYRE A cow shed. Seada cruidh.
BÀTHACH GOBHAL-CHEANGALACH CRUCK FRAMED BYRE A byre in which pairs of curved timbers form a bowed A-frame to support the roof independently of the walls. Sabhal aig a bheil paidhrichean de chrainn an cruth A lùbte 's a chumas an àirde am mullach as aonais taic o na ballachan.
BEACHLANN APIARY A place where beehives are kept. Àite far a bheilear a' cumail taighean-sheillean.
BEACHLANN BEEHIVE A receptacle used as a home for bees, traditionally made of thick straw-work in the shape of a dome, but sometimes made of wood. Àite a tha na dhachaigh do sheillein. 's e coirceagan a bhiodh annta o thùs, cuach-mhullach de shùgan tiugh ach uaireannan 's e soithichean fiodha a bhiodh annta cuideachd.
BEAIRT ROCAID ROCKET STAFF Apparatus (associated with manned lighthouse) used or intended to fire a signal rocket to give warning to approaching vessels at close range. Acainn (co-cheangailte ri taigh-solair air a sgiobadh) a chleachdar gus rocaid a losgadh a bheir rabhadh do shoithichean a tha am fagas.
BEALACH-BOGHA PEND A covered passageway through a building or buildings providing access to an open area or yard. Slighe le mullach os a cionn tro thogalach no tro thogalaichean air an ruigear raon fosgailte no clobhsa.
BELVEDERE BELVEDERE A turret, tower or look out occupying a prominent position to provide a view, either a separate building, or part of a villa. Turaid, tùr no ionad-faire ann an àite stòite a chithear an sealladh uaithe, togalach fa leth no na phàirt de villa.
Bessie Bar, Lùchairt Chuileann-Rois Bessie Bar, Culross Palace
BEUL DRÈAN ÒTRACHAIS OUTFALL SEWER The outlet or mouth of a sewer where it dispenses into the sea, lake, etc. Inbhir no beul sàibheir far a bheil e a' dol a-steach dhan mhuir, do loch no àite mar sin.
BHALBH-LEIGIDH OUTLET VALVE Valve set within a dam to control the issue of water from a reservoir. It fulfils the same function as an outlet tower, but is integral to the structure of the dam, rather than being free-standing within the reservoir. Duilleag-dhoras am broinn dama a chumas smachd air an uisge a dh'fhàgas an t-uisgeadan. Nì seo an dearbh-obair a nì tùr a-mach ach tha seo na phàirt de structar an dama, seach rud a sheasas leis fhèin san uisgeadan.
BIONA CLACH-MHÈINNIR ORE BIN A receptacle used for the storage of metal ores. Glacadan far a bheilear a' stòradh clachan-mèinnir.
Bishop's Palace, Kirkwall Bishop's Palace, Kirkwall
BLOCA CEITHIR FLATAICHEAN FOUR IN A BLOCK A block of four flats, two on the ground floor and two on the first floor. Usually built by a local authority in the inter-war years. Bloca de cheithir flataichean, dà dhiubh air a' bhun-ùrlar agus dà dhiubh air an dàrna ùrlar. Mar is trice chaidh iad seo a thogail le ùghdarras ionadail eadar an dà chogadh mòr.
BLOCA CONCRAIT CONCRETE BLOCK A square or rectangular concrete block with bolt holes, slots or fitments, associated with military installations or establishments. Some bear inscriptions. Do not use for ANTI TANK BLOCKS. Bloca concrait ceàrnagach no ceart-cheàrnach sa bheil tuill bholtaichean, slotaichean no fiotaidhean a tha co-cheangailte ris ionadan no structaran an airm. Tha sgrìobhadh air cuid dhiubh. Na cleachd airson BLOCAICHEAN ANTI-THANCAICHEAN.
BLOCA CONCRAIT (NACH BOIN DHAN ARM) CONCRETE BLOCK (NON MILITARY) A square or rectangular concrete block, often with bolt holes, slots or fitments. Bloca concrait ceàrnagach no ceart-cheàrnach, gu math tric le tuill bholtaichean, slotaichean no fiotaidhean.
BLOCA FHLATAICHEAN CUMHANG SLAB BLOCK Multi-storey block of flats of long, thin plan. Bloca fhlataichean ioma-ùrlarach air plana fada tana.
BLOCA FHLATAICHEAN IOMA-ÙRLAR POINT BLOCK Multi-storey block of flats of slender, square plan. Bloca fhlataichean ioma-ùrlarach air plana ceàrnagach tana.
BLOCA FHLATAICHEAN LE DEICEAN DECK ACCESS BLOCK Block of flats incorporating broad, street-width balconies to give access to dwellings and connect to other blocks. Bloca fhlataichean aig a bheil gailearaidhean mòra cho leathann ri sràid air an ruigear na h-àitichean-còmhnaidh 's a cheanglas ri blocaichean eile.
BLOCA FHLATAICHEAN LE GAILEARAIDH INNTRIGIDH BALCONY ACCESS BLOCK Block of flats within which the individual dwellings are accessed by narrow external balconies. Bloca fhlataichean sa bheil àitichean-còmhnaidh fa leth a ruigear air gailearaidhean tana air an taobh a-muigh.
BLOCA MARCACHD MOUNTING BLOCK A block for mounting a horse. Ceap airson dìreadh air muin eich.
BLOCA NAN OBRAICHEAN OPERATIONS BLOCK A building or group of buildings, usually forming part of a larger site such as an airfield, where operational and strategic planning and decisions are carried out. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean, mar is trice nam pàirt de làrach nas motha mar raon-adhair, far a bheilear a' dèanamh planaichean is co-dhùnaidhean ro-innleachdail.
BLOCA RATHAID ROAD BLOCK A combination of obstructions, used either to stop enemy forces or to force them off the road. Measgachadh de bhacaidhean airson stad a chur air feachdan nàmhad no gus an stiùireadh far an rathaid.
BLOCA-GHOIREASAN-IONNLAID ABLUTIONS BLOCK A building housing washing facilities and toilets. The term occurs mainly in a military context. Togalach sa bheil goireasan nigheadaireachd agus taighean-beaga. Nochdaidh am briathar seo co-cheangailte ris an arm mar is trice.
BLOCAICHEAN ANTI  THANCAICHEAN ANTI TANK BLOCKS Lines of concrete blocks, large and small placed on the ground to impede tanks. Loidhnichean de bhlocaichean concrait mòra 's beaga air an talamh a chuireas bacadh air tancaichean.
BOGHA-FUADAIN MARITIME OBSTRUCTION Seabed, anchorage and/or harbour bottom debris of uncertain origin and (generally) mixed nature, commonly recognised as forming a hazard to navigation. Sprùilleach air grunnd na mara, grunnd acarsaid no grunnd calaidh 's gun fhios cò às a thàinig e agus (mar is trice) measgaichte. Thathar a' coimhead air mar chunnart do luingeas mar is trice.
BOGSA SIOGNALAIDH SIGNAL BOX A building on a railway system housing levers used to regulate trains on the tracks using signals and to change the points to enable a train to transfer from one track to another. Togalach ann an siostam rèile sa bheil luamhain a stiùireas trèanaichean air an rathad-iarainn le siognailean agus airson atharrachadh nam puingean-rèile a leigeas le trèan gluasad o rathad gu rathad eile.
BOGSA-FÒN TELEPHONE BOX A freestanding public call box, containing a telephone. Bogsa-fòn poblach leis fhèin, le fòn ann.
BOGSA-FÒN ÈIGINN-RATHAID MOTORING CALL BOX A roadside telephone box used by motorists in need of assistance. Bogsa-fòn ri taobh an rathaid airson draibhearan càr 's iad feumach air cuideachadh.
BOGSA-FÒN POILIS POLICE CALL BOX A metal, wooden or concrete box containing a telephone for use by the public, limited accommodation for use as a temporary cell, and a lamp on top that could be used to attract the attention of a passing patrol. Bogsa meatailt, fiodha no concrait san robh fòn a b' urrainn dhan phoball a chleachdadh, àite-fuireach beag a chaidh a chleachdadh mar chealla sealach agus lampa airson aire a' phoileis a ghlacadh 's iad a' dol seachad.
BOGSA-LITRICHEAN LETTER BOX A box in which letters are deposited on delivery. Bogsa dhan a chuirear litrichean nuair a thèid an lìbhrigeadh.
BOGSA-PUIST POST BOX A box in which letters are posted or deposited for dispatch. Bogsa dhan a chuirear litrichean gus an seòladh air falbh.
BÒL-SHEILLEAN BEE BOLE A recess in a wall, in which a bee skep is placed. Cùlaist ann am balla far a bheil sgeap.
BÒRD CHÌSEAN TOLL BOARD A sign, situated near a road or bridge, indicating a toll. Sanas, faisg air rathad no drochaid, a dh'innseas gu bheil càin ri phàigheadh.
BÒRD-NIGHE CHAORACH FLEECING TABLE A bench with slats used for bathing sheep. Being le lataichean a thathar a' cleachdadh gus caoraich a nighe.
BORG BURGH A civil and administrative area incorporating a town of medieval origin. Raon catharra 's rianachd a tha a' gabhail a-steach baile às na meadhan-aoisean.
BORGH BROCH (1) An Iron Age round defended house, found mainly in the north and west of Scotland. Brochs have a tapering profile and thick, usually hollow dry stone walls which contain galleries, cells and a stairway, with guard cells at the entrance. Taigh-dìon cruinn à linn an iarainn a gheibhear mar is trice san iar agus gu tuath ann an Alba. Tha ceann-caol air brugh agus ballachan cobhaireachd (mar is trice) tiugha sa bheil gailearaidhean, ceallan agus staidhir le ceallan freiceadain aig an doras mhòr.
BORSTAL BORSTAL An institution for the imprisonment and training of 16-21 year olds first established officially in 1908. Replaced by Youth Custody Centres in 1982. Institiuid airson prìosanachadh agus trèanadh dhaoine òga eadar aois 16-21 agus a chaidh a stèidheachadh gu h-oifigeil ann an 1908. Chaidh Aonadan Glacas na h-Òigridh a chur nan àite ann an 1982.
BOTHAN HUT A building of basic construction, usually smaller in size than a house and constructed from a variety of materials such as clay, turf, branches, wood, brick, concrete or metal. Use more specific type where known. Togalach gu math bunasach, mar is trice nas lugha na taigh agus air a thogail de dhiofar rudan, a' gabhail a-steach criadha, sgrath, geugan, fiodh, bricean, concrait no meatailt. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BOTHAN BOTHY A small building used as temporary lodgings or shelter for farm labourers, shepherds, walkers or mountaineers. Often in an isolated location. Togalach beag a tha na àite-fuirich no fasgadh sealach airson luchd-obrach tuathanais, cìobairean, coisichean no beanntairean. Gu math tric ann an àite iomallach.
BOTHAN BOOTH A small, often enclosed compartment, usually accommodating only one person. Use specific term where known. Àite beag, mun a bheil structar air choireigin gu tric, airson aonan mar is trice. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BOTHAN ÀIRIGH SHIELING HUT A small dwelling of stone or turf, occupied on a seasonal basis by people tending animals on upland pastures. Taigh-còmhnaidh cloiche no sgratha beag far am biodh daoine a' fuireach aig amannan sònraichte 's iad a' coimhead às dèidh bheathaichean ag ionaltradh air na bràigheachan.
BOTHAN CONNADH-LÀMHAICH AMMUNITION STORAGE HUT Reinforced concrete and brick structures set apart from other buildings, often with metal hoist equipment. Structar concrait no bhreigean ath-neartaichte, air falbh o thogalaichean eile, gu tric le acainnean togail meatailt.
BOTHAN GOBHAL-CHEANGALACH CRUCK FRAMED COTTAGE A house in which pairs of curved timbers form a bowed A-frame to support the roof independently of the walls. Taigh aig a bheil paidhrichean de chrainn an cruth A lùbte 's a chumas an àirde am mullach as aonais taic o na ballachan.
BOTHAN IASGAICH FISHING BOTHY A building used by fishermen as temporary lodgings. Togalach a chleachdas iasgairean mar àite-fuirich sealach.
BOTHAN NISSEN NISSEN HUT A prefabricated structure of a steel frame clad in corrugated iron. Semi-circular in section they were used as accommodation for the armed forces and, during WWII, as emergency housing for bombed out civilians. Also used for storage. Structar ro-shaothraichte, frèam stàilinn air an robh iarann preasach. Bha roinn-tarsainn leth-chearcallach aca 's chaidh an cleachdadh le feachdan an airm agus, rè an Dàrna Chogaidh Mhòir, mar taigheadas èiginn do dhaoine a chaidh na taighean aca a leigeil mu làr le boma. Ga chleachdadh mar stòras cuideachd.
BOTHAN OIGHREACHD ESTATE COTTAGE A cottage for workers on a country house estate. Bothan airson an luchd-obrach aig oighreachd taighe-dhùthcha.
BOTHAN-CHÌSEAN TOLLBOOTH A booth, shed or stall erected at the side of a road, canal, bridge or gate where a toll must be paid. Bùth, seata no stalla a chaidh a thogail ri taobh rathaid, canail, drochaid no geata far am pàighear càin.
BOTHAN-TUGHAIDH THATCHED COTTAGE A cottage with a roof of reeds, straw or heather, layered and fastened together. Bothan air a bheil tughadh chuilcean, connlaich no fraoich, ann am breathan is ceangailte còmhla.
BRAT-CHRANN FLAGPOLE A freestanding staff upon which a flag is hung. Crann a sheasas leis fhèin agus air an tèid bratach a chrochadh.
Broch of Gurness Broch of Gurness
BRUTHADAIR CLOICHE ROCK CRUSHER A machine used to reduce large rocks into smaller pieces. Inneal a bhriseas clachan mòra ann am pìosan nas lugha.
BUAILE CRUIDH STOCK ENCLOSURE An enclosure used to hold livestock. Crò far an cumar crodh.
Buidheann Cuantach nam Maor-cladaich Maritime Coastguard Agency
BUIDHEANN SHLOCAN PIT GROUP An associated but irregular grouping of pits. Grunn shlocan a tha còmhla ach air pàtran mì-riaghailteach.
BUNAIT AINGEAL-RABHAIDH BEACON STANCE The structure upon which a beacon was mounted. An structar air an robh aingeal-rabhaidh.
BUNCAIR BUNKER A structure, often built underground, used for defence and co-ordination of military activity. Structar a chaidh a thogail (fon talamh gu tric) airson àite a dhìon agus mar ionad co-òrdanachadh an airm.
BUNGALO BUNGALOW A one-storey house. Taigh aon-ùrlarach.
BUTA BUOY A floating, fixed marker used to indicate to a navigator a sea area to approach or avoid. Comharra socraichte air fleòd a bheir rabhadh do sheòladair gum bu chòir dhaibh an t-àite seo a sheachnadh.
BÙTH SHOP A house or building where goods are made or prepared and displayed for sale and sold. Use more specific term where known. Taigh no togalach far a bheilear a' dèanamh no ag ullachadh bathar, ga thaisbeanadh gus a reic agus ga reic. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BÙTH BAILE GENERAL STORE A shop selling a variety of goods and merchandise. Bùth a reiceas diofar bathar.
BÙTH BATHAR-CRUAIDH HARDWARE SHOP A shop selling ironmonger's goods, household tools and utensils. Bùth a tha a' reic bathar iarnair, innealan is acainnean taighe.
BÙTH BATHAR-DEALAIN ELECTRICAL GOODS SHOP A shop selling household electrical goods such as televisions, radios, kettles and toasters. Bùth a reiceas bathar-dealain do dhachaighean, mar thelebhiseanan, rèidiothan, coireachan is tòstairean.
BÙTH BÙIDSEIR BUTCHERS SHOP A shop specifically for butchering and selling of meat products. Bùth a tha gu sònraichte airson bùidsearachd is reic bathar feòla.
BÙTH CIÙIRD CRAFT SHOP A building or room where handmade goods and products, often made locally, are displayed and sold. Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' taisbeanadh 's a' reic bathar a chaidh a dhèanamh de làimh, gu tric gu h-ionadail.
BÙTH GREUSAICHE COBBLERS WORKSHOP A place where shoes and boots are mended. Àite far a bheilear a' càradh brògan is bòtannan.
BÙTH GROSAIREACHD GROCERS SHOP A shop selling tea, butter, flour, sugar, spices, tinned foods and miscellaneous household stores. Bùth a tha a' reic teatha, ìm, flùr, siùcar, spìosraich, biadh ann an crogain agus diofar stòir taighe.
BÙTH GRÒSAIREACHD GREENGROCERS SHOP A shop selling fresh fruit and vegetables. Bùth a reiceas lusan is measa ùra.
BÙTH INNEALAN MACHINE SHOP Engineering workshop housing specialized machinery such as lathes, presses, etc., for making machines. Ceàrdach einnseanaireachd sa bheil innealan sònraichte mar dheilean, innealan-fàsgaidh is msaa airson innealan a dhèanamh.
BÙTH LUCHD-OBRACH MEATAILT METAL WORKERS WORKSHOP A workshop used by a person who works in base or precious metals. Ceàrdach a tha ga chleachdadh le cuideigin a dh'obraicheas le meatailtean neo-uasal no uasal.
BÙTH MOLLTAIDH MOULDING SHOP An area where objects are produced by pouring molten metal into moulds. Usually part of a FOUNDRY. Àite far a bheilear a' cruthachadh rudan le bhith a' dòirteadh meatailt leaghte ann am mòlltairean. Mar is trice na phàirt de THAIGH-FÙIRNEIS.
BÙTH PHÀIPEARAN NEWSAGENTS A shop selling newspapers, magazines and other periodicals, often with stationery, snacks and confectionery. Bùth a reiceas pàipearan-naidheachd is irisean, gu math tric còmhla ri pàipearachd, biadh beag agus mìlseanachd.
BÙTH SGUIDSEADH LÌN FLAX DRESSING SHOP A building used for the preparatory processes in which long and short staple flax fibres were separated by passing through combs. Flaxdressing or 'heckling' shops may be located both on and off mill sites. Togalach far an robhar ag ullachadh lìon, le bhith a' sgaradh teudagan-stapaill goirid is fada ann an cìrean. Faodaidh bùithtean sguidseadh lìn no seiclidh a bhith an dà chuir air làrach muilinn no far na làraich.
BÙTH-BORBAIR BARBERS SHOP A hairdressing establishment for men. Ionad gruagaireachd do dh'fhireannaich.
BÙTH-CÀRAIDH MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP A building or room used for the maintenance of the buildings and facilities in a large complex, such as a hospital, school or factory. Togalach no seòmar a chleachdar ann an obair-chàraidh de thogalaichean is goireasan aig aitreabh mòr, can ospadal, sgoil no factaraidh.
BÙTH-CHUNGAIDHEAN PHARMACY A building where the study and practice of preparing, preserving, compounding and dispensing drugs is performed. Togalach far a bheilear ag ullachadh, a' glèidheadh, a' co-mheasgachadh is a' toirt seachad cungaidhean-leighis is far an ionnsaichear mar a nithear seo.
BÙTH-DIBHE OFF LICENCE A shop authorised to sell alcoholic beverages to be consumed off the premises. Bùth aig a bheil cead deoch-làidir a reic a thèid òl air an fhàrdach fhèin.
BUTH-DÌTHEANAN FLORIST (1) A shop displaying and selling flowers and ornamental plants. Bùth a tha a' taisbeanadh 's a' reic flùraichean is lusan sgeadachail eile.
BÙTH-ÈISG FISHMONGERS SHOP A shop where fish is sold. Bùth far a bheilear a' reic iasg.
BÙTH-FHLÙRAICHEAN FLORIST A shop displaying and selling flowers and ornamental plants. Bùth a tha a' taisbeanadh 's a' reic flùraichean is lusan sgeadachail eile.
BÙTH-OBRACH WORKSHOP A building or room used for small-scale manufacture. Use more specific term where possible. Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' dèanamh rudan ach àireamh gu math beag dhiubh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
BÙTH-OBRACH  NEACH-TÒRRAIDH UNDERTAKERS WORKSHOP A workshop that produces coffins and other objects used in a FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Buth-obrach a nì cisteachan-laighe agus oibseactan eile ann an TAIGH-TÒRRAIDH.
BÙTH-OBRACH  SAOR-ROTHAN WHEELWRIGHTS WORKSHOP A place where wheels and wheeled vehicles were manufactured, originally from wood. Àite far an robhar a' dèanamh cuibhlichean is carbadan cuibhlichte, de dh'fhiodh o thùs.
BÙTH-OBRACH AODAICH CLOTHING WORKSHOP A workshop for the manufacture of clothing, e.g. tailor's workshop. Ceàrdach far a bheilear a' dèanamh aodach, m.e. ceàrdach tàilleir.
BUTH-OBRACH BHIAN FURRIERS WORKSHOP A place where furs are made into finished products. Àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar ullamh de bhèin.
BUTH-OBRACH BHRÒGAN-FIODHA CLOGMAKERS WORKSHOP A workshop where wooden clogs are manufactured. Ceàrdach far a bheilear a' dèanamh brògan-fiodha.
BÙTH-OBRACH EIGHEACHAN FILEMAKERS WORKSHOP A workshop where files and other grinding tools are made. Buth-obrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh eigheachan is inneal bleith eile.
BÙTH-OBRACH SGLÈATAIR SLATERS WORKSHOP A workshop where slates are split and worked by hand, usually to produce roofing tiles. Buth-obrach far a bheilear a' sgoltadh sglèatan 's ag obair orra de làimh, mar is trice airson sglèatan mullaich a dhèanamh.
BÙTH-OBRACH SHAOR-MHUILINN MILLWRIGHTS WORKSHOP A workshop where industrial machinery and equipment is repaired and maintained. Buth-obrach far a bheilear a' càradh 's a' glèidheadh acainnean is goireasan gnìomhachais.
BÙTH-OBRACH TUAIRNEARACHD WOOD TURNING WORKSHOP A workshop used for completing the shape of a product or part by turning on a lathe or wheel. Buth-obrach far an coileanar cruth bathair no pàirt dheth 's e ga thionndaidh air deil no cuibhle.
BÙTH-SHAOIRSNEACHD CARPENTERS WORKSHOP A place where products are manufactured from wood. Àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar de dh'fhiodh.
BÙTH-SHAOIRSNEACHD JOINERS SHOP A workshop used by a joiner; a craftsman working with wood and producing more ornate work than that of a carpenter. Ceàrdach a tha ga chleachdadh le saor-geal; neach-ciùird a tha ag obair le fiodh agus a nì bathar nas snasail na saor-dubh.
BÙTH-SIUBHAIL TRAVEL AGENTS A commercial premises offering advice on destinations and other travel arrangements, and where travellers may purchase flights, make hotel reservations or book package holidays and tours. Ionad coimeirsealta far am faighear comhairle air àitichean airson làithean-saora agus ullachadh siubhail eile agus far an urrainn dhan luchd-siubhail tiocaidean phlèanaichean a cheannach, seòmraichean a ghlèidheadh ann an taighean-òsta no airson pacaidean is tursan làithean-saora.
