
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.

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Earls Palace, Kirkwall Earl's Palace, Kirkwall
EARTHWORK UCHDAN-DÌON A bank or mound of earth used as a rampart or fortification. Uchdan no tom ùir a chaidh a chleachdadh mar rampair no daingneachadh.
Eassie Cross Slab Leac-chroise Easaidh
East Aquhorthies Stone Circle Tursachan Achadh Choirthe an Ear
EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENT TAIGH ITHE 'S ÒIL For commercial or non-commercial use. See narrow terms in each class. Airson cleachdadh coimeirsealta 's neo-choimeirsealta.
ECCLESIASTICAL BUILDING TOGALACH EAGLAISEIL A building thought to have a religious association. Togalach a thathar dhen bheachd gun robh ceangal cràbhach aige.
Edinburgh Castle Caisteal Dhùn Èideann
Edin's Hall Broch Dùn Talla Edin
Edrom, Norman Church Doorway Edrom, Doras-eaglaise Nòrmannach
EDUCATION FOGHLAM This is the top term for the class. See EDUCATION Class List for narrow terms. Seo am briathar as àirde sa chlas. Faic liosta a' chlas "FOGHLAM" airson briathran nas mionaidiche.
Edzell Castle Caisteal Eigil
EELHOUSE TAIGH-EASGANN A building containing a tank for the storage of eels. Togalach sa bheil soitheach airson easgannan.
EGG END BOILER GOILEADAIR CINN OS-CHEARCALLACH An externally-heated boiler made from a fabricated steel tube with domed ends, designed to contain high-pressure steam. Egg-end boilers were often used to drive steam engines. Goileadair a thèid a theasachadh on taobh a-muigh agus air a dhèanamh de thiùb stàilinn le cinn chruinn 's a sheasas ri smùid fo bhrùthadh mòr. Chaidh goileadairean ugh-cheannach a chleachdadh gu tric ann an einnseanan-smùid.
Eilean Donan Castle Caisteal Eilean Donnain
Eilean Mor Chapel and Stones Caibeal & Clachan an Eilein Mhòir
Elcho Castle Caisteal Ailchich
ELECTRICAL GOODS SHOP BÙTH BATHAR-DEALAIN A shop selling household electrical goods such as televisions, radios, kettles and toasters. Bùth a reiceas bathar-dealain do dhachaighean, mar thelebhiseanan, rèidiothan, coireachan is tòstairean.
ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION SITE IONAD CRUTHACHADH DEALAIN Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of electricity. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn dealain.
ELECTRICITY SUB STATION FO-STÈISEAN DEALAIN Building containing transformers to reduce the high voltage of the National Grid to the lower voltage of domestic supply. Togalach sa bheil tionndairean a dh'ìslicheas bholtaids mhòr a' Ghriod Nàiseanta gu bholtaids ìseal dhachaigheil.
ELEVATOR CONVEYOR SYSTEM SIOSTAM CHRIOSAN-GIÙLAIN A system of conveyor belts for moving materials against a gradient. Rian de chriosan-giùlain a ghluaiseas stuthan ri leathad.
Elgin Bishop's House Taigh an Easbaig, Eilginn
Elgin Pans Port, Precinct Walls and Museum Pans Port Eilginn, Balla-àrainn is Taigh-tasgaidh
EMBANKMENT UCHDAN-RATHAID A long ridge of earth, rocks or gravel primarily constructed to carry a roadway. Druimean ùir, cloiche no grinneil fada a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte mar bhunait do rathad.
EMBASSY AMBASAID The residence and office of an ambassador. Taigh-còmhnaidh agus oifis tosgaire.
EMBROIDERY FACTORY FACTARAIDH OBAIR-GHRÈISE A building or complex of buildings where textiles and textile products are embroidered. Togalach no aitreabh thogalaichean far a bheilear ri grèiseadh aodaich agus bathar aodaich.
ENCAMPMENT CAMPA A temporary military camp. If Roman use TEMPORARY CAMP. Campa sealach an airm. Mas e fear leis na Ròmanaich a tha ann, cleachd CAMPA SEALACH.
ENCLOSED CREMATION CEMETERY CLACH LUATH-CHORP CUAIRTICHTE A burial site of Bronze Age date comprising a circular enclosed area containing cremations, some of which may be in urns. Àite-tìodhlacaidh à Linn an Umha sa bheil àite iadhta cearcallach far an deach cuirp a losgadh agus faodaidh gu bheil cuid dhiubh ann am poitean-tasgaidh.
ENCLOSED SETTLEMENT TUINEACHADH CUAIRTICHTE A site containing traces of human settlement and which has been surrounded by a bank and ditch, palisade or some other form of enclosure. Làrach air an aithnichear tuineachadh mac an duine agus mun robh uchdan agus dìg, sonnach no rud mar sin.
ENCLOSURE GEÀRRAIDH An area with defined boundaries. Use specific term where known. Àite mun a bheil crìochan soilleir. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
ENGINE EINNSEAN A machine, powered by steam, gas, electricity or other energy source, which produces energy of movement. Use for stationary industrial engines rather than transport use. Inneal a tha ag obair air cumhachd smùide, gas, dealain no tùs cumhachd eile a chruthaicheas lùths gluasaid. Cleachd airson einnseanan gnìomhachais suidhichte seach feadhainn a thathar a' cleachdadh ann an còmhdhail.
ENGINE HOUSE TAIGH EINNSEIN A building housing an engine. Use specific term where known. Togalach sa bheil einnsean. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
ENGINE SHED SEADA EINNSEANAN A building used to house railway engines. Togalach sa bheilear a' stòradh einnseanan-rèile.
ENGINE WORKS FACTARAIDH EINNSEANAN A site where engines are manufactured. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh einnseanan.
ENGINEERING INDUSTRY SITE LÀRACH  EINNSEANAIREACHD Buildings, sites and structures associated with the engineering industry. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ris a' ghnìomhachas einnseanaireachd.
ENGINEERING WORKS IONAD-EINNSEANAIREACHD Any factory or site using machine tools in a manufacturing or processing capacity. Factaraidh no làrach sam bith a chleachdas innealan saothrachaidh no giullachd.
ENGINEERS OFFICE OIFIS EINNSEANAIR A business providing a range of engineering services. Gnothachas a tha a' solar diofar seirbheisean einnseanaireachd.
ENGRAVING WORKS FACTARAIDH GRÀBHALAIDH A factory where lettering and designs are engraved into metals and other materials. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' gràbhaladh litrichean is dealbhadh eile ann am meatailtean no stuthan eile.
ENVELOPE FACTORY FACTARAIDH CHÈISEAN A factory where envelopes are made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh cèiseagan.
EROSION SITE LÀRACH BLEITH-TALMHAINN A site which has been partially exposed through the process of erosion and is not, as yet, fully understood. Làrach a chaidh a leigeil ris an cois bleith na talmhainn agus nach eilear, aig an ìre-sa, a' tuigsinn buileach.
ESPLANADE ÀILEAN A flat open stretch of pavement or grass, usually along the sea front or next to a river, allowing people to promenade. Cabhsair no raon feurach rèidh, mar is trice ri taobh na mara no aibhne far an urrainn do dhaoine spaistearachd.
ESTATE OIGHREACHD An extensive landed property, usually in the country. Seilbheachd aig a bheil talamh mòr, mar is trice air an dùthaich.
ESTATE BUILDING TOGALACH OIGHREACHD A building situated within the estate of a country house. Togalach a tha am broinn oighreachd taighe-dhùthcha.
ESTATE COTTAGE BOTHAN OIGHREACHD A cottage for workers on a country house estate. Bothan airson an luchd-obrach aig oighreachd taighe-dhùthcha.
ESTATE OFFICE OIFIS OIGHREACHD An office for the administration of a town or country estate. Oifis airson rianachd oighreachd ann am baile no air an dùthaich.
EXCHANGE TAIGH-MALAIRT A multi-purpose commercial building, used primarily as a trading place for merchants, but also incorporating shops, public offices, guildhalls, etc. Togalach coimeirsealta airson iomadh rud, gu sònraichte mar ionad malairt do mharsantan ach le bùthan, oifisean poblach, tallachan chomann-cheàird is msaa cuideachd.
EXECUTION SITE BÀS-LAG  A place where people were put to death. Use narrower monument type where known. Àite far an robhar a' cur gu bàs daoine. Cleachd seòrsa de chuimhneachan nas mionaidiche ma tha fhios cò fear.
EXEDRA EXEDRA An area of a garden with a semi-circular backdrop formed by an ornamental, architectural structure or a natural feature grown to the required shape eg. a hedge Àite ann an gàrradh a tha structar sgeadachail leth-chearcallach air a chùlaibh no lusan a thathar a' fàs sa chruth air a bheil feum, m.e. callaid.
EXHIBITION CENTRE IONAD THAISBEANAIDHEAN A building used to stage temporary exhibitions. Togalach sa bheilear a' cumail taisbeanaidhean sealach.
EXHIBITION HALL TALLA-TAISBEANAIDH A hall used for housing public displays. Talla a chleachdar airson taisbeanaidhean poblach.
EXHIBITION PAVILION PÀILLEAN-TAISBEANAIDH A pavilion used for exhibitions, e.g. the exhibition pavilions at the Great Empire Exhibition, Bellahouston Park, 1938. Pàillean a chleachdar airson taisbeanaidhean, m.e. pàilleanan taisbeanaidh aig Taisbeanadh Mòr na h-Impire ann am Pàirc Bhaile Ùistein ann an 1938.
EXHIBITION SITE LÀRACH-TAISBEANAIDH A site used as a temporary exhibition ground e.g. Glasgow Garden Festival, Empire Exhibition. Làrach a chleachdar mar ionad taisbeanaidh sealach, m.e. Fèill nan Gàrraidhean an Glaschu, Taisbeanadh na h-Impire.
EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY SITE LÀRACH DEARBHADH ÀRC-EÒLAIS A site or monument built using experimental techniques to test hypotheses and interpretations of archaeological data. Làrach no cuimhneachan a chaidh a thogail air dòighean probhail airson diofar beachdan-bharail is mìneachaidhean air dàta àrc-eòlach a chur fo dheuchainn.
EXPLOSIVES FACTORY FACTARAIDH STUTHAN-SPREADHAIDH A building or buildings where explosives are manufactured. Togalach no togalaichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh stuthan-spreadhaidh.
EXPLOSIVES MANUFACTURING SITE FACTARAIDH STUTHAN-SPREADHAIDH Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production, testing and storage of explosives. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri deuchainnean agus stòradh stuthan-spreadhaidh.
EXPLOSIVES STORE STÒR STUTHAN-SPREADHAIDH A building used for the storage of explosives of a non-military function, e.g. mining explosives, signal explosives etc. Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh stuthan-spreadhaidh nach eil gan cleachdadh leis an arm, m.e. stuthan-spreadhaidh mèinnearachd, stuthan-spreadhaidh siognailidh is msaa.
EXTRACTIVE PIT SLOC MÈINNEARACHD Surface workings, including shallow shafts, lode workings, open-pit methods and quarrying including some mines of stone, clays, compounds etc. See also MINERAL EXTRACTION SITE. Obrachaidhean air uachdar na talmhainn, a' gabhail a-steach slocan eu-domhain, obrachaidhean lòdan, slocan fosgailte is obair cuaraidh, a' gabhail a-steach mèinnean cloiche, criadha, co-phàirtean is msaa. Faic LÀRACH DÙSGADH MHÈINNEARAN cuideachd.
