Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.
Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.
Neo tagh litir / Browse by letter:
Beurla / English
Gàidhlig / Gaelic
Facal Gàidhlig | English Term | English Note | Nota Gàidhlig | Audio |
Na Leacan Gorma | Laggangairn Stones | |||
Neach-trusaidh Longan-briste | Receiver of Wreck | |||
NEO-ÀRSAIDH | NON ANTIQUITY | Use to identify a feature, previously thought to be a monument but now disproved, or to avoid erroneous identification as a monument in future. | Cleachd airson rud a bhathar dhen bheachd roimhe gur e cuimhneachan a bha ann ach nach eilear tuilleadh no airson 's nach comharraichear e mar chuimhneachan san àm ri teachd. | |
Northumbria | Northumbria | |||
NÒS | NAUST | A shelter for a boat. | Fasgadh airson bàta. | |
NÒS | NOOST | |||
NÒS | NOUST | |||
NULL | URN (GARDEN) | A garden ornament, usually of stone or metal, in the form of a vase used to receive the ashes of the dead. When associated with prehistoric cremation burials use CINERARY URN | Ball-maise gàrraidh, mar is trice de chlach no meatailt, air cruth bhàsa airson luaithre nam marbh. Ma tha ceangal ri tìodhlacadh losgadh-cuirp ro-eachdraidheil, cleachd POIT-TASGAIDH LUAITHRE | |
NULL | LIGHTHOUSE CONSTRUCTION YARD | A facility where the components of lighthouses are built and assembled. | Ionad far a bheilear a' togail 's a' cur ri chèile co-phàirtean de thaighean-solais. | |
NULL | MANUPORT | An unmodified stone or other natural object that could only have been transported to a site by human agency. | Clach no oibseact nàdarra nach deach atharrachadh ach nach biodh ann mur an robh mac an duine ga giùlain ann. | |
NULL | DELETE1 | |||
NULL | INDETERMINATE REMAINS | Archaeological remains of indeterminable classification or function. | Iarsmaidhean àrc-eòlach nach gabh a chur ann an clas agus gun fhios dè feum a bha annta. | |
NULL | NULL (14) |