
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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TACKSMANS HOUSE TAIGH AN FHIR-TAC A dwelling occupied by a tacksman, the chief leaseholder of a township who rented out land to sub-tenants. Àite-còmhnaidh far a bheil fear-tac, prìomh-ghabhaltach baile a thug seachad fearann dha na h-iar-mhàladairean.
Taidhlichean lùb-chruthach pantiles
TAIL RACE IAR-LAD An artificial channel, sometimes underground, that carries water from a waterwheel back to the river or stream from which it was diverted by a LADE. Cladhan fuadain, uaireannan fon talamh, a bheir uisge o roth-uisge air ais gun abhainn no allt às an deach a thoirt le LÀD.
TAKEAWAY TAKEAWAY An establishment for the preparation and selling of food to be consumed off the premises. Ionad far a bheilear ag ullachadh 's a reic biadh nach tèid ithe san ionad sin.
TALLOW FACTORY FACTARAIDH CRÈISE A building where tallow is produced. Tallow is solid animal fat that has been separated by heating, usually for making candles. Togalach far a bheilear a' dèanamh geir. Tha geir na shaill cruaidh bheathaichean a chaidh a theasachadh gus a dhealachadh, mar is trice airson coinnlean a dhèanamh.
TANK TANCA A large receptacle, container, or structure for holding a liquid or gas. Glacadan, soitheach no structar mòr gus lionn no gas a ghlèidheadh ann.
TANK TRAINING RANGE RAINNSE-TRÈANAIDH THANCAICHEAN An area of ground, with associated buildings and structures, where personnel are trained in the operation of tanks and other military vehicles. Pìos talmhainn, leis na togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte ris, far am faigh an luchd-obrach trèanadh ann an draibheadh thancaichean is carbadan armailteach eile.
TANK TRAP BACADH THANCAICHEAN An object or structure designed to obstruct the progress of a tank or armoured vehicle. Use more specific term where known. Oibseact no structar airson adhartas tanca no carbad armach a bhacadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TANNERY TAIGH-CARTAIDH LEATHAIR A manufacturing complex where the hides of animals are turned into leather, consisting of buildings for fleecing and drying, as well as treatment pits. Aitreabh saothrachaidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh leathar de bhèin bheathaichean, le togalaichean airson lomadh is tiormachadh agus slocan cartaidh.
TANNING PIT SLOC-CARTAIDH LEATHAIR A pit or tank containing chemicals for preserving animal hide. Sloc no tanca sa bheil stuthan ceimigeach a ghlèidheas bèin bheathaichean.
Tantallon Castle Caisteal Tantallon
TAPESTRY FACTORY FACTARAIDH  GRÈIS-BHRATAN A factory where tapestries are produced by mechanised processes. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh grèis-bhrataichean air dòighean meacanaigeach.
TAR HOUSE STÒR-TEARRA A storehouse associated with rope manufacture (eg. in naval dockyards). Taigh-stòrais a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh ròpa (m.e. ann an docannan a' chabhlaich).
TAR KILN ÀTH-THEARRA A kiln used to produce coal or wood tar. Àth sa bheilear a' dèanamh tearr guail no fiodha.
TAR WORKS FACTARAIDH TEARRA A site where tar is manufactured or combined with other substances to produce bitumen, for example. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh tearr no ga mheasgachadh le stuthan eile gus bìth-thalmhainn a dhèanamh, mar eisimpleir.
TARGET TARGAID Any structure or object, used for the purpose of practice shooting by aerial, seaborne or land mounted weapons. Structar no rud sam bith air a bheilear a' tilgeil le airm adhair, mara no talmhainn airson cleachdadh.
TARPAULIN WORKS FACTARAIDH THARPÀILEAN A factory where tarpaulins are produced, usually from canvas. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh cainb-thearra, mar is trice de chanabhas.
Tarves Tomb Uaigh Tharbhais
TEA CHEST WORKS FACTARAIDH CHISTEACHAN-TÌ A factory where tea chests are made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh cisteachan-teatha.
TEA HOUSE TAIGH-TÌ A refreshment house in a public park or country house garden. Taigh far am faighear deoch is biadh beag ann am pàirc phoblach no gàrradh taighe-dhùthcha.
TEA ROOM SEÒMAR-TÌ An establishment where tea and other non-alcoholic refreshments and light meals are served. Seòmar far am faighear teatha agus deochan eile nach eil làidir agus biadh beag.
TEACHERS HOUSE TAIGH-TIDSEIR The residence of a teacher, often on the site of a school. Àite-còmhnaidh tidseir, gu tric air raon na sgoile.
Tealing Dovecot Tucaid Thuilinn
Tealing Earth House Taigh-talmhainn Thuilinn
TECHNOLOGY PARK PÀIRC TEICNEÒLAIS A site comprising a number of separate, purpose-built units housing high technology industries and services, together with access roads, parking facilities and other amenities. Làrach air a bheil diofar aonadan a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach airson gnìomhachasan is seirbheisean àrd-teicneolais, rathaidean inntrigidh, àitichean-pàircidh agus goireasan eile.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUILDING TOGALACH TELE-CHONALTRAIDH A building housing electrical or electronic equipment used for communicating over long distances. Use specific type where known. Togalach sa bheil acainnean dealain no leatronach airson conaltradh a dhèanamh thairis air astar mòr. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS STRUCTURE STRUCTAR CIAN-CHONALTRAIDH Structures associated with telecommunications. Structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cian-chonaltradh.
TELEGRAPH POLE PÒLA TELEAGRAF A tall wooden pole used to support telegraph wires. Crann àrd fiodha a chumas an àirde uèirichean teileagraif.
TELEPHONE BOX BOGSA-FÒN A freestanding public call box, containing a telephone. Bogsa-fòn poblach leis fhèin, le fòn ann.
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE TAIGH-SUIDSIDH FÒN An office or central station of a local telephone system where the various lines are brought to a central switchboard and communication between subscribers is achieved. Oifis no prìomh-stèisean aig siostam ionadail nam fònaichean far a bheil na diofar loidhnichean a' tighinn còmhla air prìomh bhòrd-seinnse far an dèanar ceangal eadar na diofar fo-sgrìobhaichean.
TEMPLE TEAMPALL A building or structure used for religious ceremonies or worship. For later landscape features use GARDEN TEMPLE or FOLLY. Togalach no structar a thathar a' cleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan cràbhach no adhradh. Airson cruthan san tìr nas ùire na sin, cleachd TEAMPALL GÀRRAIDH no SAOBH-THOGALACH.
Templewood Stone Circle Tursachan Choille an Teampaill
TEMPORARY CAMP CAMPA SEALACH A fortified overnight camp enclosed within a shallow ditch, bank and palisade, constructed by Roman troops on campaigns or manoeuvres. Campa oidhche daingnichte am broinn dìge eu-domhain, uchdan agus sonnaich, air a thogail le feachd Ròmanach air iomairt no eacarsaich.
TEMPORARY COMPOUND IONAD-DÌON SEALACH A compound containing one or more buildings, attached to a Roman military installation and enclosed within a bank and ditch, which was used either intermittently or for a short period only. Ionad far a bheil co-dhiù aon togalach a tha co-cheangailte ri ionad arm nan Ròmanach le uchdan agus dìg mun cuairt air agus a chaidh a chleachdadh o àm gu àm no fad ùine ghoirid a-mhàin.
TEMPORARY SETTLEMENT TUINEACHADH SEALACH A site or camp providing temporary accommodation. Làrach no campa far am faighear àite-fuirich fad greiseig.
TENEMENT TEANAMAINT A large building containing a number of rooms or flats, access to which is usually gained via a common stairway. Togalach mòr sa bheil grunn sheòmraichean no fhlataichean a ruigear air staidhir choitcheann mar is trice.
TENNIS COURT CÙIRT TEANAS A prepared area, traditionally grass, where tennis is played. Raon, mar is trice feur, a chaidh ullachadh airson teanas a chluich ann.
TERMINAL BUILDING TOGALACH TÈIRMINEIL A building within a transport terminal, often associated with the registration and clearing of incoming and outgoing passengers or freight. Togalach am broinn tèirmineal còmhdhalach, gu tric co-cheangailte ri clàradh is ceadachadh luchd-siubhail no bathair a thig a-steach no a thèid a-mach.
TERRACE BARRAID A row of houses attached to and adjoining one another and planned and built as one unit. Sreath de thaighean a tha balla ri balla agus a chaidh a phlanadh 's a thogail mar aon aonad.
TERRACED GARDEN GÀRRADH-UCHDAIN A garden with one or more platforms with walks, often on different levels, usually close to the house. Gàrradh aig a bheil co-dhiù aon ùrlar le ceum air, gu math tric aig diofar ìrean, faisg air an taigh a ghnàth.
TERRACED HOUSE TAIGH-BARRAID A house in a line of houses attached to and adjoining one another and planned and built as one unit. Taigh ann an sreath de thaighean a tha balla ri balla agus a chaidh a phlanadh 's a thogail mar aon aonad.
TERRACED HOUSE (1) TAIGH-BARRAID A house in a line of houses attached to and adjoining one another and planned and built as one unit. Taigh ann an sreath de thaighean a tha balla ri balla agus a chaidh a phlanadh 's a thogail mar aon aonad.
TERRACOTTA WORKS FACTARAIDH TERRACOTTA A site where terracotta, made from weathered clay and grog, was manufactured. Àite far an robhar a' dèanamh terracotta de sheann-chriadh is grog.
TEXTILE FINISHING SITE LÀRACH ULLACHADH STUTHAN-AODAICH Includes bleaching, dressing, dyeing and printing. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach gealachadh, cur an treisginn, dathadh is clò-bhualadh.
TEXTILE INDUSTRY SITE LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAS STUTHAN-ÀODAICH Includes all stages of production processes of textiles, eg. Wool, cotton linen etc., and textile products. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach gach ceum de ghiullachd aodaich, m.e. clòimh, lìon cotain is msaa agus bathar aodaich.
TEXTILE MILL MUILEANN STUTHAN-AODAICH Any factory used for the manufacture of textiles. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh aodach.
TEXTILE PRINT WORKS FACTARAIDH PRIONTADH STUTHAN-AODAICH A site where textiles are printed. For paper printing use PRINTING WORKS. Làrach far a bheilear a' clò-bhualadh aodach. Airson clò-bhualadh pàipeir, faic FACTARAIDH CLÒ-BHUALAIDH:
TEXTILE SHRINKING WORKS FACTARAIDH TEANNACHADH STUTHAN-AODAICH A site where woollen and other textiles are shrunk by boiling. Làrach far a bheilear crùbadh aodach is aodach clòimhe le bhith ga bhruich.
THATCHED COTTAGE BOTHAN-TUGHAIDH A cottage with a roof of reeds, straw or heather, layered and fastened together. Bothan air a bheil tughadh chuilcean, connlaich no fraoich, ann am breathan is ceangailte còmhla.
The Wren's Egg Ugh an Dreathain
THEATRE TAIGH-CLUICHE A building used primarily for theatrical performances. Togalach far a bheilear gu sònraichte ri dealbh-chluichean.
THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE COLAISTE DIADHACHD An establishment dedicated to the study of theology and religious training. Ionad far a bheil daoine ag ionnsachadh diadhachd agus a' faighinn trèanadh cràbhach.
THREAD WORKS FACTARAIDH SHNÀITHLEAN A factory where thread is spun from cotton, silk and other materials. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' snìomh snàth de chotan, sìoda no stuthan eile.
Threave Castle Caisteal Threibh
THRESHING BARN SABHAL FROISIDH A barn usually containing a single, central threshing floor. Sabhal le aon ùrlar-bualaidh sa mheadhan mar is trice.
THRESHING MACHINE MUILEANN-FROISIDH A machine for separating grain from stalks and husks. Inneal a sgaras an sìol o na cuiseagan is on chàth.
THRESHING MILL MUILEANN-FROISIDH A mill which contains machinery for separating grain from chaff. Muilleann sa bheil acainn a dhealaicheas an sìol on mholl.
TIDAL BASIN ACARSAID THIORAM  A basin or harbour, which is accessible or navigable only at high tide. Amar no cala nach ruigear aig àirde an làin no nach gabh a sheòladh ach aig àirde an làin.
TIDE GAUGE GÈIDSE LÀN-MARA An instrument for measuring and indicating the height of tide. Inneal a thomhaiseas no a nochdas àirde an làin.
TIDE MILL MUILEANN LÀIN-MHARA A type of WATERMILL, powered by retaining seawater at high tide and  releasing it at low tide via a water wheel. Nàdar de MHUILEANN-UISGE far an glèidhear sàl aig àirde an làin gus a leigeil às slighe roth-uisge aig muir-tràigh gus cumhachd a ghintinn.
TILE KILN ÀTH LEACAN A structure in which ceramic tiles are fired. Structar sa bheilear a' losgadh leacagan criadha.
TILE WORKS FACTARAIDH LEACAN A site used for all the processes associated with the manufacture of roof, floor and decorative tiles, and tile field drains. Làrach far a bheilear ri gach pròiseas a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh leacagan mullaich, ùrlair is feadhainn sgeadachail agus leacan-criadha drèanaidh.
TIMBER BUILDING TOGALACH FIODHA A building constructed largely from wood. Use specific term where known. Togalach a tha sa mhòrchuid de dh'fhiodh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TIMBER HALL TALLA-FIODHRAICH A large, rectangular building of high status, constructed largely of wood. Togalach mòr ceart-cheàrnach is àrd-inbheach, cuid mhòr dheth air a thogail de dh'fhiodh.
TIMBER MILL MUILEANN FIODHRAICH A mill used to process raw timber. Muileann far a bheilear a' giullachd fiodh amh.
TIMBER POND LÒN FIODHA Pond for storing cut lengths of timber to prevent them becoming seasoned. Linn sa bheilear a' stòradh pìosan fiodha gearrte airson 's nach tiormaich iad.
TIMBER PROCESSING SITE LÀRACH GIULLACHD FIODHRAICH Buildings, sites and structures associated with the processing of timber. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd fiodha.
TIMBER PRODUCT SITE IONAD BATHAR FIODHA Buildings, sites and structures associated with the manufacture of timber products. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh bathar fiodha.
TIMBER SEASONING SHED SEADA CAOINEACHADH FIODHRAICH A building where timber is allowed to dry and harden, in order to render it fit for use as a working material. Togalach far a bheilear a' leigeil le fiodh tiormachadh is cruadhachadh airson 's gun gabh a chleachdadh mar stuth-obrachaidh.
TIMBER STRUCTURE STRUCTAR FIODHA A construction of indeterminate function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence, made largely from wood. Use specific term where known. Rud a chaidh a thogail ach aig nach eil feum soilleir, co-dhiù an-diugh no a-rèir fianais àrc-eòlaich, cuid mhath dheth air a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TIMBER TRACK SLIGHE FIODHRAICH An artificial surface for people, animals or vehicles usually crossing wet or uneven ground. Uachdar fuadain airson daoine, beathaichean no carbadan, mar is trice airson a dhol thairis air talamh fliuch no garbh.
TIMBER YARD STÒR FIODHRAICH An open yard or place where timber is stacked or stored. Clobhsa no àite fosgailte far an cumar fiodh.
TIME OFFICE OIFIS TÌME A room or building occupied by a person employed to keep accounts of workers' hours of labour. Seòmar no togalach far a bheil cuideigin ga fhastadh a chumas clàr nan uairean-obrach aig obraichean.
TIN MILL MUILEANN-STAOIN A mill used for the processing of tin ore by razing, stamping or smelting. Muileann a thathar ga chleachdadh ann an ullachadh clach-thiona le bhith ga sgrìobadh, ga stampadh no ga leaghadh.
TIN MINE MÈINN STAOIN A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of tin bearing ores. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson tiona a tharraing à clach-mhèinnir.
TING TING A place of judicial assembly dating to the Viking period. Mòd lagha a tha a' dol air ais gu linn nan Lochlannach.
TITHE BARN SABHAL NAN DEICHEAMH A large barn used to store the tithe (a tenth part of the annual produce of agriculture etc.) which was paid by the tenants of ecclesiastical lands. Sabhal mòr far an robhar a' cumail an deicheimh (deicheamh de thoradh àiteachais na bliadhna is msaa.) a bha an luchd-màil a pàigheadh air talamh na h-eaglais.
TOBACCO FACTORY FACTARAIDH TOMBACA A place where tobacco is made into cigarettes, cigars, etc. Àite far a bheilear a' dèanamh toiteanan, siogaran is rudan mar sin de thombaca.
TOBACCO WAREHOUSE TAIGH-BATHAIR TOMBACA A building designed specifically for handling tobacco. This may be a bonded warehouse containing facilities for removing tobacco leaves from the hogsheads in which they were imported, and pressing them. Togalach a chaidh a dhealbhadh gu sònraichte gus tombaca a làimhseachadh. Dh'fhaoidte gur e taigh-bathair bannaichte a tha seo aig a bheil goireasan airson duillean tombaca a thoirt às na tocasaidean anns an deach an toirt dhan dùthaich agus airson na duillean a bhrùthadh.
TOILET TOIDHLEAT A small room or building containing a lavatory and, in more recent times, washing facilities. Seòmar no taigh beag sa bheil toidhleat agus, sna làithean seo, goireasan airson nighe do làmhan.
TOLBOOTH TOLL-BÙTHA A building serving as a centre of local burgh administration, justice and ceremony. Togalach a tha ann an teis-mheadhan rianachd, ceartas agus deas-ghnàthan a' bhuirgh ionadail.
TOLL BOARD BÒRD CHÌSEAN A sign, situated near a road or bridge, indicating a toll. Sanas, faisg air rathad no drochaid, a dh'innseas gu bheil càin ri phàigheadh.
TOLL HOUSE TAIGH-CHÌSEAN A house by a toll gate or toll bridge where tolls are collected. Taigh ri taobh geata-càine no drochaid-chàine far an togar càin.
TOLL ROAD RATHAD-CHÌSEAN A road whose upkeep and repair was financed by the exaction of a toll. Rathad a chaidh a ghlèidheadh 's a chàradh air airgead a thogadh slighe càin rathaid.
TOLLBOOTH BOTHAN-CHÌSEAN A booth, shed or stall erected at the side of a road, canal, bridge or gate where a toll must be paid. Bùth, seata no stalla a chaidh a thogail ri taobh rathaid, canail, drochaid no geata far am pàighear càin.
Tollpark and Garnhall Pàirc na Cìse agus Garnhall
Tolquhon Castle Caisteal Tolquhon
TOMB TUAMA A grave or sepulchre including a monument. Use specific term where known. Uaigh a tha a' gabhail a-steach cuimhneachan. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
Tomnaverie Stone Circle Tursachan Tom an Aifrinn
TOOL WORKS FACTARAIDH INNEALAN-LÀIMHE A site where hand tools are manufactured. For machine tools use MACHINE TOOL WORKS. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh innealan-làimhe. Airson beart-innealan, cleachd FACTARAIDH BHEART-INNEALAN.
Torhouse Stone Circle Tursachan Torhouse
Torphichen Preceptory Taigh-foghlaim Thòrr Fhèichin
Torrylin Cairn, Arran Tòrr Lèin, Arainn
TOWER TÙR A tall building, either round, rectangular or polygonal in plan, used for a variety of purposes, including defence, as a landmark, for the hanging of bells, industrial functions, etc. Use more specific term where known. Togalach àrd, air pàtran cruinn, ceart-cheàrnach no ioma-cheàrnach 's a chleachdar airson iomadh adhbhar, a' gabhail a-steach dìon, mar chomharra-tìre, airson clagan a chrochadh ann, airson obair gnìomhachais is msaa. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fhios cò fear.
TOWER BLOCK TÙR THAIGHEAN A tall, multi storeyed building either used as business premises or, more usually, as residential accommodation. Togalach àrd ioma-ùrlarach a chleachdar mar ionadan gnìomhachais no, nas trice, àitichean-còmhnaidh.
TOWER HOUSE TAIGH-TÙIR A permanently occupied, fortified residence, built from the mid-14th to the 17th century. Tower-houses are rectilinear in plan, often with one or more additional wings, and provide accommodation on several storeys. Àite-còmhnaidh daingnichte san robhar a' fuireach gu buan 's a chaidh a thogail eadar meadhan na 14mh suas gun 17mh linn. Tha plana ùrlar lìneach aig taighean-tùir, gu tric le co-dhiù aon sgiath agus le àitichean-fuireach air iomadh ùrlar.
TOWER MILL TÙR-MHUILEANN A windmill with a rotating cap containing the windshaft, and a stationary body in the form of a tower. Muileann-gaoithe aig a bheil ceann cuairteachaidh sa bheil an lurgann-tachrais agus togalach a tha coltach ri tùr.
TOWN BAILE A settlement with public buildings, commercial establishments and private dwellings, larger than a village and having more complete and independent local government. Tuineachadh aig a bheil togalaichean poblach, buidhnean malairteach agus àitichean-còmhnaidh prìobhaideach a tha nas motha na clachan agus far a bheil barrachd a' dol a thaobh riaghaltais ionadail neo-eisimeilich.
TOWN DEFENCES DAINGNICHEAN A' BHAILE Defensive fortifications, such as ramparts, ditches and stone walls, built to defend a town or city. Daingneachadh dìona, mar rampairean, dìgean agus ballachan-cloiche, a chaidh a thogail gus baile no cathair a dhìon.
TOWN DITCH DÌG A' BHAILE A ditch which forms part of a defensive barrier around a town. Dìg a tha na pàirt de bhacadh dìona mun cuairt air baile.
TOWN HALL TALLA BAILE A large building used for the transaction of the public business of a town, the holding of courts of justice, entertainments and other activities, following the Municipal Reform Act of 1833. Togalach mòr far a bheilear ri gnothaichean poblach a' bhaile, a' cumail cùirtean an lagha, fèisteas agus tachartasan eile an dèidh a' Municipal Reform Act sa bhliadhna 1833.
TOWN HOUSE TAIGH-BAILE An urban residence of a merchant or laird, either detached or in a terrace. For a building used for local administration use TOLBOOTH Taigh-còmhnaidh ann am baile mòr aig marsanta no uachdaran, togalach fa leth no ann am barraid. Cleachd TOLL-BÙTHA airson togalach a tha ga chleachdadh airson rianachd ionadail.
TOWN HOUSE (1) TAIGH-BAILE An urban residence of a merchant or laird, either detached or in a terrace. For a building used for local administration use TOLBOOTH Taigh-còmhnaidh ann am baile mòr aig marsanta no uachdaran, togalach fa leth no ann am barraid. Cleachd TOLL-BÙTHA airson togalach a tha ga chleachdadh airson rianachd ionadail.
TOWN WALL BALLA A' BHAILE A fortified wall, forming part of a defensive barrier around a town or city. Balla daingnichte a tha na pàirt de bhacadh dìona mun cuairt air baile.
TOWNSHIP BAILE A group of dwellings, associated farm buildings and land, held by two or more joint tenants usually working the land communally. Grunn thogalaichean agus na togalaichean àiteachais 's am fearann co-cheangailte a tha aig co-dhiù dà ghabhaltach còmhla a tha ag obair an fhearainn.
TRACK ÙTRAID A pathway, either built or beaten down by the passage of pedestrians, vehicles or animals. Ceum a chaidh a thogail no a nochd ri linn daoine, carbadan no beathaichean a dh'fhalbh air.
TRACKED TARGET RANGE LORG-RAINNSE THARGAIDEAN A site where anti aircraft guns and artillery are fired at a moving target propelled along a narrow gauge track. Làrach far a bheilear a' losgadh gunnaichean an aghaidh phlèanaichean agus gunnaichean-mòra air targaidean a tha a' gluasad a-rèir traca gèidse chaol.
TRACTOR FACTORY FACTARAIDH THRACTARAN A factory where agricultural tractors, and associated machinery such as combine harvesters, are manufactured. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh tractaran àiteachais is innealan co-cheangailte riutha mar innealan-fogharaidh.
TRADES HALL TALLA NAN CIÙIRD A building where trade unions meet together, or work from cooperatively, under a local representative organisation, known as a Labour Council or Trades Hall Council. Togalach far an cruinnich aonaidhean-ciùird no far an dèan iad obair còmhla fo bhuidheann riochdachaidh ionadail air a bheil comhairle-obrach no comhairle talla nan ceàrd.
TRAINING CENTRE IONAD-TRÈANAIDH A place where specific skills are taught on short courses. Àite far a bheilear a' teagasg sgilean sònraichte air cùrsaichean goirid.
TRAINING COLLEGE COLAISTE TRÈANAIDH A college where specialist skills, relating to a particular subject, are taught. Use specific type where known. Colaiste far a bheilear a' teagasg sgilean sònraichte, mar is trice feadhainn co-cheangailte ri cuspair àraidh. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TRAINING SCHOOL SGOIL TRÈANAIDH A school where specialist skills, relating to a particular subject, are taught. Use specific type where known. Sgoil far a bheilear a' teagasg sgilean sònraichte, mar is trice feadhainn co-cheangailte ri cuspair àraidh. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TRAM DEPOT DEPOT THRAMAICHEAN A complex with buildings and structures where trams are serviced, maintained and stored. Aitreabh thogalaichean is structaran far a bheilear a' seirbheiseadh, a' glèidheadh is a' stòradh tramaichean.
TRAMWAY RÈILE-THRAMAICHEAN A track inlaid into a surface, on which tram cars run for the conveyance of passengers and/or goods and raw materials. Traca a chaidh a laighe ann an uachdar air a bheil tramaichean a' falbh 's iad a' gluasad luchd-siubhail agus/no bathar is bathar amh.
TRAMWAY POWER STANDARDS CRUINN-CUMHACHD THRAMAICHEAN Metal posts erected to support tramway overhead power lines, typically set in pairs across the street or tram reservation. Puist meatailt a chaidh a thogail gus càballan dealain aig trama a chumail an àirde, mar is trice ann am paidhrichean thairis air an rathad no tèarmann-meadhain an trama.
TRAMWAY TRANSPORT SITE LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL THRAMAICHEAN Buildings, sites and structures associated with tramway transport. Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail thramaichean.
TRANSFORMER STATION STÈISEAN A building housing transformers to convert AC electricity supply for domestic use. Togalach sa bheil tionndairean a dh'iompaicheas dealan AC airson cleachdadh dachaigheil.
TRANSIT SHED SEADA-BATHAIR EADAR RÈILE A type of warehouse, usually one-storeyed. Seòrsa de thaigh-bathair sa bheil aon ùrlar mar is trice.
TRANSPORT CÒMHDHAIL This is the top term for the class. See TRANSPORT Class List for narrow terms. Seo am briathar as àirde sa chlas. Faic liosta a' chlas "CÒMHDHAIL" airson briathran nas mionaidiche.
TRANSPORT WORKERS HOUSE TAIGH OBRAICHE CÒMHDHAIL The residences of people involved in transport work. Taighean-còmhnaidh nan daoine a tha aig obair ann an còmhdhail.
TRANSPORTER BRIDGE DROCHAID CRANN-TOGAIL A bridge consisting of a lattice girder spanning the distance between the tops of two towers. Designed to transport vehicles across the gap in a container suspended at road level under a travelling crane on the girder. Drochaid a tha na theannadair laitise a tha a' dol eadar barr dà thùr. Air a dhealbhadh gus carbadan a ghluasad thairis air a' bheàrn ann am bogsa-luchd a tha crochte ris aig àirde an rathaid fo chrann-togail air an teannadair.
TRAVEL AGENTS BÙTH-SIUBHAIL A commercial premises offering advice on destinations and other travel arrangements, and where travellers may purchase flights, make hotel reservations or book package holidays and tours. Ionad coimeirsealta far am faighear comhairle air àitichean airson làithean-saora agus ullachadh siubhail eile agus far an urrainn dhan luchd-siubhail tiocaidean phlèanaichean a cheannach, seòmraichean a ghlèidheadh ann an taighean-òsta no airson pacaidean is tursan làithean-saora.
TRAVELLERS CAMP CAMPA LUCHD-SIUBHAIL An area of land used as a temporary camp by travellers. Pìos talmhainn a chleachdas luchd-siubhail mar champa sealach.
TRAVERSER CUIBHLEACHAN-TARSAINN A platform which moves laterally on wheels, by which boats, railway carriages and engines may be moved from one place to another, eg. from one slipway to another parallel to it. Ùrlar a tha a' dol o thaobh gu taobh air cuibhlichean agus leis an urrainnear bàtaichean, carbadan-rèile 's einnseanan a ghluasad o àite gu àite, m.e. o leathad-luinge gu fear eile a tha co-shìnte ris.
TREADMILL MUILEANN-COISE A structure for producing power through a rotary motion achieved by the weight of people or animals treading on a succession of moving steps or a belt that forms a kind of continuous path. Structar a ghineas cumhachd slighe gluasad cuairteachaidh is cuideigin no beathach air choireigin a' coiseachd air sreath steapaichean no air nàdar de bhann sìor-leantainneach.
Treasure Trove Aonad nan Ulaidhean
TREB DYKE BALLA-TREAB A prehistoric linear earthwork, found only in the Northern Isles. Balla-ùir loidhneach ro-eachdraidheil nach fhaighear ach sna h-Eileanan a Tuath.
TREE CRAOBH A natural feature. Use only where a tree has archaeological, historical or social significance. Feart nàdarra. Na cleachd ach airson craobhan aig a bheil cudromachd àrc-eòlach, eachdraidheil no shòisealta.
TREE AVENUE CRAOBH-SHLIGHE A road or street lined with trees along either side. Rathad no sràid le craobhan air a dhà thaobh ann an sreath.
TREE BOLE SLOC CRAOIBHE A shallow pit or depression in the ground created when a tree falls over. Sloc eu-domhain no lagan san talamh a nochd nuair a thuit craobh mu làr.
TRENCH TRAINNSE A long, narrow excavation used as a means of concealment or protection, or to insert pipes or other features into the ground. Cladach fada caol a thathar a' cleachdadh gus rud a chur am falach no a dhìon no airson pìoban no rudan eile a chur san talamh.
TRENCH MINE MÈINN TRAINNSE A tunnel dug to undermine a defensive system, e.g. a castle wall. Tunail a thathar a chladhach gus siostam dìona a leigeil mu làr, m.e. balla caisteil.
TRIANGULATION PILLAR CARRAGH TRIANTANACHAIDH A purpose-built triangulation pillar used for the metrical survey of Britain carried out by the Ordnance Survey. Carragh triantanachaidh a chaidh thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach 's a chleachdadh ann an suirbhidh mheadrachail Bhreatainn leis an t-Suirbhidh Òrdanais.
TRIANGULATION STATION STÈISEAN-TRIANTANACHAIDH A fixed marker, usually at the top of a hill, forming part of a network used for surveying by triangulation. Comharra socraichte, mar is trice air mullach cnuic, a tha na phàirt de lìonra chomharran a chleachdar airson suirbhidhean triantanachaidh.
Trinity House Taigh na Trianaid
TRON TRONA A pillar or post to which a beam could be attached, for use either as a public weighing balance or as a pillory for the punishment of petty criminals. Carragh no post a chaidh crann a cheangal ris 's e ga chleachdadh mar chothrom cuideim poblach no mar bhallan-stiallach airson eucoirich bheaga a pheanasachadh.
TUBE WORKS FACTARAIDH THIÙBAICHEAN A factory which produces steel tubes, either by forging from ingots to produce seamless tubes, or by bending and welding steel plate. Factaraidh a tha a' dèanamh tiùbaichean stàilinn. Nithear iad seo de dh'ungannan gus tiùbaichean gun fhàitheam a dhèanamh no le bhith a' cromadh 's a' tàthadh pleataichean stàilinn.
Tullibardine Chapel Caibeal Thulaich Bhàrdainn
TUNNEL TUNAIL An artificial underground channel. Use specific type where known. Cladhan fuadain fon talamh. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
TUNNEL CHAMBER SEÒMAR TUNAIL A large space in an underground tunnel, usually wider than the tunnel itself, used for storage, etc. Àite mò ann an tunail fon talamh, mar is trice nas leatha na an tunail fhèin, a chleachdar mar stòras is msaa.
TURBINE TUIRBIN A rotary prime mover. Turbines may be steam, water or gas operated. Iompachair cumhachd cuairt-ghluasadach. Faodaidh gum bi na turbainean gan obrachadh air smùid, gas no uisge.
TURBINE HOUSE TAIGH-TUIRBÌN A building housing a turbine. Togalach sa bheil turbain.
TURBINE WORKS FACTARAIDH THURBINEAN A factory which produces turbines (machines which use a bladed rotor to convert the kinetic energy of moving fluid, steam or air to mechanical energy). Factaraidh a tha a' dèanamh turbainean (innealan a chleachdas rotar liaghach a thionndaidheas an lùth-ghluasaid a tha ann an sruthadh uisge, ceòtha no adhair na lùths mheacanaigeach).
TURF BANK UCHDAN-CHEAP A field boundary or enclosure bank constructed in turf. Crìoch achaidh no balla sgratha mun cuairt air rud.
TURF CUTTING POLL-MÒNA A site or area where turf is cut for use as fuel. Àite far a bheilear a' buain mòine airson connadh.
TURF ENCLOSURE GEÀRRAIDH BHALLA-CHEAP An enclosure defined by a turf bank. Lann a tha ga chomharradh le uchdan sgratha mun cuairt air.
TURF HOUSE TAIGH-CHEAP A dwelling with turf walls. Àite-còmhnaidh aig a bheil ballachan sgratha.
TURF WALL BALLA-CHEAP A wall constructed in turf. Balla a chaidh a thogail de sgrath.
TURNPIKE ROAD RATHAD  CHÌSEAN Non-preferred term for a road whose upkeep and repair was financed by the exaction of a toll. Use TOLL ROAD. Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar airson rathad a chaidh a ghlèidheadh 's a chàradh air airgead a thogadh slighe càin rathaid. Cleachd RATHAD-CÀINE.
TWEED MILL MUILEANN-CLÒ A factory where tweed, a twilled woollen fabric, is manufactured. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh clò-mòr, aodach a nithear le bhith a' filleadh clòimh.
TYRE FACTORY FACTARAIDH THAIDHIREAN A factory where rubber vehicle tyres are made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh taidhirean charbadan de rubair.
