Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.
Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.
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English Term | Facal Gàidhlig | English Note | Nota Gàidhlig | Audio |
WAGONWAY | RÈILERATHAID | An early form of railway for the transportation of freight by wagons on rails on a road. | Seòrsa tràth de rathad-iarainn airson bathar a ghiùlan air carbadan air rathad-iarainn air rathad. | |
WAITING ROOM | SEÒMAR-FEITHEIMH | A room used by those who have to wait at railway or bus stations, etc. | Seòmar a chleachdas na daoine a bhios a' fuireach aig stèisean-rèile, stèisean bhusaichean is msaa. | |
WALL | BALLA | An enclosing structure composed of brick, stone or similar materials. Use specific type where known. | Structar bhreigean, cloiche no stuth mar sin a tha mun cuairt air rud. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
WALL CRANE | CRANN-TOGAIL BALLA | A small crane fixed to the wall of a warehouse or similar building. | Crann-togail beag a chaidh a sparradh ri balla taigh-bathair no togalach mar sin. | |
WALLED GARDEN | GÀRRADH DÙINTE | A garden surrounded by a substantial wall. | Gàrradh mun a bheil balla mòr. | |
Wanlockhead Beam Engine | Einnsean-crann Wanlockhead | |||
WAR MEMORIAL | CUIMHNEACHAN-COGAIDH | A structure, building or site commemorating members of the armed forces and civilians killed in war. | Structar, togalach no làrach a tha na chuimhneachan air buill an airm agus sìobhaltaich a chaidh a mharbhadh ann an cogadh. | |
WAREHOUSE | TAIGH-BATHAIR | A building or part of a building used for the storage of goods or merchandise. Use more specific term where known. | Togalach no pàirt de thogalach far an cumar bathar no marsantachd. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
WASH HOUSE | TAIGH-NIGHE | A building where clothes are washed. | Togalach far a bheilear a' nighe aodach. | |
WASTE DISPOSAL SITE | IONAD-SGUDAIL | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the disposal of commercial or household waste. | Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd sgudal thaighean no gnìomhachais. | |
WATCH HOUSE | TAIGH-FAIRE | A house or hut for a nightwatchman; including parish watch houses in churchyards and private watch houses, eg. in dockyards, factories, etc. | Taigh no bothan do dh'fhear-faire; a' gabhail a-steach taighean-freiceadain sgìreil ann an cilltean is feadhainn phrìobhaideach, m.e. air docannan no ann am factaraidhean is msaa. | |
WATCH TOWER | TÙR-FAIRE | A building or structure from which observation is kept of the approach of danger. | Togalach no structar airson sùil a chumail air cunnart a' dlùthachadh. | |
WATER CHANNEL | CLAIS-UISGE | An artificial watercourse for the conveyance of water. | Slighe-uisge fhuadain a bheir uisge o àite gu àite. | |
WATER DISPOSAL SITE | IONAD-SGUDAIL UISGE | Sites and structures associated with the disposal of waste water and waterborne refuse. | Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri giullachd uisge sgudail agus sgùilleach sgudail. | |
WATER HOUSE | TAIGH-RIAGHLAIDH UISGE | A building that houses machinery for measuring and controlling the flow of water from an external source such as a river. | Togalach sa bheil innealan airson sruthadh uisge o mhàthair-uisge air an taobh a-muigh mar abhainn a thomhas is smachd a chumail air. | |
WATER MEADOW | LÈANAG-UISGICHTE | Grassland fertilized by allowing floodwater to cover it in winter. | Àite feurach a thèid a mhathachadh le tuil a leigear air tron gheamhradh. | |
WATER PIPE | PÌOB-UISGE | A pipe through which water is conducted. | Pìob tron a bheilear a' seòladh uisge. | |
WATER POWER PRODUCTION SITE | IONAD CRUTHACHADH CUMHACHD-UISGE | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of water power. | Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh cumhachd uisge. | |
WATER PUMP | PUMPA-UISGE | A point of public water supply, including conduits, fountains, wells, pumps and standpipes. | Àite ann an solar poblach an uisge, a' gabhail a-steach seòl-phìoban, fuarain, tobraichean, pumpaichean agus pìoban-seasaimh. | |
WATER PUMPING ENGINE | EINNSEAN PUMPADH UISGE | An engine used to power a water pump. | Einnsean a tha a' gintinn cumhachd do phumpa-uisge. | |
WATER REGULATION INSTALLATION | IONAD-RIAGHLAIDH UISGE | Buildings, structures and sites for regulating the flow of water. | Togalaichean, structaran is làraichean airson smachd a chumail air sruthadh an uisge. | |
WATER STORAGE SITE | LÀRACH STÒRADH UISGE | Sites and structures associated with the storage of water and waste water. | Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri stòradh uisge agus uisge sgudail. | |
WATER SUPPLY SITE | LÀRACH SOLAR UISGE | Site and structures associated with the supply of clean water. | Làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri solar uisge ghlain. | |
WATER TANK | TANCA-UISGE | A receptacle for storing water. | Glacadan airson uisge a stòradh ann. | |
WATER TOWER | TÙR-UISGE | A tower serving as a reservoir to deliver water at a required point. | Tùr a tha na uisgeadan 's a sholaireas uisge far a bheil feum air. | |
WATER TRANSPORT SITE | LÀRACH CÒMHDHAIL UISGE | Buildings, sites and structures associated with water transport. | Togalaichean, làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail uisge. | |
WATER WHEEL | ROTH-UISGE | A device for tapping the energy of running or falling water by means of a set of paddles mounted around a wheel. Used as a source of power in watermills and water powered factories. | Uidheam a ghlacas lùths srutha no uisge a thuiteas slighe pleadhagan a tha mun cuairt air roth. Ga chleachdadh mar mhàthair-chumhachd ann am muileannan-uisge agus factaraidhean a tha ag obair air cumhachd-uisge. | |
WATER WHEEL HOUSE | TAIGH ROTH-UISGE | A building to house waterwheels, attached to a WATERMILL or water-powered factory. | Togalach far a bheil rothan-uisge, co-cheangailte ri MUILEANN-UISGE no factaraidh a dh'obraicheas air cumhachd-uisge. | |
WATERCOURSE | CÙRSA-UISGE | A channel used for or formed by the conveyance of water. Can be natural, e.g. a river or artificial e.g. an aqueduct. Use more specific type where known. | Cladhan a tha ga chleachdadh gus uisge a ghiùlan o àite gu àite no fear a chaidh a chruthachadh ri linn giùlan uisge. Faodaidh seo a bhith na rud nàdarra, m.e. abhainn, no na rud fuadain, m.e. duct-uisge. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
WATERCRESS BED | GEADAG BIOLAIR-UISGE | A cultivated plantation of watercress, usually situated near springs or small running streams. | Planntachadh biolair-uisge, mar is trice faisg air fuaran no uillt bheaga. | |
WATERFALL | EAS | A fall of water. Use for artificial waterfalls if naturalistic in form, .otherwise use CASCADE. | Uisge a tha a' tuiteam. Cleachd seo airson easan fuadain ma tha coltas nàdarra orra; mur eil, cleachd CASCÀID. | |
WATERMILL | MUILEANN-UISGE | A mill in which the machinery is driven by water power. | Muileann sa bheil innealan a tha ag obair air cumhachd-uisge. | |
WATERWORKS | IONAD-GIULLACHD UISGE | Buildings, engineering constructions and machinery, used for the purpose of supplying a town, etc., with water distributed through pipes. | Togalaichean, structaran is innealan einnseanaireachd a thathar gan cleachdadh airson uisge a sholar do bhaile is àitichean mar sin tro phìoban. | |
Watling Lodge | Loidse Watling | |||
WEAPONS PIT | SLOC SHAIGHDEARAN | Usually a small, two or three man trench, dug as an isolated fieldwork rather than as part of a defensive system. A WWI and WWII feature. | Trainnse bheag a tha, mar is trice, do dhithis no triùir agus a chaidh a chladhach mar ionad dìon leis fhèin seach mar phàirt de rian dìonach. Structar às an dà Chogadh Mòr. | |
WEAPONS TESTING SITE | LÀRACH-DEUCHAINN ARMACHD | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the demonstration and testing of weapons and military equipment. | Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri taisbeanadh is deuchainnean bhall-airm is acainnean an airm. | |
WEATHER STATION | STÈISEAN AIMSIR | A building, group of buildings or installation in which experiments and observations are undertaken to gather and record information about the weather. | Togalach no grunn thogalaichean no ionad far a bheilear a' dèanamh deuchainnean no sgrùdadh gus fiosrachadh a chruinneachadh 's a chlàradh mun aimsir. | |
WEATHER VANE | COILEACH-GAOITHE | A vane usually combined with crossed rods to show the four compass points. Used to indicate the direction of the wind. | Bidh dà shlat a thèid thairis air a chèile aig coileach-gaoithe mar is trice 's iad a' sealltainn na ceithir àirdean. Cleachdar seo airson 's gum bi fios dè an taobh às a bheil a' ghaoth a' tighinn. | |
WEAVERS COTTAGE | TAIGH-FIGHEADAIR | A building which combines a dwelling with a workshop where textiles are hand woven. | Togalach a tha an dà chuid na àite-còmhnaidh agus àite-obrach far an dèanar clò a làimh. | |
WEAVING MILL | MUILEANN-FIGHE | A factory, incorporating power driven machinery from the late 18th century, where cloth was manufactured from threads interlaced at right angles to each other in a loom. | Factaraidh, a' gabhail a-steach innealan cumhachd o dheireadh na 18mh linn, far an deach aodach a dhèanamh de shnàithean 's iad air am fighe còmhla air ceàrnan ceart thairis air a chèile air beart-fhighe. | |
WEAVING SHED | SEADA-BHEAIRTEAN | A textile-weaving factory housing powerlooms; commonly a one-storeyed shed with wide, north-light roof carried on iron columns. | Factaraidh a dh'fhigheas aodach air beairtean cumhachd; mar is trice seada aon-ùrlarach le mullach leathann 's uinneagan ris an tuath air colbhan iarainn. | |
WEIGH HOUSE | TAIGH-TOMHAIS | A building containing a weighing machine for weighing goods; sometimes found in markets, ports, etc. | Togalach sa bheil inneal a thomhaiseas cuideam bathair; gheibhear seo air margaidean, ann am puirt is àitichean mar sin uaireannan. | |
WEIGHBRIDGE | DROCHAID-TOMHAIS | A platform scale, flush with the road, for weighing vehicles, cattle etc. | Meidh-ùrlair a tha co-rèidh ris an rathad, airson cudrom charbadan, cruidh is rudan mar sin a thomhas. | |
WEIGHING STATION | STÈISEAN-TOMHAIS | A site where vehicles are weighed. | Làrach far a bheilear tomhas cudrom charbadan. | |
WEIR | CARAIDH | A dam constructed on a canal or river or stream, designed to retain the water and regulate its flow. | Dama a chaidh a thogail thairis air canal, abhainn no allt gus uisge a chumail air ais agus smachd a chumail air sruthadh an uisge. | |
WELL | TOBAR | A shaft sunk into the ground to provide a supply of water. | Toll a chaidh a chladhach san talamh gus uisge fhaighinn às. | |
WELL HEAD | CEANN-TOBAIR | The structure at the top of a draw well. | An structar aig barr tobair-thàirne. | |
WELL HOUSE | TAIGH-TOBAIR | A building over a well housing machinery for raising the water. Often consisting of a DONKEY WHEEL or HORSE GIN. | Togalach os cionn tobair sa bheil acainnean a thogas uisge an àirde. Gu math tric, bidh CUIBHLE ASAIL no EINNSEAN EICH ann. | |
Westerwood | A' Choille an Iar | |||
Westquarter Dovecot | Tucaid a' Cheathraimh an Iar | |||
WHALING STATION | STÈISEAN MHUCAN-MARA | A building or site where the carcasses of whales were butchered and rendered into by-products, such as oil, fenk and whalebone. | Togalach no làrach far an robhar ri bùidsearachd cuirp nam mucan-mara 's a' dèanamh frith-bhathar eile dheth mar ola, fenks agus cnàmh na muice-mara. | |
WHARF | CIDHE-BATHAIR | A large wooden structure built alongside the water's edge, where ships may lie for unloading. | Structar mòr fiodha a chaidh a thogail ri taobh an uisge far am bi longan air acarsaid gus na luchdan thoirt uapa. | |
WHEEL PIT | SLOC ROTH-UISGE | The rectangular pit in which the lower part of a waterwheel revolves. | An sloc ceart-cheàrnach sa bheil a' chuid ìochdarach de roth-uisge a' tionndadh. | |
WHEELHOUSE | TAIGH-CUIBHLE | A variant form of roundhouse, in which the roof was supported by internal stone piers radially disposed. | Nàdar de thaigh-cruinn aig an robh saidhean cloiche na bhroinn a' cumail taic ris a' mhullach 's iad ann an cruth cuibhle. | |
WHEELWRIGHTS WORKSHOP | BÙTH-OBRACH SAOR-ROTHAN | A place where wheels and wheeled vehicles were manufactured, originally from wood. | Àite far an robhar a' dèanamh cuibhlichean is carbadan cuibhlichte, de dh'fhiodh o thùs. | |
WHIN MILL | MUILEANN-CONAISG | A mill used to crush whins (gorse) for animal fodder. | Muileann a bhrùthas conasg airson fodar bheathaichean. | |
WHINSTONE QUARRY | CUARAIDH CUIN-CHLACH | A site where whinstone (basalt and other hard, dark-coloured igneous rocks) is extracted from the ground. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh cuin-chlach (basalt no clach chruaidh theinnteach dhorch eile) às an talamh. | |
WHISKY BLENDING PLANT | FACTARAIDH PÒSADH UISGE-BEATHA | A site where single malt and grain whiskies are combined to produce a blend. | Làrach far a bheilear a' pòsadh mac na bracha agus uisge-beatha ghràinnean gus uisge-beatha pòsta a dhèanamh. | |
WHISKY BOTTLING PLANT | FACTARAIDH LÌONADH BHOTAL UISGE-BEATHA | A site where whisky is bottled. | Làrach far a bheilear a' cur uisge-beatha ann am botalan. | |
Whitehouse Stirling | An Taigh Geal, Sruighlea | |||
WINCH | UNNDAIS | A stationary hoisting machine consisting of a rotating drum around which a cable, rope or chain is attached. | Inneal togail suidhichte sa bheil druma cuairteachaidh mun a bheil càball, ròpa no slabhraidh. | |
WINCH HOUSE | TAIGH-UNNDAISE | A building in which a winch is housed. | Togalach sa bheilear a' cumail unndais. | |
WIND ENGINE | EINNSEAN-GAOITHE | A wind-driven machine used for a variety of purposes, including threshing, pumping and generating electricity. | Inneal a tha ag obair air cumhachd na gaoithe 's a nì diofar rudan, a' gabhail a-steach bualadh arbhair, pumpadh is gintinn dealain. | |
WIND FARM | TUATHANAS-GAOITHE | A group of electricity-producing windmills or wind turbines. | Buidheann de mhuilnean-gaoithe no turbainean-gaoithe a ghineas dealan. | |
WIND GENERATOR | GINEADAIR LÙTH-GAOITHE | An electricity-producing windmill. | Muileann-gaoithe a ghineas dealan. | |
WIND POWER SITE | IONAD LÙTH-GAOITHE | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of wind power. | Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh cumhachd na gaoithe. | |
WIND PUMP | PUMPA-GAOITHE | A wind-powered pump. | Pumpa a tha aig obair air cumhachd na gaoithe. | |
WINDBREAK | SGÀIL-GAOITHE | A barrier which provides shelter from the force of the wind. This may be in the form of trees or shrubs, or a wall. | Bacadh a bheir fasgadh o neart na gaoithe. Faodaidh gum bi seo na bhalla, craobhan no preasan. | |
WINDER HOUSE | TAIGH ACAINN-TOGAIL | A building housing an engine, usually with an attendant boiler house and chimney. Used for winding men, materials and minerals up and down a mine shaft. | Togalach sa bheil einnsean, mar is trice le taigh-goileadair is similear co-cheangailte ris. Thathar ga chleachdadh gus daoine, stuthan is clachan-mèinneir a ghluasad suas is sìos sloc mèinne. | |
WINDING ENGINE | EINNSEAN UNNDAIS | An engine used for directly winding up coal from deep mines, first used in the 18th century. | Einnsean a thogas gual air slighe dhìreach o mhèinn dhomhain. Chaidh an cleachdadh san 18mh linn a' chiad turas. | |
WINDING GEAR | ACAINN TOGAIL | A frame carrying pulleys and cables, attached to an associated winding engine, which conveys people, materials and minerals up and down a vertical shaft. | Frèam aig a bheil ullagan is càballan a tha ceangailte ri einnsean toinneimh a ghiùlaineas daoine, stuthan is clachan-mèinneir suas is sìos sloc dìreach. | |
WINDMILL | MUILEANN-GAOITHE | A tower-like structure of wood or brick with a wooden cap and sails which are driven around by the wind producing power to work the internal machinery. Use with product type where known. | Structar bhreigean no fiodha a tha coltach ri tùr le ceann fiodha air agus sgiathan a tha gan tionndadh leis a' ghaoth gus na h-innealan na bhroinn obrachadh. Cleachd nàdar a bhathar na lùib ma tha fhios dè fear. | |
WINE AND CIDERMAKING SITE | LÀRACH DÈANAMH FÌONA 'S LEANN-UBHAIL | Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of wine and cider. | Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh fìon is leann-ubhail. | |
WINE STORE | TAIGH-BATHAIR FÌONA | A building where wine is stored. For underground storage use WINE CELLAR. | Togalach far an cumar fìon. Airson stòras fon talamh, cleachd SEILEAR FÌONA. | |
WINERY | FÌON-LANN | An establishment where wine is produced. | Ionad far a bheilear a' dèanamh fìon. | |
WINNOWER | CÀTHADAIR | A device for separating grain from chaff by means of a wind or current of air. | Uidheam a dhealaicheas an sìol on mholl leis a' ghaoth no sèideadh adhair. | |
WIRE ROPE WORKS | FACTARAIDH RÒPA-UÈIR | A site where wire ropes and cables are manufactured. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh ròpannan is càballan uèir. | |
WIRE WORKS | FACTARAIDH UÈIR | A factory where metal wire is manufactured. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh uèir meatailte. | |
WITCH ASSOCIATION | LÀRACH BUIDSEACHD | A site linked historically to either the practice of witchcraft or to the execution of supposed witches. | Làrach aig a bheil ceangal eachdraidheil ri buidseachd no ri toirt gu bàs bana-bhuidsich. | |
WOOD | COILLE | A tract of land with trees, sometimes acting as a boundary or barrier, usually smaller and less wild than a forest. | Fearann air a bheil craobhan a tha uaireannan na chrìoch no na bhacadh, mar is trice nas lugha agus chan ann cho fiadhaich ri frìth. | |
WOOD PROCESSING SITE | LÀRACH GIULLACHD FIODHA | Includes processing and manufacturing of all forms of wood. | Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach giullachd is saothrachadh de dh'fhiodh sam bith. | |
WOOD PRODUCT SITE | LÀRACH BATHAR FIODHA | Manufacture and use of wood side products, i.e. unprocessed wood rather than processed timber. | Saothrachadh is cleachdadh frith-bhathar fiodha, i.e. fiodh nach deach a ghiullachd seach fiodh a chaidh a ghiullachd. | |
WOOD SHED | SEADA FIODHA | A building or room in which wood is stored. | Togalach no seòmar far an cumar fiodh. | |
WOOD TURNING WORKSHOP | BÙTH-OBRACH TUAIRNEARACHD | A workshop used for completing the shape of a product or part by turning on a lathe or wheel. | Buth-obrach far an coileanar cruth bathair no pàirt dheth 's e ga thionndaidh air deil no cuibhle. | |
WOOL BARN | SABHAL-CLÒIMHE | A building used for the storage and drying of wool. | Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh 's a' tiormachadh clòimh. | |
WOOL MANUFACTURING SITE | MUILEANN CLÒIMHE | Includes worsted and other wool-related textiles. | Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach bursaid agus aodach-clòimhe eile. | |
WOOLLEN MILL | MUILEANN-CLÒIMHE | A factory where short wool was spun into woollen yarn to produce cloth. | Factaraidh far an robhar a' dèanamh snàth clòimhe de chlòimh ghoirid gus aodach a dhèanamh. | |
WORKERS CAMP | CAMPA LUCHD-OBRACH | A temporary site providing accommodation for construction workers. | Làrach shealach far am faigh luchd-obrach togalach àite-fuirich. | |
WORKERS COTTAGE | TAIGH-OBRAICHE | An industrial worker's house which has been purpose built by an employer, as opposed to the workshop houses used by artisans. | Taigh aig obraiche gnìomhachais a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach le fastaiche, seach taighean-ciùird a bhiodh aig ciùird. | |
WORKERS COTTAGE (1) | TAIGH-SGALAIG | An industrial worker's house which has been purpose built by an employer, as opposed to the workshop houses used by artisans. | Taigh aig obraiche gnìomhachais a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach le fastaiche, seach taighean-ciùird a bhiodh aig ciùird. | |
WORKERS ROW | BARRAID THAIGHEAN LUCHD-OBRACH | A row of terraced dwellings purpose built by an employer to house industrial workers. | Sreath thaighean-barraide a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte le fastaiche mar àite-fuirich do luchd-obrach gnìomhachais. | |
WORKING MENS INSTITUTE | INSTITIÙD NAM FEAR-OBRACH | A place where working men could educate themselves through lectures and the use of a reading room with newspapers, etc. | Àite far am b' urrainn do dh'fhireannaich a bha ag obair foghlam fhaighinn dhaibh fhèin ann an òraidean agus san t-seòmar-leughaidh san robh pàipearan-naidheachd is rudan mar sin. | |
WORKS | FACTARAIDH | Usually a complex of buildings for the processing of raw materials. Use specific type where known. | Aitreabh thogalaichean mar is trice far a bheilear a' giullachd stuthan amha. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
WORKSHOP | BÙTH-OBRACH | A building or room used for small-scale manufacture. Use more specific term where possible. | Togalach no seòmar far a bheilear a' dèanamh rudan ach àireamh gu math beag dhiubh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
World Heritage | Dualchas na Cruinne | |||
WORSTED MILL | MUILEANN-BURSAID | A factory where worsted, a well-twisted woollen yarn made from long staple wool and used in the manufacture of suits and other garments, is produced. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh bursaid, snàth clòimhe a nithear le bhith a' deagh-thoinneamh clòimh-stapaill fhada airson deiseachan is aodach eile a dhèanamh. | |