
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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GABBRO QUARRY CUARAIDH GABBRO A site where gabbro is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh gabbro.
GALLERIED DUN DÙN LE GAILEARAIDHEAN A building or settlement enclosure, generally circular or oval in plan, with a double-skinned dry stone wall which often contains galleries and a stairway. Usually sited in an elevated position. Dùn, mar is trice cruinn no ugh-chruthach na chruth, le balla-cobhaireachd dà-aodannach sa bheil gailearaidhean agus staidhir gu math tric. Mar is trice air talamh àrd.
Galloway Gall-Ghàidhealaibh
GALLOWS CROICH A structure used for execution by hanging. Usually two uprights and a cross-piece, from which the offender is suspended by the neck. Structar a bhathar a' cleachdadh airson daoine a chur gu bàs le bhith gan crochadh. Mar is trice dà chrann dìreach agus pìos tarsainn orra a bhite a' crochadh an eucoirich air a' mhuineal aige no aice.
GALLOWS MOUND CNOC A CHROCHADAIR A natural or man-made earth mound on which a gallows was erected. Torr ùir nàdarra no fear a chaidh a dhèanamh le daoine 's air an deach croich a thogail.
GALVANIZING WORKS FACTARAIDH SINC-CHÒMHDACHADH A place where an anti-corrosion coating of zinc is added to iron and steel products to prevent them from rusting. Àite far a bheilear a' cur còmhdachadh de shionc air bathar iarainn is stàilinn gus an dìon o mheirg.
GAMBLING SITE LÀRACH IOMAIRT-GHEALL Buildings where gambling takes place. Togalaichean far a bheilear ri cearrachas.
GAME LARDER LÒNACH SITHINN A small building where game is hung and kept cool. Togalach beag fionnar far a bheilear a' crochadh sitheann.
GAMEKEEPERS HOUSE TAIGH-GEAMAIR A house on an estate in which a gamekeeper resides. Taigh air oighreachd far a bheil an geamair a' fuireach.
GANTRY SORCHAN A frame or platform for carrying a crane or similar structure. Frèam no ùrlar a ghluaiseas crann-togail no structar d' a leithid.
GARAGE GARAIDS A building where motor vehicles are housed or repaired. For petrol sales use PETROL STATION. Togalach far a bheilear a' cumail no a' càradh carbadan motair. Airson reic peatroil, cleachd STÈISEAN-PEATRAIL.
GARDEN GÀRRADH An enclosed piece of ground devoted to the cultivation of flowers, fruit or vegetables and/or recreational purposes. Use more specific term where known. Pìos talmhainn mun a bheil gàrradh-cloiche, balla no callaid far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air flùraichean, measan agus lusan no far am bithear a' sùgradh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GARDEN BUILDING TOGALACH GÀRRAIDH A building or structure set in a garden. Use a more specific term where possible. Togalach no structar ann an gàrradh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GARDEN CENTRE IONAD-GÀIRNEALAIREACHD A place where gardening tools, plants, etc., are sold. Àite far a bheilear a' reic innealan gàirnealaireachd, lusan is rudan mar sin.
GARDEN FEATURE FEART GÀRRAIDH Unspecified landscape feature. Use more specific term where known. Cruth san tìr gun sònrachadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GARDEN HOUSE TAIGH-GÀRRAIDH A small ornamental building in a garden, usually one-storied and consisting of one room. Use a more specific term where known. Togalach beag sgeadachail ann an gàrradh, mar is trice cha bhi ann ach aon làr is aon seòmar. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GARDEN ORNAMENT BALL-SGEADACHAIDH  GÀRRAIDH A decorative feature or structure set within the area of a garden. Use more specific term where known. Cruth no structar sgeadachail am broinn gàrraidh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GARDEN SEAT SUIDHEACHAN GÀRRAIDH A bench-like structure, often with a back, generally made of wood, cast iron or stone. Structar a tha coltach ri being, gu math tric le druim is air a dhèanamh de chlach, iarann mòlltaichte no fiodh.
GARDEN SHED SEADA GÀRRAIDH A structure in a garden used to house gardening implements, etc. Structar ann an gàrradh far an cumar acainnean gàirnealaireachd is rudan mar sin.
GARDEN TEMPLE TEAMPALL GÀRRAIDH A garden building, usually in the Gothic or classical style. The term can be applied to many types of garden building with an interior space in which to stand or sit. Togalach gàrraidh, mar is trice le dreach Gothach no clasaigeach air. Faodar am briathar seo a thoirt air iomadh seòrsa de thogalach gàrraidh aig a bheil àite suidhe no seasaimh na bhroinn.
GARDEN TERRACE BARRAID GÀRRAIDH A flat, level area of ground within a garden. Often raised and accessed by steps. Raon rèidh ann an gàrradh. Bidh seo na raon togte gu math tric a ruigear air staidhre.
GARDEN WALL BALLA GÀRRAIDH A stone or brick wall either in, or enclosing, a garden. Balla cloiche no bhreigean ann an gàrradh no mun cuairt air.
GARDENERS LODGE LOIDSE-GÀIRNEALAIR A building for the use and accommodation of gardeners. Usually set in the grounds of a large house or estate. Togalach a chleachdas gàirnealairean agus a bhios na àite-còmhnaidh dhaibh. Mar is trice ann an crìochan taighe mhòir no oighreachd.
GAS COMPRESSOR STATION STÈISEAN DÙMHLACHAIDH GAS A facility where natural gas is made smaller in volume, to facilitate its distribution through the National Transmission System. Term can also be used for a station, which recompresses the gas to the required pressure. Ionad far a bheilear a' lùghdachadh tomhas gas nàdarra airson 's gum bi e nas fhasa a sgaoileadh tron t-Siostam Tar-chuir Nàiseanta. Gabhaidh am briathar seo a chleachdadh cuideachd air stèisean a dhùmhlaicheas an gas a-rithist airson 's gum bi e aig brùthadh a tha iomchaidh.
GAS HOLDER TANCA GAS Expanding storage tank for gas, often includes a meter for measuring the amount used. For gas measurement only use GASOMETER. Tanca-stòrais so-ataichte airson gas, gu tric le tomhas a dh'innseas uiread a ghas a chaidh a chleachdadh. Airson tomhas gas, na cleachd ach MEIDHEADAIR-GAS.
GAS HOLDER STATION STÈISEAN THANCAICHEAN GAS A facility with one or more expanding gas storage tanks, often including equipment for measuring the amount used. Ionad far a bheil co-dhiù aon tanca gas so-ataichte, gu math tric le acainn gus uiread a' ghas a thomhas a chaidh a chleachdadh.
GAS HOUSE TAIGH-GAS An ancillary building, usually to provide gas for lighting a particular building (eg. railway stations, factories, etc.) as opposed to public GAS WORKS. Fo-thogalach, mar is trice fear a sholaireas gas airson solasan togalaich àraidh (m.e. stèiseanan-rèile, factaraidhean, is msaa), seach FACTARAIDH GAS poblach.
GAS PURIFICATION STATION STÈISEAN DÌ-THRUAILLEADH GAS A facility where impurities are removed from coal gas. Ionad far a bheilear a' toirt truailleadh à ceò-guail.
GAS STORAGE TANK TANCA-STÒRAIDH GAS Storage tank for coal gas and other types of gas. Tanca-stòrais airson ceò-guail agus gasaichean eile.
GAS TERMINAL TÈIRMINEAL GAS A facility at the end of a pipeline, where natural gas is stored prior to further distribution. Ionad aig ceann thall pìob-loidhne far a bheilear a' stòradh gas nàdarra mus tèid a chur air adhart.
GAS WORKS FACTARAIDH GAS An industrial unit, usually situated in a city or town, concerned with the manufacture of gas from sources including coal, oil and calcium carbide (acetylene), for use as fuel by industrial or domestic consumers. Aonad gnìomhachais, mar is trice ann am baile far a bheilear a' dèanamh gas à diofar tùsan mar ghual, ola is cairbid cailceim (acetylene) mar chonnadh dhan gnìomhachas no luchd-caitheimh àbhaisteach.
GASIFICATION PLANT FACTARAIDH  GAS A facility for the production of gas by means of the Lurgi Process. Steam and oxygen under high pressure are introduced into a gasifier containing coal, which may be of lower quality than that required by conventional gas production. Ionad far a bheilear a' dèanamh gas a-rèir dòigh Lurgi. Thèid smùid agus ogsaidean a stealladh a-steach do ghineadair gas sa bheil gual fo bhrùthadh àrd. Faodaidh gum bi an gual seo nas miosa na an gual a chleachdar ann an saothrachadh gas àbhaisteach.
GASOMETER GASOMEATAIR An installation for measuring the volume of gas. For gas storage use GAS HOLDER. Acainn a thomhaiseas co mheud gas a tha ann. Airson rud a stòras gas, cleachd TANCA-ATACHAIDH GAS.
GATE GEATA A moveable structure used to allow or prevent passage through an opening, usually in a wall, fence or other barrier. Structar so-ghiùlain a chleachdar gus leigeil le daoine no rudan a dhol tro fhosgladh, mar is tric ann am balla, feansa no bacadh no airson nach urrainnear a dhol troimhe.
GATE LODGE LOIDSE-GEATA A building located at the gateway or entrance to an estate, park or other enclosed area of land. Togalach aig geata no doras oighreachd, pàirce no pìos talmhainn iadhta eile.
GATE PIER PIOLAIR GEATA A pier of brick, masonry etc. from which a gate is suspended by its hinges. Làimhrig bhreigean no cloiche sa bheil lùdagan a tha geata a' crochadh orra.
GATE POST POST GEATA An upright wooden post from which a gate is suspended by its hinges. For brick or masonry structures use GATE PIER. Post fiodha dìreach sa bheil lùdagan a tha geata a' crochadh orra. Airson structaran bhreigean is clachaireachd, cleachd PIOLAIR GEATA
GATE TOWER TÙR-GEATA A tower, containing a gate, built into the walls of a town, castle or similar fortification. Tùr sa bheil geata 's a chaidh a thogail ann am balla baile, caisteil no daingneachaidh mar sin.
GATEHOUSE TAIGH-GEATA A gateway with one or more chambers over the entrance arch; the flanking towers housing stairs and additional rooms. Use with wider site type where known. Geata aig a bheil co-dhiù aon seòmar os cionn bogha an dorais a-steach; tha staidhrichean is seòmraichean eile san dà thùr air an dà thaobh. Cleachd seòrsa de làrach nas fharsainge ma tha fhios dè.
GATEWAY CACHAILEITH A substantial structure supporting or surrounding a gate. May be ornate or monumental, and have associated structures such as lodges, tollbooths, guard houses etc. Structar mòr a tha a' cumail taic ri geata no a tha mun cuairt air geata. Faodaidh seo a bhith na rud sgeadachail no na chuimhneachan agus dh'fhaoidte gu bheil structaran eile co-cheangailte ris mar loidsichean, tuill-bhùtha, taighean-freiceadain is msaa.
GATHERING FOLD FANG BLEOGHAN-CHAORACH A structure comprising an outer forecourt formed by funnelling walls that give access to one or more open enclosures or folds with adjoining cells. Used to separate ewes and lambs overnight, the lambs being housed in the adjoining cells and the ewes gathered for milking. Structar sa bheil ro-chùirt a-muigh aig a bheil ballachan fuineallachaidh air an ruigear co-dhiù aon lann fhosgailte no crò le ceallan ri thaobh. Cleachdar seo gus na caoraich-uain agus na h-uain a dhealachadh o chèile tron oidhche, leis na h-uain sna ceallan ri thaobh agus na caoraich-uain cruinn còmhla gus am bleoghainn.
GAUGE BASIN AMAR-TOMHAIS FORSA-UISGE A basin on a river, canal or reservoir in which the force of the water is measured and stilled before passing. Amar ann an abhainn, canail no stòr-uisge far a bheilear a' tomhas neart an uisge 's ga thàmhachadh mus tèid e air adhart.
GAZEBO PÀILLEAN GÀRRAIDH A garden house situated to provide a commanding view. Taigh-gàrraidh a tha ann an àite far a bheil deagh-radharc mun cuairt.
GEAR STORE STÒR ACAINN A building where fishing or hunting equipment is stored. Togalach far an cumar acainnean iasgaich no seilg.
Geibheal gable
GELATINE WORKS (ANIMAL PRODUCT) FACTARAIDH DEALATAIN (BATHAR BHEATHAICHEAN) A works producing gelatine from animal products for use as a culinary setting agent and in the photography, dyeing, brewing and glue industries. For explosives use GELATINE WORKS (EXPLOSIVE). FACTARAIDH a nì dealatain de bhathar bheathaichean gus a chleachdadh mar àidseant binndeachaidh ann an còcaireachd agus ann an gnìomhachasan fotografachd, dathachaidh, grùdaireachd is glaodha. Airson stuth-spreadhaidh, cleachd FACTARAIDH DEALATAIN (STUTH-SPREADHAIDH).
GELATINE WORKS (EXPLOSIVE) FACTARAIDH DEALATAIN (STUTH-SPREADHAIDH) A factory or works principally engaged in the manufacture of blasing or explosive gelatine. Factaraidh no FACTARAIDH a tha gu sònraichte a' dèanamh gelignite no dealatain spreadhaidh.
GENERAL STORE BÙTH BAILE A shop selling a variety of goods and merchandise. Bùth a reiceas diofar bathar.
GENERAL VIEW SEALLADH FARSAING A general photographic view of a site or area. Use for streetscapes and landscapes photographed by ground, hi-spy or aerial photography. Dealbh-camara a sheallas làrach no àite san fharsaingeachd. Cleachd airson seallaidhean shràidean is tìre a chaidh a thogail le camarathan air an talamh, hi-spy no on adhar.
GENERATING PLANT IONAD-CRUTHACHAIDH DEALAIN Equipment and structures used to generate electrical power for use by specific buildings or facilities. For commercial power facilities use POWER STATION. Acainnean is structaran far an tèid cumhachd dealain a ghintinn gus a chleachdadh ann an togalaichean no ionadan sònraichte. Airson ionadan cumhachd coimeirsealta, cleachd STÈISEAN-CUMHACHD.
GENERATOR GINEADAIR A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Inneal a dh'iompaicheas lùths meacanaigeach na lùths dealain.
GENERATOR HOUSE TAIGH-GINEADAIR A building housing a generator. Togalach sa bheil gineadair.
Gentlemen servants Searbhant nam fear-uasal
GEOLOGICAL CROPMARK COMHARRA-BÀRR GEÒLAIS Visible differences in growth of vegetation (cereal or grass and more rarely, root crops) caused by geological features. Diofar follaiseach ann am fàs nan lusan (gràn-bharr no feur agus, nas ainneimhe, freumh-bharr) a tha ga adhbharachadh le feartan geòlasach.
GEOLOGICAL FEATURE FEART GEÒLAIS Features of natural origin, including periglacial frost wedging, solifluction deposits, abandoned water courses, etc., and geological features of cultural importance or interest. Feartan nàdarra, a' gabhail a-steach dinneadh reòthaidh iom-eigheadail, tionalan sruthadh-leathaid, cùrsaichean-uisge trèigte is msaa agus feartan geòlasach aig a bheil cudrom no ùidh chultarail.
GLASS CONE CÒN GLAINNE A conical brick structure, housing furnaces in which glass and glass objects were made. Structar bhreigean cònach sa bheil fùirneisean far a bheilear a' dèanamh glainne no bathar glainne.
GLASS FURNACE FÙIRNEIS GLAINNE A furnace for the manufacture of glass. Includes glass cones, open hearth and oil-fired furnaces. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh GLAINNE. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach cònaichean GLAINNE agus fùirneisean fosgailte is fùirneisean ola.
GLASS WORKS FACTARAIDH GLAINNE A site where all the processes for the production of glass and objects made from glass are carried out. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh gach ceum air a bheil feum gus glainne agus bathar glainne a dhèanamh.
GLASSHOUSE TAIGH-GLAINNE A building constructed chiefly from glass, and used to provide the conditions necessary for growing fruit, vegetables, flowers or exotic plants. Togalach a tha cuid mhath dheth na ghlainne agus a chruthaicheas àrainneachd anns am fàs lusan, measan, flùraichean no lusan cian-thìreach.
GLASSMAKING SITE LÀRACH-DÈANAIMH GLAINNE Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of glass. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh glainne.
GLEBE GLÌB A plot of land belonging, or yielding revenue, to a parish church or ecclesiastical office. Often pasture land adjacent to a church or manse. Pìos fearainn aig eaglais paraiste no oifis eaglaise no fearann a gheibh i cìs dheth. Tha seo na ionaltradh faisg air eaglais no mansa gu tric.
Glenbuchat Caisteal Ghleann Buichead
Glenelg Brochs Dùin Ghlinn Eilg
GLUE FACTORY FACTARAIDH GHLAODHAN A factory where glue is produced. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh glaodh.
GOLD MINE MÈINN ÒIR A place where gold ore is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-òir.
GOLD WORKINGS LÀRACH OBAIR-ÒIR A place where gold ore is extracted, usually found by panning and located beside a stream or watercourse. Àite far a bheilear a' lorg clach-òir, mar is trice slighe panachaidh agus ri taobh srutha no uillt.
GOLF CLUB CLUBA GOLF A golf course, clubhouse and ancillary buildings. Cùrsa goilf, taigh-cluba agus togalaichean co-cheangailte.
GOLF COURSE RAON GOLF A prepared and landscaped area of ground used for playing the game of golf. Usually with a clubhouse and ancillary buildings. Pìos talmhainn a chaidh ullachadh 's a dhealbhadh airson geamannan goilf a chluich ann. Mar is trice, gheibhear taigh-cluba agus togalaichean co-cheangailte ann.
GOOD STATION STÈISEAN BATHAIR A railway station or platform built specifically for the loading and unloading of goods. Stèisean no ùrlar thrèanaichean a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte gus bathar a chur orra no gus a thoirt uapa.
GOODS SHED SEADA BATHAR RÈILE A building in which railway wagons can unload goods for local distribution. Togalach far an tèid bathar a luchdadh far carbadan-rèile gus an sgaoileadh gu ionadail.
GOODS STATION STÈISEAN BATHAIR A railway station or platform built specifically for the loading and unloading of goods. Stèisean no ùrlar thrèanaichean a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte gus bathar a chur orra no gus a thoirt uapa.
GOODS YARD GÀRRADH BATHAIR A site where merchandise and goods are temporarily stored before or after transportation by rail. Làrach far a bheilear a' stòradh bathar fad greis mus tèid an gluasad air falbh air trèan no roimhe sin.
GOVERNMENT OFFICE OIFIS RIAGHALTAIS The offices of a Government Department responsible for the administration of the country. Na h-oifisean aig roinn an riaghaltais air a bheil urram airson rianachd na dùthcha.
GRAFFITI GRAFFITI Casual scribbles or pictographs on ancient walls, stones or other surfaces. In more recent times applied to humorous, satiric or obscene writings or drawings executed anonymously in public places. Sgrìobhadh no dealbh-sgrìobhadh neo-fhoirmeil air ballachan, clachan no uachdaran àrsaidh eile. Nas fhaisge air na linntean againne, thathar ga chleachdadh airson sgrìobhadh no dealbhan èibhinn, aoireil no drabastach a rinneadh gun urra ann an àite poblach.
GRAIN DRIER ÀTH-THÌORAIDH A building or room within a granary used to dry grain. Often consisting of an oven with a refractory-brick drying floor above, on which the grain was placed. Togalach no seòmar ann an sìol-lann far an robhar a' tiormachadh sìol. Gu math tric bha seo na àmhainn le ùrlar de bhreigean teas-fhulangach os a cionn air an deach an sìol a chur.
GRAIN DRYING RACK CLIATH-TÌORAIDH SÌL A wooden rack used for drying grain. Racais airson sìol a thiormachadh.
GRAIN ELEVATOR INNEAL-TOGAIL SÌL A machine used for the loading and unloading of grain to and from a warehouse. Inneal airson sìol a thogail a-steach do thaigh-bathair no a-mach às.
GRAIN MILL MUILEANN-GRÀIN A mill where grain is ground to produce flour. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' bleith sìol gus flùr a dhèanamh.
GRAIN STORAGE PIT SLOC-SÌL A pit in which grain is stored. Sloc san deach sìol a stòradh.
GRAIN WAREHOUSE TAIGH-BATHAIR SÌL A large building used for the storage of grain. Togalach far an cumar sìol.
GRANARY STÒR-SÌL A building used to store grain, especially after it has been threshed or husked. Togalach far a bheilear a' cumail sìol, gu h-àraid nuair a bhios e air a bhualadh no air a chàthadh.
GRANDSTAND PRÌOMH-STANNA The principal stand at a sporting ground, e.g. at a racecourse. Am prìomh stannd air raon spòrs, m.e. air cuairt-rèisidh.
GRANGE GRAINNSEACH The residence and outbuildings of an outlying farm or estate, especially that held by a monastery or other religious order. Taigh-còmhnaidh agus frith-thogalaichean aig tuathanas no oighreachd, gu h-àraid feadhainn a tha aig manachainn no òrd cràbhach.
GRANITE QUARRY CUARAIDH CLACH-GHRÀIN A site where granite is extracted from the ground. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh goireil às an talamh.
GRANITE WORKS FACTARAIDH CLACH-GHRÀIN A site where granite is worked into building stone and other finished products. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh clachan togail agus bathar ullamh eile de ghoireal.
GRAVE UAIGH A place of burial. Àite far an deach cuideigin tìodhlacadh.
GRAVE MARKER COMHARRA UAIGHE A stone, slate, iron or wooden structure used to mark the site of a grave. Use more specific type. Structar cloiche, sglèata, iarainn no fiodha a chomharraicheas an t-àite far a bheil uaigh. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
GRAVE SLAB LEAC-UAIGHE A stone used to cover a grave. Clach a chaidh a chleachdadh gus uaigh a chòmhdachadh.
GRAVEL PIT SLOC  GREABHAIL A steep-sided pit formed by, and for, the extraction of gravel. Sloc aig a bheil taobhan casa a nochd ri linn, no airson, dùsgadh grinneil
GRAVESTONE CLACH-CHINN A stone or slab used to mark, identify and commemorate a burial. Usually placed at the head or foot of a grave, or at the entrance to a tomb. Clach no leac a chomharraicheas tìodhlacadh, air an aithnichear an t-àite agus a tha na chuimhneachan dha. Mar is trice aig ceann no bonn uaighe no aig doras tuama.
GRAVING DOCK DOCA-TIORAM A dry dock where the hulls of ships are repaired and maintained. Doca-tioram far a bheilear a' dèanamh obair-chàraidh is obair-ghlèidhidh air sligean longan.
Gray Cairns of Camster Cùirn Liatha Chamstair
GREASE WORKS FACTARAIDH CRÈIS CLÒIMHE Recovery and removal of grease (lanolin) from raw wool. A' toirt crèis (ola clòimhe) às a' chlòimh amh.
Great Hall Talla Mòr
GREEN RÈIDHLEAN An area of grass or parkland, especially at the centre of a village. Àite feurach no pàirc, gu h-àraidh am meadhan clachain.
GREENGROCERS SHOP BÙTH GRÒSAIREACHD A shop selling fresh fruit and vegetables. Bùth a reiceas lusan is measa ùra.
Greenknowe Tower Tùr Greenknowe
GREETINGS CARD FACTORY FACTARAIDH CAIRTEAN FURAIN A factory where greetings cards are made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh cairtean furanach.
GRENADE RANGE RAINNSE GHREANÀIDEAN A piece of ground over which grenades may be fired at targets. Pìos talmhainn a thathar a' losgadh durcan-spreadhaidh thairis air a dh'ionnsaigh targaidean.
GRIST MILL MUILEANN-MINE A grain mill used to grind portions of grain brought in by individual customers. Bhiodh muileann-gràine a' bleith badan beaga de shìol a bheireadh daoine fa leth ann.
GROCERS SHOP BÙTH GROSAIREACHD A shop selling tea, butter, flour, sugar, spices, tinned foods and miscellaneous household stores. Bùth a tha a' reic teatha, ìm, flùr, siùcar, spìosraich, biadh ann an crogain agus diofar stòir taighe.
GROTTO GROTTO An artificial cave or cell, often decorated with stalactites and shells. Most were constructed as  garden features in the grounds of large 18th century houses. Uamh no cill fhuadain, gu math tric air a sgeadachadh le aol-chluigean is sligeanan. Chaidh a' chuid as motha dhiubh a thogail mar bhuill-mhaise gàrraidh air talamh taighean mòra na 18mh linn.
GROUSE BUTT PUNND EUNAICH A low barrier behind which people can conceal themselves to shoot grouse. Bacadh ìseal far an tèid daoine am falach nuair a bhios iad a' sealg nan cearcan-fraoich.
GROYNE STRUCTAR DÌON TRÀGHAD A structure extending into the sea for the purpose of preventing further movement of washed up sand and shingle. Structar a tha a' dol a-steach dhan mhuir gus casg a chur air sìor-ghluasad gainmhich no moil a chaidh fhàgail ann leis a' mhuir.
GUARDHOUSE TAIGH-GEÀIRD A building used for the accommodation of a military guard and/or the detainment of prisoners. Togalach far a bheil àite-còmhnaidh aig freiceadan an airm agus/no glèidheadh phrìosanach.
GUEST HALL TALLA-AOIGHEACHD A residence for guests, usually part of a religious house. Taigh-còmhnaidh airson aoighean, mar is trice na phàirt de thaigh eaglaise.
GUIDE PLATE CLÀR-STIÙIRIDH A cast iron direction marker plate, usually fastened to a stone support with clips or bolts. Clàr-comharraidh stiùiridh, air a dhèanamh de dh'iarann mòlltaichte agus mar is trice ceangailte ri clach le clipichean no boltaichean.
GUIDE POST SOIGHNE A post of timber or metal indicating the direction, but not the distance, to specified locations. Post fiodha no meatailt a tha a' comharradh taobh diofar àitichean ach chan ann an t-astar air a bheil iad.
GUIDE STONE CLACH-STIÙIRIDH A freestanding stone indicating the direction, but not the distance, to specified locations. Clach a sheasas leis fhèin a tha a' comharradh taobh diofar àitichean ach chan ann an t-astar air a bheil iad.
GUILDHALL TALLA NAN COMANN-CIÙIRDE Traditionally, the hall of a crafts, trade, or merchants' guild. Nowadays, often used to describe a TOWN HALL. Gu tradaiseanta, seo talla aig comann-cheàrd mharsantach no luchd-chiùird. Ga chleachdadh airson TALLA-BAILE gu tric an-diugh.
GUN EMPLACEMENT IONAD-GUNNA A fortified site in which a gun, mortar or cannon is positioned. Làrach dhaingnichte far an deach gunna, moirtear no canan a shuidheachadh.
GUN ROOM SEÒMAR-GHUNNAICHEAN A room for storing guns. Seòmar airson gunnaichean a stòradh ann.
GUNCOTTON STORE STÒR COTAN-GUNNA A building in which gun cotton is stored. Guncotton is a form of cellulose nitrate used as a propellant or a component of explosives. Togalach far a bheilear a' stòradh cotan-gunna. Tha cotan-gunna na nàdar de naidhtreat ceallalois a chleachdar mar stuth-iomain no co-phàirt ann an stuthan-spreadhaidh.
GUNLOOP TORAN-GUNNA An aperture in the wall of a castle or other defended building, allowing the firing of guns and other firearms. May be fashioned from a single block of stone. Fosgladh ann am balla caisteil no togalaich dhìonaich eile sa bheil tuill a thilgear urchraichean tromhpa. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil seo na chlach mhòr leatha fhèin.
GUNPOWDER WORKS FACTARAIDH FÙDAR-GUNNA A site used for the manufacture of gunpowder. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh fùdar-gunna.
GUT FACTORY FACTARAIDH GUT A factory where animal sinews are processed to make gut strings. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh teudan caolain de dh'fhèithean bheathaichean.
GYMNASIUM GYMNASIUM A building or room used for athletic games. Togalach no seòmar a chleachdar airson geamannan lùth-chleasachd.
