
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

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ABATTOIR TAIGH-SPADAIDH A building where animals are slaughtered for food. Togalach far a bheilear a' spadadh beathaichean airson biadh.
ABBEY ABAID The buildings of a monastic community presided over by an abbot or abbess. Na togalaichean aig coimhearsnachd manachainn a tha aba no ban-aba os an cionn.
ABLUTIONS BLOCK BLOCA-GHOIREASAN-IONNLAID A building housing washing facilities and toilets. The term occurs mainly in a military context. Togalach sa bheil goireasan nigheadaireachd agus taighean-beaga. Nochdaidh am briathar seo co-cheangailte ris an arm mar is trice.
ACID WORKS FACTARAIDH SHEARBHAGAN A building or site used for the production of acids by a range of chemical processes. Togalach no làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh searbhagan, a' cleachdadh diofar pròiseasan ceimigeach.
ACOUSTIC RANGE RAINNSE ACUSTAIG A range for testing acoustic torpedoes and comprising location-fixing beacons on the seabed. Rainse far a bheilear a' cur toirpeadan fuaimearra fo dheuchainn, le rabhachan air grunnd na mara a dh'innseas dè ionad a tha aig rudan.
ADIT ADIT A horizontal tunnel opening from the surface used for haulage, access to a mine, exploration or drainage. Tunail còmhnard air a ruigeas mèinn o uachdar na talmhainn 's a thathar a' cleachdadh airson stuthan a ghiùlan, rannsachadh no drèanadh.
AERATED WATER FACTORY FACTARAIDH UISGE ÈADHARAICHTE A factory where water is aerated by the addition of carbon dioxide or other gases. For the production of flavoured mineral waters use MINERAL WATER FACTORY. Factaraidh far a bheilear ag adharachadh uisge le bhith a' cur carbon dà-ogsaid no gasaichean eile ann. Airson saothrachadh uisge-iarainn blasaichte, cleachd FACTARAIDH UISGE-IARAINN.
AERIAL CABLEWAY SLIGHE-CHÀBAILL ADHAIR An overhead conveyor system for carrying containers. Siostam a ghiùlaineas soithichean os cionn dhaoine.
AGRICULTURAL BOUNDARY CRÌOCH ÀITEACHAIS A field boundary, whether it be bank, dyke, fence, hedge, ditch, etc. Crìoch achaidh, ge b e uchdan, dìg, feansa, callaid, clais no rud eile mar sin a tha ann.
AGRICULTURAL BUILDING TOGALACH ÀITEACHAIS A building used for an agricultural and/or subsistence purpose. Use more specific term where known. Togalach a tha ga chleachdadh airson adhbhar àiteachais agus/no bith-beò. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL SITE LÀRACH CHEIMIGEAN ÀITEACHAIS Buildings, sites and structures used for the production of chemicals used in agriculture, such as fertilizers and pesticides. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha gan cleachdadh gus stuthan ceimigeach a dhèanamh a thèid an cleachdadh ann an àiteachas, mar thodhar ceimigeach is puinnsean bhiastagan.
AGRICULTURAL CROPMARK COMHARRA-BÀRR ÀITEACHAIS Visible differences in growth of vegetation (cereal or grass and more rarely, root crops) caused by agricultural practices such as ploughing, spraying and manuring. Diofar follaiseach ann am fàs nan lusan (gràn-bharr no feur agus, nas ainneimhe, freumh-bharr) a tha ga adhbharachadh le gnàthasan àiteachais mar threabhadh, stealladh is todhar.
AGRICULTURAL DWELLING TAIGH-CÒMHNAIDH ÀITEACHAIS Buildings and structures inhabited by agricultural workers. Togalaichean is structaran sa bheil luchd-obrach àiteachais a' fuireach.
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING WORKS FACTARAIDH EINNSEANAIREACHD ÀITEACHAIS An engineering works that makes products used in agriculture. FACTARAIDH einnseanaireachd a nì bathar a chleachdar ann an àiteachas.
AGRICULTURAL LANDSCAPE SEALLADH-TÌRE ÀITEACHAIL A landscape containing primarily agricultural development and buildings. Tìr anns a bheil cuid mhath dhe na togalaichean is dhen obair leasachaidh co-cheangailte ri àiteachas.
AIR RAID SHELTER FASGADH IONNSAIGH-ADHAIR A fortified structure used to protect people from the effects of enemy bombing. Structar daingnichte a chleachdar gus daoine a dhìon o bhomadh nàmhad.
AIR SHAFT TOLL-ÈADHRACHAIDH An artificial ventilation shaft. Sloc gaothrachaidh fuadain.
AIR TERMINAL PORT-ADHAIR A building at an airport from where passengers embark and disembark from an aircraft. Togalach air port-adhair on a thèid luchd-siubhail air bòrd plèana no dhan a thèid iad nuair a thig iad far a' phlèana.
AIR TRANSPORT SITE IONAD CÒMHDHAIL-ADHAIR Buildings, sites and structures associated with the control, accommodation, service and testing of aircraft. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri stiùireadh, stòradh, seirbheiseadh is deuchainnean de charbadan-adhair.
AIRCRAFT CARBAD-ADHAIR An aircraft, either whole or in part. Aircraft often survive as commemorative monuments, gate guardians or crash sites. Carbad-adhair, an rud slàn no pàirt dheth. Mairidh carbadan-adhair beò gu tric mar chuimhneachain, freiceadan geata no air làrach far an do bhuail e ris an talamh.
AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING SITE IONAD EINNSEANAIREACHD PHLÈANAICHEAN Sites used for the manufacture of aircraft. Làraichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh plèanaichean.
AIRCRAFT FACTORY FACTARAIDH PHLÈANAICHEAN A factory where aircraft are assembled. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh plèanaichean.
AIRCRAFT HANGAR HANGAR PHLÈANAICHEAN A structure or shed used to house and to service aircraft. Structar no seada sa bheilear a' chumail 's a' seirbheiseadh carbadan-adhair.
AIRFIELD RAON-ADHAIR An area used for the taking off and landing of aircraft. The site will often include associated buildings, equipment and other installations. Àite far a bheil plèanaichean a' laighe 's ag èirigh. Bidh togalaichean, acainnean is rudan co-cheangailte eile ann gu math tric.
AIRPORT PORT-ADHAIR An airfield for civilian aircraft, usually including a customs house and ancillary structures and buildings and passenger facilities. Raon-adhair airson phlèanaichean catharra, mar is trice le taigh-cìse agus togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte is goireasan dhan luchd-siubhail.
AIRSHIP HANGAR HANGAR LONGAN-ADHAIR A large shed where airships were housed and maintained. Seada mòr far an robhar a' cumail 's a' càradh longan-adhair.
AIRSHIP SHED SEADA LONG-ADHAIR Non-preferred term. Use AIRSHIP HANGAR. Dàrna roghainn a bhriathar. Cleachd HANGAR LONG-ADHAIR.
AIRSHIP STATION STÈISEAN LONG-ADHAIR An area of land containing Airship sheds, anchorage points and ancillary structures. Pìos talmhainn air a bheil seadaichean longan-adhair, acarsaidean is structaran taice.
AISLED BUILDING TOGALACH TRANNSACH A subrectangular dry-stone building with upright pillar stones set vertically around its inner wall-face, forming an 'aisle'. The pillar stones are single monoliths, and are often capped by a lintel which rests on the wall-head. Togalach cobhaireachd ceart-cheàrnach le oirean cruinnte agus carraighean cloiche a tha a' seasamh cruinn a-rèir a' bhalla a-staigh 's iad a' cruthachadh "trannsa". Tha na carraighean cloiche seo nan tursachan singilte agus bidh àrd-doras os an cionn gu tric a tha na laighe air an anainn.
AISLED ROUNDHOUSE TAIGH-CRUINN TRANNSACH A circular or sub-circular dry-stone building with a series of upright single pillar stones set vertically around its inner wall-face, often capped by a lintel which rests on the wall-head. Use for WHEELHOUSE if these features are present. Togalach-cobhaireachd a tha cruinn no cha mhòr cruinn agus aig a bheil sreath de charraighean-cloiche dìreach mu choinneamh a bhalla a-staigh, gu tric le leacan os an cionn a tha an taobh eile dhiubh air an anainn. Cleachd an àite TAIGH-ROTHAICH ma tha a leithid a rudan ann.
AISLED ROUNDHOUSE (1) TAIGH-CRUINN TRANNSACH A circular or sub-circular dry-stone building with a series of upright single pillar stones set vertically around its inner wall-face, often capped by a lintel which rests on the wall-head. Use for WHEELHOUSE if these features are present. Togalach-cobhaireachd a tha cruinn no cha mhòr cruinn agus aig a bheil sreath de charraighean-cloiche dìreach mu choinneamh a bhalla a-staigh, gu tric le leacan os an cionn a tha an taobh eile dhiubh air an anainn. Cleachd an àite TAIGHE-CUIBHLE ma tha a leithid a rudan ann.
ALGINATE WORKS FACTARAIDH FEAMAD A factory where ammonia and alkali metal salts of alginic acid (alginates) are extracted from brown seaweeds.  Alginates are used in the textile, medical, printing and food industries. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' tarraing amòinia agus salainn mheatailteach alcalaidh de shearbhag fheamainneach à feamainn-donn.  Tha searbhagan feamainneach gan cleachdadh ann an gnìomhachas an aodaich, nan leigheasan, a' chlò-bhualaidh 's a bhìdh.
ALLOTMENT LOT A share or portion of land, allotted to a person, often used for growing, vegetables, fruit, etc. Roinn no pìos talmhainn a chaidh a shònrachadh do chuideigin, gu tric airson lusan, measan is rudan mar sin a chur ann.
ALMSHOUSE TAIGH NAM BOCHD A privately funded building providing accommodation for the poor. Togalach a chaidh a thogail air maoin phrìobhaideach agus a tha na àite-fuirich dhan bhochd.
ALTAR ALTAIR A table or podium, often raised and sometimes consecrated, upon which to place offerings or sacrifices to a deity. Bòrd no pòideam, fear togte gu tric agus uaireannan coisrigte, air an deach ofrail no ìobairt do dhia a chur.
ALTAR SLAB LEAC ALTARACH A stone slab forming the horizontal surface of an altar. Leac cloiche a tha na sìneadh rèidh air altair.
ALUM WORKS TAIGH-ALUM A building or group of buildings where the evaporation and crystallisation of sodium aluminium sulphate solution is carried out. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean far a bheilear ri deatachadh agus criostaladh de eadar-sgaoileadh sulfaid-almain sòidium.
ALUMINA WORKS IONAD-DÈANAIMH ALUMINA A factory or complex which produces alumina (aluminium oxide) from Bauxite. Alumina is used to produce aluminium by smelting, and is also used in the abrasive, ceramics and refractory industries, Factaraidh no aitreabh a nì alumina (ogsaid almain) de bauxite. Nithear alman de alumina le bhith ga leaghadh agus thathar cuideachd ga chleachdadh ann an gnìomhachas bathair sgrìobaich, criadhadaireachd is bathair theas-fhulangaich.
ALUMINIUM FOUNDRY TAIGH-FÙIRNEIS ALUIMINIUM A workshop or factory where objects are made by casting aluminium. Ceàrdach no factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh rudan le bhith a' mòlltachadh alman.
ALUMINIUM ROLLING MILL MUILEANN ROILIGEADH ALUIMINIUM A factory where aluminium is thinned by rolling to produce aluminium foil, sheet or plate. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh alman tana le bhith ga roiligeadh gus foidhle, siotaichean no pleataichean almain a dhèanamh.
ALUMINIUM SMELTER LEAGHADAIR ALUIMINIUM An industrial plant producing metallic aluminium through the process of electrolysis. Factaraidh a tha a' dèanamh alman meatailteach slighe leactroilisis.
ALUMINIUM WORKS IONAD-DÈANAIMH ALUIMINIUM An industrial facility that produces metallic aluminium. Ionad gnìomhachais a tha a' dèanamh alman meatailteach.
AMBULANCE STATION STÈISEAN AMBAILEANS A building where ambulances are housed whilst awaiting emergency calls. Togalach far an cumar carbadan-eiridinn fhad 's a bhios iad a' feitheamh ri gairm èiginn.
AMMUNITION STORAGE HUT BOTHAN CONNADH-LÀMHAICH Reinforced concrete and brick structures set apart from other buildings, often with metal hoist equipment. Structar concrait no bhreigean ath-neartaichte, air falbh o thogalaichean eile, gu tric le acainnean togail meatailt.
AMPHITHEATRE AMPHITÈATAR An oval or circular building with seats rising in tiers around a central open space. Used for religious ceremonies, entertainment, training and armed combat contests. Togalach ugh-chruthach no cearcallach sa bheil suidheachaidh ann an sreathan a tha a' dol an àirde mun cuairt air àite fosgailte sa mheadhan. Chaidh an cleachdadh airson deas-ghnàthan cràbhach, fèisteas, trèanadh is còmhrag armaichte.
AMUSEMENT ARCADE ARCÀID FHAOIN-CHLEASAN A place for recreation with electronic game machines and gambling machines. Ionad dibhearsain sa bheil innealan le geamannan-dealain is innealan cearrachais.
AMUSEMENT PARK PÀIRC FHAOIN-CHLEASAN A recreation ground with usually permanent structure. It usually contains rides such as ghost trains, helter skelter and roller coasters. Raon fhaoin-chleasan a tha ann gu buan mar is trice. Bidh rides mar trèanaichean thaibhsean, helter skelter agus rolair-còrsairean ann a ghnàth.
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 Achd nan Carraighean Àrsaidh agus Sgìrean Arc-eòlais 1979
ANDESITE QUARRY CUARAIDH ANDASAIT A site where andasite is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh andasait.
ANIMAL DWELLING ÀITE-FUIRICH BHEATHAICHEAN Including accommodation for animals, birds, reptiles and fish in captivity. A' gabhail a-steach àitichean-fuirich airson beathaichean, eòin, snàgairean agus èisg ann am bruid.
ANIMAL HOUSE TAIGH BHEATHAICHEAN Living quarters for animals, birds, etc, as pets or for observation, entertainment, etc. Àitichean-fuirich airson beathaichean, eòin is msaa mar pheatachan no airson rannsachadh no dibhearsan.
ANIMAL POWER SITE LÀRACH CUMHACHD-BEATHAICHEAN Buildings and structures associated with the use of animals to generate power. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn cumhachd le beathaichean.
ANIMAL PRODUCT SITE IONAD BATHAR BHEATHAICHEAN Buildings or sites used in the production of items derived from the parts of animals not used for consumption. Togalaichean no làraichean far an dèanar bathar de phìosan bheathaichean nach eilear gan ithe.
ANIMAL SHED SEADA BHEATHAICHEAN A building in which animals are housed. Togalach far an cumar beathaichean.
ANIMAL TRAP STRAP  BHEATHAICHEAN  A structure built to trap or kill animals. Use specific type where known. Structar a chaidh a thogail gus beathaichean a ghlacadh ann no gus am marbhadh ann. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
ANIMAL WASH IONAD-NIGHE BHEATHAICHEAN A place or building where animals can be washed. Often in the form of a pool with a walled funnel-like structure enabling animals to be guided into the pool. Àite no togalach far an gabh beathaichean a nighe. Gu math tric bidh seo na amar le balla a tha coltach ri fuineall a stiùireas na beathaichean dhan amar.
ANNEXE ENCLOSURE LEASLANN A subsidiary enclosure externally attached to an enclosure of known or unknown date and function. The annexe is generally smaller than, and secondary to, the main enclosure. Use more specific site type where known. Do not use for Roman military sites. Fo-lann a tha co-cheangailte ri taobh a-muigh lainn eile 's fios (no gun fhios) cuin a chaidh a thogail 's dè feum a bha ann. Bidh am for-ràth nas lugha agus chan esan am prìomh-rath mar is trice. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ma tha fios cò tè. Na cleachd airson làraichean arm nan Ròmanach.
ANTI AIRCRAFT BATTERY BATARAIDH ANTI-PHLÈANAICHEAN A defensive position containing one or more artillery pieces or rocket launchers. Ionad dìonach sa bheil co-dhiù aon ghunna-mòr no lòinsear rocaidean.
ANTI AIRCRAFT DEFENCES DÌON ANTI-PHLÈANAICHEAN Specialist defences designed to protect against airborne attack. Goireasan sònraichte a dhìonas an aghaidh ionnsaighean adhair.
ANTI GLIDER DITCHES DÌGEAN ANTI-GHLAIGHDEARAN A series of ditches designed to prevent enemy gliders from being able to land safely. Sreath de dhìgean nach leigeadh le plèanaichean-seòlaidh nàmhad laighe gu sàbhailte.
ANTI GLIDER POSTS PUIST ANTI-GHLAIGHDEARAN Wooden or concrete posts usually laid in the inter-tidal zone or any flat area, now often cut off at high tide level. Puist fiodha no concrait, mar is trice san t-seal-mhara no àite còmhnard sam bith, cha ruigear iad an-diugh gu math tric nuair a bhios an làn àrd.
ANTI SHIPPING BARRIER BACADH LUINGEIS A Line of concrete posts or tetrahedra laid between the shore and an island, often protected by a gun-battery. Sreath de phuist no ceithir-shliosnaich concrait eadar an cladach is eilean, gu tric fo dhìon bataraidh ghunnaichean.
ANTI TANK BLOCKS BLOCAICHEAN ANTI  THANCAICHEAN Lines of concrete blocks, large and small placed on the ground to impede tanks. Loidhnichean de bhlocaichean concrait mòra 's beaga air an talamh a chuireas bacadh air tancaichean.
ANTI TANK DITCH DÌG ANTI- THANCAICHEAN A specifically dug ditch for anti-tank defence, detected by much sharper cut line. Dìg a chaidh a chladhach a dh'aona-ghnothach an aghaidh thancaichean 's a dh'aithnichear air an loidhne a tha fada nas gèire.
ANTI TANK WALL BALLA ANTI- THANCAICHEAN A wall, often concrete, usually an extension to existing stone walls, will often have a gun loop built into it Balla, gu tric balla concrait, is e a' leudachadh ballachan cloiche làithreach a ghnàth agus gu tric le lùb gunna na bhroinn.
ANTIMONY MINE MÈINN ANTAMOIN A site with equipment and structures for the extraction of antimony, a metallic element added to alloys to increase strength and hardness. Antimony was once thought to have medicinal properties. Làrach far a bheil acainnean is structaran airson dùsgadh antamon, eileamaid mheatailteach a chuirear co-mheatailtean airson 's gum bi iad nas treasa agus nas cruaidhe. Bhathar a' creidsinn roimhe gun robh buadhan slànachaidh aig antamon.
Antonine Wall   Balla Antonine
APIARY BEACHLANN A place where beehives are kept. Àite far a bheilear a' cumail taighean-sheillean.
AQUARIUM AQUARIUM A zoo building containing artificial ponds or tanks in which aquatic plants and animals are kept alive for purposes of observation and study. Togalach sutha sa bheil linneachan no tancaichean fuadaich far a bheilear a' cumail lusan-uisge agus beathaichean airson rannsachadh.
AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT An artificial channel, generally elevated and built of stone, and used to convey water. Cladhan a chaidh a thogail, mar is trice de chlach is togte gus uisge a ghluasad.
ARCH AIRDS A structure over an opening, formed by a whalebone or wedge-shaped blocks of brick or stone held together by mutual pressure and supported at the sides. Use for free-standing structure only. Structar de chnàmhan muice-mhara no blocaichean cloiche no bhreigean gèinneach os cionn fosgladh 's a tha gan cumail nan àite an cois co-bhrùthadh is taic riutha aig an dà thaobh. Cleachd airson structaran dealaichte a-mhàin.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL FEATURE FEART ÀRC-EÒLAIS A feature of archaeological significance. Use specific term wherever possible. Rud a tha cudromach a thaobh àrc-eòlais. Cleachd briathar pongail ma tha fios air.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE SEALLADH-TÌRE  ÀRC-EÒLAIS An area with a number of archaeological sites and/or monuments. Use more specific terms if appropriate. Sgìre sa bheil grunn làraichean agus/no carraighean àrc-eòlach. Cleachd briathran nas mionaidiche ma bhios gin iomchaidh.
ARCHERY BUTTS PUNNDAICHEAN BOGHADAIREACHD A mound or structure on which targets are placed for archery practice or competition. Tom no structar air an deach targaidean a chur airson eacarsaichean no co-fharpaisean boghadaireachd.
ARCHITECTS PRACTICE OIFIS AILTIRE A business providing a range of architectural services. Gnothachas a tha a' solar diofar seirbheisean ailtireachd.
ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENT FRACAN AILTIREACHD A detached piece of masonry, generally worked, formally part of a stone structure. Use more specific term where known. Pìos dealaichte de chlachaireachd, mar is trice air a shnaidheadh, gu foirmeil na phàirt de structar cloiche. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
ARCHWAY AIRDS-BHEALACH An arched opening or passage in a structure. Use for structural component. Fosgladh no trannsa boghaichte ann an structar. Cleachd airson na co-phàirt structarail.
Ardchattan Priory Praidhearaidh Àird Chatain
Ardclach Bell Tower Tùr-cluig Àird Chlach
Ardestie Earth House Taigh-talmhainn Àird Eastaidh
Ardoch Camp Campa Àrdaich
Ardunie Roman Signal Station Stèisean-siognail Ròmanach Àird Eoghannaidh
Argyll Earra-Ghàidheal
ARMAMENT DEPOT STÒR ARMACHD A military building used for the storage of weapons and ammunition. Togalach an airm far an cumar airm agus connadh-gunna.
ARMAMENT MANUFACTURING SITE LÀRACH DÈANAMH  ARMACHD A building or site used for the manufacture, assembly and testing of weapons, explosives and associated military hardware. Togalach no làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh 's a' cur fo dheuchainn buill-airm, stuthan-spreadhaidh agus bathar-cruaidh eile an airm.
ARMORIAL PANEL PANAL GEARRAIDH-AIRM A distinct compartment of a facade or tomb bearing heraldic arms. Seotal àraidh air aghaidh-thogalaich no tuama air a bheil gearradh-arm earraideach.
ARMOURED VEHICLE CARBAD ARMAICHTE An armoured fighting vehicle. Often survive as commemorative monuments,targets and coastal wrecks. Carbad cogaidh armach. Chithear fhathast iad mar chuimhneachain, targaidean no longan-briste air a' chladach.
ARMOURY ARMLANN A place where weapons are kept. Àite far a bheilear a' cumail buill-airm.
ART AND EDUCATION VENUE IONAD EALAIN IS FOGHLAIM Buildings and structures associated with educational and artistic recreational activities. Togalaichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cur-seachadan foghlaim is ealain.
ART GALLERY GAILEARAIDH EALAIN A building in which works of art are displayed, permanently or temporarily. Togalach sa bheilear a' taisbeanadh obair-ealain, gu buan no fad greis.
ARTEFACT SCATTER SGAPADH  IARMADAN-EALAIN A spatially discrete scatter of mixed artefactual material recovered from the surface, e.g. during fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context, and which may have been deposited over time. Index particular types where appropriate. Sgapadh fuighill a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh agus dh'fhaoidte gun deach am fàgail ann thairis air ùine. Cuir seòrsachan sònraichte air a' chlàr-amais ma bhios sin iomchaidh.
ARTIFICIAL ISLAND EILEAN FUADAIN An artificial island with no visible traces of occupation. Eilean fuadain air nach eil sgeul air tuineachadh.
ARTILLERY FORTIFICATION DAINGNEACH GHUNNACHAN MÒRA A fortified structure containing purpose built emplacements for artillery pieces. Structar daingnichte aig a bheil àitichean a chaidh a thogail gu sònraichte do ghunnaichean-mòra.
ASSEMBLY ROOMS SEÒMRAICHEAN COINNEACHAIDH A building or set of rooms in which social gatherings and dances are held. Togalach no sreath sheòmraichean far an tigear còmhla cruinn agus far an cumar dannsaichean.
Auchagallon, Stone Circle, Arran Tursachan Achadh Ghallan, Arainn
Auchindoun Castle Caisteal Achadh an Dùin
AUCTION HOUSE TAIGH-RUP A place where public sales of goods are made by competitive bidding. Àite far a bheilear a' reic bathar le bhith a' cur tairgsean an aghaidh chàich.
AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM A room or hall designed for an audience to listen and view, as in a theatre, concert hall, lecture hall etc. Seòmar no talla a chaidh a dhealbhadh airson luchd-èisteachd no luchd-coimhid, mar ann an taigh-cluiche, talla-consairt, talla-òraid is msaa.
AVALANCHE SHELTER FASGADH MAOIM-SNEACHDA A building or structure designed to protect people, animals and vehicles from avalanches. Togalach no structar a chaidh a dhealbhadh gus daoine, beathaichean is carbadan a dhìon o mhaoimean-sneachda.
AVENUE CRAOBH-SHLIGHE A site consisting of parallel banks, ditches, stones, post alignments or trees, which delineates the approach to another site or monument. Làrach air a bheil uchdain, dìgean, clachan, puist no craobhan ann am pàtran a tha a' comharradh an t-slighe a dh'ionnsaidh làrach no carragh-cuimhne.
AVIARY EUNLANN A large cage or enclosure for the keeping of birds. Cèidse no lann mhòr sa bheilear a' cumail eòin.
