What we do
Find out about the core functions of Historic Environment Scotland, from caring for our collections to limiting the impact of climate change on Scotland’s heritage.
Advise and regulate
Learn about Historic Environment Scotland’s heritage management function, including in relation to listed buildings, planning and development support, and World Heritage Sites.
Climate change
Explore how climate change affects the historic environment and what we’re doing to help limit the impact.
Looking after Scotland’s built environment goes far beyond the 300+ properties we care for.
Your opinion matters to us. Find out how to comment on current consultations and read our responses to external consultations.
Get an overview of Historic Environment Scotland’s grants and funding, and learn how we prioritise our funding.
Learning and skills
Our properties, collections and expertise provide a rich learning resource for everyone.
Managing the estate
Find out about how we manage the properties in our care and some of the major related projects we are currently working on
Our collections
Find out how we look after the thousands of objects and millions of photographs in our care.
Discover how our research enables us to understand and care for Scotland’s historic environment.
Survey and recording
Learn about how we add to our knowledge of Scotland’s historic environment by surveying buildings, industrial sites, landscapes and even vessels.
Commemorative Plaque Scheme
Find out how we celebrate significant people by erecting plaques on the buildings where they lived or worked.