Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.
Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.
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English Term | Facal Gàidhlig | English Note | Nota Gàidhlig | Audio |
ICE FACTORY | FACTARAIDH DEIGHE | A building or group of buildings where ice is manufactured using mechanised refrigeration techniques. | Togalach no grunn thogalaichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh deigh, a' cleachdadh dòighean reòthaidh meacanaigeach. | |
ICEHOUSE | TAIGH-DEIGHE | A semi-subterranean building used to store ice, for the preservation of fish, meat and other foods, cold drinks and medical supplies. Found in the grounds of large 19th century houses and also close to harbours used by fishing boats. | Togalach a bha an dàrna leth dheth fon talamh agus anns an deach eigh a stòradh airson glèidheadh èisg, feòla agus bìdh eile, deochan fuara agus stuthan meadaigeach. Gheibhear iad air fearann thaighean mòra às an 19mh linn agus cuideachd faisg air puirt iasgaich. | |
Inchcolm Island | Innis Choluim | |||
INCINERATOR | LOSGADAIR | An apparatus used to dispose of refuse by burning. | Innealradh a chleachdar gus sgadal a losgadh ann. | |
INCLINED PLANE | CÒMHNARD CLAON | A prepared slope on which rails are laid to enable early tramroads and railways to negotiate a steep gradient. | Leathad ullaichte air an deach rathad-iarainn a chur airson 's gum b' urrainn do seann-tramaichean is trèanaichean a dhol le agus ri leathad cas. | |
INDETERMINATE MILITARY STRUCTURE | STRUCTAR-AIRM NEO-SHEÒRSAICHTE AIRM | A construction of indeterminate military function. Use specific term where known. | Structar an airm ach gun chinnt dè feum a bha ann. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
INDETERMINATE REMAINS | NULL | Archaeological remains of indeterminable classification or function. | Iarsmaidhean àrc-eòlach nach gabh a chur ann an clas agus gun fhios dè feum a bha annta. | |
INDUSTRIAL BUILDING | TOGALACH GNÌOMHACHAIS | Any building designed or adapted to accommodate trades and manufacturing activity. Use more specific site where known. | Togalach sam bith a chaidh a dhealbhadh no a chur air gleus airson gnìomhachd malairt no saothrachaidh. Cleachd làrach nas mionaidiche ma tha fios cò tè. | |
INDUSTRIAL ESTATE | IONAD-GNÌOMHACHAIS | An area of land divided into plots for use by manufacturing or commercial concerns, which may share some common services. | Pìos talmhainn a chaidh a sgaradh ann an lotan airson gnìomhachasan no malairt. Dh'fhaoidte gun cleachd iad cuid a sheirbheisean ann còmhla. | |
INDUSTRIAL HOUSE | TAIGH-GNÌOMHACHAIS | The residence and sometimes workplace of industrial workers. | Àite-còmhnaidh, agus uaireannan àite-obrach, aig luchd-obrach gnìomhachais. | |
INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE | DEALBH-TÌRE GNÌOMHACHAIS | An area containing a range of buildings, structures, transport routes and other features which relate to industrial activity. | Àite far a bheil togalaichean, structaran, slighean giùlain agus rudan eile a tha co-cheangailte ri obair gnìomhachais. | |
INDUSTRIAL PREMISES | GÀRRADH GNÌOMHACHAIS | A building and associated land which are used as a place of business by an industrial concern. | Togalach agus talamh co-cheangailte ris a tha ga chleachdadh airson mar ionad gnìomhachais le gnìomhachas. | |
INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL | SGOIL-GNÌOMHACHAIS | A boarding or day school for children who had committed minor crimes or who lived in circumstances where they were likely to commit crime. | Sgoil-chòmhnaidh no sgoil-latha do chlann a rinn eucoirean beaga no a bha a' fuireach ann an suidheachadh 's iad buailteach a bhith ri eucoir ann. | |
INDUSTRIAL SITE | LÀRACH GNÌOMHACHAIS | An area or defined space believed to have been used for trades and/or manufacturing activity. Only use when evidence for more specific site type is lacking. | Raon no àite a thathar dhen bheachd gun deach a chleachdadh le luchd-malairt agus/no luchd-saothrachaidh. Na cleachd seo ach mur eil seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ann. | |
INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE | BAILE GNÌOMHACHAIS | A village inhabited mainly by industrial workers and their families, usually employed at nearby industrial concerns. | Baile sa bheil luchd-obrach gnìomhachais, gu sònraichte, a' fuireach ann còmhla ris an teaghlaichean agus mar is trice, fo fhastadh aig gnìomhachasan faisg air làimh. | |
INFECTIOUS DISEASES HOSPITAL | OSPADAL GHALARAN GABHALTACH | An isolation hospital for infectious diseases; commonly situated on the edge of a town. For leprosy use LEPER HOSPITAL. | Ospadal leth-oireachd airson tinneasan gabhaltach; gu math tric aig oir baile. Airson lòbhradh, cleachd OSPADAL LOBHARAN. | |
INFIRMARY | TAIGH-EIRIDINN | A building where the sick are cared for. Use where part of a wider complex, otherwise use HOSPITAL. | Togalach far am faigh daoine a tha tinn cùram. Cleachd seo ma tha e na phàirt de dh'aitreabh nas motha air neo cleachd OSPADAL. | |
INFORMATION CENTRE | IONAD-FIOSRACHAIDH | A building used for the dissemination to the public of such items like tourist brochures, travel maps, guide books and other documents, etc. | Togalach a chleachdar airson rudan mar bhileagan luchd-turais, mapaichean siubhail, treòirean is sgrìobhainnean eile a sgaoileadh dhan phoball. | |
INGLENOOK | CÙL-TEALLAICH | An area within a large fireplace where it is possible to sit. | Àite ann an teinntean mòr far an urrainn do dhaoine suidhe. | |
INHUMATION | TÒRRADH CHNÀMHAN | An interment of unburnt, articulated human remains. | Tìodhlacadh iarsmaidhean duine no beathaich ann an òrdugh nan cnàmhan 's gun a losgadh. | |
INN | TAIGH-SEINNSE | A public house for the lodging and entertainment of travellers, etc. | Taigh far am faigh daoine air turas cuid-oidhche 's fèisteas is rudan mar sin. | |
Innerpeffray Chapel | Caibeal Inbhir Pheafraidh | |||
INSCRIBED ROCK | CREAG LE SGRÌOBHADH | A rock outcrop or cave wall bearing an inscription. Use more specific term where appropriate. | Loman creagach no balla uamha air a bheil sgrìobhadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma bhios sin iomchaidh. | |
INSCRIBED STONE | CLACH-CHUIMHNEACHAIDH | A commemorative stone inscribed with words. Use more specific term where appropriate. | Clach-chuimhne air an deach faclan a sgrìobhadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma bhios sin iomchaidh. | |
INSPECTION CHAMBER | SEÒMAR-SGRÙDAIDH | A chamber attached to a pipe, conduit, aqueduct or sewer to enable access, monitoring and the operation of valves and other equipment. | Seòmar a tha co-cheangailte ri pìob, seòl-phìob, duct-uisge no sàibhear airson inntrigeadh, marasgladh is obrachadh nan tuil-dhorsan is acainnean eile. | |
INSPECTION HATCH | SAITSE-SGRÙDAIDH | A covered opening providing access to a pipe, duct, conduit, aqueduct, sewer or chamber. | Fosgladh còmhdaichte air an ruigear pìob, duct, seòl-phìob, duct-uisge, sàibhear no seòmar. | |
INSTITUTE | INSTITIUD | A building in which a society or organisation is instituted to promote science, art, literature, education, etc. Use more specific type where known. | Togalach far a bheil buidheann stèidhichte a tha a' brosnachadh saidheans, ealain, litreachas, foghlam is msaa. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING WORKS | FACTARAIDH INNEALAN TEICNIGEACH | A site where scientific and technical instruments such as microscopes are assembled. | Làrach far a bheilear a' cur ri chèile innealan saidheansail is teicnigeach mar mhicreoscopan. | |
INTERMITTENT KILN | ÀTH AON-LOSGACH | A kiln for firing bricks and other ceramics, which must be unloaded and reloaded between firings. | Àth airson breigean no criadhadaireachd eile a losgadh agus feumar am bathar a thoirt às agus a lìonadh às ùr eadar dà losgadh. | |
Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes | Clàr nan Gàrraidhean is nan Dealbhan-tìre | |||
Inventory of Historic Battlefields | Clàr nam Blàran Eachdraidheil | |||
Inverlochy Castle | Caisteal Inbhir Lòchaidh | |||
IRON FOUNDRY | TAIGH-FÙIRNEIS IARAINN | A workshop or foundry where iron articles are made by casting molten material into moulds. | Ceàrdach no fùirneis far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar iarainn le bhith a' taomadh stuth air a leaghadh ann am mòlltairean. | |
IRON ORE PROCESSING PLANT | FACTARAIDH GIULLACHD CLACH-IARAINN | A facility where iron ores are processed prior to smelting. | Ionad far a bheilear ag ullachadh clachan-mèinnir mus tèid an leaghadh. | |
IRON WAREHOUSE | TAIGH-BATHAIR IARAINN | A large building where iron is stored. | Togalach far an cumar iarann. | |
IRON WORKING SITE | LÀRACH OBAIR-IARAINN | A site used for the production and/or working of metallic iron. | Làrach a nì agus/no a nì obair air iarann meatailteach. | |
IRON WORKS | FACTARAIDH IARAINN | A site where iron is smelted or iron goods made. | Àite far a bheilear a' leaghadh iarainn no far a bheilear a' dèanamh bathar iarainn. | |
IRONSTONE MINE | MÈINN CLACH-IARAINN | A mine for the extraction of iron ore. | Mèinn far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-iarainn. | |
IRONSTONE WORKINGS | LÀRACH OBAIR CLACH-IARAINN | A site where iron ore is extracted. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh clach-iarainn. | |
ISLAND | EILEAN | A piece of land, sometimes man-made, completely surrounded by water. | Pìos talmhainn, uaireannan air a dhèanamh le mac an duine, a tha uisge ceithir timcheall mun cuairt air. | |
ISLAND DWELLING | ÀITE-CÒMHNAIDH AIR EILEAN | A small, sometimes partly artificial, island with evidence of buildings and other structures related to domestic occupation, generally of medieval date. | Eilean beag, uaireannan fear a chaidh a thogail le mac an duine, agus fianais thogalaichean is structaran eile air a tha co-cheangailte ri còmhnaidh ann, mar is trice às na meadhan-aoisean. | |