Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.
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QUADRANT TOWER | TÙR CEATHRAMHAIN | Observation tower associated with WW2 bombing ranges. An enclosed structure, usually of brick or concrete and raised on four legs. | Tùr coimhid a tha co-cheangailte ri rainsean bomadh an Dàrna Chogaidh Mhòir. Structar, mar is trice ann an slige bhreigean no concrait agus gu h-àrd air ceithir casan. | |
QUARRY | CUARAIDH | An excavation from which minerals are obtained by cutting, blasting, etc. Use more specific term where known. | Àite far a bheilear a' dùsgadh mèinnearan le bhith a' gearradh, a' spreadhadh is msaa. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air. | |
QUARRY PIT | SLOC CUARAIDH | A pit from which materials are extracted for the construction of a ROMAN ROAD. For other quarry pits use QUARRY. | Sloc san deach stuthan a dhùsgadh gus RATHAD RÒMANACH a thogail. Airson slocan cuaraidh eile, cleachd CUARAIDH. | |
QUARRY SCOOP | LAGAN CUARAIDH | A shallow depression in the ground, caused by the small-scale quarrying of rock or other minerals. | Lagan eu-domhain san talamh a nochd an cois dùsgadh beag de chlachan no mèinnearan ann. | |
QUARTZ DOLERITE QUARRY | CUARAIDH DOLARAIT ÈITEIGE | A site where quartz dolerite is extracted. | Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh dolairit èiteige. | |
QUARTZ SCATTER | SGAPADH IARMADAN CLACH-EITEIG | A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of quartz artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface, e.g. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. | Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall èiteagan agus obair na h-èiteige a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh. | |
QUAY | CIDHE | An artificial paved bank or solid landing place built parallel to, or projecting out from, a shoreline or riverbank to serve in the loading and unloading of vessels. | Uchdan leacaichte no làimhrig chruaidh a chaidh a thogail co-sìnte ris a' chladach no bruach aibhne (no a' stobadh a-mach uaithe) gus luchdan a thoirt far shoithichean is luchdadh a chur orra. | |
QUAY CRANE | CRANN-TOGAIL CIDHE | A crane located on a quayside used for the loading and unloading of goods and materials to and from vessels. | Crann-togail air làimhrig airson bathar is stuthan a thoirt far shoithichean no gus an luchdadh orra. | |
QUERN QUARRY | CUARAIDH CHLACHAN-BRÀTHA | A shallow scoop in the ground surface from which raw material used in the production of quern stones is obtained or an outcrop of rock which bears traces of disc-shaped hollows resulting from the removal of roughouts. | Lagan eu-domhain ann an uachdar na talmhainn far a bheilear a' faighinn bun-stuth airson clachan-bhràthan a dhèanamh no loman creige air a bheil fiamh lagan diosg-chruthach a chaidh a dhèanamh ann nuair a bhathar a' toirt garbh-chruthan às. | |
QUILT FACTORY | FACTARAIDH CHUILTEAN | A factory where quilts are made. | Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh cuiltean. |