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Storm Éowyn: Due to the severe red weather warning all our sites in the area covered will be closed Friday 24 January. Sites in amber areas could close at short notice. Ticketholders will be notified. Stay safe and don’t travel unless absolutely necessary.



Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.

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PAGODA PAGODA An ornamental building based on a far eastern temple, having a tall, polygonal structure with decorative roofs at each storey. Togalach sgeadachail a tha coltach ri teampall an ear, fear àrd, ioma-cheàrnach aig a bheil mullach sgeadachail air gach làr.
PÀILLEAN PAVILION A light, sometimes ornamental structure in a garden, park or place of recreation, used for entertainment or shelter. Structar aotrom (uaireannan rud sgeadachail) ann an gàrradh, pàirc no àite foise airson tlachd no fasgadh.
PÀILLEAN CHÒMHLAN BANDSTAND A covered platform for use by musicians and commonly found in public parks or gardens. Ùrlar còmhdaichte a tha ga chleachdadh le luchd-ciùil agus a gheibhear gu tric ann am pàircean no gàrraidhean poblach.
PÀILLEAN GÀRRAIDH GAZEBO A garden house situated to provide a commanding view. Taigh-gàrraidh a tha ann an àite far a bheil deagh-radharc mun cuairt.
PÀILLEAN SPÀ SPA PAVILION A light, ornamental building or structure built to incorporate or enclose a mineral spring. Togalach no structar aotrom sgeadachail a chaidh a thogail mun cuairt air fuaran uisge-iarainn.
PÀILLEAN SPÒRS SPORTS PAVILION A building, usually at a sports ground, with facilities for players and spectators. Togalach, mar is trice air raon spòrs, aig a bheil goireasan airson nan cluicheadairean 's an luchd-èisteachd.
PÀILLEAN-TAISBEANAIDH EXHIBITION PAVILION A pavilion used for exhibitions, e.g. the exhibition pavilions at the Great Empire Exhibition, Bellahouston Park, 1938. Pàillean a chleachdar airson taisbeanaidhean, m.e. pàilleanan taisbeanaidh aig Taisbeanadh Mòr na h-Impire ann am Pàirc Bhaile Ùistein ann an 1938.
PÀIRC PARK An enclosed piece of land, generally large in area, used for hunting, the cultivation of trees, for grazing sheep and cattle or visual enjoyment. Use more specific type where known. Talamh cuairtichte, mar is trice pìos gu math mòr, far a bheilear a' sealg, a' toirt fàs air craobhan, ag ionaltradh caoraich 's crodh no a tha dìreach taitneach dhan t-sùil. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PÀIRC BALL-COISE FOOTBALL GROUND A site including a pitch, stands and ancillary buildings associated with the game of football. Làrach air a bheil faiche, stanndaichean agus togalaichean co-cheangailte ri geamannan buill-choise.
PÀIRC BHÙTHAN RETAIL PARK A site comprising a number of large, separate, purpose-built retail units, together with access roads, parking facilities and other amenities. Làrach air a bheil diofar aonadan meanbh-reic mòra dealaichte a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach, le rathaidean inntrigidh, àitichean-pàircidh agus goireasan eile.
PÀIRC CHARABHANAICHEAN CARAVAN PARK A camping place set aside for the use of caravans. Àite campachaidh a tha gu sònraichte do charabhanaichean.
PÀIRC CHEÀRNAGACH SQUARE ENCLOSURE A square shaped area of land enclosed by a boundary ditch, bank, wall, palisade or similar barrier. Small square enclosures (with sides of less than c.20m) have been interpreted as the remains of square barrows of Iron Age date. Pìos talmhainn ceàrnagach mun a bheil dìg, uchdan, balla, sonnach no crìoch eile mar sin. Tha lannan beaga ceàrnagach ann (aig a bheil taobhan a tha nas lugha na 20m mu thuaiream) a thathar dhen bheachd gur iadsan iarsmaidhean bharpannan ceàrnagach a tha a' dol air ais gu Linn an Iarainn.
PÀIRC FHAOIN-CHLEASAN AMUSEMENT PARK A recreation ground with usually permanent structure. It usually contains rides such as ghost trains, helter skelter and roller coasters. Raon fhaoin-chleasan a tha ann gu buan mar is trice. Bidh rides mar trèanaichean thaibhsean, helter skelter agus rolair-còrsairean ann a ghnàth.
Pàirc na Cìse agus Garnhall Tollpark and Garnhall
PÀIRC PHOBLACH PUBLIC PARK A park for the use of the public for entertainment and relaxation. Pàirc airson tlachd is fois a' phobaill.
PÀIRC SAFARI SAFARI PARK A drive-through wildlife park. Pàirc ainmhidhean fiadhaich as urrainnear draibheadh troimhpe.
PÀIRC TEICNEÒLAIS TECHNOLOGY PARK A site comprising a number of separate, purpose-built units housing high technology industries and services, together with access roads, parking facilities and other amenities. Làrach air a bheil diofar aonadan a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach airson gnìomhachasan is seirbheisean àrd-teicneolais, rathaidean inntrigidh, àitichean-pàircidh agus goireasan eile.
PÀIRC-CHÀRAICHEAN CAR PARK A place where cars and other road vehicles may be parked and left. Àite far am faodar càraichean is carbadan-rathaid eile a phàirceadh 's fhàgail ann.
PÀIRC-CHÀRAICHEAN IOMA-ÙRLAR MULTI STOREY CAR PARK A car park, on two or more levels. Pàirc-chàraichean air co-dhiù dà ùrlar.
PÀIRT THOGALAICH BUILDING COMPONENT A structure which can be an area within a building, a separate building within a complex or a detached architectural component of a building. Structar a dh'fhaodadh a bhith am broinn togalaich no thogalach fa leth air aitreabh no co-phàirt ailtireachd fa leth aig togalach.
PANAL GEARRAIDH-AIRM ARMORIAL PANEL A distinct compartment of a facade or tomb bearing heraldic arms. Seotal àraidh air aghaidh-thogalaich no tuama air a bheil gearradh-arm earraideach.
Pans Port Eilginn, Balla-àrainn is Taigh-tasgaidh Elgin Pans Port, Precinct Walls and Museum
PEADAMAINT PEDIMENT A triangular gable usually above an entablature. Tulchann thriantanach, mar is trice os cionn barra-bhailc.
PERGOLA PERGOLA Timber or metal structure consisting of upright and cross members designed to support climbing plants. Structar fiodha no meatailt sa bheil buill chòmhnard is dhìreach a bheil taic do dhreimirean.
PÌOB-GIÙLAIN CONDUIT A pipe or channel for conveying water or other liquids. Pìob no cladhan a bheir uisge no lionntan eile o àite gu àite.
PÌOB-UISGE WATER PIPE A pipe through which water is conducted. Pìob tron a bheilear a' seòladh uisge.
PÌOB-UISGE TUIRBIN PENSTOCKS A pipe or conduit used to carry water to a turbine. Pìob no seòl-phìob a bheir uisge do thurbain.
PIOLAIR GEATA GATE PIER A pier of brick, masonry etc. from which a gate is suspended by its hinges. Làimhrig bhreigean no cloiche sa bheil lùdagan a tha geata a' crochadh orra.
PLAG PLAQUE An ornamental, commemorative tablet, of stone or metal, usually inscribed, and set into a wall, floor etc. Clàr cloiche no meatailt sgeadachail a tha na chuimhneachan, mar is trice le sgrìobhadh air agus crochte ri balla no san làr.
PLANNTACHAS PLANTATION A group of planted trees or shrubs, generally of uniform age and of a single species. Badan de chraobhan no preasan a chaidh an cur ann, mar is trice dhen aon aois agus dhen aon ghnè.
Poileasaidh Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil na h-Alba Scottish Historic Environment Policy
POILEASAIDHEAN POLICIES The improved land surrounding a Scottish country house. Am fearann leasaichte mun cuairt air taigh-dùthcha ann an Alba.
POIRDSE PORCH An interior or projecting shelter surrounding an entrance to a building. Fasgadh air an taobh a-staigh no a stobas a-mach 's a tha mun cuairt air doras togalaich.
POIT-CHARTACHAIDH BARKING POT A pot used for 'barking' or preserving fishing nets. Poit a chleachdar airson cartachadh, obair-ghlèidhidh lìontan-èisg.
POIT-DHUBH STILL An apparatus for distilling alcohol, often illegally. Acainn airson stailigeadh dighe-làidir, gu math tric gu mì-laghail.
PÒLA TELEAGRAF TELEGRAPH POLE A tall wooden pole used to support telegraph wires. Crann àrd fiodha a chumas an àirde uèirichean teileagraif.
POLL-CRÈADHA CLAY PIT A place from which clay is extracted. Làrach far a bheilear a' buain crèadha.
POLL-MÒNA TURF CUTTING A site or area where turf is cut for use as fuel. Àite far a bheilear a' buain mòine airson connadh.
PORT PORT A settlement on a coastline or waterway with a harbour and other facilities for loading and unloading ships. Tuineachadh air a' chladach no slighe-uisge aig a bheil cala agus goireasan eile airson luchdan a thoirt far longan agus luchdan a chur orra.
PORT-ADHAIR AIRPORT An airfield for civilian aircraft, usually including a customs house and ancillary structures and buildings and passenger facilities. Raon-adhair airson phlèanaichean catharra, mar is trice le taigh-cìse agus togalaichean is structaran co-cheangailte is goireasan dhan luchd-siubhail.
PORT-ADHAIR AIR TERMINAL A building at an airport from where passengers embark and disembark from an aircraft. Togalach air port-adhair on a thèid luchd-siubhail air bòrd plèana no dhan a thèid iad nuair a thig iad far a' phlèana.
PORT-AISEIG FERRY TERMINAL An area of a port, dock or harbour, often including buildings for passport control and customs, where passengers and vehicles using ferry services can embark/disembark and where supplies can be taken on board. Raon aig port, doca no cala, gu math tric le togalaichean airson sgrùdadh nan cead-siubhail agus seirbheis na cusbainn far an urrainn do luchd-siubhail agus carbadan a chleachdas aiseagan a dhol air bòrd/a thighinn far bòrd nan aiseagan agus far an urrainnear bathar a chur air bòrd.
POST POST A building component of timber or metal placed vertically in the ground, often to support a roof or other superstructure. Use more specific site type where known. Co-phàirt fiodha no meatailt airson togalach, gu tric na sheasamh dìreach san talamh 's e a' cumail suas mullach no os-structar eile. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ma tha fios cò tè.
POST GEATA GATE POST An upright wooden post from which a gate is suspended by its hinges. For brick or masonry structures use GATE PIER. Post fiodha dìreach sa bheil lùdagan a tha geata a' crochadh orra. Airson structaran bhreigean is clachaireachd, cleachd PIOLAIR GEATA
POST-CEANGAIL BOLLARD A wooden, stone or iron post for securing things to or for preventing vehicular access to pedestrianised areas. Post fiodha, cloiche no iarainn ris an ceanglar rudan no gus carbadan a chasgadh à raointean coiseachd.
POST-COMHARRACHAIDH MARKER POST A post, usually made of wood or metal, erected to mark a particular spot in the landscape, but the purpose of which is unknown. Post, mar is trice de mheatailt no fiodh, a chaidh a thogail gus àite sònraichte san tìr a chomharradh ach gun fhios dè an rud a tha e a' comharradh.
POST-LAMPA LAMP POST A post, usually of iron or concrete, used to support a street lamp. Post, mar is trice fear iarainn no concrait, a bheir taic do solas sràide.
POST-MÌLE MILEPOST A post or pillar set up alongside a road to mark the miles from, or to, a place or places. Post no carragh ri taobh rathaid a chomharraicheas uiread a mhìltean a tha àite (no àitichean) air falbh uaithe no an t-astar d' an ionnsaidh.
POST-STÈIDHE PILE A structural component in the form of a substantial upright, usually wooden, driven into the ground to support a building platform or superstructure. Use more specific site type where known. Co-phàirt structarail a tha na phost mòr dìreach (mar is trice fear fiodha) a chaidh a stobadh san talamh gus taic a chumail ri ùrlar togalaich no os-structar. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ma tha fios cò tè.
POST-STIÙIRIDH COMMAND POST A military building from which the guns of a battery were directed. Togalach an airm a stiùirear gunnaichean bataraidh uaithe.
Praidhearaidh Àird Chatain Ardchattan Priory
Praidhearaidh Ros Teine Restenneth Priory
PRAIDHEARAIDH  PRIORY A lesser monastery headed by a prior, often linked to a cathedral or dependent on a mother house. Manachainn bheag fo stiùireadh priòir, gu math tric co-cheangailte ri cathair-eaglais no an eisimeil ri prìomh-mhanachainn.
PREASARLACH COPPICE A managed small wood or thicket of underwood grown to be periodically cut to encourage new growth providing smaller timber. Coille bheag stiùirichte no badan preasnaich a thathar a' toirt fàs air gus a ghearradh o àm gu àm gus fàs ùr a bhrosnachadh gus fiodh beag fhaighinn ann.
PRÌOMH-OIFIS AN AIRM MILITARY HEADQUARTERS The command centre of military operations. Ionad-stiùiridh gnìomhachdan an airm.
PRÌOMH-STANNA GRANDSTAND The principal stand at a sporting ground, e.g. at a racecourse. Am prìomh stannd air raon spòrs, m.e. air cuairt-rèisidh.
Priòrad Naomh Sheirbh, Loch Lìobhann St Serf's Priory, Loch Leven
PRÌOSAN PRISON An establishment where offenders are confined. Use more specific type where known. Àite far an cumar an greim eucoirich. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PRÌOSAN JAIL A secure place where persons sentenced to imprisonment or persons awaiting trial are confined. Àite tèarainte far a bheilear a' cumail daoine a tha a' feitheamh ri cùis lagha no air an deach binn prìosain a chur.
PRÌOSAN DHAOINE ÒGA JUVENILE PRISON A custodial institution for offenders below the legal age of responsibility. Institiud far a bheilear a' cumail an greim eucoirich a tha fo aois uallaich.
PROMANAD PROMENADE A place for strolling, public walks, etc. Usually associated with coastal resorts. Àite poblach airson coiseachd ann is msaa. Mar is trice gheibhear seo ann am bailtean turasachd air a' chosta.
PUING DEARBHAIDH NA SUIRBHIDH ÒRDANAIS ORDNANCE SURVEY CONTROL A control point used for the metrical survey of Britain carried out by the Ordnance Survey. Puing dearbhaidh a chaidh a chleachdadh ann an suirbhidh mheadrachail Bhreatainn leis an t-Suirbhidh Òrdanais.
PUING-DEARBHAIDH   FUNDAMENTAL BENCH MARK A reference point built directly onto stable bedrock and encased within an underground chamber, used by the Ordnance Survey to record height above Newlyn Datum. Above ground, the position is marked by a low granite pillar, sometimes surrounded by railings. Puing co-chomharraidh a chaidh a stèidheachadh air an fho-chreag sheasmhach agus a tha am broinn seòmair fon talamh 's ga chleachdadh leis an t-Suirbhidh Òrdanais gus an àirde os cionn puing dàta Newlyn a chlàradh. Tha an t-ionad seo ga chomharradh le carragh goireil ìseal air uachdar na talmhainn, uaireannan le rèile mun cuairt air.
PUIST ANTI-GHLAIGHDEARAN ANTI GLIDER POSTS Wooden or concrete posts usually laid in the inter-tidal zone or any flat area, now often cut off at high tide level. Puist fiodha no concrait, mar is trice san t-seal-mhara no àite còmhnard sam bith, cha ruigear iad an-diugh gu math tric nuair a bhios an làn àrd.
PUMPA PUMP A machine used to raise and move water and other liquids, compress gases etc. Use more specific term where known. Inneal a chleachdas gus uisge agus lionntan eile a thogail 's a ghluasad, gasaichean a dhùmhlachadh is msaa. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PUMPA PEATROIL PETROL PUMP A pump used to transfer petrol from a storage tank into cars, lorries and other road vehicles. Pumpa a chleachdar gus peatral a ghluasad eadar tanca-stòrais agus càraichean, làraidhean is carbadan-rathaid eile.
PUMPA-GAOITHE WIND PUMP A wind-powered pump. Pumpa a tha aig obair air cumhachd na gaoithe.
PUMPA-LÀIMHE HAND PUMP A hand operated mechanism used to raise and move water, liquids, compressed gases etc. Inneal a tha ga obrachadh de làimh gus uisge, lionntan, gasaichean dùmhlaichte is msaa a thogail 's a ghluasad.
PUMPA-UISGE WATER PUMP A point of public water supply, including conduits, fountains, wells, pumps and standpipes. Àite ann an solar poblach an uisge, a' gabhail a-steach seòl-phìoban, fuarain, tobraichean, pumpaichean agus pìoban-seasaimh.
PUNND POUND A pen, often circular and stone-walled, for impounding livestock. Crò, cruinn agus air a dhèanamh de chlachan gu tric, gus crodh a phunndadh ann.
PUNND AISEAG-BHEATHAICHEAN LAIRAGE Accommodation for livestock, especially at docks, while awaiting transportation to market or abattoir. Àite-fuirich do chrodh, gu sònraichte air docannan, gus an tèid an gluasad a dh'ionnsaigh margaid no taigh-spadaidh.
PUNND EUNAICH GROUSE BUTT A low barrier behind which people can conceal themselves to shoot grouse. Bacadh ìseal far an tèid daoine am falach nuair a bhios iad a' sealg nan cearcan-fraoich.
PUNND PHÒNAIDHEAN PONY PUND Small, square enclosures with internal stabling and raised walls at the corners, used specifically for the breeding of Shetland ponies for export to the mainland as pit ponies. Cròithean beaga ceàrnagach sa bheil stàballan agus ballachan àrda aig na h-oiseanan a chaidh a chleachdadh gu sònraichte airson pònaidhean Sealtainneach àrach gus an reic air an tìr-mhòr mar phònaidhean mèinne.
PUNND THUNNAGAN DUCK BUTT A low barrier behind which people can conceal themselves to shoot ducks. Bacadh ìseal far an tèid daoine am falach nuair a bhios iad a' sealg nan tunnagan.
PUNNDAICHEAN BUTTS A mound or structure on which an archery, musketry or artillery target is erected. Use specific type where known. Tom no structar air an deach targaid boghadaireachd, musgadaireachd no gunnaireachd a thogail. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PUNNDAICHEAN BOGHADAIREACHD ARCHERY BUTTS A mound or structure on which targets are placed for archery practice or competition. Tom no structar air an deach targaidean a chur airson eacarsaichean no co-fharpaisean boghadaireachd.
