Advice and Support

Community Connections

Find out more about how to get involved in a range of exciting, collaborative projects that show how the heritage that matters to you has a vital role to play in supporting your local community.

A silhouette of people with the words community connections below them

Collaborative projects supporting community recovery and renewal

Are you a community all about a place, a group brought together through shared interest, or an organisation supporting communities?

Would you like support to help you bounce back and thrive post-pandemic?

HES is ready to collaborate with you!

Community Connections delivers a range of exciting, collaborative projects showing how the heritage that matters to you has a vital role to play in supporting your community’s recovery and renewal – often in surprising and creative ways!

As well as exciting opportunities to develop fresh ideas with our own experts, you’ll also gain access to our vast networks of professionals across Scotland who are keen to help your community recover and thrive.

Community Connections is open to developing and collaborating on projects themed around:

  • health and wellbeing
  • skills and volunteering
  • creativity
  • climate change
  • community and destination regeneration

Our ways of working:

  1. Listening to communities and partners to deliver the right support
  2. Making sure communities can confidently and easily access our knowledge and expertise
  3. Focusing our resources to make a difference
  4. Connecting, co-producing and collaborating with an open mind

Our programme is a rolling collective of projects, download our leaflet for a selection of examples: 

Download the Community Connections leaflet

Want to get involved or spread the word?

We’re already engaging with a range of groups and partners. But there’s still more to do and we want you to be involved.

Let’s explore how our culture and heritage can contribute to post-Covid recovery and renewal.

If you want to talk through ideas or activities that are a good fit with our priorities and project themes, then we want to hear from you.

Your starting point doesn’t need to be heritage, it may be more about health and wellbeing, creative practice, skills and volunteering, nature and green matters, or community and destination regeneration. Chat with us at

Know of anyone else, groups or organisations who may be interested? Please spread the word!

Find out more about HES and how we aim to support communities through our current Corporate Plan, Heritage for All

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