Thinking about volunteering or looking for a new role?
People giving their time through volunteering provides a crucial role in looking after the heritage that is all around us. HES is an Investing in Volunteers accredited organisation and we are committed to offering a programme that matches a range of motivations, helping volunteers to learn new skills, meet new people, gain confidence or simply have fun. Please head over to our ‘Volunteer with Us’ page if you would like to find out more.
HES is a key partner in Make Your Mark, the campaign to increase the number and diversity of volunteers in heritage in Scotland through inspiring fresh ideas for volunteer roles and encouraging those new to volunteering to consider a heritage setting. Make Your Mark has now launched a national volunteering portal to link volunteers with organisations that care for Scotland’s places, histories, and cultures. Visit to learn more about Make Your Mark, find out the different ways you can volunteer, and search for opportunities on the volunteer portal.
Can’t find what you are looking for on our website or Make Your Mark? For other volunteering opportunities in our historic environment, see the Volunteer Scotland website.
Are you a volunteer involving organisation or planning to develop a programme?
We continue to develop our volunteer programme to increase the range of roles and locations that we can offer to prospective volunteers. If you think that you could learn from our national development journey, then we are happy to have a chat. Please get in touch through our ‘Community Advice Hub’.
Has your organisation joined the Make Your Mark in Volunteering campaign yet? The campaign is supported and managed by the Our Place in Time Volunteering Group, of which HES is Vice Chair. Make Your Mark is an exciting new initiative that can make a positive impact in inclusive volunteering, foster new partnerships, and provide support to volunteer involving organisations and volunteer organisers. The goal is to encourage the heritage sector to take the lead on inclusive volunteering practices and experiences, and to be the connecting link between volunteers and organisations in the heritage sector.
Benefits include a free digital recruitment portal and campaign, access to the peer-to-peer support Volunteer Organisers Network, resources to support your volunteer engagement journey, as well as a series of regular knowledge share events and annual mini conferences. Head over to to find out more and become a member for free!