With over 300 historic sites in our care all around Scotland, you can use these places for your community events, including faith events, enabling our sites to play an active role in within local communities.
What do we mean by a community event?
Events in this category are not-for-profit, so they are not run for commercial gain of an individual or organisation. If an event is run to raise funds for a charity, this could be a good fit, although it may depend on the nature and scale of the event proposed and we would discuss this with you.
How it works?
The first thing to do is to get in touch with us to let us know what you have in mind and include as much detail as you can, including intended audience, promotional activity planned and whether you intend to charge participants for the event.
Holding a community eventWe will assess your request, to make sure it is practical for your chosen location. We always ensure the protection of historic sites is at the heart of what we do, so to protect them we do occasionally have to turn down requests, however where possible we will work with you to agree a way forward.
Once we know your event will work at the site, we can then move it to provisional approval. This involves the contract being sent to you to sign. At this stage we would also ask you to complete and send us a Risk Assessment for the event, as well as providing evidence of Public Liability Insurance. We will check your Risk Assessments and amendments may be necessary before firm approval will be granted for the event.
At any time before provisional or firm approval is granted, we may ask you to attend an on-site meeting to discuss the details of the event before the application can progress further.
Once we have received and reviewed the signed contract, Risk Assessments and Public Liability Insurance, as well as completed any necessary site meetings, we can then give you firm approval for the event.
As each event is unique, we ask for a Minimum of 8 week’s notice of any event you would like to hold at our sites. This allows us to process your documents and complete all necessary checks. Any event application received after this deadline may not be considered.
For information about Learning, Engine Shed and Ranger Service partcipation projects please visit our Learn section
If after reading the guidance you require further information then please do get in touch with us at communityevents@hes.scot, we look forward to hearing from you.