Many scheduled monuments are stable and require little attention, but some will benefit from simple changes in land use that will ensure no inadvertent damage occurs over the long term. Others will benefit from more proactive management that will sometimes require access to specialist conservation skills.
Once a monument is scheduled, the prior written consent of Historic Environment Scotland is required for most works including repairs.
There are two types of consent that may be required for works:
Contact us for advice if you’re unsure whether or not the works you are planning require consent.
Read specific guidance on the requirements for surveying scheduled monuments.
Other permissions
Some monuments are both scheduled and listed. Where this is the case, only scheduled monument consent is required for any works. (Relevant parts of the listed buildings legislation do not apply.)
Scheduled monument consent is separate to the statutory planning process, but it may run in parallel in cases where planning permission is also required. Such cases are normally dealt with most effectively if applications for planning permission and scheduled monument consent are submitted at the same time.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us by telephone on 0131 668 8716 or email us at