Advice and Support

Apply for scheduled monument consent

Find out about how to apply for scheduled monument consent, what supporting information to include and the need to notify the owner that you intend to apply.

You must apply to Historic Environment Scotland for scheduled monument consent using the appropriate form. You can send us your completed form by email.

View and download scheduled monument consent forms and guidance.

There is no charge to make an application for scheduled monument consent, and we offer a free pre-application checking service for scheduled monument consent applications. This can simplify the application process as we will advise you on draft applications and let you know if your supporting information is sufficient.

Ownership notification

If you’re not the sole owner of the monument to which the works relate, you must notify all owners, occupiers and agricultural tenants of your intention to apply for scheduled monument consent. The scheduled monument consent application form contains the necessary ownership notification forms.

Owners have three weeks to make representations about the works you have proposed. We can’t accept your application if you don’t serve the correct notification.

Supporting information

Applications for scheduled monument consent must include:

  • a written description of the proposed works
  • the name or location of the scheduled monument to which the works relate, or a description of the location of the land
  • the name and address of the applicant and, if appropriate, the name and address of the agent acting for the applicant
  • a plan or drawing sufficient to identify the area of land to which the works relate
  • any other plans and drawings necessary to describe the works in full
  • appropriate ownership certificates and notices – Other Parties Notification, if necessary, and Certificate of Ownership

This is the minimum information required for an application to be valid. More supporting information may be needed to describe and justify more complex works proposed to a scheduled monument.

Find out about publication of applications for scheduled monument consent.

See all the stages in the scheduled monument consent process.
