Scheduled monument consent
What is scheduled monument consent?
Explore scheduled monument consent, used to ensure that any changes to monuments of national importance are appropriate, and find out when permission is needed.
Scheduled monument consent process
Learn about the process we follow to make scheduled monument consent decisions, from pre-application discussions to the right of appeal.
Apply for scheduled monument consent
Find out about how to apply for scheduled monument consent, what supporting information to include and the need to notify the owner that you intend to apply.
Scheduled monument consent forms
Find scheduled monument consent application forms and guidance, including consent variation or discharge of conditions application forms.
Works on scheduled monuments
Many scheduled monuments require little attention, but some will benefit from simple changes in land use or more proactive management.
Examples of works requiring scheduled monument consent
View specific examples under each category of works to scheduled monuments that will require scheduled monument consent.
Surveying scheduled monuments
Learn about the main survey techniques used to examine scheduled monuments and see what kind of consent is required for each.
Consent for metal and mineral detecting
You must apply for metal and mineral detecting consent to use any equipment capable of detecting metal within a protected place (a scheduled monument or monument in the ownership or guardianship of Scottish Ministers).
Class consent
Some types of works don’t require scheduled monument consent as they’re covered under class consent.
We will take enforcement action where the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act is breached.
Enforcement Register
Details of scheduled monument enforcement notices are listed on our website or Decisions Portal.
Register of scheduled monument consent applications
Details of all scheduled monument consent applications received before 1 October 2015 are listed in one document per financial year.
Magnet Fishing
Short guide to magnet fishing on Scotland’s scheduled canals and protected waters
Wild Camping
Find out about wild camping and the potential impact on Scotland’s scheduled monuments
Reporting and archiving requirements for archaeological work
This information sets out the reporting and archiving requirements for archaeological works on scheduled monuments. The scope of these requirements is limited to archaeological works which require scheduled monument consent