About Us


Your opinion matters to us. Find out how to comment on current consultations and read our responses to external consultations.

Two members of the public examining information panels for a consultation.

Consultations by public bodies let you comment on a proposed area of work in a way that will inform and enhance that work.

Consultation is a vital aspect of how Historic Environment Scotland is run.

Current consultations

See details of closed consultations. If the consultation you're looking for closed prior to 2020, details may be found in our consultation reports.

Responding to external consultations

We are also committed to advising others on a wide range of issues relating to the Historic Environment and regularly support the development of policy and legislation that relates to the historic environment. This can take the form of consultation responses, Government briefings or Parliamentary inquiries.

Visit our publications section for our responses on external consultations.

Strategic Environmental Assessments

We are also one of three Consultation Authorities who provide expert advice on Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA).

You can view all SEA responses on the Scottish Government website.

For more information about consultations, please contact us on consultations@hes.scot.

Tell Me Scotland

Many of our consultations are advertised on the Tell Me Scotland website.

Tell Me Scotland provides a free public information notice service for Scotland. You can visit the website to find public notices from all of Scotland’s local authorities and many of its public bodies.
