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Re-using public sector information

Find out about Public Sector Information (PSI) and our Public Task.

Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015

As a public body, HES is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (PSI Regulations). 

The PSI Regulations aim to encourage enterprise by allowing for the re-use of information already created by public sector bodies such as HES.

Our Public Task

The PSI Regulations relate only to information that we hold as part of our Public Task.

Historic Environment Scotland’s (HES) Public Task for the purposes of the PSI Regulations comprises the principal activities for which we are responsible under the Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014 (2014 Act) and related legislation. Find out more about the Historic environment legislation in Scotland. In summary, this includes:

  • investigating, caring for and promoting Scotland’s historic environment; and
  • managing HES’s collections as a national resource for reference, study and research.

HES’s Public Task also includes functions delegated to HES by Scottish Ministers relating to the management of the properties in care and the collections associated with them. HES’s delegated functions in respect of the properties in care, and associated collections, are set out fully in the Schemes of Delegation.  In summary, they include:  

  • ensuring the care, protection and conservation of the properties in care and associated collections;
  • safeguarding, articulating and promoting their cultural significance;
  • providing and facilitating public access; and
  • managing the associated commercial operations.

HES’s Public Task also include functions that arise from objectives set by Scottish Ministers, including, for example, a requirement to optimize its income from all sources.


The PSI Regulations apply to information recorded in any form, including:

  • In writing
  • In electronic form
  • As a sound, visual or audio-visual recording

but excludes computer programs.

For further information, please download our Statement of Public Task, which includes a list of our main documents available for re-use.

Download our Statement of Public Task for PSI Purposes [PDF, 172KB]

Find out how to make a PSI enquiry or complaint
