Access to Information

Feedback and complaints

How to provide feedback and make complaints in relation to freedom of information matters.

Make a complaint or give feedback

We welcome comments and suggestions about improving the Public Sector Information (PSI), Publication Scheme and the Freedom of Information (FOI) webpages. You can contact us on or alternatively write to us or give us a call.  

Make a complaint about information following a request

If you have asked us for information and we have not provided it, or if we have taken longer than 20 working days to respond, you have the right under FOI and PSI regulations to ask us to review our decision.

Please contact our Chief Executive's Office in writing within 40 working days of receiving our response to your request, providing as much information about your complaint as possible.

Chief Executive's Office
Historic Environment Scotland
Longmore House
Salisbury Place

Make a complaint following a review

If you are still unhappy with our decision following review you can appeal to the independent Scottish Information Commissioner, who has the power under the Act to force us to release the information.

Rosemary Agnew
Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS

Telephone: +44 (0)1334 464 610


Make a complaint about how we handled your personal data

If you have a complaint about our handling of personal data, you can get in touch with the UK Information Commissioner.

Information Commissioner
Scotland Office
28 Thistle Street
Edinburgh, EH2 1EN

Telephone: +44 (0)131 225 6341

