
Craft Your Career

From 2023-28 we'll support vital skills training to 100 people

 blacksmith working in front of a fire to forge a piece of steel by beating hot metal into shape on an anvil


Did you know traditional buildings make up around 20% of Scotland’s housing?

It’s vital we have a workforce with the specialist skills to conserve and maintain these buildings – and that’s where Craft Your Career comes in.

Our new traditional skills training programme offers a boost to our existing skills training. Between 2023 and 2028 we’ll be working with partners across Scotland to deliver:


  • 60 pre-apprenticeship training places focusing on introductory construction and employability skills

  • 16 new apprenticeships for stonemasons, joiners, plasterers, roofers, electricians, painters and decorators

  • 24 extra places on our existing Craft Fellowship programme, creating the opportunity to hone skills alongside master craftspeople


Ensuring a continuing supply of these specialist skills will help us to repair, reuse and retrofit historic assets. This in turn will support green jobs, boost local supply chains and offer sustainable alternatives to building new.

All of this will play a part in helping to reduce carbon emissions and support national net-zero targets.

