Our Place in Time (OPiT) is Scotland's strategy for the historic environment. Published in 2014, it was developed by the Scottish Government in close collaboration with stakeholders. It sets out a vision of how the historic environment can be understood, valued, cared for, and enjoyed.
In 2022, the Minister for Culture, Europe and International Development and Minister with special responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine commissioned Historic Environment Scotland (HES) to lead a review of OPiT to ensure that it remains fit for purpose in a post-COVID-19 world.
Corporate Interest Users, Researchers, Planners and Owners, Conservation and Heritage Enthusiasts, Museum professionals -
Date Published:
28 November 2022 -
Historic Environment Scotland -
Publication Types:
Consultation -
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English -
Archaeology, Architecture, History, Scotland, Landscape Archaeology, Collections and Archives, Marine Heritage Protection, Climate Change