The historic environment comprises a large range of professions, occupations, freelancers, businesses, researchers and volunteers, and their skills and knowledge are the life blood of the sector. The SIP recognises the need to support our workforce and to nurture their skills, knowledge, expertise, and personal qualities.
Initially published in 2019, the SIP has been reviewed and refreshed following consultation, to ensure it can support the delivery of Our Past, Our Future, the strategy for Scotland’s historic environment and grow the skills needed to deliver its priorities. The SIP is a collective framework for collaborations and will work towards three priorities over the next five years: growing provision and building capacity, attracting future talent and improving access, and fostering innovation.
Corporate Interest Users, Researchers, Business to Business (Commercial Interest), Planners and Owners, Conservation and Heritage Enthusiasts, Museum professionals -
Date Published:
01 April 2024 -
Historic Environment Scotland -
Publication Types:
Corporate -
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Skills Investment Plan (6.34 MB)Download PDF
Skills Investment Plan Visual Summary (1.80 MB)Download PDF
Skills Investment Plan Research Report (1.72 MB)Download PDF
Skills Investment Plan Review (1.02 MB)Download PDF
Skills Investment Plan Skills Profiles (1.21 MB) -
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