Archives and Research

Architects Volume 1

Morris and Steedman

Architects Volume 1

James Morris and Robert Steedman rose to the forefront of Scottish Modernism with an extraordinary series of bespoke private houses during the 1950s and 60s.

In 2007, Historic Environment Scotland carried out a review of domestic buildings designed by Morris and Steedman architects. These architects produced some of the country’s most impressive modern house designs, influenced by the work of modernists such as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Richard Neutra. A number of their buildings are now listed for their special architectural or historic interest.

As a result of the project, four houses by the practice were listed and a number of existing listed building records were updated, providing more information about why these buildings are so special.

Download our booklet about Morris and Steedman and search our Heritage Portal for the houses designed by these architects.

  • Audiences:

    Conservation and Heritage Enthusiasts, Researchers
  • Date Published:

    17 December 2015
  • Publisher:

    Historic Environment Scotland
  • Publication Types:

    Book (General)
  • Format(s):

    Download PDF

    Architects Volume 1 (770.78 KB)
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