Archives and Research

St Peter’s, Cardross

Birth, Death and Renewal

St Peter’s, Cardross

With altars crumbling, graffiti snaking across its walls and nature reclaiming its concrete, it has gained a mythical, cult-like status among architects, preservationists and artists.

St Peter’s only fulfilled its original role as a seminary for 14 years, from 1966 to 1979. As its uncompromising design gave way to prolonged construction and problematic upkeep, the Catholic Church reassessed the role of seminaries, resolving to embed trainee priests not in seclusion, but in communities. Although briefly repurposed as a drug rehabilitation centre, the building was soon abandoned to decay and vandalism.

Ever since, people have argued and puzzled over the future and importance of St Peter’s. It has been called both Scotland’s best and worst twentieth century building, and was category A listed in 1992. One of its architects suggested the idea of ‘everything being stripped away except the concrete itself – a purely romantic conception of the building as a beautiful ruin’. And now in 2016, St Peter’s is renewed as a cultural space through the work of the arts organisation NVA.

In this landmark book, Diane Watters looks at the history of a structure that emerged out of an innovative phase of postwar Catholic church building. She traces the story of an architectural failure which morphed into a tragic modernist myth. This is a historian’s account of the real story of St Peter’s College. 

Includes an image Essay by Angus Farquhar

  • Audiences:

    Members, Researchers, Visitors, Conservation and Heritage Enthusiasts
  • Date Published:

    30 November 2016
  • Publisher:

    Historic Environment Scotland
  • Publication Types:

    General Interest
  • Author(s):

    Diane M Watters

    An architectural historian at HES and teaches at the University of Edinburgh. A specialist in 19th and 20th century architecture and conservation in Scotland, she has undertaken a succession of research based publications and is currently researching the history of Edinburgh’s school architecture.
  • Format(s):

    ISBN: 9781849172233
    304pp, portrait, 290mm x 256
    200 illustrations
  • Language:

  • Subjects:

    Architecture, History, Scotland
