Archives and Research

Painted ceilings from 16th and 17th century properties

Research Report: The dendrochronology and art history of sample of 16th and 17th century painted ceilings

A technical paper commissioned in collaboration with AOC Archaeology providing information on a collection of painted ceilings from 16th and 17th century properties. 

This paper combines art history, timber provenance and dendrochronology to provide an invaluable resource adding to our knowledge of painted ceilings and the evolution of painting styles in a wider European context.

Timbers from five buildings in our care were studied, along with timber from a further two properties.

  • Audiences:

    Researchers, Conservation and Heritage Enthusiasts
  • Date Published:

    14 March 2017
  • Publisher:

    Historic Environment Scotland
  • Publication Types:

    Research and Study Report
  • Author(s):

    Anne Crone

    Michael Bath

    Michael Pearce

  • Format(s):

    Download PDF

  • Language:

  • Subjects:

    Archaeology, Architecture
