Historic Environment Scotland (HES) will collect some personal data from you when you enter the competition. This will be restricted to your full name and contact details so that we may contact you if you are shortlisted or a winner. We also ask for your postcode to confirm that you are eligible to participate in this competition as per the campaign Terms and Conditions.
Any entrant under the age of 18 on the date they submit their competition entry must have gained the permission of a parent or guardian to enter the competition. HES reserves the right to request evidence of such consent from the entrant.
You can see more about how we manage your personal data in our competition’s privacy notice.
1. The Promoter
The Promoter of this competition is Historic Environment Scotland (HES), an executive non-departmental public body, incorporated and established under the Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014, being a registered charity (Scottish Charity number SC045925) and having its principal office at Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1SH (“the Promoter”).
2. The Competition
2.1. These terms and conditions apply to the “Visions of Climate Heritage” competition running on the Promoter’s website – (“the Competition”).
2.2. The opening date for entries is 9am on 1 October 2021. Entries must comply with the conditions set out in condition 4 and any entries that do not comply (in the sole opinion of the Promoter) will be disqualified.
2.3. The Competition will close on 30 November 2021 at 5pm (“the Closing Date”). All entries must be received by the Promoter in accordance with condition 2.4 by no later than 5pm on the Closing Date. All entries received after the Closing Date will be automatically disqualified.
2.4. Entries must be submitted via an online form on the Promoter’s website. Any entries submitted to the Promoter in any other manner or medium will be disqualified from the competition but may still be displayed on the Promoter’s website. Entrants are permitted to submit a maximum of five images which must be submitted individually.
2.5. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries not successfully completed due to a technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind.
2.6 Five members of the Promoter’s staff shall carry out an initial sift of the entries on 1 December 2021 and will select up to 25 images per theme to go onto the next stage (“the Shortlisted Entries”). The images within this initial sift shall be judged on their ability to tell a story, as well as their visual interest, impact and relevance to the historic environment and climate change in Scotland.
2.7. The Shortlisted Entries will be judged by a panel of experts in December 2021 and January 2022 and will be judged on their ability to tell a story, as well as their visual interest, impact and relevance to the historic environment and climate change in Scotland. The judging panel shall be made up of 1 senior member of the Promoter’s staff and four representatives from the Promoter’s partnership organisations. The decision of the judges is final.
2.8. For help with entries please contact Promoter on 0131 651 6870 or digital@hes.scot.
2.9. By submitting a Competition entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions, or where you are under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian authorising your entry will be bound by these terms and conditions.
3. Eligible Entrants
3.1. The Competition is open to all members of the public, including employees and contractors of the Promoter, but with the exception of those employees or contractors of the Promoter who are part of the Competition project team, including those judging the Competition or who are part of the shortlisting panel.
3.2. An “Entrant” is a person submitting an entry – an image - to the Competition. Where the person submitting the entry to the Competition is under 18 years old, they must provide an email address belonging to their parent or guardian as part of their submission.
3.3. Entrants must be resident in the Scotland, England or Wales.
3.4. In entering the Competition, the Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years, their parent or guardian on behalf of the Entrant) confirms that they are eligible to do so and eligible to claim a Prize (as defined in condition 5 below). The Promoter may require the Entrant (or their parent or guardian where the Entrant is under 18 years) to provide proof that they are eligible to enter the Competition.
4. Entries
4.1. The Competition will be separated into six categories:
- Best Photograph (excluding photographs taken on mobile devices);
- Best Mobile Photograph (excluding photographs taken on any device other than a mobile device);
- Best Artwork (any 2D image, including photographs of artwork, but excluding video or similar dynamic artworks);
- Young Creative Award – under 12s (Any photograph or artwork submitted by an Entrant under 12 years old);
- Young Creative Award – 12-15 years (Any photograph or artwork submitted by an Entrant aged 12 to 15 years); and
- Young Creative Award – 16-17 years (Any photograph or artwork submitted by an Entrant aged 16 or 17 years.)
4.2. Where there is any uncertainty about which category an entry relates to, the Promoter shall in its sole discretion determine the eligible category for that entry.
4.3. To enter the Competition in any category, Entrants must submit a digital or digitised image - as a JPEG or PNG file - that relates to climate change in Scotland and fits into one of the following three themes:
- The past was a different place;
- This is an emergency;
- A greener future.
4.4. Entries should not include images of people, from which a person can be identified, unless the Entrant has obtained the permission of the person shown in the image prior to submitting the image as part of this Competition.
5. The Prizes
5.1. The prizes for each category of the Competition (“the Prizes”) are:
- Under the Best Photograph category, £250 for first place, £100 for second place and £50 for third place;
- Under the Best Mobile Photograph category, £100 for first place;
- Under the Best Artwork category, £100 for first place;
- Under the Young Creative Award – under 12s category, £50 (in vouchers) for first place;
- Under the Young Creative Award – 12-15 years category, £50 (in vouchers) for first place; and
- Under the Young Creative Award – 16-17 years category, £50 (in vouchers) for first place.
5.2. Only one entry will be chosen for each of the Prizes. Where an Entrant has won a Prize under one category, they will not be eligible to win in another category.
5.3. The Prizes for Best Photograph, Best Mobile Photograph and Best Artwork will be cash prizes. The Prizes for any Entrants under 18 years old will be in the form of vouchers selected by the winner from either Etsy, the Ethical Superstore or National Book Tokens.
5.4. No Prize is transferable or exchangeable.
5.5. All Prizes are supplied by the Promoter.
6. Notification of winning entries and shortlist of entries
6.1. The winning entries in each category, together with a shortlist of up to 25 additional entries per theme judged to be interesting or noteworthy, shall be selected by the judging panel and / or shortlisting panel in accordance with conditions 2.6 and 2.7.
6.2. All Entrants, whose entry has been nominated as one of the Shortlisted Entries, will be notified of this on 15 December 2021 via email by the Promoter. All Entrants who submitted a winning entry in any category will be notified of this on Tuesday 18 January. Entrants with a winning entry will be advised of the procedure for receiving their Prize, according to the category their entry was submitted under. Where an Entrant with a winning or Shortlisted Entry is under 18 years, the Promoter shall notify the parent or guardian via the contact details provided at the point of the entry submission.
6.3. If an Entrant (or the parent or guardian of the Entrant where the Entrant is under 18 years) with a winning entry in any of the categories is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts, the Promoter will be entitled to select a new winning entry from the Shortlisted Entries of the relevant category in accordance with condition 2.6 and 2.7.
6.4. No Prize may be claimed by a third party on behalf of the Entrant with the winning entry, other than a parent or guardian claiming a Prize on behalf of an Entrant under 18 years old.
6.5. The Promoter must either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation the Promoter will send the surname and county of the winner to anyone who emails digital@hes.scot or writes to the address set out in condition 1 (enclosing a self-addressed envelope) within one month after the Closing Date of the Competition.
6.6. If you object to either or both of your surname and county being published or made available, please contact the Digital Team, Historic Environment Scotland, Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1SH, telephone: 0131 668 8603 or email: dataprotection@hes.scot. In such circumstances, the Promoter will not provide the information to members of the public, but must still provide the information and winning entry to the Advertising Standards Authority (“ASA”) on request by the ASA, to comply with our legal obligation to do so.
7. Data protection
7.1. As part of submitting an entry, Entrants are required to submit certain personal details, including their name and email address. Where the Entrant is under 18 years, they shall be required to submit their parent or guardian’s email address.
7.2. The Promoter will comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation when collecting and otherwise processing personal data in connection with this Competition. Any such personal data will be processed in accordance with the Promoter’s competition privacy notice.
8. Consents and copyright
8.1. All entries must have been legally obtained by the Entrant. By entering this Competition, each Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years their parent or guardian on the Entrant’s behalf), warrants and represents to the Promoter that they have obtained all necessary third-party consents or permissions relating to any entries submitted to the Competition.
8.2. Entrants must be the sole author and owner of copyright in all entries entered by them into the Competition. By entering this Competition, each Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years their parent or guardian on the Entrant’s behalf) warrants and represents to the Promoter that any entries submitted to the Competition do not infringe the rights of any third parties, including, without limitation, copyright.
8.3. Ownership of copyright in each entry will remain with the Entrant. In consideration of entering the Competition, each Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years their parent or guardian on the Entrant’s behalf) grants to the Promoter a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable and royalty-free licence for five years to distribute, communicate to the public and/or reproduce each entry (including but not limited to publishing entries on the Promoters’ websites and social media channels), all in connection with the Competition.
9. Use and licensing of images
9.1. Where an Entrant has confirmed this as part of the submission process, that Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years their parent or guardian on the Entrant’s behalf) grants to the Promoter a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable and royalty-free licence for five years to use each entry submitted by that Entrant in any manner for non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to reproducing each such entry on the Promoter’s publicity materials websites and social media channels, in connection with climate change and/or the environment.
9.2. Where an Entrant has a winning or shortlisted entry, that Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years their parent or guardian on the Entrant’s behalf) grants to the Promoter a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable and royalty-free licence for five years to use each such winning or shortlisted entry submitted by that Entrant in any manner for non-commercial purposes, including but not limited to reproducing each such entry on the Promoter’s publicity materials, websites and social media channels.
10. Publication of entries
10.1. All entries may be initially featured in the Promoter’s online Vision of Climate Heritage exhibition on the Promoter’s website, the Promoter’s publicity materials including, but not limited to, the Promoter’s websites and social media channels, specifically Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
10.2. The winning entries and the shortlisted entries will be featured in the Promoter’s permanent online Vision of Climate Heritage exhibition on the Promoter’s website, the Promoter’s publicity materials including, but not limited to, the Promoter’s websites and social media channels, specifically Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and the Promoter’s climate change related materials, including but not limited to reports, presentations, pop up banners and other digital platforms.
10.3. Where an entry is used in any of the Promoter’s publicity materials, the Entrant of such winning or shortlisted entry will be credited.
11. Removal or disqualification of entries
11.1. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any Entrants that breach these Competition Terms and Conditions or any entries that, in the sole opinion of the Promoter, are in any way obscene, violent, abusive, discriminatory, defamatory, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful or would damage the reputation of the Promoter.
11.2. Where condition 11.1 applies, the Promoter shall remove any affected entries from the Competition and shall remove such affected entries from the Promoter’s websites or social media channels (where such entries have been published).
12. General
12.1. These Competition Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Scotland. By entering into this Competition, each Entrant (or where the Entrant is under 18 years their parent or guardian on the Entrant’s behalf) agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.
12.2. The Promoter reserves the right to cancel this Competition at any time. The Promoter reserves the right to amend these rules without notice by posting changes to the Promoter’s website (www.historicenvironment.scot). We will only notify Entrants of changes if we are required to do so by law.
12.3. Insofar as is permitted by law, the Promoter will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate any Entrant or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of entering into the Competition or taking up a Prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter or that of its employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.