This privacy notice is for entrants to the Scotland’s Year of Stories Storytelling prize draw, run by Historic Environment Scotland (“HES”), in partnership with the Scottish Book Trust and the Scottish Storytelling Forum. HES is committed to protecting your personal data and your privacy and that of the entrant. This privacy notice explains how HES collects, uses and shares the personal data provided in connection with the Scotland’s Year of Stories Storytelling prize draw, and your rights in relation to such personal data.
For further information on our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Policy, please visit our website.
In this privacy notice, “HES”, “we”, “our” and “us” refers to Historic Environment Scotland. “Entrant” refers to the child who wrote the story that has been submitted to the Scotland’s Year of Stories Storytelling prize draw. “You” and “Your” refers to the parent or guardian submitting the Entrant’s story.
Personal data
To enter the prize draw to win a prize, we ask for your name and email address so we can contact you if the Entrant is a winner. We also ask for the Entrant’s name, age and postcode to confirm that the Entrant is eligible to participate in this prize draw as per the prize draw Terms and Conditions.
Prize draw entries need to be submitted by a parent or guardian of the Entrant. All personal information given to HES will be held in a secure section of Umbraco, our website system. If the Entrant’s submission is not a winner, your personal information will be deleted as soon as the prizes are awarded.
Usage of personal data
The personal data we collect from you and the Entrant will be used for the purpose of:
- running the prize draw.
- contacting prize winners and sending them their prize.
- contacting alternative winner(s) and sending them their prize if the winning Entrants cannot be contacted within a reasonable time.
- to announce the winning Entrants on the website as well as any internal and external communications.
- to comply with the legal obligation to provide the winners’ surname and county in response to requests for this information from third parties, unless the winners’ parent or guardian has notified HES that they object to such disclosure.
The lawful basis for which HES will collect personal data in respect of the prize draw is (i) our legitimate interests in running prize draws; (ii) to comply with our legal obligations in respect of prize draws; and (iii) for managing and licensing the Entrant’s stories for ongoing use by HES.
The winners’ surnames and counties may be published or supplied on request to comply with our legal obligations for prize draws. You may object to this by writing to, but we must in any case supply the winners’ surnames to the Advertising Standards Authority. Once the winners have been selected, your personal data will be deleted.
We will not give your or the Entrant’s personal data to any third party other than (i) the Entrant’s full name for the purposes of acknowledging their copyright in combination with their story; and (ii)
your name and contact details to our partners, the Scottish Book Trust and the Scottish Storytelling Forum to enable them to issue any prize to you. It will be processed confidentially for this specific purpose only, be retained for 5 years and then deleted.
We limit access to the Entrant’s personal data and your personal data to the Promoters’ employees with a business need to know.
You can see more details on how the Scottish Book Trust manage the Entrant’s personal data and your personal data in their Privacy Policy.
You can see more details on how he Scottish Storytelling Forum manage the Entrant’s personal data and your personal data in their Privacy Policy.
Third party processing and security of your data
We are using an Umbraco Content Management System to provide the prize draw submission form. We require Umbraco, like all third parties, to respect the security of the Entrant’s personal data and your personal data and only permit them to process the Entrant’s personal data and your personal data in accordance with our instructions for a specified purpose. Information you provide will be stored by Umbraco and HES.
You can see more details on how Umbraco manage the Entrant’s personal data and your personal data in their Privacy Policy.
Storage of personal data
HES will hold the personal data collected through this form until the winners have confirmed receipt of their prizes, by 15 July 2022. Information collected through this form will be deleted from Umbraco forms after this date, however, may remain on backup servers for approximately 12 months.
If you give us permission to share the Entrant’s story for five years, we will retain the Entrant’s personal data (full name and age) and your name and contact details five years. The Entrant’s and your information will be deleted from Umbraco forms after the winners are awarded their prizes, but the Entrant’s data and your data will be held securely within our systems alongside the Entrant’s story for up to one year.
You have the right to access your data, receive a copy of it, request corrections or removal and object to the processing of it. More information about your rights regarding the personal data we collect from you can be found at the HES Privacy Notice.
Further information
If you would like further information, please contact us at:
Telephone: 0131 668 8600 Email:
Data Protection Officer
Historic Environment Scotland
Longmore House
Salisbury Place
Edinburgh, EH9 1SH