Welcome to Lintel, our newsletter all about heritage! Check out our latest issue and sign up for future editions below. Coming out every three months, it’ll be your opportunity to keep up to date with what we’re doing in Historic Environment Scotland’s heritage directorate.
Our contributors include art and architectural historians, archaeologists and planners as well as specialist technical and support staff. What we do is always interesting, and may even be controversial at times. Our work is key to increasing knowledge and understanding of Scotland’s historic environment and ensuring that it is looked after for generations to come. Whether it’s about a newly listed building, advice we’ve given about change to a historic place, or a newly discovered archaeological site, Lintel is where it will be.
We’ll also need your help in shaping what we do and how we do it. Lintel will let you know about events, surveys and consultations to keep our conversation current on how our heritage should be recorded, recognised and looked after. Please feel free to drop us feedback on our editions by emailing HMEnquiries@hes.scot.
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