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19 June 2017

Scotland Takes Centre Stage at ECCA

Climate Change adaptation experts gathered in Glasgow this month for the 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA), with 11 delegates and speakers from HES.

two figures face each other in conversation, silhouetted against a brightly lit backdrop of planet earth viewed from space
Around 1000 Climate Change adaptation experts from all over the world gathered in Glasgow earlier this month for the 3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA). Historic Environment Scotland supported Scotland’s bid to host from the outset, and eleven staff were involved in making it a success. Some of the top tweets under the #ECCA2017 and #ClimateReady hashtags were about HES.

Woman stands in front of a banner that reads 'Managing our assets' with sub-heading 'Historic environment vulnerability assessment'
One of the highlights of the conference was the Climate Ready Scotland exhibition of inspirational case studies coming out of Scotland’s pioneering partnership approach to climate change adaptation. Research across the natural and built environment, infrastructure and health and well-being is contributing to a well-established adaptation research base in Scotland. The exhibition showcased examples on how this partnership is delivering across Scotland’s economy, society and environment.
HES was featured in several of the case studies, including Edinburgh Adapts and Dynamic Coast: National Coastal Change Assessment. Sustainability Officer Katie Carter and Climate Change Scientist David Harkin were on hand throughout to chat to delegates about how the historic environment can contribute to climate change adaptation in Scotland.
A man being interviewed by a woman holding a red document, with a video camera pointed at the man, with a banner in the background with the header 'Managing our assets'
Climate Change Manager Mairi Davies, Head of Technical Research and Science Ewan Hyslop, and Senior Technical Officer Carsten Hermann ran a conference session on “Understanding, Analysing and Adapting to Climate Change Impacts on the Historic Environment.” This featured presenters from Scotland, England and Norway. One speaker from the session, Pat Graczyk of Edinburgh World Heritage (EWH), was among four shortlisted for the ECCA 2017 Best Young Presenter Award.

Mairi Davies also co-authored “Can Scotland deliver coastal adaptation into the 21st century?”, delivered by Prof Jim Hansom of Glasgow University in a session on “Living with coastal change: risk, resilience, adaptation and working with nature”.
To round off an exciting week, the team led two of the conference excursions, one in partnership with EWH to highlight climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation in Edinburgh’s Old Town and one to The Engine Shed and Stirling Castle.
