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3 November 2017

Bonfire Night in Holyrood Park

Rangers on patrol and Holyrood Park closed to traffic on Sunday 5 November for Bonfire Night 2017

orange and yellow fireworks against a dark blue sky

Holyrood Park will be closed to vehicle traffic on Bonfire Night (Sunday 5 November 2017) from 8am until Midnight.

Throughout the evening Historic Environment Scotland's Ranger Team will be carrying out joint patrols along with Police Scotland and the Fire and Rescue Service.

The Park is one of Edinburgh’s most important historic attractions and environmental havens, and is home to many species of plants and wildlife. Throughout the year the Ranger Team along with emergency services partners help raise awareness of wildfire and the impacts that it can bring, including significant damage to the Park’s rich cultural heritage and impact upon the underlying archaeological remains.

By engaging with the public to help raise awareness and and carrying out these joint patrols there has been a significant reduction in call outs to the Park and surrounding areas over previous years, helping to minimise the impact on the emergency services and helping to protect this designated area.

Historic Environment Scotland’s Ranger and Visitor Services Manager for Holyrood Park, Martin Gray, said:

“Bonfire Night is an opportunity for people to have fun, but it is important that this is done safely.

With an area such as the Park, which covers many hundreds of hectares, it is very easy for fireworks, if not properly supervised, to cause a lot of damage.

“As in previous years we will be working with partners at Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and would encourage people to attend organised firework displays, for their own safety and that of the environment around them.”

More safety advice can be found on the Scottish Fire and Rescue service website
