
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.

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UNASSIGNED GUN SHEÒRSACHADH This is the top term for the class. See UNASSIGNED Class List for narrow terms. Seo am briathar as àirde sa chlas. Faic liosta a' chlas "GUN SÒNRACHADH" airson briathran nas mionaidiche.
UNDERPASS FO-SHLIGHE A route way which passes underneath the surface of the ground. Rathad a tha a' dol fo uachdar na talmhainn.
UNDERTAKERS WORKSHOP BÙTH-OBRACH  NEACH-TÒRRAIDH A workshop that produces coffins and other objects used in a FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Buth-obrach a nì cisteachan-laighe agus oibseactan eile ann an TAIGH-TÒRRAIDH.
UNDERWATER NOISE RANGE RAINNSE-FUAIM FO UISGE A series of underwater microphones and sensors used to determine the acoustic signature of warships and submarines. Sreath de mhicreofonaichean is mothaichearan fon uisge a chleachdar gus nàdar fuaimearra de longan-cogaidh is bàtaichean-tumaidh fhiosrachadh.
UNDERWATER TEST ESTABLISHMENT RAON-DHEUCHAINN FO UISGE A facility for the testing of underwater armaments. Ionad airson buill-airm a chur fo dheuchainn a chleachdar fon uisge.
UNENCLOSED PLATFORM SETTLEMENT TUINEACHADH BACACH CUAIRTICHTE A prehistoric settlement, comprising a number of platforms for timber roundhouses, usually found on a hillside, particularly in the Border Counties. Tuineachadh ro-eachdraidheil, le grunn ùrlaran airson taighean-cruinne fiodha, mar is trice air leathad 's gu h-àraid ann an Crìochan na h-Alba.
UNENCLOSED SETTLEMENT TUINEACHADH FOSGAILTE A settlement lacking an enclosure boundary. Tuineachadh gun lann mun cuairt air.
UNIVERSITY OILTHIGH A group of colleges and associated buildings belonging to a university. Buidheann de cholaistean agus togalaichean co-cheangailte riutha a tha a' buntainn do dh'oilthigh.
UPHOLSTERY WORKS FACTARAIDH CÒMHDACHADH-ÀIRNEIS A factory or building where furniture is upholstered. Factaraidh no togalach far a bheilear a' còmhdachadh àirneis.
URBAN SPACE RÈIDHLEAN BAILTEIL Areas of open ground used for recreation in towns and cities. Raointean fosgailte airson fois a ghabhail ann am bailtean is cathraichean.
URN (GARDEN) NULL A garden ornament, usually of stone or metal, in the form of a vase used to receive the ashes of the dead. When associated with prehistoric cremation burials use CINERARY URN Ball-maise gàrraidh, mar is trice de chlach no meatailt, air cruth bhàsa airson luaithre nam marbh. Ma tha ceangal ri tìodhlacadh losgadh-cuirp ro-eachdraidheil, cleachd POIT-TASGAIDH LUAITHRE
Urquhart Castle Caisteal Urchadain
