
Faclair Gàidhlig - Gaelic Thesaurus

Fàilte. Tha Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba air am faclair seo a chruthachadh gus eadar-theangachadh cunbhalach a thoirt seachad co-cheangailte ris an àrainneachd eachdraidheil.

Welcome. Historic Environment Scotland have created this Gaelic Thesaurus to provide users with translations from English to Gaelic and Gaelic to English for the part of the vocabulary relevant to safeguarding the nation's historic environment.

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PAGODA PAGODA An ornamental building based on a far eastern temple, having a tall, polygonal structure with decorative roofs at each storey. Togalach sgeadachail a tha coltach ri teampall an ear, fear àrd, ioma-cheàrnach aig a bheil mullach sgeadachail air gach làr.
PAINT FACTORY FACTARAIDH PEANTA A building or buildings used for the production of paints, varnishes, colours and distemper. Use also for the manufacture of ink. Togalach no togalaichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh peantaichean, bhàirnisean, dathan agus dath-glaoidh. Nithear inc an-seo cuideachd.
PALACE LÙCHAIRT A building used as the official residence of royalty or of a high-ranking religious leader such as an Archbishop. Often large and richly furnished. Togalach a tha na àite-còmhnaidh oifigeach aig rìgh no neach-eaglais àrd-inbheach, can àrd-easbaig. Mòr agus air a sàr-sgeadachadh gu tric.
PALISADE SONNACH A barrier consisting of one or more rows of closely-spaced vertical timbers embedded in a narrow foundation trench. Bacadh sa bheil co-dhiù aon sreath de phuist fhiodha faisg air a chèile 's nan seasamh ann an dìg bunait chaol.
PALISADED ENCLOSURE LÀRACH SHONNACH An enclosure defined by one or more rows of closely-spaced vertical timbers embedded in a narrow foundation trench. Lann mun a bheil co-dhiù aon sreath de phuist fhiodha faisg air a chèile 's nan seasamh ann an dìg bunait chaol.
PALISADED SETTLEMENT TUINEACHADH SONNACH A settlement enclosed by one or more rows of closely spaced vertical timbers embedded in a narrow foundation trench. Tuineachadh mun a bheil co-dhiù aon sreath de phuist fhiodha faisg air a chèile 's nan seasamh ann an dìg bunait chaol.
PALM HOUSE TAIGH PHAILM A greenhouse used for growing palms and/or tropical plants. Taigh-glaine anns a bheilear a' cur fàs air craobhan-pailm agus/no lusan tropaigeach eile.
PAPER INDUSTRY SITE IONAD GNÌOMHACHAS ' PÀIPEIR Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production and use of paper. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is cleachdadh pàipeir.
PAPER MILL MUILEANN-PÀIPEIR A factory where paper is made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh pàipear.
PARACHUTE PACKING BUILDING TOGALACH PHARAISIUTAN A building where parachutes are packed for use, checked and maintained. Togalach far a bheilear a' pacadh, a' sgrùdadh 's a' càradh paraisiutaichean.
PARADE GROUND RAON PAIRÈIDIDH A place where military personnel parade, practice marching, assemble or muster for a march or any other special purpose. Àite far a bheil luchd-obrach an airm ri spaistearachd no eacarsaichean màrsail, far am bi iad ag ullachadh airson màrsail no tachartasan sònraichte eile.
PARAFFIN WORKS FACTARAIDH PAIREAFAIN An industrial facility where paraffin is produced. Ionad gnìomhachais far a bheilear a' dèanamh parafain.
PARISH CHURCH EAGLAIS PARAISTE The foremost church within a parish. A' phrìomh-eaglais ann am paraiste.
PARK PÀIRC An enclosed piece of land, generally large in area, used for hunting, the cultivation of trees, for grazing sheep and cattle or visual enjoyment. Use more specific type where known. Talamh cuairtichte, mar is trice pìos gu math mòr, far a bheilear a' sealg, a' toirt fàs air craobhan, ag ionaltradh caoraich 's crodh no a tha dìreach taitneach dhan t-sùil. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PARK PALE CLEITH A wooden stake fence, often associated with deer hunting. Feansa de chleithean fiodha, gu math tric co-cheangailte ri sealg nam fiadh.
PARK WALL BALLA PÀIRCE A stone or brick wall enclosing a park. Balla cloiche no bhreigean a tha mun cuairt air pàirc.
PARLIAMENT HOUSE TAIGH-PÀRLAMAID A building in which a parliament meets and conducts the business of government. Togalach sa bheil pàrlamaid a' coinneachadh 's a' dèiligeadh ri obair riaghaltais.
PATH CEUM A way made for pedestrians, especially one merely made by walking (often not specially constructed). Slighe do luchd-coiseachd, gu h-àraid tè a nochd an cois daoine a' coiseachd am badeigin ('s nach deach a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach).
PATTERN STORE STÒR PHÀTRAN A building or area in a foundry, where patterns are kept. Patterns are master parts made from working drawings, used to produce moulds. Togalach no àite ann am fùirneis far a bheilear a' cumail nam pàtranan. Tha pàtranan nam pàirtean-maighstir a chaidh a dhèanamh de dhealbhan obrachaidh 's cleachdar iad gus mòlltairean a dhèanamh.
PAVEMENT WORKS FACTARAIDH LEACAN CABHSAIR A site where flagstone is quarried and cut to produce paving slabs. Nowadays, pre-cast concrete slabs are also produced. Làrach far a bheilear a' dùsgadh 's a' gearradh chlachan gus leacan cabhsair a dhèanamh. Thathar a' dèanamh leacan concrait ro-mhòlltaichte an-diugh cuideachd.
PAVILION PÀILLEAN A light, sometimes ornamental structure in a garden, park or place of recreation, used for entertainment or shelter. Structar aotrom (uaireannan rud sgeadachail) ann an gàrradh, pàirc no àite foise airson tlachd no fasgadh.
PAVING CÒMHNARD LEACAN A level surface, usually for pedestrian or animal use, composed of flat slabs of stone, concrete or other hard material. Uachdar rèidh, mar is trice airson coisichean no beathaichean, a tha nan leacan cloiche, concrait no stuth cruaidh rèidh eile.
PEAT CUTTING RAON POLL-MÒNA A site or area where peat is cut for use as fuel. Àite far a bheilear a' buain mòine airson connadh.
PEAT ROAD RATHAD-MÒNA A track, traditionally used to transport cut peats. Ceum a chaidh a chleachdadh gu tradaiseanta gus na fàdan-mòine a ghiùlan.
PEAT STAND SEASTAN-MÒNA A structure on which peat is dried or stored. Structar a thathar a' tiormachadh no a' stòradh mòine air.
PEAT STORE CRUACH MHÒNACH A place for the storage of peat. Àite far a bheilear a' stòradh mòine.
PEAT WORKINGS FACTARAIDH MÒNA Sites and structures associated with the small-scale cutting and processing of peat. Togalaichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri buain is ullachadh na mòna ann an tomhasan beaga.
PEAT WORKS FACTARAIDH MÒNA A site where peat is extracted and processed for industrial purposes. Làrach far a bheilear a' buain 's ag ullachadh mòine mar ghnìomhachas.
PEDESTAL SORCHAN A support or base, generally for a column or statue. Tacsa no bun-stèidh, mar is trice airson colbh no ìomhaigh.
PEDESTRIAN TRANSPORT SITE LÀRACH Sites and structures associated with pedestrian transport. Làraichean agus structaran a tha co-cheangailte le còmhdhail luchd-coiseachd.
PEDIMENT PEADAMAINT A triangular gable usually above an entablature. Tulchann thriantanach, mar is trice os cionn barra-bhailc.
Peel Ring of Lumphanan Sonnach Lann Fhionain
PELE HOUSE TÙR-SMÙDAIN An uncrenellated, strong, fortified dwelling, of between two and four storeys, built mainly from the mid 14th to the 17th century. Taigh-còmhnaidh làidir is daingnichte ach as aonais chreanailean, eadar dà is ceithir ùrlaran. Chaidh an togail eadar meadhan na 14mh linn agus an 17mh linn gu sònraichte.
PEN CRÒ A small, open enclosure used for animals. Use more specific term where possible. Lann bheag fhosgailte far an cumar beathaichean cruinn. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PEND BEALACH-BOGHA A covered passageway through a building or buildings providing access to an open area or yard. Slighe le mullach os a cionn tro thogalach no tro thogalaichean air an ruigear raon fosgailte no clobhsa.
PENDICLE DÒID A small dependent holding of a farm. Gabhaltas beag a tha an eisimeil do thuathanas.
PENSTOCKS PÌOB-UISGE TUIRBIN A pipe or conduit used to carry water to a turbine. Pìob no seòl-phìob a bheir uisge do thurbain.
PENTAERYTHRITE TETRANITE PLANT FACTARAIDH PENTAERYTHRITE TETRANITE A plant which manufactures pentaerythrite tetranite (PETN), a constituent of Semtex and other explosives and fuses. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh Pentaerythrite Tetranite (PETN), co-phàirt de Semtex agus stuthan-spreadhaidh is fiùsaichean eile.
PERGOLA PERGOLA Timber or metal structure consisting of upright and cross members designed to support climbing plants. Structar fiodha no meatailt sa bheil buill chòmhnard is dhìreach a bheil taic do dhreimirean.
PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX AITREABH PEATRO-CHEIMIGEACH An industrial complex, with buildings and structures used to produce compounds and products from petroleum or natural gas. Aitreabh gnìomhachais far a bheil togalaichean is structaran airson co-thàthaidhean agus bathar a chruthachadh de pheatrol no gas nàdarra.
PETROL PUMP PUMPA PEATROIL A pump used to transfer petrol from a storage tank into cars, lorries and other road vehicles. Pumpa a chleachdar gus peatral a ghluasad eadar tanca-stòrais agus càraichean, làraidhean is carbadan-rathaid eile.
PETROL STATION STÈISEAN-PEATRAIL A place where vehicles can be filled up with petrol, oil, water, etc. Àite far am faighear peatral, ola, uisge 's rudan mar sin airson càraichean.
PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMICAL SITE LÀRACH CHUNGAIDHEAN-LEIGHIS CEIMIGEACH Sites used for the production of drugs and other medical products. Làraichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh cungaidhean-leighis is bathar meadaigeach eile.
PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS FACTARAIDH CHUNGAIDHEAN-LEIGHIS A large-scale site where medicinal drugs are manufactured. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh cungaidhean-leighis.
PHARMACY BÙTH-CHUNGAIDHEAN A building where the study and practice of preparing, preserving, compounding and dispensing drugs is performed. Togalach far a bheilear ag ullachadh, a' glèidheadh, a' co-mheasgachadh is a' toirt seachad cungaidhean-leighis is far an ionnsaichear mar a nithear seo.
PHEASANTRY TAIGH-EASAGAN A place where pheasants are reared and kept. Àite far a bheilear ag àrach 's a' cumail easagan.
PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO STIÙIDIO TOGAIL-DHEALBH A place where photographs are taken of people or things on a commercial basis. Àite far a bheil gnothach aig cuideigin a' togail dealbhan de dhaoine no de rudan.
Picardy Stone Clach nam Piocaradach
PICTISH SYMBOL CARVING SNAIGHEADH CRUITHNEACH Stones or rock outcrop bearing Pictish symbols such as carved animals, figures and abstract designs. Use more specific term. Differentiate between designs on stones/boulders and rock outcrop. If a cross is included, index as CROSS SLAB as well. Clach no loman creagach air an deach comharran Cruithneach, mar bheathaichean, cruthan is pàtranan eas-chruthach, a shnaidheadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche. Dèan diofar eadar dealbhaidhean air clachan/ulpagan agus lomain chreagach. Ma tha crois air cuideachd, cuir LEAC CROISE air a' chlàr-amais cuideachd.
PICTISH SYMBOL ROCK CARVING CREAG SHNAIGHTE CHRUITHNEACH A rock outcrop or cave wall bearing Pictish symbols such as carved animals, figures and abstract designs. Loman creagach no balla uamha air an deach comharran Cruithneach, mar bheathaichean, cruthan is pàtranan eas-chruthach, a shnaidheadh.
PICTISH SYMBOL STONE CLACH SHNAIGHTE CHRUITHNEACH A stone bearing Pictish symbols such as carved animals, figures and abstract designs. If a cross is included, index as CROSS SLAB as well. Clach air an deach comharran Cruithneach, mar bheathaichean, cruthan is pàtranan eas-chruthach, a shnaidheadh. Ma tha crois air cuideachd, cuir LEAC CROISE air a' chlàr-amais cuideachd.
PIER CIDHE A structure, often of iron or wood, open below, running out into the sea and used as a promenade and landing stage. Structar, gu math tric de dh'iarann no fiodh, a tha fosgailte foidhe, a' stobadh a-mach air a' mhuir 's ga chleachdadh mar àite-spaistireachd is làimhrig.
PIGGERY MUCLACH A place where pigs are reared. Àite far a bheilear ag àrach mhucan.
PIGSTY FAIL-MHUC An enclosure for pigs that includes a covered pen and a yard. Crò do mhucan le mullach air agus raon.
PILE POST-STÈIDHE A structural component in the form of a substantial upright, usually wooden, driven into the ground to support a building platform or superstructure. Use more specific site type where known. Co-phàirt structarail a tha na phost mòr dìreach (mar is trice fear fiodha) a chaidh a stobadh san talamh gus taic a chumail ri ùrlar togalaich no os-structar. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ma tha fios cò tè.
PILE CONSTRUCTION YARD GÀRRADH DÈANAMH PHÌLEACHAN CONCRAIT An industrial complex for producing concrete piles for use in railway and bridge construction. Aitreabh gnìomhachais a nì poidhlichean concrait air a bheil feum nuair a thogar rathad-iarainn no drochaidean.
PILLAR COLBH A vertical member standing without support. Ball dìreach a sheasas as aonais taic sam bith.
PILLBOX FASGADH FO-THALAMH An often squat building with thick, loopholed walls and a flat roof, designed to accommodate a variety of weapons, usually strategically positioned to cover a vulnerable point in a defensive system. Togalach crùbanach mar is trice aig a bheil ballachan tiugha le torain ann agus mullach rèidh, air a dhealbhadh airson diofar buill-airm agus gu tric ann an àite far an dìon e puing chugallach ann an siostam dìon.
PILLORY BALLAN-STIALLACH A wooden frame with holes, through which the head and hands of an offender were thrust, in which state they would be exposed to public ridicule and assault. Frèam fiodha sa bheil tuill a chaidh ceann is làmhan eucoirich a chur tromhpa 's càch a' magadh 's a' toirt ionnsaigh orra.
PILLOW MOUND DRONNAG CHOINEANACH An artificial mound used to farm rabbits. Usually flat-topped and rectangular, and often surrounded by a shallow ditch. Druim beag a chaidh a thogail airson àrach choineanach. Mar is trice bhiodh iad ceart-cheàrnach le mullach rèidh orra agus dìg eu-domhain mun cuairt orra.
PILOT OFFICE OIFIS PAIDHLEIT An office used by a qualified pilot, expert in ship-handling and with local knowledge, who assists the captain or master to take a vessel in or out of a harbour or through narrow waters. Oifis aig paidhleat aig a bheil teisteanas agus sàr-eòlach air làimhseachadh longan agus air an àite agus a bheir taic do chaiptean no maighstir soithich a gluasad a-steach no a-mach à cala no tro chaolas.
PIPE BRIDGE DROCHAID PÌOBA A bridge for carrying pipes between buildings or working areas, and sometimes over obstacles such as rivers, gorges etc. Drochaid a ghiùlaineas pìoban eadar togalaichean no àitichean-obrach, uaireannan thairis air cnapan-starra mar aibhnichean no mòr-ghil.
PIPE FOUNDRY TAIGH-FÙIRNEIS PHÌOBAN A site where metal pipes are made in single castings. For forged steel tubes use TUBE WORKS. Làrach far a bheilear a' dèanamh pìoban meatailt dhen aon mheatailt. Airson tiùbaichean stàilinn a chaidh fhùirneiseachd, cleachd FACTARAIDH THIÙBAICHEAN.
PIPELINE LOIDHNE-PHÌOBAN A conduit or pipes, used primarily for conveying petroleum from oil wells to a refinery, or for supplying water to a town or district, etc. Seòl-phìob no pìoban mar is trice airson peatrol a ghluasad o na tobraichean ola gu fìneadair-ola no airson uisge a ghiùlan gu baile no sgìre is msaa.
PIT SLOC  A hole or cavity in the ground, either natural or the result of excavation. Use more specific type where known. Toll san talamh, fear nàdarra no fear a chaidh a chladhach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PIT ALIGNMENT SLUIC LOIDHNEACH A single line, or pair of roughly parallel lines, of pits set at intervals along a common axis or series of axes. The pits are not thought to have held posts. Sreath no dà shreath de shlocan a tha cha mhòr co-shìnte an dèidh a chèile a-rèir an aon aiseil no sreath de dh'aisealan. Chan eilear dhen bheachd gun robh puist sna slocan seo.
PIT CIRCLE CEARCALL SHLOC A circular or sub-circular arrangement of pits thought to have held timber posts. Pàtran cearcallach no cha mhòr cearcallach de shlocan s thathar dhen bheachd gun robh puist fiodha annta.
PIT DEFINED AVENUE SLIGHE EADAR SLUIC CHO-SHÌNTE An avenue defined by two or more parallel rows of pits. Slighe a tha co-dhiù dà shreath de shluic ga leantainn air an dà thaobh.
PIT DEFINED CURSUS CURSUS CUAIRTICHTE LE SLUIC E A long, rectangular enclosure defined by pits or post-holes, often with one or more internal divisions. Presumed to be ritual in function and of Neolithic date. Lann ceart-cheàrnach fhada a tha ga chomharradh le slocan no tuill puist, gu tric le co-dhiù aon tallan na bhroinn. Thathar dhen bheachd gur ann airson deas-ghnàthan a bha e ann an linn ùr na cloiche.
PIT ENCLOSURE GEÀRRAIDH SHLOCACH An enclosure defined by a series of pits or post-holes. Lann a tha ga chomharradh le sreath de shlocan no tuill phuist.
PIT FALL SLOC-TUISLIDH A pit or group of pits with sharpened stakes set in the base, used to trap game. Sloc no iomadh sloc sa bheil cipeanan biorach airson glacadh bheathaichean.
PIT GROUP BUIDHEANN SHLOCAN An associated but irregular grouping of pits. Grunn shlocan a tha còmhla ach air pàtran mì-riaghailteach.
PIT SETTING SLOCAN RIAGHAILTEACH A regular grouping of pits. Pàtran riaghailteach de shlocan.
PIT TRAP SLOC-STRAPAIDH A pit used to trap game. Often originally covered and concealed, and sometimes with sharpened stakes in the base. Sloc sa bheilear a' glacadh beathaichean fiadhaich. Gu tric air a chòmhdachadh agus falaichte agus uaireannan le cipeanan biorach aig a' bhonn.
PITCARMICK BUILDING TOGALACH PEIT CHARMAIG A roughly rectangular building of early medieval date, usually narrower at one end than the other and sometimes bow-sided. In many cases the floor at the narrow end is sunken. Togalach a tha cha mhòr ceart-cheàrnach à toiseach nam meadhan-aoisean, mar is trice nas caoile air an dàrna cheann na aig a' cheann eile agus uaireannan le taobhan cama. Bidh ùrlar ìslichte aig a' cheann chaol gu math tric.
PITCHSTONE SCATTER SGAPADH IARMADAN CLACH-PITSE A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of pitchstone artefacts and knapping debris recovered from the surface, e.g. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) fuigheall clachan-phice agus obair na cloiche-phice a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh.
PITHEAD BATHS AMARAN MÈINNE A building containing colliery showers for miners, also often containing first-aid and mine-rescue facilities. Togalach sa bheil frasairean do mhèinnearan. Bidh goireasan ciad-fhuasglaidh agus teasairginn mèinne ann gu tric cuideachd.
Pitreavie House, Dovecot Taigh Peit Riabhaidh, Tucaid
PITSTEAD SLOC GUAIL-FIODH A pit dug and prepared for converting wood into charcoal. Sloc a chaidh a chladhach 's ullachadh gus gual-fiodha a dhèanamh de dh'fhiodh.
PLACE OF WORSHIP ÀITE-ADHRAIDH A place where appropriate acts, rites and ceremonies are performed to honour or revere a supernatural being, power or holy entity. Use specific type where known. Àite far a bheilear ri gnìomhan no deas-ghnàthan, a' toirt urra no ag ùrnaigh do bhith no cumhachd os-nàdarra no eintiteas naomh. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PLAGUE BURIAL CLADH PLÀIGHE A burial place for the victims of plague, in either single or mass graves, often isolated from other burials. Àite-tìodhlacaidh do dhaoine a bhàsaich leis a' phlàigh dhubh, nan aonar no ann am mòr-uaigh, gu math tric air falbh o àitichean-tìodhlacaidh eile.
PLANTATION PLANNTACHAS A group of planted trees or shrubs, generally of uniform age and of a single species. Badan de chraobhan no preasan a chaidh an cur ann, mar is trice dhen aon aois agus dhen aon ghnè.
PLANTATION BANK UCHDAN PLANNTACHAIS An earthen bank indicating the limit of a plantation. Uchdan ùir a tha a' comharradh crìochan planntachais.
PLANTATION DYKE BALLA-CRÌCHE  PLANNTACHAIS A drystone or turf wall indicating the limit of a plantation. Balla cobhaireachd no sgratha a chomharraicheas crìoch planntachais.
PLANTICRUB CRÒ-PHLANNTRAIS A small square, circular or rectangular enclosure used for growing root crops, usually without an entrance. Lann bheag cheàrnagach, chruinn no cheart-cheàrnach far an toirear fàs air barr, mar is trice gun doras.
PLAQUE PLAG An ornamental, commemorative tablet, of stone or metal, usually inscribed, and set into a wall, floor etc. Clàr cloiche no meatailt sgeadachail a tha na chuimhneachan, mar is trice le sgrìobhadh air agus crochte ri balla no san làr.
PLATFORM BAC A level area, often cut into a hillside, slope or uneven ground. Use with more specific term wherever possible. Àite rèidh a chaidh, gu math tric, a dhèanamh ann an leathad, bruthach no garbhlach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PLATFORM BUILDING TOGALACH  BACAIDH A rectangular building constructed on an artificial platform, usually set at right angles to the slope. Togalach ceart-cheàrnach a chaidh a thogail air ùrlar fuadain, mar is tric air ceàrn dìreach ris an leathad.
PLATFORM FABRICATION YARD GÀRRADH DÈANAMH CHRANN-OLA An industrial facility where oil and gas platforms are manufactured and assembled. Ionad gnìomhachais far a bheilear a' togail is a' cur ri chèile crainn-ola 's crainn-ghas.
PLINTH STÈIDH A block or slab on which a pedestal, column, or statue is placed. Bloca no leac air an cuirear sorch, colbh no ìomhaigh.
PLOUGH MARKS COMHARRAN TREABHAIDH Marks left in subsoil by past cultivation, where a plough was used to till the soil. Comharran fon ùir a nochd an cois àiteachais o chionn fhada nuair a bhite a' treabhadh an fhearainn le crann-treabhaidh.
POINT BLOCK BLOCA FHLATAICHEAN IOMA-ÙRLAR Multi-storey block of flats of slender, square plan. Bloca fhlataichean ioma-ùrlarach air plana ceàrnagach tana.
POLICE CALL BOX BOGSA-FÒN POILIS A metal, wooden or concrete box containing a telephone for use by the public, limited accommodation for use as a temporary cell, and a lamp on top that could be used to attract the attention of a passing patrol. Bogsa meatailt, fiodha no concrait san robh fòn a b' urrainn dhan phoball a chleachdadh, àite-fuireach beag a chaidh a chleachdadh mar chealla sealach agus lampa airson aire a' phoileis a ghlacadh 's iad a' dol seachad.
POLICE HOUSE TAIGH-POILIS A building providing lodgings for police constables. Togalach far am faigh constabalan a' phoileis àite-fuirich.
POLICE STATION STÈISEAN A' PHOILIS The office or headquarters of a local police force, or of a police district. Oifis no prìomh-oifis aig feachd ionadail a' phoileis no aig sgìre a' phoileis.
POLICIES POILEASAIDHEAN The improved land surrounding a Scottish country house. Am fearann leasaichte mun cuairt air taigh-dùthcha ann an Alba.
POND LÒN A body of still water often artificially formed for a specific purpose. Use specific type where known. Uisgeadan sèimh; chaidh a chruthachadh gu math tric airson adhbhar sònraichte. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PONTOON DROCHAID FLEÒDAIDH A floating structure, generally temporary, supported on low flat-bottomed or hollow floats. Used in dock or harbour construction works, as well as military supply purposes. Structar air fleòd, mar is trice fear sealach, air fleòdragan ìseal le druim còmhnard no feadhainn a tha falamh. Cleachdar seo ann an obair-thogail doca no calaidh agus san arm airson bathar a ghiùlan.
PONY PUND PUNND PHÒNAIDHEAN Small, square enclosures with internal stabling and raised walls at the corners, used specifically for the breeding of Shetland ponies for export to the mainland as pit ponies. Cròithean beaga ceàrnagach sa bheil stàballan agus ballachan àrda aig na h-oiseanan a chaidh a chleachdadh gu sònraichte airson pònaidhean Sealtainneach àrach gus an reic air an tìr-mhòr mar phònaidhean mèinne.
POOL LÒN A small body of water or widened section of a watercourse, either natural or artificially created. Use specific term where known. Uisgeadan no àite far an deach sruth a leudachadh. Faodaidh seo a bhith na rud nàdarra no fuadain. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
POOR HOUSE TAIGH NAM BOCHD A building or buildings used as a public institution providing accommodation and care for the poor. Togalach no togalaichean a tha gan cleachdadh ma institiud phoblach a bheil seachad àite-fuirich is cùram dhan bhochd.
PORCH POIRDSE An interior or projecting shelter surrounding an entrance to a building. Fasgadh air an taobh a-staigh no a stobas a-mach 's a tha mun cuairt air doras togalaich.
PORT PORT A settlement on a coastline or waterway with a harbour and other facilities for loading and unloading ships. Tuineachadh air a' chladach no slighe-uisge aig a bheil cala agus goireasan eile airson luchdan a thoirt far longan agus luchdan a chur orra.
PORT AUTHORITY OFFICE OIFIS ÙGHDARRAS PUIRT The office of the body controlling a harbour and docks. Oifis a' bhuidhinn aig a bheil smachd air a' chala 's na docannan.
PORTICO FOSGLAN A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building. Pòirdse no ceum air a bheil mullach 's e ga chumail suas le colbhan, gu tric a' dol a dh'ionnsaigh doras mòr togalaich.
POST POST A building component of timber or metal placed vertically in the ground, often to support a roof or other superstructure. Use more specific site type where known. Co-phàirt fiodha no meatailt airson togalach, gu tric na sheasamh dìreach san talamh 's e a' cumail suas mullach no os-structar eile. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de làrach ma tha fios cò tè.
POST BOX BOGSA-PUIST A box in which letters are posted or deposited for dispatch. Bogsa dhan a chuirear litrichean gus an seòladh air falbh.
POST HOLE TOLL PUIST A hole dug to provide a firm base for an upright post, often with stone packing. Use broader monument type where known. Toll a chaidh a chladhach mar bhunait sheasmhach airson post a sheasas dìreach an àirde, gu math tric le clachan dùmhlaichte ann. Cleachd seòrsa de chuimhneachan nach eil cho pongail ma tha fhios cò fear.
POST INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPE RAON An area of made ground, reconstituted after industrial activity. Pìos talmhainn a chaidh a dhèanamh an dèidh obair gnìomhachais air an làrach.
POST MILL MUILEANN-PUIST A type of windmill mounted on a post so that it can rotate into the wind. Seòrsa de mhuileann-gaoithe a tha air post ach an urrainn dha tionndadh ris a' ghaoth.
POST OFFICE OIFIS A' PHUIST A building, department or other establishment where postal business is carried out. Togalach, roinn no ionad eile far a bheil gnothaichean a' phuist a' dol.
POSTAL SYSTEM STRUCTURE LÀRACH POST RÌOGHAIL Buildings, sites and structures associated with the collection, distribution, sending and reception of mail. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri cruinneachadh, sgaoileadh, cur is faighinn puist.
POTATO CRISP FACTORY FACTARAIDH CHRIOSPAN A factory where potato crisps are made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh criospan buntàta.
POTATO MILL MUILEANN-BUNTÀTA A mill where potatoes are turned into flour for human consumption. Muileann far a bheilear a' bleith buntàta nam flùr a dh'itheas daoine.
POTATO PIT SLOC BUNTÀTA A pit in which potatoes are stored. Sloc far an stòrar buntàta.
POTTERY KILN ÀTH CHRÈADHADAIREACHD A structure used for firing pottery. Structar a tha ga chleachdadh gus criadhadaireachd a losgadh.
POTTERY MANUFACTURING SITE IONAD CRÈADHADAIREACHD Buildings, sites and structures associated with the production of pottery. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri saothrachadh criadhadaireachd.
POTTERY SCATTER SGAPADH IARMADAN CRÈADHADAIREACHD A spatially discrete, though sometimes extensive, scatter of pottery sherds recovered from the surface, eg. by fieldwalking, rather than from a particular archaeological context. Sgapadh (gu math mòr uaireannan) sgealban criadhadaireachd a tha air leth o chèile 's a chaidh a thogail o uachdar na talmhainn, m.e. a' coiseachd na sgìre seach à co-theacsa àrc-eòlach àraidh.
POTTERY WORKS FACTARAIDH CRÈADHADAIREACHD A complex of buildings used for the manufacture of pottery. Aitreabh thogalaichean far a bheilear a' dèanamh crèadhadaireachd.
POTTING SHED SEADA PHLANNTRAISEAN A shed in which delicate plants are reared from seedlings for planting out later. Seata far a bheilear a' toirt fàs air lusan maotha o òganan gus an cur air an taobh a-muigh nuair a bhios iad nas sine.
POULTRY HOUSE TAIGH-EUN A structure providing accommodation for poultry. Structar a tha na dhachaigh do dheòin.
POUND PUNND A pen, often circular and stone-walled, for impounding livestock. Crò, cruinn agus air a dhèanamh de chlachan gu tric, gus crodh a phunndadh ann.
POWDER MAGAZINE TAIGH-FÙDAIR A place in which gunpowder and other explosives are stored in large quantities. Àite far a bheilear a' stòradh mòran fùdair-ghunna 's stuthan-spreadhaidh.
POWER GENERATION SITE IONAD CRUTHACHADH CUMHACHD Buildings, sites and structures associated with the generation and transmission of power. Togalaichean, làraichean is structaran a tha co-cheangailte ri gintinn is tar-chur cumhachd.
POWER LOOM FACTORY FACTARAIDH BHEARTAN MEACANAIGEACH A factory that manufactures textiles using mechanically or electrically powered looms. Factaraidh a tha a' dèanamh aodach air dòighean meacanaigeach no air beairtean-cumhachd dealain.
POWER STATION STÈISEAN-CUMHACHD A building or set of buildings and structures where power, especially electrical or mechanical, is generated. Use more specific term where known. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean no structaran far a bheilear a' gintinn cumhachd, gu h-àraid cumhachd dealain no cumhachd mheacanaigeach. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PRACTICE BATTERY BATARAIDH TRÈANAIDH A site where guns or artillery are mounted for training purposes. Use specific term where known. Làrach far a bheil gunnachan no gunnachan-mòra air am munntachadh airson trèanadh. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PRE CAST CONCRETE WORKS FACTARAIDH MOLLTADH CONCRAIT A site where building components and other objects are cast in concrete. Làrach far a bheilear a' cruthachadh co-phàirtean togalaich agus nithean eile de choncrait ann am mòlltairean.
PREACHING SITE LÀRACH SEARMONACHAIDH An open air structure, enclosure or natural feature used as a place of worship. Structar, lann no àite nàdarra a tha ris na speuran 's a thathar a' cleachdadh mar àite-adhraidh.
PRECEPTORY TAIGH-FOGHLAIM RIDIREAN AN TEAMPAILL A manor or estate owned and run by an order of knights and governed by a preceptor. Mainear no oighreachd aig òrd ridirean 's ga ruith leotha agus fo stiùireadh tuiteir.
PREFABRICATED BUILDING TOGALACH RO-SHAOTHRAICHTE A building constructed from prefabricated sections. Use more specific type where known. Togalach a chaidh a thogail de phìosan ro-shocraichte. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PREFABRICATED HOUSE TAIGH RO-SHAOTHRAICHTE A type of house erected, as part of the Temporary Housing Programme, between 1944 and 1948. This scheme was devised to relieve the post-war housing shortage at a time when conventional materials were unavailable. Seòrsa de thaigh a chaidh a thogail mar phàirt dhen Phrògram Taigheadais Sealach eadar 1944 is 1948. Chaidh an sgeama seo a chur air chois leis cho gann 's a bha taighean an dèidh a' chogaidh 's nuair nach biodh stuthan togalaich àbhaisteach ri làimh..
PRESBYTERY TAIGH-SAGAIRT The residence of a Catholic parish priest. Àite-còmhnaidh aig sagart Caitligeach na paraiste.
PRESERVE WORKS FACTARAIDH SHILIDHEAN A factory where jams and other preserves are made. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh silidhean.
Preston Market Cross Crois Margaid Preston
PRINTING AND PUBLISHING SITE IONAD CLÒ-BHUALAIDH 'S FOILLSEACHAIDH Buildings and sites associated with the printing and publishing industry. Togalaichean agus làraichean a tha co-cheangailte ri gnìomhachas a' chlò-bhualaidh 's an fhoillseachaidh.
PRINTING INK FACTORY FACTARAIDH INC CLÒ-BHUALAIDH A factory where inks for use in the printing industry are produced. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh incean airson gnìomhachas a' chlò-bhualaidh.
PRINTING WORKS FACTARAIDH CLÒ-BHUALAIDH A factory or complex containing machinery for the manufacture of printed materials. Factaraidh no aitreabh far a bheil innealan airson clò-bhualadh stuthan.
PRIORY PRAIDHEARAIDH  A lesser monastery headed by a prior, often linked to a cathedral or dependent on a mother house. Manachainn bheag fo stiùireadh priòir, gu math tric co-cheangailte ri cathair-eaglais no an eisimeil ri prìomh-mhanachainn.
PRISON PRÌOSAN An establishment where offenders are confined. Use more specific type where known. Àite far an cumar an greim eucoirich. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PRISONER OF WAR CAMP CAMPA PHRÌOSANACH COGAIDH A prison site for the containment of servicemen captured in war. Làrach prìosain far an cumar buill-sheirbheise a chaidh an glacadh ann an cogadh.
PRIVATE CHAPEL CAIBEAL PRÌOBHAIDEACH A small private chapel in a church or house, either attached or in a separate building. Seipeal beag prìobhaideach ann an eaglais no taigh, ceangailte ris no na thogalach fa leth.
PROMENADE PROMANAD A place for strolling, public walks, etc. Usually associated with coastal resorts. Àite poblach airson coiseachd ann is msaa. Mar is trice gheibhear seo ann am bailtean turasachd air a' chosta.
PROMONTORY FORT DÙN RUBHA A defensive enclosure created by constructing one or more lines of ramparts across a neck of land, in order to defend, or restrict access to, a spur or promontory, either inland or on the coast. Use for prehistoric and early historic sites. Lann dhìonach far an deach co-dhiù aon sreath de rampairean a thogail tarsainn air caol rubha mar ghleus dìonach no gus smachd a chumail air inntrigeadh do rubha no rinn, an dà chuid am broinn no dùthcha no air a' chladach. Cleachd airson làraichean ro-eachdraidheil agus tràth-eachdraidheil.
PROSPECT MOUND CNOC-SEALLAIDH An artificial mound, generally conical, placed within a garden or park to provide a viewing point to overlook the garden or park. It may also serve as a visual focus in the garden or park layout. Torr fuadain, cruachan mar is trice, a tha ann an gàrradh no pàirc mar ionad seallaidh thairis air a' ghàrradh no air a' phàirc. Faodaidh gum bi seo na fhòcas lèirsinn sa ghàrradh no sa phàirc.
Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 Achd Dìon Làraichean Armachail 1986
Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 Achd Dìon Luingeas bhriste 1973
PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL OSPADAL-INNTINN A hospital where patients suffering from psychiatric disorders receive care and treatment. Ospadal far am faigh daoine a tha a' fulang tinneasan-inntinn cùram is leigheasadh.
PUBLIC BUILDING TOGALACH POBLACH A building or group of buildings owned and operated by a governing body and often occupied by a government agency. Use specific type of building where known. Togalach no grunn thogalaichean aig buidheann-riaghlaidh 's e gan obrachadh, bidh buidheann riaghaltais ann gu math tric. Cleachd seòrsa nas mionaidiche de thogalach ma tha fios air.
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE TAIGH-BEAG POBLACH A toilet or toilets for public use. Taigh-beag no taighean-beaga airson a' phobaill.
PUBLIC HALL TALLA PHOBLACH A purpose-built hall (usually 19th century) which was available for public hire and could be used for a variety of activities, eg. lectures, meetings, balls and concerts. Talla a chaidh a thogail a dh'aona-ghnothach (mar is trice san 19mh linn) a bhiodh ri fhaighinn air mhàl agus a chaidh a chleachdadh airson diofar rudan, m.e. òraidean, coinneamhan, bàlaichean is consartan.
PUBLIC HOUSE TAIGH-DIBHE A building licensed for the sale and public consumption of alcoholic drinks. Àite aig a bheil cead deoch-làidir a reic agus airson am poball a bhith an làthair ga h-òl.
PUBLIC PARK PÀIRC PHOBLACH A park for the use of the public for entertainment and relaxation. Pàirc airson tlachd is fois a' phobaill.
PUMP PUMPA A machine used to raise and move water and other liquids, compress gases etc. Use more specific term where known. Inneal a chleachdas gus uisge agus lionntan eile a thogail 's a ghluasad, gasaichean a dhùmhlachadh is msaa. Cleachd briathar nas mionaidiche ma tha fios air.
PUMP HOUSE TAIGH-PUMPA A small pumping station. Stèisean pumpaidh beag.
PUMP ROOM SEÒMAR PUMPA A room or building where a pump is worked. Seòmar no togalach far a bheilear ag obrachadh pumpa.
PUMPING STATION STÈISEAN PUMPAIDH A facility with pumps and associated equipment, often part of a Waterworks. Ionad aig a bheil pumpaichean agus acainnean co-cheangailte riutha, gu math tric na phàirt de dh'ionad giullachd uisge.
PUMPING WINDMILL MUILEANN-GAOITHE PUMPAIDH A windmill used to drive a pump. Muileann-gaoithe a tha ag obrachadh pumpa.
PUNISHMENT PLACE ÀITE-PEANAIS A site where acts of corporal and capital punishment were carried out. Àite far an robhar a' cur an gnìomh peanasan corporra is mòr-chiontach.
PYROLIGNEOUS ACID WORKS FACTARAIDH  PYROLIGNEOUS A site where pyroligneous acid is produced. Pyroligneous acid is a product of the destructive distillation of wood, and was a commercial source of acetic acid. Factaraidh far a bheilear a' dèanamh searbhag binigeir-fhiodha. Gheibhear searbhag binigeir-fhiodha an cois grùdadh millteach fiodha agus bhiodh e na thùs coimeirsealta de shearbhag aceticeach.
