The Real Story

Kingdom of Fife

Explore Fife and visit Dunfermline Abbey, where Bruce was laid to rest.

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1 Dunfermline Abbey

Some of Scotland’s greatest medieval monarchs were laid to rest at Dunfermline Abbey Church. Robert the Bruce was buried here in 1329, though not before his heart was removed to be taken on Crusade. Near the end of his life, Bruce contributed funds for the rebuilding of the abbey buildings, which had been damaged during the Wars of Independence. A skeleton, which at the time was thought to be Bruce’s, was found during construction of the new parish church in 1818 and his name is memorialised in the parapet of the 19th century church tower.

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2 St Andrews Cathedral

The remains of Scotland’s largest and most magnificent medieval church, St Andrews Cathedral is a prominent landmark. Bishop William Lamberton of St Andrews was the head of the Scottish church and one of Bruce’s main allies; they were appointed joint Guardians of Scotland in 1298-9, together with Bruce’s rival John Comyn. In 1309, Bruce held his first parliament at the cathedral, and on 5 July 1318 he attended the cathedral’s consecration by Lamberton which had been delayed by the Wars of Independence.

Find out more and plan your visit to St Andrews Cathedral.

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