Access to Information

Availability of records

Our records management process and how it affects Freedom of Information requests.

We can only provide copies of documents that still exist at the time a Freedom of Information (FOI) request is made.

Our Records Retention Schedule (RRS) sets out how long we’ll hold a record. This is to comply with public records legislation. The RRS applies to all records we create and hold.  

You can make an FOI request for records created before the Act came into effect. But the RRS means that older information may no longer exist.  

We follow the Code of Practice on Records Management – under section 61 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Our Records Management Plan has been agreed on an ‘improvement model basis’ which means that to be fully compliant with the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 we will over the next few years continue to develop and improve our existing records management practices and introduce new procedures in accordance with The Keepers recommendations.

Download the Records Management Plan and Reviews

Find out how to make a Freedom of Information request.
